"Goodbye, I hope that when I see you next time, madam, no matter what the ending is, please smile. If madam smiles, she will look particularly beautiful." There was a click.

Yuan Ye got out of the car and closed the car door.

Hinata Akina was stunned for a long time, not only because Hinata wanted to stay or leave, and whether she wanted to have a happy childhood.

and also.

What did Yuhara Yu mean by what he said just now?Flirting with her?What a joke! !

Hinazuru Akina frowned subconsciously, but inexplicably, she stretched out her hand to smooth her eyebrows.

Lean on the car seat.

I kept thinking in my mind: happy childhood, bondage, and... haha~!She is a loving mother!

How could he force cumbersome rules on his daughter, how could he force his own subjective dislike on his daughter.

Even if there was, it was just for hobbies...Suddenly, thinking about it, Hinazuru Akina lost her confidence.


"Hi Hi!"

"Harano-san, how are you? How was your chat with that scary woman inside? Does she have any signs of eating you?" Misaki Ueizusa waited anxiously outside, and saw Yu Harano finally getting out of the car. , couldn't wait to get closer, bared his teeth and claws, and spoke in an exaggerated tone.

Yuan Ye pursed his lips and said, "What else can I do? They are just the same, their feet are very rough1.7... Ahem! I mean, it's not a big deal. Anyway, let's go home first."


Misaki Uekusa was confused, scratched her head, and returned to Ueura Apartment with Yuu Harano.

Yuan Ye Yu returned to Miaomori Village.

Misaki Kamikusa had no choice but to go back to Sakurasou in confusion.

I just stepped through the door.

"Misaki Misaki!"

"Sora you seven wow~!!"

A very bright voice that sounded like a magical girl's greeting suddenly sounded.

When Misaki Uekusa looked up, she saw the image of a red-haired maid on the electronic display at the door.

"Hi! Mei Dou-chan!" Misaki Kamikusa greeted, with a smile on her face again.

"Misaki, Ryuunosuke-sama left a message: If you come back, go buy him a brand new keyboard! Don't delay any longer! He is going to be angry!" said the red-haired maid.

"Ah...ah? Haha." Misaki Ueizusa scratched her head and said with a smile: "It's a keyboard or something, in two days, in two days, I'm busy falling in love recently."

The red-haired maid pinched her waist and said solemnly: "Ryuunosuke-sama said that love is just a bug caused by brain wave activity. If Misaki really needs it, he can use electric shock to help you..."

"Ah! Shut up, shut up! I'm going right now! Just go right now, okay? Really! Didn't I accidentally break his keyboard? It's just missing two SP and two buttons. It's not like he can't Yes, it’s really annoying to have to be so nervous.

Yeah! "

Misaki Kamiigusa whispered in a low voice, but she did not dare to delay in taking action. Under the watchful eyes of Mei Dou-chan pinching her waist, she quickly escaped from Sakurasou again.


Meowsen Village.

The moment the door was pushed open, Hinaku Ai shouted excitedly as usual.

A little kawaii, wearing a small apron, excitedly rushed over with a spatula and a spoon. .

Chapter 57 This is not Shiina Mashiro, but Mashiro! !

Yuanye stretched out his hand and hugged the primary school student first to offset the buffer. Then he let go and touched her head with a smile: "Are you cooking?"

"Yes, Master, if you wait a little longer, there will be super, super, super delicious dinner dishes soon!"

"What I prepared this time is super rich!"

Young Crane looked up at her pretty baby-fat face, looking proud as if she was begging for praise.

Yuanye You couldn't help but laugh, nodded and said: "Okay, then I won't disturb you, you go quickly."


Chuhe Ai nodded her little head repeatedly. When she ran to the kitchen, she paused at the door of the kitchen and whispered: "That, Master~! Love, love me..."

"Huh?!" Yuan Ye Yu stopped.

"Oh! It's nothing, Ai, just go right away!" Chuhe Ai turned around, waved her hands with a smile, and dove into the kitchen.

Yuan Ye Yu sighed softly.

I have to say, this primary school student is really tortured everywhere!

He is sensible, can manage a household, is cute, can praise others, etc. Even if he is sentenced to death, he will be punished for at least three years...

"Hina Tsuru Akina." Yuhara Yu held his chin and pondered for a while outside the kitchen, secretly thinking: I hope you, madam, can make the right decision.


Putting aside his thoughts, Yuanye looked upstairs.

It's now past six o'clock in the afternoon. According to Qianshi Qianhiro's regular get off work schedule, he should be back around four o'clock.

So, was Mashiro picked up?

Qianshi Chihiro didn't even call him to tell him. He simply went up to the third floor in person and found the room originally assigned to Mashiro.

Step forward and gently twist the door handle.

Click...the door opened easily.


hiss! !

how to say?


right!Very messy!

After all, in the room in front of me, there were either clothes scattered everywhere, sketch pads, blank paper, or even a few pieces of clothing, which were too eye-catching!

Only Zhenbai is missing.

Yuan Ye didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He tried his best not to step on anything and walked in with slippers.

I thought that the person had really been picked up, but the room was just too late to be tidied up.

Unexpectedly, after walking in, Yuan Ye just lowered his head and saw the blond girl curled up and sleeping like a cat under the desk.

