Chapter 1: Strange Demon God, Kiva's Armor, Fire!

["As for the strange devil..." Haibara thought for a moment and said: "The Kamen Riders we know so far do not include the so-called strange devil."]

["Teacher, don't you know that too?" Shinomiya Kaguya asked in surprise. 】

["Although the knights who appear now will more or less have relevant registration or help from our side, since the Well of Gaia appeared last year, it seems to be the beginning, exposing many abilities beyond ordinary people. Come out.”]

[Haihara stood up as he spoke and passed in front of the two of them: "Kuga, Yajita, 555, W, OOO, Magician, Hibiki... We know the identities of these knights, and we also I am doing my best to help them, but there are still some... knights, maybe because of chance or other reasons, they have been hiding their identities."]

["But according to what you said, if the other party came to help and was restricted by people, then maybe it is not an enemy." Haiyuan walked to a drawer and took out a document and said: "Here are the identities of the knights. Just watch it here."]

["Oh, okay..." The two of them also sat down and looked at each other seriously. 】

[And Xiao Ai walked to the window: 'The strange devil...']

[After nightfall, Shirogane Yuxing was driven to Xiuzhiyuan by car. He will stay in the student union room today. The external explanation is that the documents have not been processed properly, but the detailed reason is to protect other people in the Jade Rabbit Cabin. 】

[And Shinomiya Kaguya naturally still wants to go back. 】

"I'm also on the stage." Dr. Ali scratched his head. He has been working overtime at Fusha Painting Company recently, or working overtime with his wife.

Because Mo Chen was in charge before, the company had a lot of projects. Although Fushahui knew about it, it was still troublesome to take over them all at once, especially since the entire company's finances had gone through an unknown amount recently.

The appearance of the video can be said to be a big advertisement for Fushahui, and it was completely publicized at once.

Everyone also voluntarily bought things painted by Fusha.

It's like supporting a hero.

Moreover, another reason why Dr. Ali works overtime here is that Mo Chen left a lot of auxiliary machinery production, blueprints, etc. to Dr. Ali, so Dr. Ali can only work overtime here.

But his wife, Fushae, is also here. Although the two got married very late, in their 40s, their relationship has always been very good.

Before Mo Chen took over, one person was responsible for external affairs and another person was responsible for research.

In terms of scientific research, it may not be able to compare with those super large companies before, but it is not weak anymore.

"This is my first time entering a video." Dr. Ali said, scratching his head and showing a smile. It seemed that he should be able to help.

We can't keep these juniors busy all the time.

Although I am older, I can still do a lot of things.

[The picture appears at the home of Dr. A Li, who has not been seen for a long time. 】

["Haihara, are you staying here tonight?" Kana Mizuguchi asked after sending Haibara to the door. Haiyuan glanced at the situation here with a complicated look, then shook his head and said, "Are you here?" Wait for me here for a while."]


[Opening the door, the room was very clean, but it did look like it hadn't been occupied for a while. Haiyuan headed straight towards the basement.The basement still preserves what Mo Chen looked like before his death, and there are many documents in it. 】

[Haiyuan began to rummage. 】

【Tap tap tap...】

[The sound of footsteps sounded, and Haiyuan continued to search without looking back. He said, "Didn't you continue to investigate?"]

["There is no way. I asked many people but couldn't figure out what the so-called strange demon god is. So I can only come here to see if Xiaochen has any records before." And the one who came down from upstairs was naturally Kudo Shinichi. 】

["Go and look for it over there." Haiyuan pointed to a place, and the two of them began to get busy. 】

["This place is still the same as before." While busy, Shinichi said: "I heard the conversation between the witch of the earth and Ishigami today."]

["Resurrection?" Haiyuan's fingers paused slightly, and then continued to work: "I have given up."]

["You would actually give up? This is not like you..."]

["I don't want to resurrect him who only has a physical form. By the way, you saw the two of them today, right?"]

["Well, one has joined Fourze's side, and the other, although still obsessed, is still looking forward. If Xiaochen sees it, he will probably be very happy."]

["If the two of them are still in that state, then it means Xiaochen has misjudged the person." Xiao Ai replied indifferently, and then when Shinichi was browsing, he suddenly came across A wall, and within the wall is a somewhat hollow sound. 】

[Xiao Ai and Shinichi glanced at each other, then started searching, and finally found a slot under the monitor. 】

[Xinyi and Xiao Ai looked at each other. Xinyi took out the memory and inserted it into the groove. The wall on one side was opened. There were some documents, a book, and a crystal-like crystal in the wall. of gems. 】

[""The Advent Calendar"? Chaotic" The two of them focused on the book. The book was decorated like gears, with the title of the book, and the book was locked with something like a mechanical watch strap. . 】

[The two tried it, but couldn't open it, so they just put it aside. 】

["Is this a diamond?" When he picked up the crystal, Shinichi noticed that it was not a crystal at all, but a diamond. 】

["It shouldn't be an ordinary thing." Haihara Ai just noticed that when Shinichi picked it up, the diamond lit up, but it was very weak and disappeared quickly. 】

["Yes, the introduction of the strange demon god." Haiyuan took the document and looked at it quickly, and then found the target he wanted. His expression changed slightly, and he handed the document to Shinichi on the side. 】

["This is..." Shinichi also showed a shocked expression after seeing it. 】

["The strange demon god...and Kiva's flames..." Shinichi looked like he had a headache and rubbed his head: "This world is getting more and more troublesome."]

