[Ace's anger has reached the extreme, and even purple-black particles are slightly emitting around his body. 】

[The days with Phillip are the days that Shinichi misses the most, and the power of Kamen Rider W is also his and Phillip's power. Now it is being used by the other party in this way, which makes Shinichi very angry. 】

[In anger, the battle started again.This time the matchup was Kamen Rider Ace versus Kamen Rider W, while Fourze faced off against Scorpio again. 】

[As for Compass, he doesn’t dare to join such a battle.Instead, he focused his attention on Shiyu and Yinglili's Qi, and raised the arm blades of his hands slightly. 】

["Huh... Wow..." Just when Compass was about to launch his special attack, Kamen Rider Meteor turned into a blue ball and flew over, hitting Compass. 】

"Conan is going to be so angry."

"Yeah, but I didn't expect that Kamen Rider W would appear here."

"Whatever appears is obviously piracy!"

"I'm really angry that you actually used my and Phillip's power like this." In reality, Conan was naturally very angry.His fist hit the sofa on the side.

"No, the memory is on your body, unless the other party robs the T2 memory, and even if the T2 memory is robbed, it is not that simple to create Kamen Rider W." On the other hand, Hattori Heiji said He was calmer and spoke to comfort Conan.

"Indeed, not everyone can use the memory, and the other person looks more like a puppet than Kamen Rider W." Philip also agreed with Hattori Heiji, but even though he said this , but Philip was obviously a little angry: "But using our appearance to do these things is really unforgivable!"

"When you are angry, you have to think about how the other party will solve it." But at this time, Mouri Kogoro was relatively calm. The weirdo who imitated him had appeared before, so he was still calm.

What is more important now is the identity of the other party.

If only it were the same as before.If you can use all your abilities, it will be troublesome.

"Moreover, there is also the disciple of the Compass. If I guess correctly, his ability should be pointing."

"Pointing? It depends on what type of ability it is. If it is a rule-based one, then it will be really troublesome." After hearing what Mouri Kogoro said, Conan also calmed down a little, understanding the horror of this ability. at.

"Is it troublesome?" Xiaolan on the side asked curiously.

"For example, like controlling other people to walk in the video, if you can deflect all attacks, then you will be invincible. And if such attacks can be directed, then..." Yu Kudo This is where my explanation ends.

Xiaolan also understood how powerful the other party was.

"The other party has not mastered his own power now. Maybe there is a way."

"Or that person from Taotaros? Doesn't he call himself the Strange Demon God? What is the Strange Demon God?"

"Imagin refers to a spiritual energy body that comes from a different timeline from the originally connected future. Therefore, it can only exist in the form of sand, but by listening to the wishes of humans, it can create images that humans possess. The body is obtained as a basis. The person who hears the wish becomes a contractor of the strange demon god. By actually realizing the wish, the contractor's memory can be traced back to the past world."

"Xiao Ai!" While everyone was curious, Xiao Ai walked in from outside, holding a document in his hand and explaining to the people in front of him: "However, in most cases, wishes are forced to come true with twisted explanations. , the true ideas of the Contractor are rarely realized. This is because the main purpose of the Strange Demon God is to change history and connect with the future where the Strange Demon God can exist."

"Hiss... traveling through time? Is this such a terrifying ability?" Conan and the others gasped.

"But, you know that, a primary school student?" Phillip was also very surprised, but after being surprised, he looked at Xiao Ai curiously.

"The documents Xiaochen brought back when he came back." Xiao Ai raised the document in her hand and explained.

Chapter 5 Showa gangster style of play!

[The three of them dealt with the enemy separately. This place still seemed a little smaller. The three of them were separated by some distance. 】

["Come with me." After Yinglili realized that she had no problem, she grabbed Shiyu's arm and ran towards the student union room with Shiyu. 】

[Kamen Rider Joker fights this mimic Joker that appears. 】

[However, it is still a bit small to fight in such a place. Joker and W entered the small forest next to it. 】

["..." After the fists and W's fists clashed several times, Joker was sure of one thing: "You guys are just using our appearance."]

["Haha." After hearing Joker's words, the mimic W smiled, and a scepter suddenly appeared in his hand. Then he swung the scepter and started fighting with Joker. Of course, Joker was not a vegetarian, and he rolled quickly to avoid it. 】

[In the last moment of dodging, he suddenly made a sweeping kick on the ground, but the opponent seemed to have judged it, and stuck the scepter on the ground, but this just responded to Joker's idea, and the sweeping kick suddenly changed , followed the scepter upward, kicked it up, and kicked the opponent's arm. Then he directly supported the ground with one hand and did a backflip, and kicked the opponent's lower body while doing a backflip with the other foot. Bar place. 】

["Taku!" At the end of the backflip, Mimic W also fell to the ground, but Joker's attack had no intention of stopping. The moment the backflip landed, he stepped directly to the ground with the help of strong jumping force. In mid-air. 】

["Joker! Maximum Drive!" While jumping into the air, Joker took out the memory on the drive and inserted it into the Maximum Drive on his waist.It flapped. 】

