["By the way, Mr. Shirogane." The teacher who was packing up books on the table shouted to Mr. Shirogane. 】

["What's wrong, Mr. Hagiwara?" Shirogane Miyuki walked over curiously. 】

["Hagiwara Hiiragi, biology teacher, is a new teacher at Shunoin and is a very popular teacher." The narrator also introduced this teacher. 】

[任"That's it. The principal asked me to take charge of the guidance of the student union starting next week. I hope that the two of us can take over the handover." Hagiwara Hiiragi said with a gentle smile.He seems to be a very gentle person. 】

["Does the student union need an advisor?" Baiyin Yuxing showed a puzzled expression. It is normal for other clubs to have an advisor, but there is generally no advisor in the student union because there is no advisor. Qualified, especially in Xiuzhiyuan.If I have to say it, the advisor of the student union is the principal. 】

["After all, we are all still students." Hagiwara Hiiragi said with a smile.This made Baiyin Yuxing a little confused, but he didn't agree immediately. This kind of thing must be completely confirmed.Hagiwara Hiiragi also said normally that there was no problem and he would wait until the inquiry was completed. 】

[After returning to the student union room, Baiyin Yuxing told everyone about the matter. 】

["Hagiwara Hiiragi? That new biology teacher?" After hearing Shirogane Miyuki's words, Shinomiya Kaguya touched her face and shook her head: "I don't know."]

["I've heard that he has compound eyes and is a very gentle person. This is what everyone said." Fujiwara Chika raised her hand and smiled. 】

["But I heard bad remarks here." At this time, Yinglili on the side raised her hand, attracting everyone's attention. 】

["Eiri-chan, what do you know?" Fujiwara Chika asked curiously as she directly entangled herself next to Eiri-chan. 】

["When I was at the private Toyosaki school, Hagiwara Hiiragi also applied to be a teacher there, but was rejected by Mo Chen...by President Mo Chen." Eiri explained. 】

["Before, the authority of our student union was very high, and the principal also trusted President Mo Chen, so some things would be investigated, such as some of the new teachers' pasts. The results given by President Mo Chen at that time were not allowed, because I heard that It is said that Hagiwara Hiiragi was a playboy when he was in school, and was in love with a student in his previous school."]

["Love?" In the island country, teachers and students are not allowed to fall in love, and there are no mandatory requirements.If that's the case, wouldn't it be a bad idea to refuse? 】

["It's not just that, because Hagiwara Hiiragi is a married person, which means... he is having an extramarital affair." Eiri's words made several people nod.Everyone looked a little annoyed at this time, especially Chikaichi Fujiwara: "Why would the chairman let such a person come into the school?"]

["..." Shinomiya Kaguya touched her face, looking as if she had thought of something, and frowned slightly. 】

[Baiyin Yuxing also thought about it, although he said that he had no right to expel a student or anything.But it is simply not feasible for such people to manage student unions or anything like that. 】

["It's Hagi again..." As for Shinomiya Kaguya, she helplessly held her forehead and said. After hearing Shinomiya Kaguya's words, Shirogane Miyako and Fujiwara Chika looked at each other and then shook their heads helplessly. shook his head. 】

["What's wrong?" Yinglili asked curiously. 】

["No, nothing..." The two didn't say much, which made Yinglili a little curious, but they didn't say anything. 】

"Hagiwara Hiiragi? Didn't I remember that he was married into a wife?"

"Are people really like this? Does anyone know?"

"Wait a minute...I'll go, you are really a scumbag."

"what happened?"

"When I was in college, I did so-called psychological construction for many people like spreading branches and leaves. They were all very beautiful people, and then they became teachers, and many people thought he was a very good person. He got married. Things were concealed at first, but after he felt that the other party fell in love with him, he slowly revealed that he was married. Most of the people he helped were students, and at this time, the concept of love was not formed. Naturally, he would continue to like him. he."

"Zizi...he is really a scumbag."

"Fortunately, our country strictly prohibits teacher-student romance."

This video is available all over the world, so naturally many people have seen this kind of content. It is naturally simple to investigate a person.

"So the relationship between teachers and students is the most inappropriate, because although teachers and students are equal in terms of personality, they are still in the role of managing and being managed in terms of learning." Haihara Ai looked at the comments on the screen and shook his head. shook his head.

"Such a scumbag will probably be dealt with soon." Conan agrees with Haibara Ai, but now that the video has been played, it seems that this guy will not be a teacher soon. It will be boycotted by many people.