["You happen to be in Xiu Zhiyuan, so I leave the contact with them to you." After Haibara calmed down, he looked at Shinichi next to him. 】

Chapter 2 This is a lie!

["The moon..." Because he lived in the Jade Rabbit cabin, Kasumigaoka Shiyu looked at the scenery outside the window, especially the earth, which looked very beautiful, like a gem. 】

["Although it is said that the temperature here is constant, you still need to cover yourself with a quilt when you are going to sleep later." Yinglili moved some blankets from the corner, and then a cloak. After giving the cloak to Shiyu, Yinglili also Looking outside: "Want to go outside for a walk?"]

["Is that ok?" Where and how Shiyu came in was all brought in with a blindfold. This was also Shinomiya Kaguya's request, but Shiyu did not go into details. 】

[Putting on spacesuits, the two walked out of the moon. 】

[What does it feel like on the moon? 】

[In Shiyu's opinion, it was silent and very empty.There is no sound. 】

【'It's as if it's so quiet here that you can hear your heart. Kneeling on the ground of the moon, Shiyu could only hear his own heavy breathing in his ears. Apart from these breathing sounds, he could hear nothing. 】

['Mo Chen...' At this time, Shi Yu was still thinking of Mo Chen. She slowly picked up the moon soil on the ground while feeling the silence.No one knew what she was thinking. 】

Cheng ["The moon is still very beautiful." At this time, a voice came into the ears of the two people. When they turned around, they saw that Baiyin Yuxing had transformed and appeared here. 】

["Kasumigaoka-san, there is one thing I have to tell you. Come in with me."]

["President..." After hearing this, Ying Lili roughly understood what Baiyin Yuxing was going to say, but in the end she said nothing. 】

[It is very dangerous in Xiuzhiyuan now. If this matter is hidden, the result will be even more dangerous. Now Shiyu is on the Jade Rabbit Cabin. No matter how big the mood swings are, he is not afraid. After calming down, there is no need to worry about the other party. Being taken advantage of by the star disciples. 】

[Furthermore, Shiyu has already de-doped her body once before, so she will consider the next thing. 】

"It's time I knew." Looking at the content in the video, Kasumigaoka Shiyu in real life showed a self-deprecating smile.

"Are you... okay?" Ying Lili on the side asked worriedly.

"Of course I'm fine, but... that's not necessarily the case for me in the future." But Kasumigaoka Shiyu shook her head, and at the same time supported her chin with both hands and looked at herself in the picture.

There is a saying that goes well: only after you lose something do you know how to cherish it.

After watching it as an outsider, I actually couldn't accept it, but now in the video, although I have experienced some, I have also grown.

However, Kasumigaoka Shiyu didn't think he could bear it, but Kasumigaoka Shiyu decided to accept it no matter what the outcome was.

Even if he becomes a villain.

Even if you become a villain.

Even if I... will die.

That's just your own fault.

"Is it really okay to tell her these things?" After packing his things and returning to the Jade Rabbit cabin, Ishigami Yu looked at Kasumigaoka Shiyu who had passed out and asked Shirogane Miyuki in a low voice. 】

["This is necessary." Shirogane Miyuki seemed a little cold at this time, leaning on the wall and looking at Eiri, who was taking care of Kasumigaoka Shiyu, the two of them. "Ishigami, you are most familiar with President Mo Chen. Can you tell me? Who are the two of them..."]

["I also know what happened to Sawamura-san before, and it's almost the same as what you know." Yu Ishigami obviously didn't want to say more on this issue, so he just said this. 】

["Really?" Baiyin Yuxing nodded, and then suddenly asked confusedly: "By the way, Ishigami, what do you think about meteors?"]

["..." Ishigami Yu looked calm and said: "I don't know. It just appeared a few times and there is no detailed data, so I don't know."]


[There was nothing to say all night. In the middle of it, Hayasaka Ai came over. Shinomiya Kaguya really couldn't come over, but I felt uneasy about having two girls here and Shirogane Miyako here at the same time. 】

[So in the end, Ishigami Yu and Shirogane Miyako lived outside, while Hayasaka Ai took the two of them in the jade rabbit cabin to prevent anything from happening. 】

["Then let's take the initiative now." The morning class time is coming, almost everyone in the school has arrived, and Shinomiya Kaguya came over very early to adjust the required switches.So Baiyin Yuxing proposed to dispatch directly here. 】

["..." Faced with Baiyin Yuxing's proposal, everyone looked at each other, and finally looked at Baiyin Yuxing, who was just a little anxious at this time.Seeing everyone looking at him, he coughed slightly and said, "I'm just making a suggestion. After all, class is about to start soon, and everyone needs to go to class too..."]

