She lowered her head and looked at it blankly. She was numb! !

But unexpectedly, joy and happiness? !

Yuhara Yu continued to talk to Kuzuryu Bayi: "What I mean is that there is no absolute restraint! Take the restraint of the two-sword style on your hanging tactics as an example. If you put in a hundred times more effort, do you think you can still Will you lose?"

Kuzuryuu Bayi thought carefully for a moment, pondered, and asked tentatively: "So, Senior Brother Yu, are you implying that I don't work hard?"

"Maybe I have tried hard, but it is very possible that my efforts are in the wrong direction." Yuano Yu said.

Kuzuryuu Bayi didn't understand even more, and said: "But I think that I have mastered the tactics of hanging with each other. Apart from President Moonlight, there is probably no one in this world who understands hanging with others better than me." ?”

Yuanye Yu raised the corner of his mouth and thought about it.

Ever since his [Shogi] career was promoted to the top level of Unparalleled, he has not really made a move yet.

Has the opportunity come now?

Nonsense, absolutely!

I just took this opportunity to educate my junior brother. On the one hand, I was able to complete the commission Kiyotaki Tsusuke had given me.

On the other hand, it would open the eyes of a certain primary school student behind! ...Let her see, the mere [Dragon King] is not worth mentioning under her master!

"How about I play a game with you?" Yuan Ye asked with a smile as he snapped his fingers.


Kuzuryuu Bayi was at a loss for a moment, and shook his head repeatedly: "No, no, no, I can't beat Senior Brother Yu."

When he was in his hometown, Yu Harano's [Shogi] profession was only high-level, but it was considered invincible below A level.

At that time, Kuzuryuu Bayi lost more than he won when playing against him. At this time, his mentality was explosive, and he was even less likely to be an opponent.

Being forced will only make his mentality even more explosive. Kuzuryuu Bayi is not a fool.

Yuan Ye urged with a smile: "Stop talking nonsense, go get the chessboard quickly, I will play with you using the normal opening tactics of Protect the Jade General."

"Uh, huh?"

Kuzuryuu Bayi, who refused to the death, was surprised, and immediately turned around to get the chessboard without hesitation!

Chapter 24 [Change the lost angle with one hand] Classic, don’t you guard against it?

"Ah~ You're coming to Adachi Ward tomorrow?"

"So fast?"

"The reservation shouldn't be two days later...hiss!! Tomorrow will be two days after yesterday, swish swish swish~"

Shangura Apartment Sakurasou, Chiseki Chihiro didn't dare to be arrogant in front of her elders, so she could only sit upright.

However, his brows were furrowed tightly.

He said this, but he was thinking in his heart:

[Mom, I have already asked for leave once today, and the school leaders are very unhappy. 】

If I ask for leave again tomorrow...ah!He's going to die!Even if it doesn't happen, the title of an outstanding teacher is absolutely, absolutely, impossible to get again!

The title comes second, and the tickets accompanying the title are gone, which is not good!

Qianshi Qianxun held her chin with one hand and responded to her aunt and uncle's questions perfunctorily while thinking carefully.

Suddenly, a candidate popped into my mind.

"Yuhara Yu?"

Qianshi Qianxun's eyes subconsciously turned to the Miaomori Village next door. At this moment, the door there was closed as expected.

"If it were him, maybe it would really be a good choice."

"In terms of being willing to adopt a poor runaway elementary school student like Ai, and in terms of being willing to advance fast food money for me yesterday..."

"He must be a very kind-hearted guy, right?... Even if my cousin's character is really simple, there shouldn't be any big problems if we send him there."

Qianshi Qianxun murmured to himself. He couldn't help but got a headache again. He hit his forehead hard and complained:

"Ah~!! Why not tomorrow! If it's Saturday, sending Nanami-chan would undoubtedly be the most reassuring thing!"

cough! ...Speaking of Saturday, she seems to have a day off too?

It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. If it were Xiao Qihai, he would be a hundred times more reliable than her!

"Nani~? ​​Chihiro-chan, what are you talking about? Do you have any inconvenient complaints against me?" A surprised voice came from the other side of the phone receiver.

Qianshi Qianxun was shocked, sat upright, and said with a wry smile: "No, no, how is it possible? It's just my childish name, auntie. Can you please stop calling me Qianxun-chan from now on? I'm already 29 years old!"

"Eh? 29 years old? Isn't that right? I clearly remember you..."

"Stop it! I will definitely handle the matter regarding cousin Zhenbai! Sayounala, aunt!!"

Qianshi Qianxun was almost scared to death.

She was on the verge of being told her age without scruples, which would cause a huge impact on her.

"It seems that I can only ask the handsome guy for help."

"You came just in time! That face-breaking punch this morning was not in vain."

Qianshi Qianxun touched his left cheek, smiled, took a can of beer, opened it with a bang, and started drinking again.

hiss! !This life must be enjoyed!Facing the pleasant and warm sunshine, drinking beer or something.

It’s so cool! !


Nine-headed dragon family.

"Senior Brother Yu, you are sure, but you must not keep your word. You must not change your mind temporarily when using the regular tactics of Protecting the Jade General."

Kuzuryuu Yaichi quickly took out the chessboard and spread it out in the blink of an eye, and then carefully stated it again and again.

