"The next President Moonlight, or the next being even more terrifying than President Moonlight, such a heavyweight genius boy, Kaguya, you know it in your heart."

Sigong Yanan left here,

Shinomiya Kaguya was the only one left on the bright asphalt road, standing quietly in a gray uniform dress facing the sun.

His red eyes looked toward the farthest point of the road, then back again, turning to look at the green belt on the roadside.

Looking at it, the whole person could not help but be in a daze for a long time.


A familiar voice sounded.


Shinomiya Kaguya suddenly came back to her senses and saw clearly that what was in front of her was Hayasaka Ai back.

The opponent is wearing gym clothes, white short sleeves, and sky blue shorts, which perfectly accentuates his figure!


Shinomiya Kaguya: Stare! ! ...


Looking down at myself again, I can see my ankle all the way down, which is really a story of a cup injury.

Ah Baga!Sour~! !

"Why are you standing here, young lady?" Hayasaka Ai didn't know what Shinomiya Kaguya was thinking, but she just asked curiously.

Shinomiya Kaguya took a breath to calm down and asked: "Haasaka, did you meet Harano-kun during the sports meeting in Sobu today?"


Hayasaka Ai couldn't believe it for a moment.

The eldest lady, unexpectedly, took the initiative to mention Yuanye?


"No matter, even if you didn't meet me, I will go to Sobu with you this afternoon!" Shinomiya Kaguya said with a cold face and gritted his teeth.

Hayasaka Ai was still confused.


Ah? ! .

Chapter 312: Kong Yinzi’s absolute talent kills him immediately!

The bustling Chess Club was attended by those who bought tickets, or the chess fans who lined up in long lines outside to watch on the streets.

In short, this trip was a worthwhile experience and everyone shared the same feeling.

In the previous battle with the Dragon King, Yuan Ye slashed all the Death Mountain swords in less than 45 minutes. The performance was stunning and stunning, once again shocking the audience.

And did this excitement end in just 45 minutes?

Far from it!

After the Dragon King was crowned, another game also attracted everyone's attention because of the connection.

The battle for female throne!

This may be the first time in history that a female chess player has been watched by so many people.

There is nothing wrong with reaping the dividends of the Dragon King battle.

God-sacrifice thunder vs empty silver!

Although many people don't pay much attention to female chess players, this guy Sacrifice God Lei is a bit famous!

He once killed a professional sixth-dan player on a TV station... The latter's mentality suddenly collapsed, and now he has fallen down to become an amateur chess player.

Empty silver is even more famous!The famous Naniwa Shirayukihime, a very beautiful person, was the junior sister of two Dragon Kings, Yuu Harano and Yaichi Kuzuryuu!

Some people still remember it was more than a month or two months ago?The battle for the throne between Sacrifice God Lei and Kong Yinzi has already begun.

12 The latter lost two games and ended up fainting.

Now continue.

Without even thinking about it, besides losing, are there any other possibilities?

Have! !

Empty silver indeed brings another possibility today!

Kill in the middle!

Like a seaweed swaying around, and like a seagull drifting in the wind, it stops and goes without a trace.

Kong Yinzi really thought about it and let go of himself. He let his talent fall on the chessboard in his mind that was as blank as a black hole. He roamed around wantonly and defeated the peak female streamer Sacrifice God Thunder!

Winning five pieces in a row in the middle of the game, dragging it into the back of the game, 15 minutes later, the classic Feixiangluo reappeared, and the final victory was instant!


When Kong Yinzi straightened his waist, the twister knocked down the last one, and said the word "King's Hand" with a clear and cold expression.

Outside the court, many chess players and chess fans were surprised.

Even the chess players who were much higher ranked than Kong Yinzi and Sacrifice God Lei could not help but be amazed.

"Such a mid-game is unheard of."

"Is this Naniwa Shirayuki-hime's talent?"

"Compared to the ordinary and orthodox, this seemingly crooked method has extraordinary energy!"

"Sacrifice to God Lei was actually defeated?"


God Sacrifice Lei was defeated! !

When the chess players and fans watching the match said this, they were filled with surprise.

And the game scene.

The ferocious smile on Sacrifice God Lei's face suddenly froze, he suddenly raised his head, then suddenly lowered his head to look back at the chessboard.

