["Thump thump..." The Orion Apostle fell to the side after being attacked. Under such circumstances, the running students looked here in surprise. 】

["Is it Kamen Rider Fourze? You're too young to stop me."]

["You bastard..." After hearing the words of the Orion Apostle, Fourze wanted to say something, but at this time, the Orion Apostle had already attacked. 】

[Fourze had no time to reply, but dodged left and right.Then pressed the first switch on the right side of the drive: "Rocket"]

[An orange piece of equipment like a rocket head appeared on Fourze's right hand, with a jet port on the back. 】

["The universe is coming!" With the help of the rocket on his right hand, Fourze grabbed Orion's body with his left hand and flew Orion into the distance, and soon landed in the open space not far from the student union room. 】

["Ouch!" At this time, Orion still seemed to have completely lost his will and roared.Seeing this, Fourze was about to go up, but suddenly the radar on his waist rang: "President, Orion has completely gone berserk now. If you want him to return to his body normally, you must wake up his consciousness."]

["I understand." Fourze nodded, then rushed forward.Using the rocket on his right hand, he began to fight in a stalemate with the Orion in front of him. 】

[Fourze, who had no fighting ability at all when he transformed before, actually has a significant increase in fighting ability at this time. 】

[No, it shouldn’t be said to have increased significantly, but the ability to use rocket heads has increased significantly. Instead of facing the enemy directly, he is constantly flying to attack. 】

"Shirogane Mikayuki is indeed a genius." Although he had met Shirogane Mikaru before at the three-school joint festival, in order to save Shinomiya Kaguya, Shirogane Mikaru could even keep up with him, but Conan At this time, I still expressed this emotion.

"Yes, my previous fighting ability..." Even Hattori on the other side nodded in agreement. He was a swordsman master, so he could see who was a trainer. He nodded and said: "No, I should say He has no fighting ability at all, but he was able to think of using rockets to carry out long-range harassment after simple training before. He is indeed a genius."

"It seems that this junior is really strong." Conan nodded and then thought of how very early in his own story, when he was using the fang memory, the man who appeared outside the warehouse with something like Planet drives people like that.

"I remember that Ishigami Yu is also from Shunoin. It seems that Ishigami Yu is also related to Kamen Rider Fourze."

"After all, he is the accountant of Shunoyuan."

"I'm looking forward to it. That drive looks a bit gorgeous, even more gorgeous than ours."

["Miura-kun, do you really like your girlfriend?" Fourze said while fighting.Fourze's words made Orion hesitate a little. Seeing this, Fourze continued to speak: "Is the reason why you broke up with her really because of class issues?"]


["If so, then work hard for me. Without hard work, class and everything else are just clouds. If it is your own problem, then improve it...improve it until she thinks you are dazzling."]

["I..." It seemed that Orion had regained his composure. Seeing this, Fourze immediately pressed the button on the left side. 】

["Drill (Drill)" A drill equipment appeared on Fourze's left foot, and then Fourze flew into the sky and pushed the handle on the right side of the driver with his left hand. 】

["If you wake up, remember my words. Rider Rocket Drill Kick"]

[Catching the propulsion of the rocket in mid-air, he kicked hard towards Orion with his left foot. 】

【Boom! 】

[Amid the explosion, Fourze fell to the ground, but his body was still spinning. After spinning a few times, he stopped. He supported his left raised knee with his left hand and played with it slightly. 】

[In the explosion, the Constellation Apostle Switch fell in front of Fourze.Then Fourze picked it up and pressed it. The Constellation Apostle Switch turned into a black room and disappeared: "This is solved."]

["I'm really tired." As he said this, Baiyin Yuxing pushed all the buttons on the waist drive to cancel the transformation. 】

[However, what Baiyin Yuxing didn't notice was that the whole transformation scene was seen by a person not far away. She had blond hair tied into two ponytails, holding a drawing board in her hand, her face was a little surprised and hesitantly said..." Kamen...Knight..."]

