but! !

What exactly does it mean? !

This is head-scratching.

And then, the step-by-step interaction between Yueguang Shengshi and Yuanye Yu was like a lightning flash, the weird steps, the unpredictable turns, and the gods-like attack, which is even more...

"I can't understand it, I can't understand it at all, damn!!"

Zao Tatsuo cursed.

"Obviously they are all A9 chess players!!" Jiu Daijue gritted his teeth and seemed very unwilling.

"The A9 also has a gap. I have always known this, even for decades...but the gap is actually so big."

"Haha~ Is this the reason why the president has never agreed to play with me? Is he afraid that my mentality will completely collapse after truly seeing the gap between A9, and that decades of persistence will be ruined because of my mentality collapse?"

"But now, it seems to be useless."

Kuruno Yoshitsune gave a wry smile. Suddenly, he, who was already in his 60s but extremely hale and hearty, seemed to have aged countless years.

The mind that has always been clear has also changed slightly, and the mentality is no longer the same...


Ishiki Mitsuru and Yu Kitoyao were startled, and hurriedly went up to support the battered Kuruno Yoshitsune.

"It's nothing."

"When Yuanye-kun comes up, I will exit Class A. I have stayed here long enough."

Kuruno Yoshitsune seemed to feel the changes in himself, smiled bitterly, and said helplessly.

Shengshi Chong and Yu Guitouyao looked complicated, and looked up at the chess room, especially the young man sitting opposite the Moonlight Holy World!

Yuano Yu!

The two of them were in tandem, and both of them had never fought with this young man before!

However, even until he was defeated, he never dared to imagine that this young man's true strength was at that level.

Stand at that height!

As for what height it is...

"I am indeed the No.9 A1 chess player, ha~"

The celebrity Hanyu suddenly laughed, shook his head and said, "It is an insult to position the two of them as A9! Gods and gods, gods and gods, this may be the highest state of shogi."

He looked up at the two people in the chess room.

In his eyes, they were no longer just two ordinary people, but two gods with terrifying power, who could not be blasphemed and could not be matched and looked directly at.

Sit opposite each other and play chess!

Fight!Cut the defense!Slay the dragon!Pick and roll!

When the game reached 475 moves, Moonlight Holy World seemed to be truly crazy. It was impossible to believe that it would be possible for him to be crushed for a day, and he was thinking like crazy.

An acceptable ending.

can only be!

The Dragon King was slaughtered, Chengxiang was killed, Gui 4.3 horses died in the hinterland, and when the dragons and horses were about to charge into the battle and disrupt the situation, a Xiangqi from Yuanye on the opposite side had already fallen into a blind spot.

"The king's hand!"

For the first time in two hours of playing chess, a king's hand appeared.

But the one who struck the king's hand was not the Moonlight Holy World.

Rather! !

Yuano Yu! ! !

It is not like the more advanced cognition of A9 chess players.

The low-level chess players outside, including chess fans, have always believed in that "god-like" legend!

No matter what, I felt that the legendary "eternal celebrity" would kill Yuhara Yu indiscriminately.

until this time.

The Moonlight Holy World was captured!


Kacha Kacha~

It was like glass breaking.

It seems that in just a moment, Qi Ying Club was transformed inside and outside, including even outside the live broadcast of online TV.

The sounds of countless broken beliefs suddenly sounded! .

Chapter 337: Instant interrogation! !

"President Moonlight..."

"How could he??"

"Unexpectedly, Mr. Yuanye took the lead?"

"This, this kind of thing or something!"

"I can't accept it!"

The Holy World of Moonlight is regarded as a god in the hearts of almost all shogi players and fans.

At this moment, the god fell to his knees and his mentality exploded!

Of course, some people gritted their teeth and cursed: "Hold on! I was just beaten once by the king, and it's not an instant challenge! Why are you panicking? Besides, President Yueguang's chess skills on the table are no worse than Mr. Yuan Ye!"

