Miura Yuko asked from a high position, like a queen, looking down.

Nanami Aoyama glanced at Miura Yuko's badge and said with a slight smile: "It turns out she is a contestant from our family."

Miura Yuko snorted: "I'm sorry, the number one in the swimming competition can only be me!"

Qingshan Nanami turned away her little face and smiled: "It's hard to say, it depends on your true strength, right?"

"I'm stronger than you!" Miura Yuko said unceremoniously.

"I haven't encountered it before, who knows?" Aoyama Nanami asked.

Yuano Yuu's head is getting bigger. I don't know why these two people suddenly choked with hysteria?

You obviously don’t know him, right?

I was about to say a few words to lighten the mood.

There were exclamations all around.

"Miss Shinomiya Kaguya!"

"It's President Shinomiya Kaguya!"

"Ah~!!! Miss Shinomiya Kaguya is as noble and beautiful as ever! It's simply amazing!"

"Is that the student council president of Shuchi Academy?"

"It seems so, Kaguya Shinomiya! The princess of the Shinomiya family, the top financial group in Neon, has the financial resources and appearance that arrogantly surpasses all!"

"Hiss!! So beautiful! I seem to suddenly understand why there are so many guys from Xiuzhi Academy in the swimming pool today!"

"Miss Shinomiya Kaguya!! Ouch~!!!"


Nanami Aoyama and Yuko Miura looked past the sudden commotion without Yuhara Yu opening his mouth.

Looking at the swimming lane where Shinomiya Kaguya was standing, Miura Yuiko curled her lips and snorted: "What! In the end, she is just a noble and elegant young lady from the Great Plains? Haha~!"

Nanami Aoyama was fine. After one glance, she looked at Yuko Miura with a desire to win again.


"Miss, that seems..."

"Is it Mr. Yuanye?"

Beside Kaguya Shinomiya, Ai Hayasaka, who had been replaced, could only disguise herself as a service volunteer at the stadium. When she passed by Kaguya Shinomiya, she said in surprise.

Shinomiya Kaguya's red eyes looked over.

Just one glance confirmed it.

Grind his teeth slightly.

"It's that guy!"

Shinomiya Kaguya snorted softly, "Sure enough, he is not a good person, but he is surrounded by so many girls."

Although Hayasaka Ai subconsciously wanted to defend Yu Harano, today was the 100-meter final of the girls swimming competition. It would be wrong if a group of boys surrounded her, right?

But soon, stop it!

Followed by an indignant complaint: "Scum!!"

Shinomiya Kaguya nodded slightly, then took a breath and said, "I must get No. 1 today."

"Does it have any special meaning?" Hayasaka Ai asked.

"Prove in front of that guy how noble and almighty the eldest daughter of the Shinomiya family is, and try to make him retreat." Shinomiya Kaguya whispered.

Hayasaka Ai pursed her lips.

Hmm...although I don't want to offend the eldest lady.

However, with just two titles, Jade General and Dragon King, I am afraid that I will no longer have such feelings of inferiority.

Chapter 315 The Final Winner!

100m freestyle final!

A total of eight players stood in their respective swimming lanes, ready to go, with strong fighting spirit on their faces.

Yuya Harano looked specifically at Shinomiya Kaguya.

This arrogant and holy noble lady seems to have heard what some people said just now and has never participated in any preliminaries or semi-finals before today.


She directly took over a certain spot and entered the finals... Not only was there no dissatisfaction or resentment outside, but it was full of expectations.

Such as "It's such a pleasure to watch Miss Shinomiya Kaguya's swimming competition!" and so on.

Is this the power of a rich lady?

Yuan Ye Yu touched his chin.

Shinomiya Kaguya seemed to be aware of Harano Yu's gaze, and raised her head sharply, her cold gaze colliding with Harano Yu for a moment.


Shinomiya Kaguya was the first to turn her face away.

Yuan Ye Yu couldn't help but be amused.

Suddenly I remembered, had this guy been introduced to his marriage?

right!Yesterday, she bumped into her father, Shinomiya Yanan.


