Harano Yu reached out and patted Yukinoshita Yukino's shoulder.

"Ding! It was detected that the host came into contact with the main plot character in the manga world - Yukinoshita Yukino!"

"[Yukikinoshita Yukino] character card has been collected!"

【Yukino under the snow】

Age: 17 years old

Gender: Female

Personality: sinister, arrogant...

Hobbies: cats

Skills: Cooking, housework (all-purpose), Aikido, literary appreciation, horsemanship!


Among the original three cards, there is one more, [Yukishita Yukino]! !

Harano Yuu narrowed his eyes, and he got the advantage. Since Yukinoshita Yukino still doesn't pay attention to her, then take advantage of this opportunity to run away?


A low, cold voice sounded, with some hesitation.

Yuan Ye Yu looked down.

I saw Yukinoshita Yukino holding up a pretty fair face, her eyes full of confusion and slightly subdued panic.

Well!That's right, no matter how indifferent he was, the car he was sitting in hit someone... Harano Yu had to admit that if the roles were reversed, even if he could perform better than Yukinoshita Yukino, he would definitely not be much better!

At least, it's absolutely impossible to be as calm as Yangno~ Didn't you see that even the uncle driver had been shaking there for a long time?

Seeing Yukinoshita Yukino like this, Yuhara Yu felt a little compassion, and suddenly bent down and grabbed the girl's hand.

"Eh? You!!"

Yukinoshita Yukino glared at Harano Yuu in shock and anger.

"Take you out of this place."

Yuhara Yu blinked at her, and then without any explanation, he pulled Yukino and ran out.


Yukinoshita Yukino only uttered a sound, and everyone behind them had no choice but to run after Yuno Yuu.

The two people were getting further and further away from the scene of the car accident.

The most exaggerated thing is that Harano Yu even pulled a suitcase and ran away with a magazine in his armpit.

In the blink of an eye, everything behind him disappeared, leaving behind only the bright asphalt road and the cherry blossoms covering the sidewalk.

Yukinoshita Yukino was slightly angry at first, but after seeing such a scene, she somehow calmed down.

The car accident and other things seemed to be forgotten as he ran, and the panic and other things also disappeared with it?

Ah this... Yukinoshita Yukino's expression on her dull pretty face froze, and she suddenly wanted to say thank you, but with her arrogant temperament, she didn't say a word anyway.

"Okay, now that you're here, you have to walk the rest of the way by yourself. I'm sorry that I can't take you home, byebye~"

Yuhara Yu let go of Yukinoshita Yukino's hand, winked at her, dragged her suitcase and left without any fuss.


The magazine tucked under Yuano Yuu's arm fell to the ground.

Yukinoshita Yukino was confused and looked over subconsciously.

Just a glance.


Her face suddenly turned red, Yukinoshita Yukino covered her eyes and cursed, "Pervert!!"

Chapter 3: I smell the familiar smell of shogi

"Hello? Silver."

"Well, you don't have to go to the station. I've already walked out a long way."

"Ah, oh, the road sign building, a poor beautiful girl...ahem, no, it's near Noda Apartment, do you know?"

"Yeah, okay, I won't move. I will just stand here and wait for you to come. If you don't come, I will never leave."

After finishing his good deeds, Yuano Yuu walked a few hundred meters away and gave Sora Ginzi a call.

I learned that Kong Yinzi accidentally lost track of time because he was struggling with which clothes to change.

Very speechless.

However, I am quite looking forward to it.

I don’t know what kind of clothes Ginzi will wear when he comes to greet him. I’m used to seeing the same Ginzi in uniforms, huh!Maybe he would be excited if he changed into a maid outfit?

"Noda Apartment."

Yuanye squinted his eyes and looked at the apartment building behind him. He heard some vague professional terminology coming from inside.

For example, "Ruyu", "Kaijiaodao", "King's Hand", etc., I frowned and became interested.

It just happened that because I saw the scene of the car accident, it was difficult to calm down.

It would be great if I could play a game of shogi to divert attention or something, right?

gogogo!Go in and take a look.

Yuanye Yu turned a corner and walked into the apartment door. Inside, a small pavilion in the manor's greenery was crowded with people.

At least six or seven.

In the center were two gray-haired old men, playing a game of nerves.

"Hiss! Mr. Shangban's flying dragon move is amazing! It's simply unrivaled, it's so wonderful!"

"Mr. Hiragi is not bad either. Every time he feels like he is going to be at a disadvantage, but every time, he seems to be able to just prevent it."

"Hehe, I guess Mr. Shangban will definitely win this time. He is a former professional seven-dan chess player!"

"How can old Mr. Hiragi be any worse? Although he has only received a professional sixth-dan rating, he plays defensively! Compared with Mr. Ueita's offense, the old man will gain an advantage."

"Mr. Shangban must win!!"

"Mr. Hiragi! Defend God!!!"

The seven or eight people were obviously divided into two groups, each standing behind an old man.

