The state changed too quickly. Seeing this, Xiao Ai went to get a blanket to cover Mo Chen, and then everyone continued to watch the TV screen.

Because today’s video is actually just the beginning.

[The screen returns to Xiu Zhiyuan. 】

[The results of the mock exam are out, some are happy and some are sad. 】

[As for No.3, Kasumigaoka Shiha seems to have returned to the very elegant state before everything happened. She gently crossed her legs, holding a romance novel in her hand, and flipped her hair. Looking at the books, I really feel like a young literary girl. 】

["Are you in a good mood recently?" Eirili said in surprise when she saw Kasumigaoka Shiyu's scene. 】

[Now Kasumigaoka Shiu has transformed back into one of the two school beauties they just met before. She is elegant, mature, intellectual, etc... Only Eiri feels that if she is a man, she might also like her. It's the other person's. 】

[And Kasumigaoka Shiyu's recovery from the decadent state there was so good, it surprised Eiri. 】

["It's not good to continue to be decadent." Shiyu looked very elegant and generous with a hint of a smile: "After all...he probably doesn't want to see me looking like this. ”]

["Really? Just think about it this way." Naturally, Yinglili didn't hear the hidden content in Shiyu's words. Instead, she felt that Shiyu was looking away, so she felt very happy for Shiyu. 】

["Who are you?" At this moment, such a voice came from the distance, causing Yinglili and Shiyu to look at each other and walk over together.Because they all know this voice. 】

[In the corner, inside the corner, a boy is half lying on the ground. He is wearing a black school uniform. He can't resist his appearance, but he is half lying on the ground.One hand supported his body. 】

[In front of that man was Iino Yako. She was holding some documents in her hands and looking down at the boy lying on the ground. 】

["What's wrong with Mizi?" Yinglili came over with Shiyu and asked curiously. 】

["Hello, Sawamura-senpai, and Kasumigaoka-senpai." When Eriri called out, Iino Yako first said hello to the two of them, and then explained. 】

["Although this classmate is wearing the uniform of Toyozhiqi School, I remember that he is not an exchange student among Toyozhiqi, so I am asking about it."]

["Toyozhiqi?" Shiyu and Eirili looked at each other. The two of them were from Toyozhiqi before, so they took a step forward, and then they were stunned together. 】

["..." The screen slowly shifted from the place blocked by Mizi to the boy's face. 】

["Mo...Mo Chen..." Shi Yu and Ying Lili were both very surprised, and they immediately pounced on him. 】

["Is it really you?" The two hugged Mo Chen's body from top to bottom. 】

["Mo...Chen...?" Mo Chen blocked the way. There seemed to be some expressions in his slightly dull eyes. He raised his head and glanced at the two people hugging him in front of him, and his voice was very... It was strange, like a mechanical voice, but after the name was called out, the voice also changed and became Mo Chen's voice. 】

["Mo Chen?" The name behind them was also frightened by the actions of the two people in front of them, but after hearing the two people calling each other's names, they all looked at the man in front of them in surprise. 】

[Mo Chen, Mi Zi has heard of this person’s name. 】

[He can be said to be a hero in Kamen Rider. Many Kamen Riders have been helped by him, and there are many knights who can be said to have been created by him.And I heard that Yu Ishigami was his friend, but he passed away very early. 】

[Originally, Yako thought he was an adult, or an old man, but he didn't expect him to be such a young person. 】

[As for what happened to Mo Chen and Shi Yu before, Mi Zi actually doesn’t know anything about it. 】

Chapter 81 Miyano Shiho and Mo Chen!

['Mo Chen' was brought back to the student union room, and then everyone in the student union looked at Mo Chen. 】

["..." Ishigami Yu looked at Mo Chen in front of him, with some sadness in his eyes, but he did not speak, but looked at Mo Chen in front of him with a serious expression. 】

["Mo Chen...President?" Shirogane Yuyuki and Shinomiya Kaguya were the last to come back. Because they still had some things to deal with, when they came back, they opened the door. Then he saw Mo Chen sitting in the main seat. 】

["President..." Mo Chen in front of him was like a child, blinking at Baiyin Yuxing in front of him. 】

["What's going on?" Shinomiya Kaguya looked at the other people next to him. 】

[Yazi and Yinglili briefly explained the situation, while Shiyu opened the door, holding many books and some food in his hands and placed them in front of Mo Chen, and began to feed Mo Chen. 】

["Is it delicious?" Shiyu asked very gently. 】

["Is it delicious...?" And obviously 'Mo Chen' doesn't look very smart. 】

["Do you think he is Mo Chen?" But Baiyin Yuxing injured Ishigami Yu and the two ran to the side and started whispering. 】

["That's not Xiaochen." Ishigami Yu said directly without hesitation: "Xiaochen is dead and there is no way to resurrect him. At least not yet."]

