It's just that before coming to Adachi City, it wasn't that serious. After coming to Adachi City, narcolepsy really got worse.

It was precisely because of this that she delayed for a long time to find the person in the picture dictated by the great miko.

Because, you will always miss countless opportunities because of sleeping.

As expected today, I had another dream.

In the dream, the great miko stood under the cherry blossom tree, surrounded by pink petals.

She stood far away, looking up at the large cherry blossom tree and the great witch in the distance with an expressionless face.

The great witch turned around, with a fox mask on her face, and smiled at her and said:

"The opportunity has come."

"The cat is a messenger, it is timid, but when you scare it, it will lead you to where you want. Don't miss this opportunity, go and pursue your happiness."

"Come on~! Remember, if it's late, you will get sick and the chance will be elusive again."


Lying on the big bed, Kasugano Qiong suddenly woke up with a hand gently pressing his forehead.

She opened her eyes wide, recalling the scene just now in her mind, and recalling the strange words said by the great witch wearing a fox mask.

The opportunity has come.

Cats are messengers,

Pursue your happiness…

"The opportunity has come. (acbh)"

Kasugano Qiong murmured, stood up, and put her white and tender feet into the slippers.

Because I was extremely sleepy, I stood at the edge of the bed for a while, then suddenly quickened my pace, headed for the door, and even trotted away.

Room 703 entrance.


The more Tsuchima looked at the little white cat, the more he liked it. When the other party discovered it, he didn't panic. He put his hand into a fist next to his face and meowed.

The little white cat stared at her with wide eyes, seemingly wary.

"I'll give you a hair dryer, do you want it?" Toma asked with a smile.

She always felt that the way the kitten swayed from time to time was a little weird. "Meow~!"

The little white cat barked at her again.

Toma Mi smiled and said: "Okay, okay, I'm a good person. I really just want to help you with some blowing. Come on, come on, come to my sister's arms." As he said, he took one step, two steps, three steps... to get closer. The little white cat almost rushed to hug it... "Meow~!"

The little white cat screamed as if its fur was exploding, turned around and ran away downstairs.

The smile on Tsuchima's face froze. After a while, he turned around and ran downstairs very quickly, shouting:

"Don't run away. I'm sorry. I scared you just now, but I'm really not a bad person."

"Hey! Don't run so fast, be careful to hurt... Gugu! I'm hungry... No, you should slow down!!"


Kasugano Qiong trotted to the door and opened the door suddenly with longing and excitement.

In front of you, around you, around you.

It's an empty corridor.

Nothing but silence.

Kasugano Qiong was unwilling to give in, and after taking a hard look at everything around him, he suddenly felt a headache.

Because the illness was so sudden, even if she wanted to go downstairs and search carefully, she had no choice but to turn around sadly and go back to the living room... She couldn't go back to the bedroom, but On the sofa in the living room, he fell asleep again.

In the dream, the great witch wearing a mask seemed to be sighing: "What a miserable child. It seems that I can only wait for the other party to come to the door in person."

"But since then, I'm afraid it will be a long time coming. Will this child be able to wait until that time at the entrance..."

"Bah! Dirty words! Keep silent!!"

Chapter 160 This level of energy concentration is so terrifying, I’m afraid only the other side...

"Hey! Don't run!"

"Don't run away!"

"I told you I'm sorry...ah~ Damn it, I'm still so hungry...No, hey! Don't get me wrong, I won't eat you even if I'm hungry, so don't run away, Sumi Marsion~!"

Mi Toma chased the little white cat all the way, and actually chased him out of the building ~ and came to Miaomori Village.

She didn't stop until the little white cat stopped in front of the door.

Standing in front of the door, Mi Toma put his hands on his hips and panted, muttering: "Is this the kitten raised by this family?"


My stomach started growling again.

Tsuchima bulged his mouth, not daring to stay any longer. He had to go home quickly to find Kuole, potato chips and...


What is so fragrant?

As a senior foodie, Mi Toma's sense of smell is so sensitive that he turned around almost instantly!

On Yuan Ye Yu's side, he carried the big basin back and put it down before going out to buy breakfast.

It’s still the pastry shop opposite.

Baumkuchen, sushi, cookies, I haven’t eaten potato chips for a long time, and I even bought two extra packs of potato chips and a bottle of happiness, that’s probably all.

But, it was fine when I went there, but when I came back, there was an extra person at the door?

And when the other person's head is turned...good guy!Looks so familiar!Isn’t this a Wumei?

It's just that Yuhara Yu is weird. Xiaomi is a dry girl inside, but she is a standard "other people's child" outside. She is a beautiful girl. Why did she come out wearing a hamster cloak today?

"Deduct your seven babies."

Tsuchima's reaction was super fast, and as usual, he showed a very bright and beautiful smile to others.

Yuan Ye Yu blinked and smiled: "Hello, are you a neighbor here?"

"Yeah, yeah, I live in the building opposite." Tsuchima nodded, his expressions and movements were all in place.

Apart from..


My stomach growled again! !

Yuan Ye almost couldn't hold back his laughter. He raised the bag in his hand and asked, "Since we are neighbors, do you want to have breakfast together?"

"No, no, I just went out for a walk and exercise. Well, I'm not hungry, not at all."

