The Kuzuryuya Family is still some distance away from Shangura Apartment.

After a journey of almost 20 minutes, Yuan Ye didn't take a taxi at all and treated it as a morning exercise.

Besides, when passing by the breakfast stall, you can also grab something to eat.

The breakfast style in Adachi District, Tokyo, is mostly miso soup, rice, tofu, and fish.

As a time traveler, Yuanye Yu has lived here for ten years and has never adapted.

It’s early in the morning, eat white rice?

Everyone else is stupid!

Eat shit!If there are no steamed buns and fried dough sticks for sale, I would rather just have a bowl of miso soup or soy milk.

The young crane loves to eat very happily.

She didn't buy any of the fast food last night, and she very wisely swore and said: I've eaten it, and I'm really not hungry at all. Master, you don't have to worry about Ai.

But, as far as "," is concerned, how can it be possible?

No, all those who were hungry last night were replenished by this primary school student this morning.

Sitting on a small bench, eating white rice from a bowl, he looked eagerly at the takoyaki stall across the road, blinking with his big black eyes.

Almost drooling.

Yuan Ye Yu had noticed it a long time ago. He wanted to laugh a little, but he didn't take the initiative to speak. He just wanted to see how much this young girl could bear.

But never expected.

Chuhe Ai almost finished her bowl of white rice, but she still remained silent and just cooked!

"This is too sensible." Yuan Ye Yu gently pressed his temples, no longer acting like a mute.

"Ai, please wait here while I go across the street to buy some takoyaki for dinner."

Yuano Yu finally took the initiative to speak.

Visible to the naked eye, the expression on Chu Heai's little face was quickly overwhelmed by surprise, and she nodded repeatedly: "Yes! Yes! Thank you, master~!"

Yuan Ye Yu laughed, got up and went to the other side of the road.

"Boss, five skewers of takoyaki, thank you."

Arriving in front of the small vendor, Yuan Ye took out a 1000 yuan note from his pocket and handed it over.

Coincidence isn't it?

At the same time, the same voice sounded, "Boss, please bring five skewers of takoyaki, Arigado~"

The other party also handed over a 1000 yuan note.

The same movement, the same time, inevitably, Yuan Ye Yu and the other party's white hands collided together.

"Ding! It has been detected that the host is in contact with the main plot character of the manga world - Nanami Asami"

"The character card [Asami Nanami] has been collected!!"

Chapter 21: I missed an experience machine, really

Nanami Asami!

The image of a top Two-dimensional tea master suddenly appeared in his mind... As soon as Yuanye raised his head, he was struck by that damn, extremely sweet smile.

She has short blond hair, green eyes, short-sleeved white T-shirt, and a glass-colored plaid three-quarter skirt.

She has a good figure and her slender legs are also very white.

Of course, if people look at it, the most charming thing must be the smile of this girl at this moment.

Just one look at it will immediately make you feel like you are having a myocardial infarction, and you will scream - ah!I'm in love!ah!I'm in love!Damn it, I’m single! !

I have to admit that when I really met Nanami Asami in reality, this beautiful girl who is a top tea master really has this unique charm.

Is this the power of green tea bitch? ... Yuan Ye's surprise lasted only for a moment, and soon, his eyebrows wrinkled.

The smile on Nanami Asami's face froze.


What the hell?

She just deliberately touched this boy who looked clean, handsome and well-educated with her hand.

If he were an ordinary boy...well!Don’t worry about the other person’s unusualness!In short, as long as he is a boy, he has very little love experience.

The moment he turned around, if he had penetrated her charming smile without any trace, he would have fallen in love immediately.

But, what's going on with this guy?

Why didn't you say anything if you weren't affected at all? Instead, your face was filled with disgust when you looked at her?

Does she look ugly?Is she in bad shape?Or am I not smiling enough right now?

Asami Nanami slightly raised the corners of her mouth in a show-off and stiffened for a moment, saying: "Um, you..."

"Sorry, we don't know each other. It's better to stop talking." Yuan Ye Yu instinctively stayed away from the green tea bitch.

In comparison, doesn't she like silver?Do you love her? Bah!Only this one is not punishable!

asshole! ! ...Nanami Asami received a huge blow again!His eyes quickly darkened, suppressing his anger.

As expected, he was despised!

When she looked over, her eyes were just disgusting. A beautiful girl with good conditions like her took the initiative to say hello, but she was rejected without hesitation? !

ok ok!