[And this girl is surprisingly the one who appeared in the W and OOO chapters before. She was a member of Mo Chen’s student union, Eri Sawamura! 】

[When Miura Junya opened his eyes, he was already in the infirmary. He looked at the card beside his bed signed with Shirogane Goyuki's name, and then there was a fruit basket on the side. 】

["Shunya, are you okay? I heard that you suddenly entered the infirmary?" The appearance of his ex-girlfriend made Miura Shunya stunned, and then a smile appeared on his pale face. 】

["Is this okay? President..." Shirogane Mikado and Shinomiya Kaguya looked at each other at the door of the infirmary, and Shinomiya Kaguya asked. 】

["Well, that's enough. Okay, let's go, Fourth Palace. I want to go to the moon and have a look."]

Chapter 9 The universe is coming!

[Looking at the Earth from the moon, there is a different kind of beauty.At least now Baiyin Yuxing's eyes have been completely focused on this beautiful scenery. 】

["It's really shocking and beautiful." Looking at the earth in front of him, Baiyin Yuxing's tone couldn't calm down. 】

["Yeah, I feel so beautiful here." Next to Shirogane Mikado is Shinomiya Kaguya in a space suit. 】

佁【"Yes, and this is the moon, it seems to be closer to you." But Baiyin Yuxing's thoughts were all on the earth, and he had no idea what he was saying. 】

["Hey!" After hearing such words, Shinomiya Kaguya's head shut down. 】

['Baiyin Yuxing, a super astronomy fan, don't talk about love and brain wars when you fall into this state.Even the words are spoken with loyalty. '】

["Because Shinomiya, isn't your name Kaguya? This way, even if you return to the moon, I can come here to pick you up." But Shirogane Yuxing thought that Shinomiya Kaguya didn't hear clearly, so he turned around He looked at Kaguya. 】

[But after I got home from school...]

["Ah! What did I say!!!" After returning home, Baiyin Yuxing hugged his legs, pressed his face between his legs, and let out a sad roar. 】

["Yu Xing, are you back? Don't you have to go to work today?" At this moment, the door to the room was opened, and a middle-aged man with blond hair and a plain face walked in slowly. 】

["Dad, well, I won't go to work starting today. I have some things to deal with, but don't worry." When his father came back, Baiyin Yuxing also stopped wailing and immediately put it on the table. The drive was put into the schoolbag. 】

["..." Baiyin Yuxing's father focused on the drive and didn't say much: "Just think about it."]

[Baiyin Yuxing left home again, but this time he didn’t go to work, but went for a run. 】

The screen stopped here, and it seemed like the first 10 minutes were over.

In the middle of the video this time, the monsters that appeared during this period were destroyed by the Kamen Riders who appeared in this world.

Interestingly enough, even Souta actually used the drive.

It stands to reason that the ruins of OOO should not have been excavated at this time, right?

Seeing such a scene, many people wanted to contact Mo Chen, but Mo Chen couldn't get through because a month had passed and Mo Chen had not come back. When they contacted Zongtai, Zongtai did not give much explanation.

Even because Souta can transform, the discussion of Fourze transformed by Shirogane Goyuki has become much less popular.

Anyway, it was in this chaotic situation that the second half of the video began to play.

['Shu Zhiyuan Student Union' In Xiu Zhiyuan Academy, the Xiu Zhiyuan Student Union has great rights, even more powerful than some teachers, and has many things to be responsible for. '】

['And the members who lead the Xiuzhiyuan Student Union, everyone is a proud son of heaven.The number of student union members is determined by the current student union president, and there are currently four student union members. '】

[As the voice of the narration sounded, the entire picture appeared in Shunoin Academy. A total of four cutting pictures appeared, Shirogane Miyuki, Shinomiya Kaguya, Fujiwara Chika, and a man with his back leaning on the picture. 】

['President, vice president, secretary, accountant! '】

["Speaking of which, how long will it take for Accountant Ishigami's exchange student career to end?" Shirogane Mikoyuki and Shinomiya Kaguya pushed open the door of the student union and entered the student union room, Shirogane Mikoyuki asked. 】

["It will take more than a month to come back, but I never thought that the exchange student in our school is actually Ishigami-san." Shinomiya Kaguya asked curiously: "His grades are also bad, right?" 】

["I heard that it was selected by the school over at the flower garden. That's fine... By the way, Shinomiya, does Ishigami know about the Moon Rabbit Cabin?" Baiyin Yuxing sat in front of the president's table and began to read the documents. He asked curiously. 】

["Tama Tokura appeared three months ago, so Ishigami-san doesn't know about it yet, and I don't know whether I should tell Ishigami-san about this."]