Chapter 28 Iino Yako

["As for the student advisor, I will explain it to the principal." Shinomiya Kaguya shook her head and said: "Our student union does not need a so-called advisor."]

[What Shinomiya Kaguya said is not a joke. Although Shunoin is a former aristocratic school, who are the people studying there now? 】

[They are all the second generation in various fields in the country. The people who lead these second generations are the student union. And you want to lead the student union?It is impossible for ordinary people, and Shinomiya Kaguya will not allow it. 】

["Yes." Baiyin Yuxing nodded. He still believed in Yinglili's words. If he was such a teacher, then not only would he be unfit to be the instructor of the student union, he would even be unfit to be a teacher. 】

["Dingling bell..." Suddenly Baiyin Yuxing's phone rang.Baiyin Yuxing glanced at it and was a little surprised: "Ishigami?"]

[After hearing what Shirogane Mikaru said, except for Eiri, the other two people in the student union looked at Shirogane Mikaru. Shirogane Mikaru nodded to everyone, then opened the call on his mobile phone and turned on the loudspeaker at the same time. . 】

["President, long time no see." Yu Ishigami's voice came from the other side of the phone, which made everyone look at each other. Chika Fujiwara even smiled and said: "Ishigami, when will you come back? You're not here. There is one more person in the student union."]

["I know, Sawamura Eiri. Executive member." Ishigami Yu seemed to know about this matter, but not surprisingly, he then said with a hint of ease in his tone: "I will go back probably next month."]

["Really? That's great. I'll prepare a surprise reception for you then."]

["Fujiwara, if you say it, it won't be a surprise." Shinomiya Kaguya on the side chuckled. 】

["Ah, yes, Ishigami forgot about this." Chika Fujiwara said with a smile, obviously joking. After hearing this, Ishigami also smiled and said: "Okay, I forgot. What did Fujiwara-senpai just say? ”]

["Okay, Ishigami, what's the matter with calling the president?" Shinomiya Kaguya didn't believe it was just for chatting at this time.But asked. 】

["This is the president, can I ask you to protect someone?" Ishigami Yu's tone was very calm, and it seemed like it was just a casual mention, but Shirogane Yuxing didn't think it was that simple.He glanced at Shinomiya Kaguya, and Shinomiya Kaguya also looked at Baiyin Yuxing. The two looked at each other and smiled: "Who is it?"]

["His name is Iino Yako, and he is the discipline committee member of our school. Someone just called me and said that she was attacked this morning. Although the injury was not serious, it was a monster that attacked him."]

["Iino Yako? I understand...I will protect him." Shirogane Mikado nodded, perhaps because of his trust in Ishigami Yu, Shirogane Mikado was not curious about why the other party knew that Shirogane Mikami was capable. Protect each other. 】

["Iino Yako? This name sounds familiar." Fujiwara Chika touched it. Then everyone in the student union room looked at Fujiwara Chika. Fujiwara Chika made an OK gesture, and then ran out: "Leave it to me. Bar!!!"】

["By the way, President...this." After Chika Fujiwara ran out, Shinomiya Kaguya looked helpless and smiled, then took out his black briefcase and took out two switches. 】

[There are two switches 11 and 12 on the switch.]

["Oh, have these two switches been debugged?" Shirogane Mikado suddenly came over with interest, and Eiri also came over, and then Shinomiya Kaguya came out with another one that looked like French fries. The same thing was placed on the table, then switch No. 11 was taken out and inserted into it. 】

[The french fries suddenly came over and turned into a robot with two scissor hands. 】

["So cute." Ying Lili said with some surprise when she saw this, and then the French fries jumped into her hand with a wave of her hand. 】

["But these are the only mechanical devices. I have to leave the appearance of the subsequent mechanical devices to you, Sawamura-san." Shinomiya Kaguya looked at Eiriri and said. 】

["Yes, I know." Yinglili nodded. 】

["?" Shirogane Miyuki looked at the two of them curiously, and Shinomiya Kaguya explained: "After Sawamura-san joined the Jade Rabbit Cabin, I asked Sawamura-san to design the appearance of the mechanical auxiliary device at the back, because the previous Those aid equipments were designed by Mo Chen, and there are no design drawings for the rest. I don’t know much about them, so I asked Sawamura-san to come.”]

