The time has come!That is to say!

"Ouch!" Yukino turned around and saw the turtle-like Aoife Enoch lowering his head towards Yukino and preparing to bite it off.

But just when the giant Aoife Enoch was about to bite him off, a red light pushed him out.

Yukino turned around and looked surprised.

Faiz's knight kick collided with the light blade, and the powerful photon blood vortex was swept away.Most of the people watching above turned into Aoife Enoch and avoided the attack.

The photon blood vortex caused by this knight's kick formed a large fan-shaped attack, directly breaking through the walls of the entire stadium, just like a high-speed electric fan.

"Drink!" Faiz directly kicked the blade of light to pieces, and then kicked it on the Earth Emperor.

Kicked it away.The Emperor of Earth lay motionless on the ground.

"Hachiman..." Yukino breathed a sigh of relief after seeing such a scene.

But it was too early to relax. The giant Aoife Enoch ran up, bit the iron railing above in one bite, and then continued to bite Yukino.

"Yukino!" Faiz was shocked when he saw this, and immediately turned around. The armor on his back stood up on his shoulders to form two cannon ports, and he launched an attack on the giant Orpheus Enoch.

Although he blocked the movement of the giant Enoch, he did not let it retreat. He continued to bite Yukino. Faiz was about to run over when he saw this, but his right foot went weak and he almost fell. The knight's kick just now also failed. It caused some pain in Faiz's feet.

Of course there is a figure that is faster.

The Earth Emperor ran in front of Yukino almost instantly, and the light blade in front of the Earth-shattering sword in his hand pressed against the head of the giant Aoife Enoch.

"Hayama..." Yukino, who had closed her eyes in fear, opened her eyes and was shocked to find that the Emperor of Earth was standing in front of her.

"Yukino... tell me! Did you kill Xiang and Yuiko?" Hayama's tone was a little weak.

"What? No! Instead they killed Yui!"

"Really..." The light on the Earth Breaker Sword became weaker and weaker. At this time, the giant Aoife Enoch launched a spike-like attack towards Yukino, but it was all blocked by the Earth Emperor.These spikes were inserted into the Earth Emperor's body.

"Sure enough...I am just a fool." His tone became weaker and weaker, and the Earth Emperor threw the giant Aoife Enoch away.

Faiz on the other side also took out the Faiz blaster and turned it into a cannon, then pulled the trigger.

When the giant Orpheus landed, it was directly turned into dust by this strong light cannon.

Then Faiz immediately ran towards the Earth Emperor.

But the Earth Emperor had fallen to the ground, with strange blue flames emitting from his body, and at the same time the transformation was released.

"Haesama..." He hugged Ye Shan, but Ye Shan's face began to become paler.

"Hachiman, you are right... I am indeed a fool." Hayama reached out and put the drive on his waist into Hachiman's hand: "Take Yukino... and go."

Hayama's face gradually turned blue, then turned into dust and died completely.

Clenching his fists, Hachiman held the belt in his hand and looked up at everyone in the venue. At this time, would Enoch of Ophi have the guts to confront Hachiman? Hachiman took Yukino's arm and got on the motorcycle.

He drove away on his motorcycle in full view of everyone.

"Time Mazine!" While driving on the continent, suddenly a hexagonal opening opened in the space in front of him and a white machine stopped in front of Hachiman.

"..." Hachiman was a little surprised when he saw a knight stepping down from the white mecha in front of him.The hiragana of "Kamen Rider" is written on this Kamen Rider's mask.

"Are you going back? This... also belongs to your world. Go back quickly." The white knight threw out a yellow core coin and said to Hachiman.

Then the knight raised his hand slightly and opened a golden light to form a hole.

"you are?"

"I...I am Kamen Rider Toki-O. We will meet in the future if we have the opportunity." This Kamen Rider Toki-O said with a smile.

"Thank you." Hachiman nodded, took the yellow core coin, and then rode his motorcycle towards the golden cave entrance.

"Then...there is no need for this temporary world to exist." King Shi said as he released the transformation. He was a young man, and then a dark golden light appeared around his waist.


====Dividing line====

One hand grabbed Yukino's hand.When Hachiman woke up, he was on the lawn.

"Yukino..." Hachiman was concerned about Yukino at the first moment.

"Xiaoqi, Xiaoxue, you are here!" At this moment, Yui, Hayama and others ran over from a distance.

Hachiman and Yukino, who had just woken up, looked at each other with a look of surprise in their eyes.

"We seem to have been missing for a month, but is it true? I just seemed to faint and then wake up?" Hayama scratched his head and said with some confusion, but his eyes were on the hands held by Yukino and Hachiman. there.

"..." Hachiman glanced at the motorcycle parked not far away and Faiz, who was hanging on his waist but had not taken it off, remained silent.

Chapter 1 Love is war!

【"Fall in love with someone...confess your love...and then get married."]

After more than a week, the video appeared again.

Before the video appeared this time, everyone thought it might not happen again. After all, there was no trailer for the new knight, but a week has passed.