Look up again, lower your head again, again! ! ...I came and went several times, but I was still in disbelief.

"You! You...you have such a weak soul!!..." Sacrifice God Lei clenched his fists and roared angrily in a low voice.

Kong Yinzi stood up calmly and said: "There are still two more plates."

"How could I lose to you?!"

Sacrifice God Lei said angrily and angrily.

Kong Yinzi didn't look back, turned around and left the room calmly.

When I went out, I saw Yuanyu Yuano sitting on the bench outside, smiling at me. My heart immediately warmed up, and a rare smile appeared on the corners of her fair mouth.

"Senior Brother Yu."


"Sacrifice to God Lei was defeated?!"

On the fourth floor of the Kiei Club, outside Kaminabe Ayumu's room, in the corridor, staring at the big screen below... Tsukiyomi Saka Ryo's eyes widened in disbelief.

"Yeah, yeah, things seem to be getting more and more fun."

Pushed by Ayumi Kaminabe, Shakado Rina, who was sitting in a wheelchair, covered her little mouth and burst into laughter.

"Well lost!!!"

Following behind her was not only Ayumu Kaminabe, but also Tamashiro Shikakutaka, who was about 1 meters tall and was wearing a pink princess dress.

She had been slumped for several days and seemed to be broken. Now there was light in her eyes again. She clenched her fists and gritted her teeth.

Tsukiyomi Ban Liao turned back and glanced at Shikuru Ting Tamayo without saying anything.

She only had one opinion about this girl.


"Do you think Kong Yinzi can win next time?"

Tsukiye saw Ban Liao and asked.


"Sacrifice to God Lei must die!!"

"Must die!!"

Shikoku Ting Tamayo shouted emotionally.

Tsukiye saw Ban Liao selectively ignore it and continued to stare at Shakudo Rina.

It is said that Sacrificial Thunder is the pinnacle of female chess players, the strongest, but Tsukiyomi Ban Liao doesn't think so.

She always thought that the old woman in front of her was the one who hid the deepest.

right!Sacrifice to the Gods Lei indeed had a brilliant record. He once made a killing on a TV station and reached the sixth level of the profession, and was immediately destroyed by others.

but!Isn't it just that one time?

Explosive seed?Can you still play Euler and Euler every day?Except for that one accident, Sacrificial Thunder's explosive seeds were just various female chess players who tortured and killed each other.

Shakudo Rina is different.

This old woman doesn't need to explode, she is already a strong and stable group!He is the guy who stands at the pinnacle of female chess players!

The accumulation of time and experience has made this old woman increasingly difficult to see clearly.

Shakyatang Rina chuckled, covered her mouth and blinked her eyes and asked, "What do you think?"

See Ban Liao on a moonlit night: ╯︵┻━┻

Guess your uncle! !


"Well done, silver."

There was still a trio of senior brothers and sisters. On the way to the outside of Qiying Club, Yuan Ye Yu smiled and encouraged them.

857 "I just performed normally. I probably finally know what Senior Brother Yu meant by what he said before."

The words Kong Yinzi said seemed to be indifferent, but when he spoke, his blue eyes were clearly filled with pride.

Yuan Ye Yu reached out and touched Kong Ginzi's silver hair.

Kong Yinzi subconsciously leaned against Yuan Ye Yu, and finally simply leaned in Yu Yuan Ye's arms.

Kuzuryuu Bayi: "???"

"Cough cough!"

"Senior Brother Yu, Senior Sister Ginzi, I have something else to do, so I'll leave first."

Kuzuryuu Bayi's face was shown, and he expressed his self-knowledge angrily.

"You should have left long ago...ahem! I mean, be careful on the way back. Goodbye." Yuanye said.

"Goodbye, Senior Brother Yu."

"Sister Yinzi, goodbye."

After Kuzuryuu Bayi said a depressed farewell, he left alone.

"Will you continue tonight?" Yuan Ye asked.

Kong Yinzi separated, stood up straight, and nodded slightly: "Yes! Let's continue tonight. Although I lost two games in the front, I will win them all back!"

"Come on, silver is the best."

Yuano Yu kissed Sora Ginzi's forehead.

The two didn't chat much, Yuan Ye Yu sent the empty silver back to her home.

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