["Then who is he?" Baiyin Yuxing also believes that people cannot be resurrected after death, but if this is the case, then who is this Mo Chen in front of him? 】

["Did the strange demon god do it?" Yu Ishigami made such a guess. 】

["Is it a strange demon?" Baiyin Yuxing lowered his head and thought for a while: "It is indeed possible. The other party's existence is to fulfill Xia Zhiqiu's wish, and Xia Zhiqiu wants to see Mo Chen again, so naturally it is like this That’s it. That makes sense...I’ll contact Yoshii-san.”]

["No need to contact you." At this time, the door of the student union room opened, and a person walked in. His eyes swept over the people in front of him, especially on Kasumigaoka Shiu and Eiriri for a while, and finally Put it on Shinomiya Kaguya. 】

["That? Who are you?" Shinomiya Kaguya felt that the adult in front of her looked very familiar, and the look in his eyes was also very familiar, but who was the other person?Shinomiya Kaguya thought about it for a while, but still didn't remember it.Have you seen each other somewhere? 】

["Miyano Shiho, or another name you are more familiar with...Haihara Ai." The person who came was naturally Miyano Shiho. 】

["! Old...old...old...teacher!!!" Shinomiya Kaguya was really shocked, and everyone else almost jumped. 】

["Xiao Ai..." Mo Chen tilted his head and glanced at Miyano Shiho in front of him and then said these words in a daze. 】

["..." After being called by 'Mo Chen', Miyano Shiho took a deep breath and seemed to calm down his mood. Then he looked at everyone in front of him: "This time I came here for Two things."]

["Kaguya, come with me." shouted Shinomiya Kaguya, and the two walked out of the student union room, and saw Miyano Shiho walking out of the student union room. "Mo Chen" stood up, looking as if he wanted to follow Same as going up.However, Kasumigaoka Shiyu grabbed her arm.This made 'Mo Chen' have a puzzled expression on his face, and then he sat down obediently. 】

[After the two walked out of the student union room, Miyano Shiho handed the silver box in his hand to Shinomiya Kaguya: "There is a new drive in this."]

["New drive?" After hearing Miyano Shiho's words, Shinomiya Kaguya opened his eyes and immediately opened the silver box. The Nadeshiko drive inside surprised Shinomiya Kaguya: "What is this drive?" ?”]

["This is derived from switch No. 40, and it cannot be used by others. Now it seems that only you can use it, but Kaguya, your body is too weak, and each battle cannot last too long, you know?" Miyano Shiho said, reaching out and rubbing Shinomiya Kaguya's head. 】

[Miyano Shiho, who has turned back into an adult, is a head taller than Shinomiya Kaguya. Naturally, he can easily touch the other person's head: "As for switch No. 40, there are still many mysteries in it. It will take some time." , I remember switch No. 30, Baiyin Yuxing hasn’t used it yet?”]

["Well, because there are no enemies recently, there is no chance to use the president." Shinomiya Kaguya explained, then thought of something and whispered: "By the way, teacher... Meteor is also a teacher, you stay Are you the one who came down?"]

["..." Miyano Shiho glanced at Shinomiya Kaguya, and instead of answering this answer, he said: "You should pay more attention to yourself. Recently, a new Zodiac has appeared."]

["Another one?" After hearing Miyano Shiho's words, Shinomiya Kaguya's expression changed slightly. 】

["Yes, so you should pay attention." Miyano Shiho nodded, then opened the door and went in: "Okay, I will take him away next."]

["Come with me." After Miyano Shiho opened the door and came in, he walked directly to the side of 'Mo Chen' and looked at Mo Chen in front of him. His eyes were a little complicated and he quickly became very cold and said: "You don't belong here."】

"Wait, where are you taking Mo Chen?" Seeing Mo Chen stand up obediently, Shi Yu grabbed Mo Chen's arm.Wanted to hold Mo Chen. 】

["Kasumigaoka Shiyu, this matter has little to do with you." Miyano Shiho looked at Shiyu in front of him and said: "I know that your guilt for Mo Chen turned into love, but this existence in front of you , regardless of whether he is Mo Chen, he is not human at all."]