Such voices are the vast majority.

As for the few!

They are supporters of Harano Yu!

Their eyes were shining brightly, and they clenched their little hands excitedly while watching the chess game.

"Excellent genius!"

"Can we really witness a miracle today?"

"Come on Yuanye-kun! I support you!"

"Just wait for a new king to take the throne~! Mr. Yuanye!!!"

"The new chess god will definitely be you!"


Chess outdoor.

In the first scene, Kong Yinzi's two small hands had nervously grasped the corners of her skirt, and there was no expression on her fair and beautiful face. 12

But, the blue eyes were full of anxiety!

third floor.

Fujiwara Yuuma and Shinomiya Yan'an also seemed a little excited.

If Yuhara Yu really wins...

Really, if they defeated the Moonlight Holy World at this moment, wouldn't it be them? !

They looked at each other suddenly.

The eyes of both of them burst out with extremely anxious fighting spirit!

Chess Club Hall.

Hinazuru Ashina ran to the door to pick up her daughter Hinazuru Ai, then came back and watched the duel on the big screen with her daughter.



Chuhe Ai's little face with baby fat is full of adoration, and there is nothing but adoration in her eyes.

"Yes, that's amazing." Hinazuru Ashina showed a gentle smile on her face and murmured, "He will definitely win, right?"

"Of course!"

Chuhe Ai nodded repeatedly, with a matter-of-fact expression on his face, and said, "That's Master~! He never loses!"

Hinazuru Akina couldn't help laughing and nodded.

In a country house somewhere in Yokohama City.

Kiyotaki Guixiang clenched her fists and pumped, pumped and pumped; "Come on, Xiaoyu! Come on, Xiaoyu! Come on, Xiaoyu! Come on, Xiaoyu!"

Kiyotaki Tsusuke prayed silently: "You boy, since you have brought me so many surprises, just keep going! Even if you face eternal celebrities!"



In the chess room.

After Moonlight Holy World was defeated by the king, he was stunned for 2 minutes to think and interpret, and then gave such an evaluation.

"You don't have to go down to the end." Yuan Ye said with a smile.

Miss Oga, the ruthless chess-playing robot, showed deep shock for the first time on her face, and she looked at Harano Yuu in disbelief.

What does he mean by this sentence?

Has he already...

"Miss Oga, please continue."

Yueguang Shengshi chuckled and shook his head, and once again read out the next move of his chess pieces.

Ms. Oga immediately complied.

After he finished playing, he glanced sideways at Yuan Ye Yu. He breathed a sigh of relief, curled his lips, and thought: I was shocked. I thought this guy was really in checkmate.

Yuanye Yu smiled, didn't say much, and continued playing chess.

Having exerted 200% of his [Unparalleled] level shogi strength, he had already foreseen the disastrous defeat of the Moonlight Holy World in the future.

But, since Moonlight Holy World wants to try for a chance of survival?


continue! !

The two of them were going back and forth, and it seemed that the battle was heating up again.

Fairy chess game!

However, this time, the A9 chess players can already see something, just like the suppression caused by Yuanye Yu before he cheated on the spot!

"President Moonlight has been suppressed."

The celebrity Hanyu shook his head slightly, smiled bitterly, and said: "A newcomer who cannot be underestimated."

He and Harano Yu first met in that small mountain village in Osaka Prefecture. At that time, he just went to visit an old friend.

Seeing Yuan Ye's chess skills, although he was surprised, he said, "Why haven't I seen you among the nine A-level players?"

However, even after asking this question, he still didn't take him seriously at that time. The only opponent in his heart was the Moonlight Holy World!

Until today!


This little guy is about to defeat his only opponent!

Even after the middle game, there was an ultimate crushing!It makes it difficult for an existence like Moonlight Holy World to move forward!

It was ridiculous to think about myself at that time.

Time passed by minute by minute.

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