"Then let's talk about the competition for ministers."

"Did you think about it yesterday?"

Yuan Ye Yu asked cheerfully.

Yukinoshita Yukino turned around, stared at Yuhara Yu with a pair of dark eyes, and asked: "Is there no other way?"

"Yes, no." Yuanye Yu nodded.

Yukinoshita Yukino stared at Harano Yu and thought for a moment, then nodded slightly and said: "I will ask you three questions. As long as you can answer them all correctly, the minister will leave it to you."

Yuan Ye Yu asked with a smile: "What about you? You won't quit, right? I want an empty shell of a rubbish club, but it will be of no use at all."

Yukinoshita Yukino was touched, and her pretty face turned red.

She had really thought before that if Yuano Yuu wanted to be the minister, she would simply quit and not be under the influence of others.

However, Yuan Ye first pointed it out, then! ! ...How can there be so many? Yukinoshita Yukino said firmly: "You can't answer them all correctly!"

"Answer me first." Yuanye Yu chased after him.

Yukinoshita Yukino's eyes turned cold. She was so excited that she slammed the book on the table next to her and paused: "Me! No! Retreat!"

Yuan Ye Yu felt very comfortable and said with a smile: "Okay, then you can tell me."

Yukinoshita Yukino was obviously prepared. Without thinking at this moment, she said: "If a bear fell into a hole about 4.916 meters deep and fell to the ground in 1 second, what color would this bear be?"

This question seems to have removed a lot of conditions from the question, and the final question is even more ridiculous.

The person who didn’t follow the preface and the post went so far as to ask about the color of the bear’s hair?

But in fact, I used a little cleverness to make a big turn on the question.

Yes, Yukinoshita Yukino simply admitted from the bottom of her heart that Yuu Harano was a super smart guy.

But isn't this a coincidence?

The smarter the guy, the easier it is for him to get into trouble when faced with this kind of problem.

I tried my best to use all the conditions on the question to dig out, but in the end I could only get frustrated.

The corners of Yukinoshita Yukino's lips were slightly raised, and she squinted at Harano Yu with a slightly proud look, wanting to appreciate the other person's rare embarrassment.Who knows!As soon as she made this move, Harano Yuu spoke: "It seems that there is nothing difficult." Yukinoshita Yukino's smile froze at the corner of her mouth and her eyes narrowed. Is this guy the same? ..."It should be red." Yuanye Youyun gave the answer calmly. .

Chapter 170 The embarrassed Yukino

There was silence in the serving club.

The origin of Jingjing was entirely due to Yuhara Yu's almost unthinking answer to Yukino's question.

so! !

Is Yukinoshita Yukino shocked?

Well, yes, but not entirely.

Because after being quiet for only a few seconds, Yukinoshita Yukino suddenly covered her mouth with her hands, her fair and pretty face twitching slightly.

I endured it, endured it, and finally couldn't bear it anymore. I covered my little mouth and let out a loud laugh.

Tears of laughter almost flowed out, and the flower branches were trembling... This was the first time since she came to Sobu that she laughed like this.

The character is a bit broken, but I really can’t help it. What can I do?

"Hey, Harano-san, your answer, pfft! Haha, hahaha, your unfounded answer is simply..."

"Is there any question?" Yuan Ye Yu remained calm and even asked with curious eyes.

Yukinoshita Yukino struggled to hold back her laughter and asked: "So, do you have any basis? What about the calculation method, or... Pfft! Wait, wait, wait!" She raised a small white hand to interrupt first , unable to hold back his smile, said: "First of all, are there red bears?"

"Yes." Yuanye nodded.

When Yukinoshita Yukino heard that Harano Yuu was still talking harshly, she raised her eyebrows and said displeasedly: "Harano-san, even if you really don't want to admit defeat, there is no need to use such rogue..."

"The bear fell off the cliff and was covered in blood. Isn't it red?" Yuan Ye replied with a simple face.

Yukinoshita Yukino's laughter stopped suddenly, and she was dumbfounded. She said blankly: "How could a bear fall off the cliff..." It's over!

No Yu Yuano needed to explain, she had already thought of it!

A fall from a height of 4.918 meters is almost as high as a two-story building. If a person falls, he will be covered in blood, and so will the bear.

Even if he is not dead, he will be disabled, and it seems natural that he will be covered in blood when he falls.

There was a sudden silence.

Yukinoshita Yukino pursed her lips, stared at Yuhara Yu with a pair of black eyes, and secretly gritted her teeth.

I didn’t expect that!I really didn’t expect that!This guy is so powerful... When she heard this question, she thought about it for two full hours.

Not to mention, Yuhara Yu seems to have provided her with a brand new way of solving problems!The bear fell and was covered in blood!Turned into red hair!

In comparison, her previous answer about polar bear was a bit unreliable... I fell from a height of nearly 5 meters, is there anything wrong?Just because you're called a polar bear?

"Hey, don't be silent. What is the answer? You should speak." Yuan Ye Yu urged.

Yukinoshita Yukino forced a smile and did not choose to give out her answer. She just said lightly: "You got the answer right."

Yuan Ye rolled his eyes and curled his lips and said, "You got it right. You were laughing so happily just now. Those who didn't know thought I had some funny answer."

The corner of Yukinoshita Yukino's mouth twitched slightly, and she was secretly embarrassed: Then wasn't it because I didn't know you would think so when I laughed just now? !

Anyone who hears the red-haired bear will feel unreliable and want to go crazy laughing, right?

"Next question!" Yukinoshita Yukino said bluntly, not wanting to dwell too much on such a problem that was very detrimental to her.

Yuan Ye Yu straightened his posture and said, "Please speak."

Yukinoshita Yukino said: "In this world, which came first, the chicken or the egg?"