"Nonsense, when have you ever seen me change my mind?" Yuan Ye Yu was a little annoyed.

Kuzuryuhachi complained in a low voice: "When I was a child, you always told me to catch and hide and let me catch. But when I counted to 100, I couldn't find anyone anywhere. When I asked the master in tears, the master said You and Senior Sister Yinzi went to the fireworks display to eat snacks hand in hand, that's too much."

"Ahem!" Yuanye Youlian was choked and coughed several times.

Kong Yinzi looked calm, without any shame or intolerance. Instead, he felt that this was not natural?

Could it be that when she goes on a date with Senior Brother Yu, she needs to bring a big light bulb like Kuzuryuu Bayi?

This is not reasonable!

"bring it on."

"You go first and I go second."

Yuan Ye brought a jar of chess pieces to his side, with a bit of anticipation in his eyes.

The shogi strategy is also a shogi strategy that has become popular again in recent years due to the emergence of Kuzuryu Bayi.

The advantage of this tactic is that the early attack is very fierce, but at the same time, enough time can be left to arrange one's own defense, thus extending the chess game horizontally.

So, what can the mutual tactics restrain?Restrain all tactics in a broad sense!But when it comes to the most restrained tactics, the conventional tactics of guarding the jade general at the beginning are undoubtedly the most restrained ones!

This tactic is more traditional and is a type of defense at the beginning, but when it comes to defense at the beginning and encounters a particularly fast attack in the early stages... tsk tsk!


Now that he had the right to take the initiative, Kuzuryuu Bayi took 85 steps without hesitation and opened the corner.

Yuan Ye followed with a calm expression and also opened the corner.

Kuzuryuu Bayi did not hesitate, Kakuline rushed to the blind corner, and the classic one fell down, eat!

Yusao Harano was swallowed up immediately when he did not move at home.


The corner of Yuan Ye Yu's lips raised. This second step was obviously forced and was not something he could do just as he wanted.

Forcibly [exchanging lost corners with one hand], he would be a fool if he didn't take the opponent's corner.

The classic opening operation of Kuzuryu Bayi.

Otherwise, why should I say that the tactic of tangling has actually existed in the neon shogi world for a long time, but it has never been promoted, such as invincibility and vertical and horizontal manipulation.

Until the appearance of Nine-headed Dragon Bayi, he quickly suppressed a group of powerful enemies. After receiving the title of eighth-dan professional chess player, he also won the title of "Dragon King", which shocked the chess world.

The core is here.

Kuzuryuu Bayi’s chess moves are wild!

Generally speaking, only amateur shogi players, or even casual shogi enthusiasts, can play the "Kakuzu move" method.

Without him, the road would be too wild!

To win the game first at the beginning is equivalent to breaking an arm. Not everyone can grasp it. If you are not careful, you will get yourself killed.

However, Kuzuryuu Bayi was the first to go wild, starting with the horn head step, and forced a wave of [losing horns with one hand].

In this way, by persecuting the opponent's role, one's own security will be improved to a certain extent.


Next step three!

Without a doubt!

Kuzuryuu Bayi is about to start turning his brain crazily and launch a thunderous and brutal attack! ! …

Yes, this extremely wild approach undoubtedly requires a very high level of brain power and shogi talent on the part of the chess player, even to the point of high demand for bt.

Finish first.

Kuzuryuu Bayi raised his head and glanced at Yuanye Yu, and felt strange in his heart. Senior Brother Yu didn't deliberately guard against my move at the beginning?

When Harano Yuu decided to take the second step and eat the white horn of Kuzuryu Yaichi...


Kuzuryuu Bayi didn't worry anymore, comforting himself that perhaps Senior Brother Yu hadn't played chess with him for too long and had forgotten his strengths.

The fragrant car gives way and the flying dragon crosses the border.

He is confident.

Because next, it will be the stage where he performs unilateral massacre with his mutual tactics! !

Chapter 25 [King Hand]! ! !

"What is Senior Brother Yu thinking about?"

Kong Yinzi was no longer thinking about the smelly loli, and looked at this sudden game with a serious look on his face, frowning slightly.

Yuhara Yuu vs Kuzuryuu Bayi!

She has watched dozens of similar games, Yuan Ye loses less and wins more.

Most of the games I lost were in the early stages. I was so high-spirited early on that I didn't bother to guard against Kuzuryu Bayi's opening moves to lose corners.

After all, [Jiaotou Step]!Everyone who understands understands.

Unless there is something wrong with the brain, who would play in high-end games of professional level eight or above?

Nine-headed Dragon Bayi!

That's him.

Therefore, at that time, Harano Yuu lost several games in a row and could not find a way to solve the problem of losing corners in the opening game of Kuzuryu Bayi.

You will learn to be smart later on, right?Change the chess path, and don’t let you change the opening hand to lose the corner, or in other words, don’t let you play the opening mode of double opening the corner.

Since then, Kuzuryuu Bayi has never won again.

"But today it suddenly became exactly the same as at the beginning. Did Senior Brother You do it on purpose?"

"Deliberately losing a set to Junior Brother Bayi so that Junior Brother Bayi can regain his confidence from here?"

"is it necessary?"

Kong Yinzi's beautiful eyebrows frowned slightly, feeling that no matter what he thought, something was wrong. Considering what Yuan Ye Yu said just now, there was no reason.

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