【"Rider Kick"】

["Taku!" As Joker roared, a powerful knight kick from Joker fell from the sky. 】

[Seeing the imitation, the scepter in W's hand was placed in front of him. 】

[The knight kicked down and kicked directly in front of the scepter. The scepter was actually very tough. Even though it was twisted and distorted by the knight's kick, there was still no sign of breakage. 】

[But even though the scepter could be blocked, the powerful force it brought caused him to fly backwards with the Mimic W. He rolled twice on the ground, and then his body twisted and turned into the Libra star that had appeared before. Looks like a disciple. 】

["Revealing his true appearance." Joker clenched his fists, preparing to use the ultimate drive, but just when he was about to take a picture of the ultimate drive instrument on his waist, light appeared around Libra's body. 】

[Joker subconsciously stretched out his hand to block the light.Then when he opened his eyes, Libra had disappeared. 】

["Damn it, did you let him run away?" Joker punched a tree on the side with his fist in anger. 】

[The screen shifts to the other side, where Kamen Rider Fourze and Scorpio are fighting. 】

["How strong would you be without that guy's help?" Scorpio showed disdain for Fourze, who had been defeated by him, and Fourze summoned Rocket Head: "That's not necessarily true. The universe..."]

["...Coming!" The jet propulsion of the rocket head allowed Fourze to grab Scorpio and crash into the floor behind. 】

[Fourze didn't choose to fight too far away, that's because Scorpio also has the ability to spray poison. 】

[Just after flying into the floor and breaking through two walls, Scorpio's mouth spurted out poison, but Fourze had been paying attention to this situation and was already on guard. 】

[The moment Scorpio spit out poison, Fourze let go of the opponent. At the same time, Fourze also touched the rocket head on his right hand and rolled to the ground. 】

["You really know how to use tricks." Many of the rooms here have not been cleaned. Due to the declining birthrate, Xiu Zhiyuan has not admitted many students in recent years. In addition, this is not a classroom. It was the club building, and no one had cleaned it. In addition, the dust caused by the impact just now made it difficult to see the appearance of the whole place after landing. 】

[Scorpio also understands what Fourze intends to do. 】

[With his feet slightly padded, Scorpio made an attack gesture with one foot. 】

【"Spike On! (Spike)"】

【"Chainarrays On! (Chain Array)"】

["Left...no, right." Scorpio was listening carefully to where the other person's voice was coming from, but he found that there were voices from both sides. 】

["Wrong guess!" Just as he was thinking and preparing to choose one of the two attacks, a meteor hammer with a chain had already flown over. Scorpio tilted his head to avoid the attack and kicked it out at the same time. 】

[But when Scorpio kicked out, the other foot also kicked over, seemingly wanting to compete with Scorpio's kicking skills. 】

["How dare Fourze dare to compete with me in kicking skills." Scorpio was very arrogant at this time. Although he didn't win when he kicked with Meteor before, he obviously didn't think Fourze in front of him could compete with him. . 】

["Duang!" But what Scorpio didn't notice was that Fourze's right leg had a thick layer of armor, like a durian shell. 】

[Scorpio kicked it, causing a shock. At the same time, the spikes on the durian shell suddenly protruded, causing Scorpio to cover his feet in pain. 】

["Effective." Seeing such a scene, Fourze continued to attack, swinging a big iron ball in his hand, and at the same time using spike armor on his feet to kick the opponent. 】

["Hey, hey, hey, this is too much. Where can such equipment be used?" Scorpio was kicked back and forth, and shouted to Fourze angrily. 】

["It's a boring question. We are fighting, not playing house." At this time, Fourze knew clearly what was fighting and what was playing.At this time, the other party must be completely eliminated. 】

['But why does Scorpio look so much more cheerful and talk a lot more? 'Fourze suddenly had such an idea in his mind. 】

Chapter 57 Tactical retreat!

["But why does Scorpio look so much more cheerful and talk a lot more?"]

[This is not Fourze's random imagination. Although the Scorpio in front of him seems to be defeated by his own strength, the opponent does not have the slightest sense of anger and powerlessness that he is about to be defeated.Instead, it felt like I was teasing myself. 】

[However, despite this thought, Fourze cannot stop his attack. 】

[The battle here looks like it will take a while, but the other side is the battle between Compass and Meteor. 】

["Huh... Wow!" Meteor's feet took small steps, looking at the Compass star disciple in front of him and launched an attack. 】

[However, the result was that the opponent's body was not hit. Meteor looked a little surprised, but after a few punches, Meteor understood what was going on: "I see,"]

["You can't hit me, because I am invincible." At this time, the compass has completely expanded.Smiling arrogantly. 】

["Huh..." Meteor took a deep breath, and then punched the Compass again with his fist. 】

["It's useless..." Compass swung his arm blade. 】

["..." When Meteor's fist almost touched Compass, it was bounced away for a moment. Although it was still moved away like a phantom, the strange thing is that the next second, Compass was still covered by it. Hit. "...Wow!"]

