Behind him were a group of A9 chess players, including Ishimitsu, Yu Kitoyao, and even the famous Hanyu.

Yuan Ye touched the tip of his nose, deliberately sullen his face and said to Kuzuryuu Bayi: "What are you talking about?"

Kuzuryuu Bayi looked dumbfounded: "Huh?"

Yuan Ye Yu said seriously: "Who told you to call me senior brother? Please call me president from now on, thank you."


Live in Bengbu!

Except for Kuzuryuu Bayi who was dumbfounded and actually shouted "President", Yuu Harano, Sora Ginko, and the A9 chess players burst into laughter.

Many chess players and chess fans outside also do the same.

suddenly think of.


Think about it from another angle. If the new god of the chess world changes his position, he is such an energetic young man, and he may also bring about many novel changes, right Fen?


After thinking about it this way, I finally stopped feeling sad for President Moonlight.

Even a little excited! ! .

Chapter 339 Finale: The God of Shogi

The day after the game against Moonlight Saint, Harano Yuu went to the Shogi Alliance and officially took over as president.

Moonlight Holy World was very surprised by this and said: "I thought you would hesitate for a long time."

"Only fools would hesitate if they are in a high position. As long as the president is not reluctant to part with it, it will be fine." Yuanye replied casually.

Moonlight Holy World couldn't laugh or cry.

On this day, the Shogi Alliance issued a new announcement, officially announcing Yu Harano as the 37th president!

A young genius who is too young.

Although many people were mentally prepared yesterday, after receiving the news, they were still a little...


Kiyotaki Tsusuke took the train to the Shogi League that night. He had something to say to his promising disciple.

But the lips moved several times.


With a sweet cry, Qingtaki Guixiang was already ahead of him, and excitedly threw herself into Yuanye Yu's arms, praising,

"Sister, I know you are the best! President! President of the Shogi Alliance! That's great!!"

Kiyotaki Tsusuke was in tears for no reason.


Tell the truth.

For suddenly taking over as the president of the Shogi Alliance, despite Harano Yuu's quick response, how are you actually mentally prepared? …

Be prepared!

The original intention of fighting for the title was to make more money, but I felt that I couldn't keep spending Sister Guixiang's money.

Who would have thought that with the 877 punch, every A-level title holder would fall to his hands, not to mention that even Moonlight Holy World, a legend in the chess world, was knocked down by his punch.

But, now that I’ve taken over, let’s take it!

Fortunately, Kuruno Yoshitsune, who announced his voluntary withdrawal from the A-level chess player evaluation not long after, chose to help Harano Yu.

After all, Yu Harano is still essentially a student party, so Kuruno Yoshitsune has become like Yu Harano's secretary, helping him handle various matters related to the shogi alliance.

As for Yuhara Yu?

Just go to the shogi league at least once a week.

Yuanye couldn't wait for days like this.

He couldn't get enough of the youthful and beautiful campus life!

There is still one year left to graduate.

During this year, there are school trips, Obon Festival, campus festivals, etc. It is the ultimate fun to play in the wilderness!

His relationship with Yukinoshita Yukino was finally exposed in the school, attracting a lot of attention.

But after thinking about it, everyone agreed.

That's right!

The Snow Queen is a charming girl, although her temper and personality seem not to be very good and not very lovable.

As for Yuhara Yu!

Not to mention his achievements and appearance, some people who know his identity as the president of the Shogi Alliance are in awe of him!


time flies.

In the blink of an eye, a year passed quietly.

Yu Harano was admitted to the famous University of Tokyo with excellent results... Oh!In fact, even if the results are not outstanding, the University of Tokyo still wants to give the Shogi League some face.

In other words, Yuanye Yuan can go to this neon most advanced and dazzling school no matter what!

Without the necessary classes every day, Harano Yu's life became more comfortable and relaxed, and he opened a shogi forum at the university.

Although countless people wanted to join, he did not agree to it... He only regarded it as a private training class.

Teaching object.

Empty money!

Crane love!

Sometimes Chuhe Ai, a primary school student, would bring Chen Yasha Shen Tianyi, Charlotte and other children over to receive tutoring together.

It has to be said that after the true strength expanded to 200% [unparalleled in the world], Harano Yuu also had a new understanding of teaching shogi.