["Is that so? Then I'll leave it to you, Sawamura-san." Shirogane Miyuki thanked Sawamura. 】

[The screen shifts to Chika Fujiwara. 】

["Get dressed for me." When Fujiwara Chika found Iino Yako, she saw Iino Yako checking the morals on the road, and behind Iino Yako was a girl with big round glasses, and Iino Yako herself was petite, She has long chestnut hair and chestnut eyes, but now she has some bandages on her face, and her right hand is hanging on her chest with a bandage. 】

["Are you okay?" Chika Fujiwara stepped forward and asked in concern. 】

["Secretary Fujiwara!" After seeing Fujiwara Chika, Iino Yako stood up straight and looked a little nervous. However, when she stood up straight, the wound on her hand looked a little painful. He looked like he was grinning. 】

["No need to be like this, you are Iino Yako, right? Can I call you Xiaoyako?" Fujiwara Chika asked curiously while supporting the other party. 】

["Of course." And Yako Iino almost regarded Chika Fujiwara as her idol. 】

["No need to be like this, Xiaoyazi, what's the matter with your injury? Can you tell me?" Chika Fujiwara smiled and hugged Xiaoyako while looking at Xiaoyako's wound curiously. 】

["My wound..." Iino Yako glanced at her wound, looked at the surrounding situation, and then whispered: "This morning, I was attacked by a strange man who looked like a werewolf. I was I called the police, but everyone thought I was joking.”]

["A weirdo like a werewolf?" Fujiwara Chika thought for a while and whispered: "Can you tell me the details?"]

[Iino Yako explained in detail that after being attacked, the other party slowly came towards her. Suddenly, the sound of a police car came from the distance, which made the weirdo look a little scared, and then moved his feet. Yue disappeared in front of him in an instant.Iino Yako also explained the situation to the police, but the result was nothing. 】

Chapter 29: Canis Disciple

"Ishigami Yu? Is he the guy with the drive who appeared in the W chapter before?"

"Does that mean he will join the battlefield soon?"

"There are some expectations!"

"..." In reality, Ishigami Yu was also stunned at this time. Shirogane Mikado on the side curiously patted Ishigami Yu's shoulder: "Ishigami, do you know the person named Iino Yako?"

"Well, it's quite familiar." Ishigami Yu nodded.

To be honest, Iino Yako and Ishigami Yu certainly knew it. In order to encourage the other party, Ishigami Yu even sent flowers to the other party, and also helped to tear off the notes posted on her body by others.

And Iino Yako was indeed secretly helping Ishigami Yu.

Anyway, the two of them felt a bit like enemies.

["This is what happened." Chika Fujiwara returned to the Jade Rabbit Cabin and explained the matter to everyone. 】

["Koyako is a member of the Discipline Committee, and she is a very strict one. In fact, she has offended many people, so if she attacks the other party, it is possible for anyone to attack." Chika Fujiwara expressed her guess. 】

["Police car. Who would be afraid of police car?" But Baiyin Yuxing grasped the key point. 】

["Gangster? Underworld? Or a criminal!" Shinomiya Kaguya was also thinking. 】

["If it is such a person, it is indeed possible to attack Ioi-san, and if Ioi-san does not change, he may still be attacked, so now we still have to protect Iino Yako."]

[A few people thought about it and finally decided that Baiyin Yuxing would follow the other party secretly to protect the other party. 】

["President Baiyin?" Although Baiyin Yuxing was secretly protecting the other party, Baiyin Yuxing's identity was not that of an ordinary person. Such tracking was naturally discovered easily. 】

["Classmate Iino Yako, this time our student union is going to intervene in the work of the disciplinary committee." Shirogane Miyuki quickly found an excuse. 】

["Intervention?" After hearing what Shirogane Miyuki said, Iino Yako frowned and seemed to be considering how to refuse.Seeing this, Bai Yin Yuxing said: "Our purpose is to assess the work of the disciplinary committee. We will consider whether to increase the number and club funds next."]

["...I understand." Iino Yako nodded and agreed to cooperate with Shirogane Miyuki. 】

[Iino Yako is a very hard-working child. She is a former 1st grade class B at Shuchiin Academy High School. She is very serious about her work and has never failed to live up to her teacher's expectations. She also comes first in studies.A serious child who doesn't know how to be accommodating at all, feels a little arrogant. 】

["Yaiko's father is a judge of the Supreme Court, and her mother is an employee of an international humanitarian relief organization. Influenced by her parents, she has a strong sense of justice. She has served as the school's discipline committee since junior high school." And the person behind Iino Yako A classmate named Dafo Xiaobo, wearing a pair of large round glasses, explained to Baiyin Yuxing. 】

["Is that so?" Baiyin Yuxing nodded, with an expression of appreciation in his eyes.Although he is still a bit childish, he is indeed a very good student, maybe...]

