"Go back with me."

There was no unnecessary nonsense, Hinazuru Akina was so monotonous and only uttered one sentence.

Incomparably strong.

Chuhe's love-loving little hands clenched tightly, obviously because she was very afraid of her mother.


But only on this matter, we must not compromise easily!

She wants to learn to play shogi!

She wants to be with her master!

She would never go home easily, absolutely!

"do not want!"

Chu Heai lowered her little head and loudly refused, using the most cowardly attitude to give the strongest answer.

Hinazuru Akina's face was obviously stunned for a moment, as if she didn't expect that her daughter, who had always been well-behaved and docile, would actually contradict her, even though she made a mistake and was caught.

"Don't go back!"

"I love playing shogi! I love shogi the most! I can't live without it no matter what!"

"Love must be with the master! The master is the best master, and I can't live without him no matter what!"

Chu Heai suddenly raised her little face, her kawaii little face with a little baby fat was full of tears at this moment.

There was also mist in her big black eyes, but she was surprisingly determined.

The little fists were clenched even more tightly.


Hinazuru Akina's expression became even colder, and her eyes were full of displeasure, "Shogi! Ai, you just said, shogi?!!"

"Yes! Ai wants to learn shogi all his life!" Hinazuru Ai said loudly to Hinazuru Akina.

"Ha~" Hinazuru Ashina suddenly laughed, even if she smiled so firmly that she would never flinch.


Hinazuru Akina did not shout as loudly as Hinazuru Ai in such a public place, or question, or even make a move.

She exhaled a long breath, Xiongbu...uh!Floating is still a bit eye-catching.

"Love, get in the car first."

Hinazuru Akina turned around and took Hinazuru Ai's little hand.

Chuhe's heart panicked. If he was caught by his mother, he might never come out again.

Do not die!

"No! Don't go! Don't go!" Chu Heai shook her little head vigorously and refused desperately.

"Go to where you live. Mom needs to talk to your master first." Hinazuru Akina said calmly.

master? !

Go back to the master?

This seems like good news... No!no!Definitely not good news!

Although the master is also very powerful, a strong woman like my mother will still find many ways to make the master inferior and possibly frighten the master.

"No! If you have anything to say, just say it directly to Ai! It's none of Master's business!"

Chuhe Ai tried her best not to leave.

Hinazuru Akina looked back at her daughter who was so well-behaved before, but suddenly, the corners of her mouth curled up and she said:

"Either you go back to Noda Apartment with your mother, or, right now, my mother will only give you one chance to let your master convince me. Maybe there will be a chance for me to agree to your stay... "

"Of course, if you choose the first option, you will never have a chance."

Having said that, Hinazuru Akina had already thought about it.

No matter what, she won't keep Hinahe Ai here, especially to learn shogi or something, ha!It's so funny.

She would first give Chuhe Ai's unknown master a slap in the face, and then...

In short, she thought that with her daughter's personality and her dedication to shogi for so many years, she would definitely choose the latter.

Who knows! !

After Chuhe Ai was silent for a long time, her little head drooped even deeper, and her voice became very low. Finally, she made a muffled sound.

"Then, then..."

"go home."

For the second time today, Hinata Akina's eyes flashed with astonishment and shock.

It was also the second time today that I was surprised by what my daughter said.

this! ! ...

She narrowed her eyes.

Will you let your daughter protect her at all costs?

Suddenly, I became more and more curious about my daughter’s so-called master, really.

Also, is she that scary and bad? ...can actually fall in love with another person. Even if she is willing to give up the opportunity to contact shogi in the future, she will never be allowed to meet or negotiate with that so-called master.

"That's right, that's right, Mom."

Chu Heai raised her head eagerly, her big black eyes still full of tears, and said:

"Can you please let Ai take all these dishes back, at least cook another dinner for the master, and then say goodbye formally."

"You have taught Ai Duo since he was a child that he should repay his kindness. Master, during the two days when Ai Ai ran away from home, he helped Ai Duo and took care of him."

"I don't want to love, I don't want to..."

"Of course." Hinazuru Ashina agreed immediately, almost without thinking.

First, what Hinakuai said was right, and she had no reason to refute it.

Second, it just so happened that she was really curious about the so-called master that Chuhe Ai said. If she didn't agree, she really wouldn't have a chance to meet him.

Chuhe Ai bit her lower lip and made a request: "But mom, you are not allowed to meet the master! You are only allowed to wait in the car at the door for Ai to go out. This is the only way!"