['This is a lie.' At this time, the narrator appeared again. 】

['Although there is indeed this consideration, there are other reasons for Baiyin Yuxing to make such a decision. '】

['First of all, when I was in school today, Shinomiya Kaguya looked at me with murderous eyes. (I just envy Shirogane Miyuki for being able to live in the student union room.) This makes Shirogane Mikyuki very bad. 'The narrator even mentioned the word brackets when he was talking.He explained the situation in detail, and added that tone, which was indeed a bit hilarious. 】

['Secondly, Baiyin Yuxing now has a deep sense of crisis, and this sense of crisis was not given to him by his star disciples.But...achievement. '】

['One of Baiyin Yuxing's strong advantages as the president of Xiu Zhiyuan's student council is his grades. He believes in the belief that results are the most important, even though Baiyin Yuxing's scores remain first in various basic examinations.But this time, there are many exchange students with ridiculously good grades.Therefore, Baiyin Royal Bank was also born with a sense of crisis. '】

['Once he lost his grades, Shirogane Yuyuki felt that his status next to Shinomiya Kaguya would be reduced.This is also why Baiyin Yuxing is somewhat radical. '】

[After the narrator’s explanation, everyone understood.It turned out that Baiyin Yuxing had a sense of crisis. 】

["Let's wait for Kudo-san's investigation." Kaguya Shinomiya on the other side said seriously: "We don't know anything now, at least we need to get some information before we take action, President..."]

【"This is a lie!"】

Chapter 3 Kamen Rider Den-O?

['This is a lie. There are two reasons why Shinomiya Kaguya said this. 'The narrator once again appeared passionately. 】

['First of all, I am naturally worried about the safety of Shirogane Mikado. I have said before that Shinomiya Kaguya is very worried about the safety of Shirogane Mikako. As for the second question, she also has the same idea as Shirogane Mikako.That's the result...']

['Shinomiya Kaguya doesn't think victory is the best. Sometimes showing weakness is also Shinomiya Kaguya's rule, but... there is only one thing about results. After she was defeated by Shirogane Miyuki, she He is even more eager to defeat Baiyin Yuxing in terms of performance. '】

['Yes, results! '】

['In Hidenoin, results mean everything, and for Shirogane Mikaru, results are everything. For Shinomiya Kaguya, defeating Shirogane Mikaru in terms of results is what she has to do. '】

[No one knows what the two of them are thinking. If the narrator's voice hadn't sounded, maybe no one would have thought about it in detail.Until the afternoon, Shiyu and Yinglili did not come out of the Jade Rabbit cabin under Baiyin Yuxing's request for leave. 】

["President, how are you preparing for this exam?" The two of them were walking on the road after school in the afternoon, chatting. 】

["The review is not very good. I think this time maybe Shinomiya Kaguya you will get No. 1." Shirogane Yuxing looked very relaxed and said: "Of course, this time there are people from other schools. There are also people with very good grades, and the No. 1 spot may belong to you or them."]

['This is a lie. This man hardly gives up any learning opportunities now. He only rested for three hours last night and relied on coffee to survive. He has even reduced his training recently.Just to get the No. 1 result. '】

["Really? I didn't review well either. I think the president will get No. 1 this time." Shinomiya Kaguya also explained with a smile. 】

['This is a lie. This woman was reading constantly even during debugging, just to get the No. 1 result. '】

["Secretary Fujiwara?" At this time, I met Chika Fujiwara. Chika Fujiwara also looked a little nervous and said, "President, Shinomiya-san, how are you doing in your review?"]

【"so so."】


[The answers of the two were very vague, while Fujiwara Chika looked a little flustered: "I have been studying hard recently. I didn't expect that I would have to take an exam during my exchange period. I thought the exam was going to be cancelled." 】

["It's okay, Fujiwara-san. If you keep doing this kind of review, it may have the opposite effect." Shinomiya Kaguya explained with a smile. 】

【'This is a lie'】

["Really? My previous results were about to fall out of the 150th place. If my results were too poor, a lot of pocket money would be deducted." Fujiwara Chika said in a panic. 】

["That's right, Secretary Fujiwara, I won't review for a period of time before the exam. I will play seriously for a while, so that the exam results will be better." Shirogane Miyuki on the side also said very calmly. 】

【'This is a lie'】

["That's it..." After hearing what the two top students said, Fujiwara Chika showed a heartfelt smile: "Then I won't review!"]

【'This is real. The narrator's voice was a bit teasing: "Under the explanations of the two top students, Chika Fujiwara decided to give up reviewing. Little did they know that the two of them only said these words just in case, in order to eliminate any competition. Or, even if this competitor's performance does not threaten the two of them. '】

【I met Yu Ishigami again on the road. 】

["Ishigami, how is your review?" Fujiwara Chika asked curiously, while Ishigami Yu gave a thumbs up and said: "Of course, I have been reviewing."]

['This is a lie. In order to improve his strength recently, this person has been training his front-foot skills. He has no time to study at all, and his academic performance will naturally not improve.For Ishigami Yu, performance is not the most important thing. '】

[While chatting, he returned to the student union room. 】

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