["Speaking of which, Daibuto-san, did you say that Ii-san only has you as a friend?" Shirogane Miyuki suddenly asked. 】

["Yes. You can understand it this way." Daibutsu Xiaobo nodded, and then Shirogane Miyuki looked at Iino Yako cleaning up, and turned to look at Daibutsu Xiaobo: "Did you inform Ishigami? ”]

["..." After hearing Baiyin Yuxing's words, Big Buddha and Xiaobo were silent for a while and finally said: "It's me."]

["I saw President Shirogane before you transformed into a Kamen Rider, so I thought about it and informed Ishigami." Daibutsu Xiaobo explained. 】

[But Baiyin Yuxing crossed his arms and said, "Then why didn't you inform me yourself?"]

["Well... I just want to further the relationship between this child and Ishigami." Big Buddha Xiaobo's explanation surprised even Baiyin Yuxing. 】

["President Shirogane, are you going to follow me next?" Next, we have to go to the community for activities, that is, to pick up garbage in the community next to Xiuzhiyuan School.Iino Yako looked at Shirogane Miyako, and Shirogane Miyako naturally agreed to come along. 】

["Boom!" The three of them just entered the street.Suddenly there was a violent explosion in the distance, which made Baiyin Yuxing subconsciously make a fighting gesture. 】

[Then I saw a strange man who looked like a werewolf walking out from the place of the explosion. There was a tail on his back and something like a sharp blade on his arm. He looked ferocious.Although it is a little subtle, it can indeed be seen that the other party has the appearance of stars. 】

["That's... the Canis Disciple?" Bai Yin Yuxing looked at the monster that came out and identified the other party. 】

["She is the one who attacked me in the morning." At this time, Iino Yako also said in horror. Seeing this, Shirogane Mikado glanced at Iino Yako: "You guys hide, leave it to me."]

["Eh?" Iino Yako looked at Shirogane Mikado who walked out in surprise. Then Shirogane Mikado took out the Fourze drive and quickly flipped the switch with his finger, "3.2.1!"]


["The president is... Kamen Rider?" Iino Yako looked at the Shirogane Mikado in front of her with her eyes wide open as she was enveloped in steam, showing an expression of astonishment. 】

["Kamen Rider Fourze." Big Buddha and Xiaobo whispered.Then looking at the situation in front of him, Fourze opened his hands: "The universe is coming!"]

["Kamen Rider?" The Canine Star Disciple looked at Fourze in front of him with a look of disdain: "Then let me try my sharp blade."]

["Rocket on! (Rocket!)" When Fourze saw this, he pressed the switch of the rocket head, and then the rocket head appeared on his right hand, jumped up from the ground, and smashed towards the Hound. 】

[When the dog saw this, he quickly retreated a large distance. When Fourze saw this, he used his left hand to switch to the No. 8 switch. 】

["Chainsaw On! (Chainsaw)" Fourze's right foot armor turned into a thick armor, and a sharp blade like a chainsaw extended from the back of the foot. 】

["Zizzizi!" With the attack of a chain saw, Fourze accelerated again and attacked directly towards the Hound. 】

Chapter 30 Scorpio Star Disciple

"Huh? Why do I want to have a good relationship with that Ishigami?" In this reality, Iino Yako saw the conversation between Daibutsu Xiaobo and Shirogane Mikado in the video, and looked at Daibutsu Xiaobo with some surprise.

"..." Big Buddha Xiaobo pushed up his glasses, but did not say anything in detail.

'Although it has not been exposed yet, it is estimated that the relationship between the two of them will be exposed in the future, which is good, so that I can...let it go. '

"Xiao Bo?" Not hearing the answer from Big Buddha Xiao Bo, Iino Yako called out with some concern, while Big Buddha Xiao Bo shook his head and did not answer too much. He just pushed up his glasses: "Yiko, If you want to know, then keep reading.”

"Aren't you looking for the person who is helping you behind the scenes?"

"Do you know Xiaobo?" Hearing this, Iino Yako asked in surprise.

Iino Yako is actually a very fragile child, and when she couldn't hold on, someone left her a message to encourage her and also sent flowers. She has always been curious about who it was.

"..." Daibutsu Xiaobo did not answer, but if Iino Yako could turn the corner, she might know that it was Ishigami Yu that Daibutsu Xiaobo was talking about.

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