Don't be kidding, it's not like he lost for a day or two, he has already lost for half a year.


Yuan Ye Yu stretched out his hand and suddenly flicked Kuzuryuu Bayi's forehead so hard that his brain collapsed.

"Senior Brother Yu!!"

Kuzuryuu Bayi was in pain. He covered his head and raised his head, dumbfounded.

"So, in the end, you still haven't seen clearly why you can't win against the so-called two-sword style that can restrain mutual tactics?"

"Do you still think that only by modifying a Zhenfei car that you don't like, and being dissatisfied with the difficult and difficult cultivation of the Zhenfei car, can you have a chance to defeat Shandao Cut off?"

Yuan Ye's face was expressionless, and his voice was very calm. One of his hands was twisting the chess piece, and the other... eh?Eh eh eh?

This feels like it! !

Yuan Ye Yu lowered his head and saw that it was indeed right!

Accidentally, the rider grasped Kong Yinzi’s little black stocking foot!

Chapter 27 How much hatred and hatred, do you want to be like this?

Yuan Ye Yu's mouth twitched.

The most embarrassing thing is that Kong Yinzi was also awakened at this time. When he opened his eyes, his blue eyes were still a bit confused.

He looked at Yuanye Yu in astonishment. Looking further down, he saw his...


It is impossible for Yuhara Yu to be silent at this time. In order to avoid being misunderstood, he will have some weird XP...

Yuan Ye Yu had a serious expression, his eyes were slightly raised, he picked up Kong Yinzi's little feet with slight dissatisfaction and said:

"Sleep, sleep, but if you kick your stinky feet to my side, that's too much."

"How much hatred and grievance do you have that you would kick me in such a vicious way?"

After saying that, he simply threw it away.

Kong Yinzi suddenly stopped feeling sleepy.

Stinky...stinky feet? ?

( ̄□ ̄;)

She was dazed for a moment and quickly lowered her head to take a sniff, but she quickly came to her senses.

What a joke!

Senior Brother You is such a big idiot! !

You were obviously really teasing her, right?How could a person's feet smell good all the time and then suddenly smell bad one day?

Did you step on shit?

Chu Heai curled up and fell asleep, but was also disturbed. After opening his eyes in a daze, he saw Kong Yinzi's pretty face as cold as ice.

"Huh!" With an excited voice, Xiao Heai cautiously and calmly left Kong Yinzi's embrace.

Whoops!Scared to death! Scared to death!This female master is so terrifying, she always makes people feel like she is about to kill someone!


Yuhara Yu gave Kuzuryuu Bayi a full 10 minutes to think.

It's a pity that 10 minutes later, Kuzuryuu Bayi still looked depressed, confused, at a loss, and lost!

Yuan Ye Yu shook his head, feeling a little more disappointed.

I don’t know, should I say that losing for half a year in a row has hit the high-spirited young man too deeply, or that Kuzuryuu Yaichi is just too stupid!

He made it so obvious.


Harano Yu stood up from the sofa, gave Sora Ginko and Hinazuru Ai a look, and said to Kuzuryuu Yaichi who quickly stood up and wanted to say goodbye:

"If you can't figure it out, stop thinking about it. You don't need to continue to torture yourself by not dealing with yourself and think about the chess strategy."

"In a few days, I will go and cut down the mountain with my sword."

"Senior brother?!" Kuzuryuo Bayi looked at Yuanye Yu in astonishment and opened his mouth.

Yuanye Yu grinned and said: "Don't get me wrong, I'm not here to clear the obstacles for you. When the time comes, I will challenge you to the [Dragon King War] after winning the mountain sword. You deserve to lose the title." It will still be lost.”

Kuzuryuu Bayi froze on the spot, suddenly at a loss. He could only watch Yuanyo come to the door dryly.

A click.

The door was pushed open.

Yuan Ye Yu turned around again and reminded: "By the way, when the time comes, Shan Dao and I will fight to the death, and I will use the interlocking tactics you are good at."

After saying that, Yuanye Yu turned around and left calmly.

Kong Yinzi followed closely behind, his eyebrows raised, as if he was thinking about something.

Behind him is a man less than 1 meters did this loli elementary school student come from?

Kuzuryuu Bayi blinked, a little confused.

Did you come with Senior Brother Yu loli?Then why didn't he see it?



"I hope Bayi can figure it out."

"If you can't figure it out this time, the next time I fight against Shan Dao Fezhi, the tactics we use will be my last reminder to him."

"If it still doesn't work, I will do my best, and Master should be able to understand me... I tried my best."