Hinazuru Akina nodded lightly: "Okay, mom is not interested in your so-called shogi master at all. It would be best if we don't meet! I hate those bastards who play shogi the most. , it’s all Artemisia.”

Hinazuru Ai glanced at Hinazuru Akina cautiously.

Because I understand her mother's deep hatred of shogi, and at the same time, Hinata Akina's expression at this moment is really full of disgust and impatience.

She does!Believe it!

"thanks Mom."

Chu Heai felt relieved and quickly turned around to pick up the large and small bags that had just fallen on the ground.

Hinazuru Akina also stepped forward to help.

The mother and daughter picked up all the vegetables, carried them to the black Rolls-Royce parked on the roadside, and got into the car one after another.


At this time, Misaki Kamiigusa was jogging all the way, and happened to pass by looking for Hinazuru Ai.

One glance!He saw the black Rolls-Royce, and even more so, Hinazuru Akina and Hinatsuru Ai, who got into the car one after the other.

"Love Sauce!!!"

Misaki Ueizusa was overjoyed and raised her hands happily to shout, but the Rolls-Royce was obviously faster.

The car door closed, and with a whoosh, it started, accelerator was pressed, and it was gone.

Misaki Kamikusa was left with a look of exhaustion.

After blinking, Misaki Uekusa was at a loss, so she quickly took out her mobile phone to call Harano Yu and asked.

But, when you touch your pocket, you are too anxious to go out and don’t bring your mobile phone? !

"Ah~! It's so badass, Misaki!"

Misaki Ueizusa slapped her face in annoyance. She had no choice but to turn around and run back in the direction of Ueura's apartment...

Chapter 54: Make a delicious dinner for the master

In fact, Nanami Aoyama didn't really wait too long at the entrance of Sakurasou, Kamura Apartment.

Almost, just over half an hour?

Anyway, Chuhe Ai came back soon. He was a small person, but he was carrying several bags of different sizes.

You can clearly see that it contains a variety of vegetables, fruits, and meat.


Nanami Aoyama immediately stood up and said hello.


"Nanami Onessan."

Hinaku Ai's sense of Aoyama Nanami is quite good, unlike the blond-haired, ungrateful, overly mature Baga woman who just forced her into the house...

"Did you go shopping for groceries?" Aoyama Nanami rushed over and looked at the things in Chuhe Ai's hands.

"Well, I'm going to make dinner for the master. The master has been too busy these days. I want him to relax more."

Chu Heai said very seriously, but she lowered her head and glanced at the vegetables in her hand.

Then, he looked back very vaguely at the black Rolls-Royce parked across the street from the apartment, and his clear eyes couldn't help but darken.

[Perhaps this is also the last time I cook for the master]

Nanami Aoyama didn't notice Hinazurui's hidden gaze. She just felt a long sigh of relief and thought to herself: It seems that Misaki-senpai and I are having a big issue ";"?,!,7!;''?,: [-] When I was young, Ai turned out to be a very measured child.

"Let me help you take it into the house, come on." Nanami Aoyama stretched out his hands.

"Arigado." Hinata thanked absentmindedly, and then went to Miaomori Manor with Nanami Aoyama.

In the specific cooking process, Nanami Aoyama actually offered to help.

Unfortunately, Chuhe Ai refused.

What she said must be done in person, and only when she cooks and eats for the chef alone can she show her true feelings.

Aoyama Nanami couldn't defeat her, so she had to retreat and leave. On the way back to Sakurasou, she also sent a message to Harano Yu:

[Aoyama Nanami] (LINE): Harano-san, don’t worry too much. Just now, love has come back, and I have prepared a big surprise for you, the master. Look forward to it! /stick out tongue/stick out tongue/stick out tongue


The road west outside Shangpu Apartment.

Yuanye You was quiet, even a little lost in thought, staring at the crumpled paper in his hand.

hiss! ! !

No matter how you look at it, the clothes on your body are all exactly the same, so that’s right today!

In order to confirm, Yuhara Yu even took out his mobile phone to take multiple selfies to observe what he looked like today from various angles.

Finally came to a conclusion.

It's really like riding a horse, there is no difference at all!

Yuan Ye Yu was really speechless.

In this world, it’s okay if someone takes photos secretly, but there are also people who steal paintings! ……Um!Come to think of it, the person most likely to paint this kind of painting is probably Mashiro.

Only Mashiro saw what he was wearing today, and his painting skills were top-notch.

Yes, this painting is so precise, even if it is only half of it.

But the problem is.

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