["What? How is it possible?" Although this attack was not very powerful, it shocked Compass Zuo. 】

["Sure enough, isn't it strong enough?" Meteor shook his hand. 】

[The screen plays the scene just now with some delay. 】

[It turns out that the attack method of this Compass is indeed to divert the person's attack direction. For example, the fist swung will be diverted to the other side, but the moment it is pushed away, Meteor's fist twists and turns into a fist. It is the sharp attack method of Crane Fist, but obviously there is still some distance, so the power of the attack is not enough. 】

["Then come again." Meteor took a deep breath upon seeing this, and then prepared to continue the attack. 】

[At this time, there was an explosion in the distance. Meteor turned his head and took a look, only to see Scorpio flying out and landing on the ground. 】

【'President...has become stronger! Meteor was also a little shocked when he saw Scorpio flying out upside down.Psycho sighed like this, and then prepared to continue attacking, but not yet waiting for Meteor to launch an attack. 】

["Let you see our new power." Scorpio sat half-sitting on the ground, then stood up, a blue light emerged from his chest, and this blue light gathered together and directly covered Scorpio on the body. 】

[At this time, the ace also ran over, and stared at the changed Scorpio in front of him with wide eyes. The shape of Scorpio now resembles that of a large scorpion with a poisonous stinger on its half-body tail and two legs. 】

["What is this?" The three knights looked at the huge scorpion in front of them in surprise. 】

["This is the power that was given to me." Scorpio looked very arrogant, and the scorpion tail behind him swung and launched an attack. 】

[The three knights could only give up their attacks and dodge first, because Scorpio's tail released a red laser. 】

"Fuck! Can you still do this?"


"He looks a little handsome!"

"Who changed your aesthetic? Video?"

"The three knights are all very strong. Needless to say, Conan is a senior. He is very strong and has a cool attack style. And Fourze, Shirogane Yuxing, is also very powerful."

"Yes, Baiyin Yuxing is really powerful. He was not an opponent at all before but now, although it cannot be said that he can be crushed, he is very strong. At the same time, the one who shocked me a little was Meteor."

"Meteor's attack methods are all from those of flower growers. They are all so cool."

"Now I kind of want to learn martial arts."

"The key is to be able to learn, right?"

"Don't you say that all flower growers are masters?"


There is obviously a lot of discussion on the Internet about this kind of battle.

Among them, the one that has attracted the most attention is Meteor's attack method. After all, Meteor's attack method has been really cool since it appeared, and the sound of the battle cry is that of Bruce Lee.

It can be said that it makes many people feel amazing.

[Scorpio's attack power and destructive power have obviously increased significantly. Now the three knights can only dodge the attack, but Shinichi is the fastest to react. Although he is dodging, he still relies on his keen fighting skills. With his intuition and quickness, he quickly approached Scorpio and kicked him out. 】

["Damn it!" Scorpio was very happy at this time. Suddenly he was kicked like this, and he fell to the ground unprepared. 】

["His body is not fully under control yet." Shinichi said to the other two, and prepared to continue attacking. 】

["Damn it." Upon seeing this, Scorpio swept his tail, causing all the knights to retreat a long distance. Then Scorpio's tail released a red laser, sweeping across the ground without distinction.A large cloud of smoke was stirred up. 】

[After the smoke dissipated, Scorpio and Compass disappeared. 】

["Did you let them escape?" Fourze had just put on a new one and hadn't used it yet. As a result, everything disappeared after the smoke disappeared. 】

["..." Meteor glanced at Fourze, then at Kamen Rider Ace, and bowed slightly to Ace, seemingly to express respect, and then his body turned into a blue ball of light and disappeared. . 】

["Is this Kamen Rider Meteor?" On this side, Shinichi also turned the drive back and whispered as he looked at the disappearing Kamen Rider Meteor. 】

["Senior, do you know Meteor?" Shirogane Yuxing was helpless here. He turned on all the switches one by one, contacted the transformation and walked to Shinichi's side curiously and asked, but after seeing Shinichi's After seeing the appearance, Shirogane Miyuki was also a little surprised: "Senior, are you the Kudo Shinichi-senpai who is known as the Sherlock Holmes of the Heisei era?"]

["Senior doesn't count." But Shinichi stopped, looking at the fierce-looking Shirogane Mikado in front of him and said: "Just call me Shinichi."]

Chapter 58 The Witch of the Earth

[Bringing people back to the student union room, Shinomiya Kaguya poured a cup of tea for everyone present. 】

["Please drink..." Shinomiya Kaguya also sat down, looking at the new person sitting in front of him with a curious look. 】

["Yeah." Shinichi was also observing the group of people in front of him at this time.For a moment, no one spoke, and they were all observing the situation in front of them. Then the door was pushed open, and Yu Ishigami walked in. 】

["Senior Shinichi, long time no see." After seeing Shinichi, Ishigami Yu looked a little surprised and greeted Shinichi. 】

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