After leaving the apartment rented by Kuzuryu Bayi, Harano Yu looked up at the moon in the sky and said softly.

After talking, no one responded?

What's going on, little ladies?

Yuan Ye Yu turned around and looked at it funny, and said, "Hey Ginzi? What are you thinking about?"

Kong Yinzi raised his head silently and said very calmly: "I was thinking about smelly feet."

Yuhara Yu: "Pfft!!"

Hey!So vindictive!

isn't it?

"In short, Senior Brother You can do whatever he wants. After all, if you hadn't come, there would have been no way anyone could have stopped Junior Brother Bayi from being decadent."

"I'm leaving, I'm going home to smell my stinky feet!"

What Kong Yinzi said in front of him was normal, but what about the words in the back?My God!How vindictive are you?

Yuan Ye didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He touched his cheek and suddenly felt the hem of his clothes being tugged.


Yuan Ye Yu lowered his head and asked.

Chuhe looked at him longingly, with a pitiful look, coupled with her baby-fat little face, it was simply!What a cute person!

“Master, I’m hungry for love~~”

Chu Heai said with extreme grievance.

Yuan Ye Yu slapped his forehead.


I was so immersed in playing shogi that I didn’t seem to have eaten anything except breakfast all day today, right?

It’s really hard for this primary school student.

Yinzi is probably the same, he has been hungry for a long time, but he is too embarrassed to say it?perhaps!Anyway, under the guise of smelly feet, I actually went home to eat.

"Let's go, let's take you to a fast food restaurant for dinner. It's not too late at this time. There should be something to eat."

Yuanye said with a raised chin.


Hinaku Ai still pulled the hem of Yuano Yu's clothes and said anxiously, "Can we go directly to the vegetable market to buy food? In fact, Ai's cooking is great! My mother also praised her, just as a thank you, please be sure Let love be the dinner for later.”

"Okay, of course I can let you do it, but it will have to wait until tomorrow... What time is it today? If I buy it back for cooking, I will probably starve to death."

Yuan Ye Yu nodded perfunctorily, but he was quite looking forward to it.

Chuhe loves this elementary school student's craftsmanship, it must be, great, great, great!I don’t know how it will taste after actually experiencing it.

The master and apprentice first went to a fast food restaurant to eat, and then went to the supermarket to buy vegetables and meat for tomorrow's meal. When they returned to prepare to go home, it was already 9 o'clock in the evening.


Yes!It's nine o'clock!

Shangpu Apartment!At the entrance of Sakurasou, Chiseki Chihiro was sitting on the steps, staring at the entrance of the apartment with straight eyes.

Next to me, there were already 7 empty cans staggering around! !

Chapter 28 Master~Si Guoyi!

"It's nine o'clock."

"It's nine o'clock!"

"This Yuanye! What's going on with this guy in this Yuanye? Did he go out to a love hotel and do something strange?"

Qianshi Qianxun opened her tongue and couldn't help but complain more and more. She had been waiting since 7 o'clock, but she had waited until now?

Damn Yuno Yu! !

Even she is 29 years old, and she has not yet been able to go to a love hotel and have a real boyfriend.

How old is Harano Yucai?There is absolutely no one who is 20 years old, right?It turned out that I could stay in a love hotel while I was out for a whole day.

Drunk people like to think divergently, which is obviously Qianshi Qianhiro's current state.

She was sour. She was sour. Not only did she feel sour in her heart, but she also felt a lot of resentment...

It can be said that apart from her obsession with handing Mashiro to Harano Yu, which was what she wanted in her heart earlier, she only has complaints about Harano Yu's humanity.

jingle bell~

The phone that was set aside rang.

Qianshi Qianxun kept muttering about "Yuye, the Baga boy who doesn't do his job properly" and answered the phone carelessly.

"What the heck, haha~!"

Chihiro Sengoku was the first to say hello drunkenly.

On the other end, it was quiet and silent, as if there was no one there.


Qianshi Qianxun inexplicably held the phone in front of his eyes and looked at it... What? !It turned out to be a contact that was not displayed? !

Could it be that! !

Qianshi Qianxun suddenly fell into deep thought, her heart pounding, pounding, pounding for a few seconds...

"Oh, I held it backwards."

Qianshi Qianxun breathed out, full of the smell of alcohol, and turned the phone over. Doesn't it display the contacts on it?

It was the mobile phone number that her aunt and uncle gave her in the morning, saying it was her cousin's name, Zhenbai.

After Qianshi Qianxun squinted and looked carefully for a while, he said hello again: "What the hell, cousin Mashiro?"

On the other side of the phone, there was silence again...

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