Compared with the previous question, this question is too insidious!

In any case, when the former question is asked, at least there is a standard answer.

Although this standard answer seems very unreliable, Yuan Ye subverted it easily and without knowing it.

But this one!

There is no answer to the paradox question!In other words, no matter who Yuano Yu says comes first, they will fail!

The corners of Yukinoshita Yukino's lips were slightly raised again.

Yuanye, the clinker, quickly replied: "The chicken comes first, then the eggs."

Got it!And so fast?... Yukinoshita Yukino's eyes were filled with strange colors, and she said with a half-smile but not a smile: "Are you sure?"

"Yes!" Yuanye Yuan nodded carelessly and said, "Egg, egg! Isn't that just the chicken in front and the egg in the back?"

Yukinoshita Yukino, who had no time to refute Harano Yuu as a winner and had a good time, was stunned again.


Yuhara Yu was still holding the table with a bored look on his face, holding half of his cheek with his hand and complaining: "You are asked such a non-technical question. You are so boring, former minister."

Front part!long! !

These three words successfully stimulated Yukinoshita Yukino. She asked angrily: "Why didn't the egg come first?"

"Egg, egg! The egg is obviously at the back, so why would you still call it an egg hen?"

Yuanye retorted lightly, raised his lips and smiled, and said, "If you really want to call it that, then fine, I will change the answer. The egg comes first and the chicken comes last."

"How could you do this?!" Yukinoshita Yukino thought this was simply ridiculous, and Harano Yuya was too shameless.

Yuan Ye threw the question back: "How about you tell me?"

Yukinoshita Yukino suddenly fell silent.

For her?

What does she say?

I had prepared a lot of arguments to refute the chicken-before-the-egg argument, and I also prepared many arguments about the egg-then-chicken argument.

However, when Yuan Ye said "eggs" and "laying hens" and unscrupulously gave her the right to choose in advance, after she made the initial choice and then said the answer...

damn it!All these preparations are in vain! !

"Baga, why does he always act out of common sense?" Yukinoshita Yukino was filled with hatred.

Yuan Ye Yu secretly chuckled in his heart.

Hehe~ My dear, if you ask these questions to me, a new Internet youth in the 21st century, you are not treating me as a human being, right?

Maybe you asked a question: "The definition domain of f(x)=log3(mx*x+8x+n)/x*x+1 is R, and the value range is [0,2]. Find the values ​​of m and n." I can still hesitate for two seconds on this kind of question.

But, what about these brain teasers, SoEasy!

Yukinoshita Yukino obviously hasn't really figured out Harano Yu, because of the third question, she is ready to condemn Harano Yu at any time from a moral perspective!so!She asked the ultimate classic question:

"Classmate Yuanye, if your mother and your girlfriend fell into a trap at the same time, which one would you choose to save?"

Chapter 171 I’m not your girlfriend! !

Are you really not even struggling?

When Yuhara Yu saw Yukinoshita Yukino asking the third question so neatly, the corner of her mouth raised slightly.


But this third question...

Yuan Ye Yu touched his chin, raised his head and asked Yukino: "Second Miss, can you swim?"

"Haha~ It's like swimming, which is a boring behavior that only relies on simple extension of the limbs back and forth to express one's attitude..."

"Will it?" Yuan Ye interrupted, his eyes burning.

Yukinoshita Yukino felt a little uncomfortable being stared at. She turned aside and said, "I won't do it for the time being, because I have never paid attention to it or learned from it."

"Oh, then I'd better go save my girlfriend." Yuan Ye nodded and replied abruptly.

Yukinoshita Yukino was stunned, then sneered and stood on the highest moral point: "Then your mother..."

"Ahem! Yukinoshita-san, I'm sorry that I need to tell you the fact that my mother can swim and there is no need for me to go to the unnecessary rescue." Yuhara Yu interrupted.

"Eh?" Yukinoshita Yukino was unexpected.

The first two questions are just special ideas and angles, but there is actually another question like this?

Is this guy a human being?

When this kind of question is asked, shouldn't normal people always think about who to save first? Why did Yu Yuano say that my mother can swim?!

Looking into the eyes of the man across from him, Yukinoshita Yukino was astonished.

"If you stay here for a few more days, I can teach you how to swim by the way, so that if anyone asks me such a boring question in the future, I can answer that I need to save myself first." Yuanye said with a smile.

Yukinoshita Yukino frowned and said subconsciously: "What's the use of teaching me how to swim? Your mother can swim, so the next person you should teach is your girlfriend..."

and many more!

What's wrong? !

Suddenly, Yukinoshita Yukino's earlobes turned red, her pretty face also turned slightly red, and she glared at Yuhara Yu with annoyance.

"Please don't use these boring word-picking tricks to force you to identify me as your girlfriend. Although I also know that I am very cute, it is easy to tempt a shameless guy like Yuanye-kun who likes to read SQ magazines on the street. .”

Yuhara Yu gently held his forehead, thinking in his mind, if Kasumigaoka Shiu and Yukinoshita Yukino were put together, who would have a more vicious tongue?

What a coincidence!This city high school joint sports meeting seems to have such an opportunity.

Should he try to hold a Zaun stage trolling contest, with contestants Yukinoshita Yukino, Kasumigaoka Shiwa, etc...

However, a rebuttal still had to be made. Yuan Ye rolled his eyes and said:

"For those who have also read SQ magazine, the former minister, who is overly narcissistic and in fact extremely unlovable, please respect yourself and stop talking nonsense."

Former Minister!

This sentence awakened Yukinoshita Yukino, who wanted to continue her venomous tongue. She stared blankly at Harano Yu.

Yes, three questions, three questions seemed to have been asked, but they were all answered easily by Harano Yuu.


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