Yuano Yu, who heard the news and came to join in the fun, immediately relaxed when he heard that the strongest of these two old men were only seventh-dan professional.

Grab a handle and kill indiscriminately!


With an approachable smile on his face, Yuan Ye slipped in easily and stood aside to watch attentively.

The game between Mr. Hiragi and Mr. Ueita has reached a fever pitch, and neither of the two old men has the time to take care of the people around them, cheer themselves up, or anything like that.

A middle-aged man in his 40s lightly bumped Harano Yuu with his shoulder, and asked with a smile: "Hey, little boy, can you understand shogi? You are so fascinated by it?"

A young boy? ...Yu Yuanye couldn’t laugh or cry, and said modestly: “I can probably understand a little bit.”

"A little bit?"

The middle-aged man became interested and began to give guidance.

Harmful!If you can't show off in front of the group of guys of the same age around you, as well as Mr. Hiraki and Mr. Kamita, why can't you show off in front of this young boy who looks like a rookie at first sight?

"Then tell me, what do you think, and how do you think the situation will turn out next?"

The middle-aged man said with a smile, thinking to himself, this young boy will definitely say with great determination, Mr. Shangban, who was once in the seventh degree, will win, right?

Then he will say Mr. Hiragi! ...Ha~ He is firmly in the Hiragi faction, and he 100% believes that Mr. Hiragi can win this time.

Yuan Ye pondered for a moment, then looked a little embarrassed under the middle-aged man's eager gaze, and said, "What I said may be a bit embarrassing..."

"It's okay, it's okay. Let me remind you again. Mr. Shangban once won the honor of the seventh-dan professional career, but Mr. Hiraki only had the sixth-dan professional honor." The middle-aged man said with a smile.

Yuan Ye nodded and said: "After five steps, the flying dragon of the gentleman on the left will attack too hard and be eaten by Keima with a diagonal step."

"Huh???" The smile on the middle-aged man's face suddenly froze.

What, what, what? ?

Let you predict the situation. As a newcomer, you shouldn't say straightforwardly, "Who do I think will win?"

Why, on the contrary, I really started to predict!He even rode the horse accurately after five steps!Which piece was eaten by which piece and in what way.



After the middle-aged man was surprised, he finally couldn't help it anymore and burst out laughing, holding his stomach and laughing.

Several guys watching on the other side also heard this and couldn't help laughing. They were all so happy.

"Boy, I'm afraid you underestimate Mr. Shangban's chess skills. His flying dragon usually dies when he is about to lose."

"Pfft! I'm laughing so hard, boy, you really dare to speak so boldly! That's Mr. Shangban's flying dragon, and it won't die no matter what."

"What's even more ridiculous is that Feilong is going to be killed by Mr. Hiragi's Keima? Haha, I'm laughing so hard."

"Hey boy! So I can understand what you mean by this, is Mr. Shangban going to throw the flying dragon and lose?"

Facing so much laughter, Yuan Ye kept his expression calm and motionless. He shook his head gently and said, "No, he won't lose~"


At this time, suddenly, it seemed that Mr. Shangban fell into a trap because of one wrong step.

The flying dragon that was charging into battle and attacking Mr. Hiraki's house was suddenly eaten by Keima.

and!The direction in which Keima eats the flying dragon is just right, taking a step diagonally forward!

There is another point in the same vein. This step between the two is just right. It is also the fifth step taken by Yuan Ye after he finished speaking!

Lying down a big trough! !

Chapter 4 This prediction!Ah this! !Who is this young man?

"Mom, are you going to see the hot spring hotel again? Do you want to go now?"

"You can stay and be with me for a little while, just a little while! Just a little while longer will be fine!"

Outside the door of a noblely decorated villa in Noda Apartments, a cute elementary school student with a little baby fat grabbed his mother's clothes and reluctantly let go.

Hinazuru Akina looked down at her daughter, shook her head gently, patted her daughter on the shoulder with a serious expression, and said:

"Ai, you are also a big boy now. You should know that guarding the hot spring hotel yourself is a very important thing."

"After all, this is the biggest wealth of our Chuhe family...your father~ Hey, don't care about him, in short, mom is doing this for you."

"Be obedient, I'm going out. There are still a few meetings to be held. If you go late, you will easily be late."

After saying that, Hinazuru Ashina turned around and left without any nostalgia. Soon, the figure in a gray bathrobe disappeared from Hinazuru Ai's eyes.


Chu Heai puffed out her mouth in aggrieved tone.

Of course she knew that it was hard for her mother to be alone all these years. After all, she had such an irresponsible father.

Apart from being obsessed with shogi, it seems that I can do nothing. Moreover, I am out of town almost every day and never go home.


Speaking of shogi!Chu Heai's eyes suddenly lit up and she found her interest!

She also likes shogi very much!

"Mom went to work again, but this time should be exactly when Mr. Hiraki and Mr. Ueita are playing games in the small pavilion outside, right?"

"Take a look secretly! Hehe~"

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