On my body, actually!it turns out! 02!

No clothes!

Yuan Ye Yu felt his eyelids twitching wildly, and he had a sense of déjà vu.

Breathe in, breathe out!Exhale!

Forcing himself to calm down, Yuan Ye cursed drunkard teacher in his heart, you are such a dog when you step on a horse!What if you talk like fart?

Turn around and leave this place of right and wrong as quickly as possible.

The cat under the table woke up.

Mashiro Shiina lifted her face from her arms, blinked, her eyes full of confusion, and shouted: "Yu?" To be honest, after being interrupted from leaving, Yuu Harano became I really wanted to do something, but for a moment, I swallowed my throat.

But after seeing clearly the clarity and purity in Shiina Mashiro's eyes, I thought about the fact that the elementary school student Ai downstairs was almost done with his dinner. If he took too long, he would probably come to find her.

He gradually calmed down.

[Not all watermelons are sweet. No matter how good the taste is, if it is not ripe and has not reached the level of willing to drop its stems, it will inevitably be tasteless. ] "Have you had dinner?"

Shiina Mashiro glanced at the sky outside, feeling a little drowsy, and then thought about dinner.

It is true that she is a natural idiot, a little slow to accept and respond to everything in the outside world, and her self-care ability is also ridiculously poor.

But, as for eating this kind of thing, absolutely, absolutely, no matter what, you will not miss it even once, okay?

Yes, she is naturally stupid and has the attributes of a foodie.

Yuhara Yu shrugged and said: "It's time to eat soon. You clean up and go downstairs to eat later." Shiina Mashiro crawled out from under the table and stood in the room, frowning and looking around in confusion. All around.

He seemed to be thinking about how he should tidy up and what to wear? ?

Yuanye You raised his head, closed his eyes, and took a breath of cool air.

After all, Tomoyo knew what Shiina Mashiro was struggling with now, so he stepped forward and helped Shiina Mashiro choose clothes. "promise!"

Yuan Ye handed it over with his own hands.

Shiina Mashiro tilted her head and stared at Harano Yu for a while, then said, "Master, you did a great job."

Yuan Ye rolled his eyes and said unhappily: "You don't need to praise me! Pack up quickly and go downstairs to eat. I have something to ask you later." He remembered the half of the painting in his pocket.

Shiina Mashiro nodded, bent down to clean it up, and replied in a low voice: "Okay, okay."

Yuhara Yu didn't look any further. For such a cute person like Mashiro, no, not only was she cute, she was also a little dumbfounded!

In short, for Mashiro, he felt that he could no longer stay at home no matter what.

The devil will appear!Will do!Most definitely!

In the daily world of comics, there is no need for demons!Can't it be more plain and simple?

But think about it again.

If Mashiro is really sent back to Sakurasou, he will still be useless and cute, just like the boy he was before, without any change.

and so!

Harano Yuu held on to the railing on the third floor, thinking that there seemed to be no other male in Sakurasou except Mitaka Jin.

Oh, Brother Long!A transvestite is not considered a damsel, yyds Akasaka Ryunosuke can be considered one of the men who moved into Sakurasou very early.

Mitaka Jin shouldn't have much interaction with Mashiro. No matter how outrageous the alcoholic teacher is, he won't let the famous "Jin Scum" have too much contact with Mashiro.

Brother Long? Ryunosuke has a strange disease that causes him to faint immediately when he comes into contact with a girl. Besides, unless Brother Long has deteriorated, how can he take care of someone so caringly?

"Kanda Sorata." Harano Yu murmured, thinking in his mind, "I don't know if he will appear as always in this manga world and join Sakurasou."

Well, yes, only Kanda Sorata is the biggest problem.

think carefully.

Damn it, why am I such a scumbag?

He obviously feels that the cute Mashiro is a burden and doesn't want to stay at home, but at the same time he doesn't want to let Mashiro grow up freely in Sakurasou. If he is accidentally seen by other men, the cute Mashiro... Damn it!The image of the cat just now lingers in my mind again.

"I'm stunned. I'd better stop thinking about it. I don't know where the alcoholic teacher is. I won't call her anymore. It's useless. I'll just visit her tonight. A few words of scolding on her face is better than anything else."

Yuhara Yu finally decided to go to Qianshi Qianhiro first.

This guy is so hateful!

Regardless of whether he really wants Mashiro to move to Sakurasou, at least you can't keep your word, right?

Obviously I agreed well during the phone call.


After a while, Mashiro Shiina came out of the room, wearing an orange thin long-sleeved sweater and a sky blue pleated skirt.

but!The problem is still there!

Her long blond hair was actually kept in her clothes and didn't come out, and she didn't wear any shoes on her white and tender feet.

Harano Yu laughed angrily, so he had no choice but to step forward and pull out Shiina Mashiro's hair, and then went back to the room to find a pair of slippers that were well hidden.

Mashiro Shiina watched the operation of Harano Yu with curiosity throughout the process, thought for a moment, and commented again: "Master, you did a great job."

"Shut up and go downstairs to eat!"

Yuhara Yu feels like he is raising a daughter... But the key question is, how old is this daughter?

17 years old!

In comparison, look at the primary school students downstairs, Zhenbai, look at others.

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