Tsuchima immediately covered her stomach, but her earlobes suddenly turned red, and she waved her hands back.

Even though, his eyes have long been fixed on the snack bag held in Yuan Ye Yu’s hand and he can’t pull it out?

but!I warned myself crazily... Go!Come on, Xiaomi!There is an abyss!

[When you are staring into the abyss, the abyss is also staring at you! 】

Once you break the precept, your bad and depraved side will be completely known to everyone!

This is absolutely, absolutely, unfeasible! ! !

The soles of my feet felt as if they were filled with lead, but fortunately Tujian Mi was determined and walked through the most difficult part of the road - missing Yuno Yuu and the big bag of snacks one by one.Yuhara Yu clearly saw these little tricks of Toma Buri, and deliberately turned around and shouted:

"Hey! My name is Yuanye, and I live in this room. What about you? Also, do you really want to come over and eat some? I can't finish all this myself." Toma buried his head and didn't even look back. I didn’t dare to reply, because I was afraid that if I looked at the snacks one more time, I wouldn’t be able to leave. I forced a smile and replied: “Tsuchian, Tsuchian buried, we really don’t want to eat together, next time, next time, Aliga many."

As a super perfect girl, how can she be so casual and eat at someone else's house for the first time when we meet? This is so unreasonable!

It will ruin the image!

Until now, Tsuchima Mi was not aware of it at all, because she was wearing a hamster cloak and burgundy shorts. When going out in such an outfit, her image in Harano Yuu's house had been completely ruined.

That's why she made a decisive decision and resisted the temptation of breakfast snacks and her growling stomach with her strong perseverance.

Reserved, he held his hands and piled them in front of his belly, and went home with a perfect smile on his face. "The self-cultivation of a beautiful girl!" 》

Yuhara Yu looked at Tsuchima leaving, shook his head, and couldn't help laughing.

Xiaomi actually lives here too?

That's too coincidental.

It's exactly a card that has been reserved.

"With Xiaomi here, Dahei Tsuchima will probably show up as well. When the two cards are combined, my [Scholar Master] career should be at full level, right?" Yuhara Yuu planned in his mind and returned to Miaomori. village.

At this time, it was almost seven o'clock, and Ai Hinazuru had already woken up. She found that Yuanyo Yu had brought breakfast back, and she suddenly felt ashamed. "Master~!"

"Ai will definitely get up earlier tomorrow! Even earlier than before! I must prepare breakfast for Master in advance!" Before eating cookies, Ai Chuhe vowed with her little face raised.

Yuanye Yuyile agreed: "Okay, then it's up to you, but you are still growing, so you must first make sure you have enough sleep." 0...Please give me flowers...

"Then..." Chuhe Ai shook his head and thought for a moment, then suddenly said, "Then Ai, go to bed early in the future!"

"It's up to you."

To be honest, Harano Yuu wishes that Hinata loves this elementary school student to go to bed early.

In this case, Kong Yinzi can stay at Miaomori Manor and be with him... Well, that's it.

The last time he went home, it was his home court after all. Masato Sora and Rina Tsukikawa were really watching closely, so he couldn't make a move.

The only time I was released was on the train.

I wasn't so lucky when I came back. Although I had learned from the past and brought an extra pair of pantyhose, there were too many people and I didn't get a suitable box. I only had two tickets.

After finishing breakfast, there was no money left. Yuhara Yu thought that he was probably tired from the journey.


He was like this yesterday. He could fall asleep even if a few elementary school students stepped on his back.

He wants to send Hinata to school, and similarly, Aoyama Nanami from Sakurasou also wants to send Mashiro to school.

However, Nanami Aoyama was embarrassed to the core and was too embarrassed to come to Mewsen Village, so she appointed Misaki Kamiigusa...

"Hey hey~!"

"Wano, Ai-chan, Mashiro, are you up? It's almost time for school, so you can't be late."

Misaki Kamikusa was jumping up and down when she walked in from the outside.

The energy is almost the same as when I was drying the clothes just now. No, it may be that the energy is bursting!

This concentration of vitality is so terrifying that only Takaba Eno from the Homura Pastry House across from the apartment can barely compete with it.

"It's in the house, you go ahead, remember to let Mashiro finish eating the Baumkuchen before leaving. I also have to send Xiao Ai to the training meeting, so I won't wait for you."

Yuan Ye You smiled and raised his chin towards the master bedroom that was supposed to be his bedroom.

"Ok~! I will definitely lock the door for you, Harano. Go, go." Misaki Kamikusa immediately promised with a smile and an OK gesture.

"Thank you for your hard work." Yuanye Yu nodded, greeted Hina Heai, and the master and apprentice left.

In fact, he didn't need to leave so early. However, he would not come in unless he walked through Qingshan Nanami.

If Nanami Aoyama doesn't come in, is it really possible for an unreliable Misaki Kamikusa to take care of Mashiro who just got up?

On what?

Rely on vitality? …Pooh!Several.

Chapter 161 [Earn some money next time in the chess world?] Harano’s intervention

Yuhara Yu sent Hinata Ai to JS Research School. Although it was still early in the morning, it was more than enough time to walk to school.

but!You have money!

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