She really couldn't believe it.

Yuanye Yuanyue rejected her, hated her, and was difficult to deal with!Instead, she found it more and more interesting.

"Watch it, I must make you docile and make you fall in love with me, like me to the point of death, and then I will break up with you, haha~"

Nanami Asami thought for a moment, then raised her head because the boss was shouting: "Hello, miss, your takoyaki is ready, please!"


Nanami Asami took the takoyaki blankly, but looked around.


Eh? ?

Where was that guy just now?

Just leave? ? !

After Nanami Asami glanced around and saw no one, her face turned completely cold.

Good guy!Leaving so simply, it seemed that even the possibility of [playing hard to get] with a glimmer of hope in the end was gone.

"It's really hard to do."

Nanami Asami frowned, but immediately, the corner of her mouth raised again:

"No matter what, it looks like he's just a student. Besides, if he's in Adachi City, it won't be difficult to find him. I really like this kind of challenging boy."

Asami Nanami took out her mobile phone from her handbag and made a call: "Moxi Moxi, Dosan, please help find someone... Well, yes, he looks like this, let me tell you..."

After describing it to her father at home, Asami Nanami left without feeling nervous at all while eating takoyaki.



"Ahhhhh!~Ha!! Master~! Takoyaki is simply the most delicious food in the world!"

At the breakfast stall, Young He loved to eat takoyaki and danced excitedly and praised it again and again.

This elementary school student even looked at Yuano Yu's fingers with admiration in his eyes.

Yuan Ye couldn't help but be amused.

Harmful!Tell me, who can resist a loli?Still the kind of loli who praises you very much and always looks at you with eyes that worship the stars.

He tilted his head and glanced at the takoyaki vendor again. Nanami Asami, who was wearing fashionable clothes, had long since disappeared.

Yuan Ye Yu suddenly regretted it.

Yes, that's right, he really doesn't like this character very much.

Nothing else, it’s too green tea!What a bitch!What a total bitch!

Any man would probably not fall in love with such a girl... just!Think about it the other way around.

If you trick the bitch, let the bitch fall in love with him, and then break up with him to stop the scumbag!

"If you can really go against the routine, not only will your love experience be doubled, but it will also be very satisfying just thinking about it."

Yuan Ye Yu slapped his forehead.

Oops!With my actions just now, I accidentally missed a machine that can ruthlessly gain love experience!

Well~ forget it, forget it, then we can only wait until next time!Adachi City is so small, so we always meet again.


"I'm finally full, Master~!"

At this moment, Hinata cooked four skewers of takoyaki in a row. Finally, she was full, and she narrowed her eyes with satisfaction.

"Are you full? Let's go then."

Yuanye Yuu calmed down and said with a smile.


Chuhe Ai nodded repeatedly.


Ueura Apartment, Sakurasou.

Nanami Aoyama, Misaki Kamiigusa, and Jin Mitaka all went to school.

Qianshi Qianhiro is a teacher, so he should lead by example. Should he go earlier? ……Pooh!Totally impossible!

I was punched on the left side of my face. Although I can’t see it clearly now, I still feel it hurts when I think about it.

Qianshi Qianxun was naturally a woman who was extremely kind to her, so she asked for leave early.

Staying in my bedroom, I applied a facial mask to myself, then lay on the tatami, facing the sun, squinting my eyes, and enjoying a comfortable life...

jingle bell~

The rapid ringing of the phone suddenly interrupted this comfort.



Qianshi Qianxun cursed angrily, but suddenly remembered something, blinked, and suddenly took off the mask on his face.

"What's wrong?" The moment he picked up the phone receiver, Qianshi Qianxun became well-behaved...

"Ara ala, little Qianxun, oh haha, how have you been during your time in Neon? Have you missed your aunt and uncle?"


ps: Asami Nanami is here.

Chapter 22 Stop, I’m going to die

No. 122 Zhuma Street!

Nine-headed dragon family.

After Yuan Ye Yu arrived here, he just happened to bump into Sora Yinzi waiting at the door.

The junior sister, who is as good-looking as an artist and wears a hand-made uniform, is quietly leaning against the handrail of the stairs at this moment, lowering her head and thinking about something.

Hearing the movement, Kong Yinzi raised his head and said in shock: "Senior Brother You, are you here?"

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