["Not...human?" After hearing Miyano Shiho's words, everyone looked at 'Mo Chen']

[When Mo Chen saw everyone looking at him, he showed a cute and innocent smile. Then under everyone's surprised eyes, his face turned into a ball of silver slime, and then they gathered together and looked. It looks very weird. 】

["What on earth is going on?" Everyone was shocked. 】

["He is just an unknown cosmic creature, without any personal consciousness or thoughts. The reason why he became like Mo Chen is because he has the data left by Mo Chen. You can understand this Mo Chen is just a machine without any emotions."]

take a break

Grandma passed away at 8 o'clock this morning. I'm sorry to have to take a day off today.

Grandma passed away when she was 90 years old. Although it was hard to say that she was in pain, her last days were also unbearable and painful. Alas...she had been lying down for almost half a month without eating or drinking.

Sigh... I really am not in the mood to write anymore today. Sorry, please take a break...

Chapter 82 Human Nature

"Xiao Ai's words are a bit too much."

"But is it true that Kasumigaoka Shiyu's guilt for Mo Chen turned into love?"

"Now it seems that this is the highest possibility."

"After all, I just liked the man with glasses before. After knowing the truth, it will indeed turn into love due to guilt or regret and transferred feelings. However, such feelings are actually in the relationship between two people. It’s very detrimental.”

"And Xiao Ai's words are indeed true. The current Mo Chen is not Mo Chen himself, but an unknown creature that just borrowed Mo Chen's body."

"If we transfer those feelings again, won't Mo Chen himself be too pitiful soon?"

"There is also the matter of the strange demon god."

"I'm a little curious. The jellyfish demon god didn't show up?"

"Yes, according to Kasumigaoka Shiyu's previous wish, didn't he just want to see Mo Chen again? Although it is a bit tricky, but now we have indeed seen him again? And then the strange demon god didn't show up?"

"It seems that the strange demon god must have some scruples."

"Think about it, there are several knights here? The other party doesn't dare to come directly, right? This is too dangerous..."

"Yes, it seems that the other party is the kind of person who knows how to use tactics, and even if he does, he doesn't dare to come over rashly."

[After hearing what Miyano Shiho said, everyone looked at 'Mo Chen' and Shiyu also slightly let go of the other person's hand.Seeing this scene, Miyano Shiho nodded slightly, then raised his hand and looked at Mo Chen. 】

["Come with me!" Miyano Shiho raised his hand, and 'Mo Chen' was a little dazed, but he still stood up and walked to Miyano Shiho's side. 】

["Then I will take him away first. Just work hard..." After Miyano Shiho confirmed, he looked at the others, then reached out and took Mo Chen's arm and faced outside. Went out,]

["..." Shiyu's fists were clenched. 】

[The scene moved to the parking lot inside the school. A motorcycle parked next to Miyano Shiho's new car. The visitor took off his sunglasses and glanced at Mo Chen next to Miyano Shiho, who was also a little surprised: "Mo Chen?" 】

["No, it's not Mo Chen..." Miyano Shiho shook his head and said: "Let's go back to the laboratory first. By the way, why are you here? Where is Nanatsuki?"]

["Miss Yuesui heard that there was information about core coins in Kyushu, so she reported to Mr. Agasa early in the morning and left, so I was the only one here." The person who came was naturally Kyogoku Makoto. 】

["Then let's go."]

When Miyano Shiho just got on the car, Kyogoku Makoto suddenly stood in front of Miyano Shiho: "Be careful..."]

[A ball of blue water flew over from a distance and landed directly on the ground in front of Miyano Shiho. It was supposed to attack Kyogoku, but Kyogoku just avoided the attack with an iron bridge. 】

["It did appear. But..." Miyano Shiho looked at Aquarius in front of him and took a few steps back after thinking: "Leave it to you."]