Once again, the video surfaced, much to the cheers of many.

At the same time, I am also looking forward to it mentally, and I will definitely not be as sad as OOO in the first and later stages.

At the same time, everyone was also a little confused. This time, there was a narration and voice-over at the beginning.

This voiceover is not the Mo Chen that everyone is familiar with before, but another one that sounds quite interesting.

["People say this is a very wonderful thing, but it is a huge mistake. There is also a clear power relationship between lovers, the exploiter and the exploited, the giver and the taker, the winner With the loser." The picture appeared above the Xiuzhiyuan Academy and slowly fell down. 】

["If you want to live with dignity, you must not become a loser. Love is war!!"]

["If you fall in love with... you lose!"]

[The screen pulls down to the Xiuzhiyuan Academy. 】

["Private Shunoin Academy, this is a famous school with a long history. It was originally a trading institution specially established for famous families. To this day, even if the aristocracy has been abolished, most of those who study here are said to be born into rich and famous families. Talented and beautiful women. They are responsible for the future and destiny of the country, so their leaders must not be ordinary people."]

[As the narrator's voice spoke, the scene also shifted to the two people. 】

["Shinomiya Kaguya, Vice President of the Shunoin Academy Student Union, is the eldest daughter of the Shinomiya family, one of the four major chaebols. The family's total assets are approximately 200 trillion yen, and it owns more than a thousand subsidiaries. She is a veritable big man. Miss. Just like his excellent genes, he has brilliant achievements in many aspects such as acting, music, martial arts, etc., and is an undoubted talent. This is Shinomiya Kaguya."]

[Shinomiya Kaguya is indeed very beautiful. She has long black hair. There are bangs on both sides of the front of her hair. The irises of her eyes are bright red. Her hairstyle is to tie a ponytail first, then fold it twice, and then tie it with cloth. Okay, then use a red bow to decorate it slightly, and there is no other fashionable makeup. 】

["And the man whom Shinomiya Kaguya is assisting is: Shirogane Goyuki, the student council president of Shunoin Academy. Strong and simple, smart and wise, he ranked first in the school's mock exam, and with the versatile Kaguya Different, his academic performance alone is enough to be respected by the students, and his behavior is exemplary. Although he was not directly enrolled in the affiliated school, he was still elected as the student council president. The pure gold ribbon of the male student council president has been passed down from generation to generation. The most important thing is the 200-year history of Shuzhiyuan."]

[Shirogane Yuxing, looks a bit handsome, a man with blond hair and a pair of ferocious eyes]

["And these two people have a crush on each other, and... they are both waiting for each other's confession! But... half a year has passed and there has been no progress at all."]

[The screen appeared on the two figures back to back, and then the screen went black...]

["Good morning, everyone!" Early in the morning, school started at Xiuzhiyuan Academy. Most of the people here came in limousines.However, the student council president, Shirogane Yuxing, came here on a bicycle. 】

["Good morning, President!" These students also greeted Baiyin Yuxing, and Baiyin Yuxing also responded politely. 】

[At the same time, I met Kaguya on the road. After saying hello to Kaguya, I went to the classroom. 】

[Kaguya, on the other hand, is walking with another beautiful girl with pink hair and a heavy chest.This girl is the person holding the switch that appeared in the ending theme of OOO. 】

["Chika Fujiwara, Secretary of the Student Union." The narration also introduced the identity of this pink-haired girl. 】

["Kaguya-chan... There seems to be some strange fluctuations in the school recently. Are they starting to take action?" The two of them said hello to the people next to them with smiles and whispered to Kaguya. 】

["I will ask the burger meal to pay attention." Kaguya nodded and then whispered: "If they really start to take action, then it should be the time for the Fourze driver to appear."]

["But who will transform?" After hearing Kaguya's words, Qianhua asked in a worried voice. 】

【"I come."】

["But Kaguya-chan, is there really nothing wrong with your health?" Qianhua became even more worried after hearing this. 】

["It's okay...Okay, Fujiwara-san is in your class." After saying goodbye, Kaguya also returned to her teacher. After saying hello elegantly to the others, Kaguya sat down Next to the window, he took out something like a hamburger from his schoolbag, and at the same time, a switch marked with the number 0 was inserted into the side of the hamburger. 】

[Hamburg turned into a robot with rollers and jumped out of the classroom window. 】

"Where are the four major chaebols..." None of the characters who appeared this time looked like ordinary people.

But speaking of everyone who appeared before, it seems that they are not ordinary people. Needless to say, Conan, one of his parents is a very famous novel writer, and the other is a famous retired actor.

Not to mention Souta, the daughter of a politician.

The two people who appear now are obviously the protagonists, one is the daughter of the four major chaebols, and the other is the student council president.They don't look like ordinary people.

"What are you looking at me for when you talk about the four major chaebols?" Seeing everyone looking at him, he pressed his nose in the school garden and said boredly: "Anyway, I don't want to inherit the family business or anything."

The Suzuki family is naturally one of the four major chaebols.