Under his guidance, Sora Ginko has jumped several ranks this year. Just two days ago, she defeated Rina Shakado and officially reached the top of the female rankings!

Chuhe loved the way these elementary school students came from behind and were no weaker than Kong Yinzi.

At least the two girls, Hinaku Ai and Yasha Shen Tianyi, had a winning rate of 46 when they played against Sora Ginko!

With such great strength.

Kong Yinzi was the first to take that step.

Enter the real professional chess world!

In a battle with Jingzhou Pegasus, the threshold of professional chess players, after losing one game first, he overturned three games in a row and won Jingzhou Pegasus.

There is no doubt that Kong Yinzi has become the first female professional chess player in the history of neon chess.

Chuhe Ai followed them closely, and the next day, they also started a game with Jingzhou Pegasus. Unfortunately, they were unlucky and lost the game 2:3.

Yuan Ye Yu specially studied the chess moves of Jingzhou Pegasus, and then continued to assist his primary school student apprentice with all his heart.

Two months later, Chuhe Ai and Yasha Shen Tianyi once again challenged Jingzhou Pegasus...

This time, two elementary school students won the Jingzhou Pegasus 3:0 with amazing performances, shocking the chess world again!

In the neon chess world, many legends were once again left behind because of this.

Because Harano Yuu could even help female chess players enter the professional circle, which was unprecedented and unprecedented, there was a famous scene where countless people rushed to become his disciples.

There are also rumors in the market that as long as you can become the apprentice of President Yuanye, your strength will definitely make further progress.

Most Harano Yu can understand this, although even if they understand, they will not be accepted.

but! !

Until one day, two gray-haired elderly chess players in their 60s came to apprentice... Yuano Yu's face turned dark!

That day, he made an announcement in the Shogi League: Him!Yuano Yu!We will not recruit any apprentices within ten years!Unless Chuhe Ai, the founding disciple, enters the eighth level of the profession!

An ordinance that is nearly impossible to accomplish.

Everyone else looked at it and felt that President Yuan Ye would never have a chance to recruit a disciple from now on... But Yu Yuan Ye was different.

Deeply understand the talent of young crane love.

The exaggerated and terrifying eight-fan intracranial chessboard is used to the extreme, and even breaks the rules. It is not impossible to become the first A-level female chess player in history.


As Harano Yu's fame gradually stabilizes, Wakura Hot Spring Village is also becoming popular!

Another rumor!

It is said that Harano Yu often goes to Wakura Hot Spring Village to stay overnight, and he has a good relationship with the proprietress of Wakura Hot Spring Village.

In short, in just one year, the chain stores in Wakura Onsen Village have expanded to more than 50 stores. With the support of the Shogi Alliance, it seems that it can continue to grow!

Speaking of which, this year has also been full of vitality, and the Yukinoshita family has been expanded and promoted.

With the help of the behemoth Shinomiya family, the Yukinoshita family seemed to have a second spring, and the family's strength doubled.

Kiyotaki Tsusuke, a former A-level shogi player, is also completely popular in the shogi circle.

After all, he taught such an outstanding disciple. Many people came to learn from him and brought countless gifts.

Overview, it seems that just after Harano Yu took the position of president of the Shogi Alliance, everything around him changed.

When Yuanye Yu was bored, he also thought about the moon for a while, and thought to himself:

"This is probably how one person achieves the goal of ascending to heaven like a chicken or a dog."

The president of the Shogi Alliance!

Ha~ This identity! !


Two years later.

The celebrity Hanyu finally made the decision to fight Yuhara Yu in order to eliminate his inner demons.

0:3 defeated!

Three years later, Shandaofejin came out again, first defeating the previously invincible Ishiki Mitsuru 3:0.

Facing Yu Yuano, who has become the president, he gritted his teeth and challenged again. However, he failed with a score of 0:3 and chose to retreat again.

Four years later, five years later, until ten years later...

During this period, no one challenged Yuan Ye Yu again. Unknowingly, the young him was also regarded as a real god in the neon chess world.

The Invincible: The God of Shogi! !

(The author seems to have a new understanding of comprehensive daily novels. See you in the next one. I will be even better by then. Come on, come on!).

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