["You also know Ishigami's character, so you can rest assured." Shirogane Yuxing said with a smile, and the two people's voices showed concern for Ishigami. 】

["I'm worried that the child will get into trouble."]

["Haha, Shinomiya, your tone is like Ishigami's mother." After hearing Kaguya's words, Shirogane Miyuki smiled, while Kaguya's face froze: "President, are you talking about my old age?" ?"】

["Of course not." Baiyin Yuxing smiled and shook his head: "Okay, finish the work at hand quickly, and then go to the moon."]

["President, you seem to like the moon very much? Even after the transformation, you are so excited." Kaguya asked with a smile, imitating the president's movements, holding her hands slightly in front of her, Then he straightened up, opened his hands, and imitated the way Shirogane Yuxing opened his hands when he transformed into Fourze, and shouted: "The universe is coming... or something!"]

["..." Seeing Kaguya in front of him make this move, Shirogane Mikado's face also turned red.But then he coughed: "Of course I'm very excited... That's because..."]

['That's because I'm closer to you. 'This is what Baiyin Yuxing said in his heart. 】

['Shirogane Miyuki's pride does not allow him to confess first... It should not be said that the class relationship does not allow him to confess first, because the gap between him and Shinomiya Kaguya is too big. Under such a huge gap , unless you have gained enough status.Otherwise, the relationship between the two is not equal. '】

['After gaining the power of a knight, Shirogane Miyako, who was originally very interested in the starry sky, found that his relationship with Shinomiya Kaguya seemed to be closer, and using the power of the universe made him excited to do this action. '】

['But this kind of action is also a kind of lashing for oneself. The universe is coming...but one must catch it. 'As the narrator's voice sounded, Baiyin Yuxing was processing documents. 】

["President, what did you just say?" Shinomiya Kaguya asked curiously. 】

["No, there's nothing!" Baiyin Yuxing shook his head. 】

["Dong dong dong... there is a knock on the door."]

Chapter 10 Yinglili’s consultation

"President...do you really think so?" The atmosphere in the student union room was a bit strange.

Ishigami Yu wanted to hide his figure.

At this time, he wanted to be the same as in the video, first go out and become an exchange student without being in the student union.

"I..." When Chika Fujiwara behind her wanted to say something, Yu Ishigami immediately covered Chika Fujiwara's mouth, and then pressed Chika Fujiwara down on the chair, not wanting her to make a sound. .

It is best not to interrupt the conversation between the two in the current situation.

Some things need to be said clearly directly, otherwise there will be a gap between the two people later.

"..." Looking at Kaguya Shinomiya, whose red eyes were looking at him with a hint of tears, Shirogane Mikado took a deep breath: "Yes, that's what I think."

"So..." Shinomiya Kaguya was a little excited and wanted to say something, but Shirogane Mikado immediately raised his hand to stop Shinomiya Kaguya. "Wait a minute Shinomiya, even if you confess your love now, I can't accept it!"

"Why?" Shinomiya Kaguya was a little excited.

"Because I... like you!" Baiyin Yuxing said loudly after taking a deep breath.

"Hey!" Shinomiya Kaguya was down.

["Dong dong dong..." There was a knock on the door. 】

[Shirogane Miyuki and Shinomiya Kaguya in the room looked at each other, then stopped discussing this topic, and let the person who knocked on the door come in. 】

["Excuse me, I want to ask some questions." The person who pushed the door open was Eiri, who had a pair of golden ponytails. Her eyes were on Shinomiya Kaguya, and then moved to Shirogane Miyako, with a look on her face. It's a bit complicated to get up there. 】

['Xiuzhiyuan Student Union will also accept some consultations from students, including studies or life, and even...love. '】

["Long time no see, Sawamura-san." Shinomiya Kaguya poured a cup of tea for Eiri, and sat across from Eiri with Shirogane Mikayuki. : "Although it hasn't been a long time, after all, we only met when Sawamura-san transferred in more than a month ago."]