From one side of the arena, high voices sounded.

The eight competition members were all ready.


Then a gunshot rang out.

The eight finalists jumped in with the most standard postures.

Miura Yuko took the lead in accelerating and reached the front, swimming gracefully and extremely fast.

After all, he is a member of the swimming club.

But what followed closely behind her was that her swimming style was not very standard. Nanami Aoyama, a girl with a Kansai accent from the countryside, was not to be outdone and kept trying to catch up.

It’s just that the swimming style may not be so standard?Somewhat arbitrary.

However, no one expected that the situation would become very clear in the first 50 meters, and in the last 50 meters, Shinomiya Kaguya would exert her strength!

As the daughter of the Shinomiya family, Shinomiya Kaguya must have received training in all aspects since she was a child.

Swimming is naturally included.

Although I have neglected practice in the past two years, the foundation developed since childhood cannot be underestimated.

After Yuko Miura discovered the threat from Shinomiya Kaguya, she accelerated hard and secretly gritted her teeth: "I won't embarrass myself in front of Harano classmates! Outside the school!"

Shinomiya Kaguya's mind was very clear: let that guy see how good I am, and then quit.



The two reached the finish line almost at the same time.

No.3 Nanami Aoyama is slightly slower, with an obvious gap.

Then came the other race members. When they reached the finish line, they all looked helpless... The gap is too big! !

After Miura Yuko took off her goggles, she looked at Kaguya Shinomiya with burning eyes.

Shinomiya Kaguya's expression was as indifferent as an ice sculpture, and he also glanced at her.

"Your look reminds me of an equally annoying opponent." Miura Yuiko frowned and said.

There was a trace of disgust in Shinomiya Kaguya's eyes: "No one is worthy of being my opponent."

"Ara~ Is this the arrogance of a noble lady?" Miura Yuko snorted.

Of course she also knew that Shinomiya Kaguya came from the famous Shinomiya family.

That kind of power.

Stamp one's foot and the entire neon economic circle will tremble.

Shinomiya Kaguya did not answer, but came out and sat on the shore. Hayasaka Ai, who acted as a volunteer waiter, immediately handed over a bath towel.

Miura Yuiko blinked and was about to shout: "Hey! That classmate, please give me the trouble..."

Hayasaka Ai has long since disappeared.

三 ,:.,,;[-] Responsibility! !

"Publication of the results!"

On the radio, such a voice came at this time.

Countless eyes focused on the past.

At the last moment just now, Miura Yuko and Shinomiya Kaguya were so close that they could almost reach the finish line at the same time.

so! ! …

"No.3, Affiliated High School of Ming Art University, Qingshan Nanami! 1 minute and 02 seconds!"


"Student Aoyama!!"

“The best!!!”

Students from the High School Affiliated to Mingyi University cheered.

Nanami Aoyama looked helpless.

I originally wanted to compete with the blond guy next to me, but in the end, I was so far ahead.

She quietly glanced at Yuanye Yu on the shore.

A little embarrassing.

Yuan Ye Yu returned a smile.

"Hmph! I'll definitely be even better next time. When I'm in third grade, there will be far fewer other entertainment activities, but I still won't miss the sports festival."

Aoyama Nanami thought secretly in her heart.

"No. 2!"

A moment of great attention.

The whole swimming pool suddenly became quiet.

Miura Yuko once again looked at Shinomiya Kaguya aside with full of fighting spirit.

Shinomiya Kaguya lowered his head calmly, seeming to be looking at his white little feet soaked in water.

........ 0

"58 seconds 32! Sobu High School, Yumiko Miura!"

"Pfft!!" When Miura Yuko heard the news, she coughed hard several times.

At the scene, students from Xiuzhi Academy cheered in advance and shouted loudly.

"Miss Shinomiya Kaguya! yyds!!!"

"President Shinomiya Kaguya is too strong!"

"As expected of President Shinomiya Kaguya! Number one!! We are number one!!!"


"No.1, 58s12, Shuchi Academy, Shinomiya Kaguya."

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