"Rich woman, hungry, hungry!" Everyone in the class said jokingly, knowing Yuanzi's character.

"Go! Go! Go..."

[Lunch break is here, and the members of the student union have to go back to the student union room to be busy at noon.But there is something unexpected today, that is...]

["Ah!" A scream came from not far away, which made Baiyin Yuxing stunned. He ran over without hesitation, only to see a strong weirdo covered in red holding a mace-like weapon in his hand. arms.And the opponent's body looks like seven blue balls. 】

["Weird? Orion?" Although Bai Yinyuxing also looked a little scared, he recognized that the blue ball on this weirdo's body turned into a galaxy, which is what Orion looks like! 】

Chapter 2 The Moon

["What kind of monster is this?" Although he was scared, he saw several people in front of this monster. These were all students. Baiyin Yuxing rushed forward without hesitation.]

["President?" After seeing Bai Yin Yuxing, the monster suddenly gave up its purpose of attacking the group of people. He glanced at Bai Yin Yuxing in surprise, and then took a few steps back. 】

["Do you know me? Who are you?" Baiyin Yuxing naturally heard the other party calling him by his name, and he frowned and asked immediately. 】

["..." When this monster saw this, he turned around and prepared to escape. Baiyin Yuxing did not chase after him rashly, but looked at the group of people who were attacked. These people were just ordinary students? 】

["What is that monster...? A dopant?" Baiyin Yuxing knew a lot of things.But he obviously doesn't know what's going on? 】

[At the same time, not long after the monster left, a strange yellow car drove over quickly.The monster was knocked away immediately. 】

["King·Dizer (Powered Robot)" This weird car suddenly turned into a robot and punched the weirdo. 】

["Orion·Zodiarts (Apostle of the Orion Constellation)?" The person inside this power robot is clearly Shinomiya Kaguya. There is sweat on her forehead and she looks very tired. 】

["Kaguya-chan, are you okay with your physical condition?" On one side of the screen of the power robot, Chika Fujiwara is also running towards this side, asking worriedly. 】

["It's okay..." Although she answered like this, sweat continued to seep from Kaguya's forehead. 】

["Get out of my way." This monster, whom Kaguya calls the apostle of the Orion constellation, is also incredibly strong and directly ejects the power robot that is holding him down. 】

[However, Kaguya would never let go of the opponent, but continued to attack. His fists kept hitting the body of the Orion constellation apostle, but suddenly Kaguya looked as if his body had received a heavy blow. He was breathing heavily, and suddenly Stopped attacking. 】

[Seeing this, the Orion constellation apostle hit the power robot with a stick, and then ran away quickly. 】

["Kaguya-chan!" When Qianhua came over, Qianhua helped Kaguya walk out of the power robot: "Let's quickly go to the Jade Rabbit Cabin to recover."]

["My body... Why has it become so weak?" Kaguya looked like she was covered in cold sweat.Qianhua held a black briefcase, opened it, pressed it a few times, transformed the power robot into a motorcycle and drove away. 】

"This is impossible, my body can't be that weak at all." Seeing how weak she was in the video and the concerned look in Shirogane Mikado's eyes, Kaguya immediately objected: "My body is very healthy. , and also has the physical strength of an average athlete.”

"But Kaguya-chan, you are so weak in the video, why don't you go and get checked out?" Chika also said with some worry.

She was originally a gossip about Kaguya and the president's love for each other, but when she saw Kaguya looking so tired in the video, she immediately forgot about it and started worrying about Kaguya's health. Condition.

"Yes, Kaguya, let's go and have a look." Shirogane Yuxing was naturally very worried.

"Okay." Hearing Shirogane Yuxing's concerned tone and concerned eyes, Kaguya finally nodded and agreed.

Just a physical examination, it's not a big problem.

[Qianhua helped Kaguya go back to the student union room and pushed open a bookshelf, but light was released from behind the bookshelf. 】

[Qianhua was too eager to take Kaguya in and didn't close the door. A few minutes later, Shirogane Miyuki walked in with a frown, and then his eyes were attracted by this glowing passage. 】

["What is this?" Putting the bento in his hand aside, Baiyin Yuxing looked at the passage with some doubts, and then stepped in. 】

[The road here is always lit, there is only a straight road, and there is a high-tech door at the front. The door is not closed at this time. After Baiyin Yuxing stepped in, his body floated up. 】

[And this place looks like a secret base, very high-tech. 】

["Huh? What on earth is going on?"]

["Kaguya-chan, are you okay?" Qianhua helped Kaguya go back to a chair. She took out some instruments from the box next to her and wanted to check them on Kaguya. Then she heard Shirogane Miyuki's words, The two of them turned to look at Baiyin Yuxing. 】

["President?" Both of them showed surprised expressions. 】

[However, seeing Baiyin Yuxing floating in the air, Qianhua ran from the ground to a place not far from the entrance as if weightless, and pulled down a red handle. Next to the red handle, there was Name: Gravity System! 】

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