["Sawamura-kun, is there something wrong with your life in Shunoin? Is it because you can't keep up with your studies?" Shirogane Miyuki also asked with a chuckle. 】

["Yes... what I want to consult is..." Eiriri's eyes never left Shirogane Yuyuki, which made Shinomiya Kaguya frown slightly, but didn't say anything, just wanted to wait. Ying Lili asked. 】

["Can I ask President Shirogane alone?" Eiri looked at Shinomiya Kaguya, but at this time Shirogane Yuxing frowned slightly and looked at Shinomiya Kaguya. Although Shinomiya Kaguya at this time I wasn't in a good mood, but I stood up. 】

["Then I'll go to the club to find out about the fees first." Shinomiya Kaguya smiled and left first, but after going out, she turned on her mobile phone. In the student union room, the hamburger set stood aside. The camera is looking over here. 】

["So, what do you want to consult, Sawamura-san?" Shirogane Miyuki didn't think that the Sawamura in front of him would like him, because that look...' It's like after losing something, even the look in his eyes that wants to redeem it . '】

["Chairman Shirogane, are you a Kamen Rider...?" When saying the words Kamen Rider, Eiri's tone was a bit intermittent. 】

仴【"How did you know?" Shirogane Yuxing showed a surprised expression on his face, and Shinomiya Kaguya, who was peeking outside, also showed a surprised expression. 】

["When you were fighting that weirdo yesterday, I saw you undo your transformation." Eiri explained, and then said: "I want to ask, President... what is it like to become a Kamen Rider? a feeling of?"】

["Do you feel it?" Shirogane Mikado put his hands on his chin: "To be honest, I don't know what it feels like, because yesterday was the first time I turned into a Kamen Rider."]

["Is this...?" Yinglili looked a little disappointed and stood up: "Then I'll excuse you."]

["Sawamura-san, why are you asking this?" Shirogane Mikayuki also stood up and asked as Eirili was about to stand up. 】

[Eiri's movements paused for a moment: "Because, I am a fool, but even so, I want to understand what kind of existence Kamen Rider... is."]

["Is that so?" Shirogane Miyuki nodded and said, "I have just become a Kamen Rider now, so I don't know many things, but I will tell you if I find the answer."]

["No need, President Shirogane, I just want to know more about the Kamen Rider in front of me." Eiri said and prepared to leave. 】

["President, what do you think?" Kaguya walked in and asked after Eirili left. 】

["What happened to Sawamura-san before?" Shirogane Miyuki could feel Eiri's sadness.Kaguya shook her head: "I don't know. Although her family is the only daughter of the ambassador, she has nothing to do with our family, and she studied in another school before. If she is Fujiwara-san, she might know something."]

["Are you talking about me?" At this time, Fujiwara Chika just opened the door and came in and asked with a smile. 】

[After the explanation, Fujiwara Chika nodded and said: "So I'm talking about Eiriri again, I know."]

["Eiriri used to study at the private Toyosaki school. I heard it was because of her childhood sweetheart. At that time, she was also a member of the student union. Everyone knows about this. The president was that Mo Chen. Then I seemed to hear He said he was attacked by a monster, had a fight with his childhood sweetheart, or something, so he left the student union, and then transferred to Shunoin."]

["Mo Chen... I remember that Mo Chen was also a Kamen Rider, right?" Bai Yin Yuxing naturally remembered the president who was younger than him, touched his chin and asked: "And even the Jade Rabbit Cabin is also Did he make it?"]

["Well, Kamen Rider Eternity... is a very strong Kamen Rider, but there was a man named Katsumi Daido who was very similar to Mo Chen, and he also inherited Kamen Rider Eternity, but in fact he has already Dead." Shinomiya Kaguya said, stroking her face. 】

["Dead?" Baiyin Yuxing was very surprised. 】

["Well, because he hasn't appeared since Christmas. Although the Fusha Painting Company said that he went abroad to further his studies, Miss Haiyuan, who handed over the Jade Rabbit Cabin to me before, knew that Mo Chen had passed away. .”]

Chapter 11 Beauty pageant?

"Ying Lili probably doesn't know about Mo Chen's death yet."

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