["Yes." Kyogoku nodded, and then took out Danqi's driver and a cell coin. 】



[As the concise sound effects sounded, Kyogoku transformed into Danki. 】

["Is this the Hoshido?" Shaking his hand, Kyogoku Makoto made a fighting gesture, and Aquarius's target was obviously not Kyogoku Makoto or Miyano Shiho, but Mo Chen who was beside the car. '】

["What?" Kyogoku Zhen obviously didn't expect that the other party actually cared so much about 'Mo Chen'. He hit Aquarius with his fist. Aquarius was indeed hit by his, and the other party also cried out in pain. , but the opponent actually ran towards Mo Chen despite his own attack. 】

["?" When Kyogoku saw this, he immediately called out the drill, and the drill hit Aquarius' body. Water splashed out of Aquarius' body, and Aquarius continued to walk that way, but the drill on his shoulder The water bottle began to overflow and water immediately repaired the injuries on the body. 】

["Leave this guy to me." However, even though Aquarius was repaired, he was still pushed back a certain distance. But at this time, another pool of water appeared in front of Aquarius, and then turned into the jellyfish demon god, jellyfish The strange demon god blocked Danqi's attack at once. 】

[Seeing that the Jellyfish Demon God blocked the attack, Aquarius chased Miyano Shiho, but Miyano Shiho had already escaped with Mo Chen. After all, the car was covered with strange blue liquid. 】

[Miyano Shiho's speed was not fast, and soon Aquarius appeared in front of Miyano Shiho. 】

["Kasumigaoka Shiu... I know it's you." At this time, Miyano Shiho stopped running and stopped, looking at Aquarius behind him or Kasumigaoka Shiu and said. 】

["..." Aquarius was silent for a while, pressed the special black-red switch of the Zodiac Star Disciple with his finger, and then changed back to Kasumigaoka Shiyu: "Leave him to me. ”]

["I said, he is not Xiaochen, Xiaochen is already dead. This is not your fault, but the choice he made. Give me the Star Disciple Switch." After seeing that it was Kasumigaoka Shiyu, Miyano Shiho was not very surprised: "Your future is still very bright. Your studies and work are going well. You will become a very good woman in the future. You should not get involved in such things."]

["Before I know everything, maybe I will become the person you said, but now... I have the ability to change these, I have the ability to resurrect him, I can do it. Please believe me." And Kasumigaoka Shiyu also He didn't give Miyano Shiho a bad look, but looked at Mo Chen who was behind Miyano Shiho and said with a serious expression. 】

["Do you know anything about human nature?" Miyano Shiho suddenly asked. 】

["Humanity..." And Kasumigaoka Shiyu thought Miyano Shiho wanted to talk about the fact that he might have lost his humanity: "Even if I lose my humanity and become a monster, I will resurrect him, and in the end I will I hope I will die in his hands.”]

["I'm not talking about you." But Miyano Shiho put a hand on Mo Chen next to him: "It's Xiaochen!"]

["After Xiao Chen lost his humanity, it was because of our existence and our responsibility to you that he remained like that. And the Xiao Chen you want to resurrect is just Xiao Chen's data. It can indeed be said that he is Xiao Chen. , but he has completely lost his humanity.”]

Chapter 83 Mo Chen is resurrected!

["After Xiao Chen lost his humanity, it was because of our existence and our responsibility to you that he remained like that. And the Xiao Chen you want to resurrect is just Xiao Chen's data. It can indeed be said that he is Xiao Chen. , but he has completely lost his humanity.”]

["I will arouse his humanity, even if it means my life, my everything." Kasumigaoka Shiyu said seriously upon seeing this, and then pressed the switch of the Zodiac.Became an Aquarius. 】

["You have no idea..." Miyano Shiho also knew that he could not stop Kasumigaoka Shiu, but before she could say anything, her body was locked by the water braid like water flowing on Aquarius' right hand. Living. , she has no transformation ability or any special abilities, so she can only watch. 】

["Resurrection..." After seeing Miyano Shiho give up his position, Aquarius looked at Mo Chen in front of him with some excitement. 】

[And this 'Mo Chen' looked at Aquarius in front of him in confusion.Then Aquarius waved his hands, and the water on the shoulder armor gathered together, forming a large water ball in mid-air, and then suddenly wrapped 'Mo Chen' in the water. 】

[The water ball flies towards the sky. 】

[The battle between the Jellyfish Demon God and Danqi has attracted the attention of many people. Many people ran over and just happened to see this scene in front of them. 】

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