"Obviously it's so cute... Oh, by the way, so that guy is actually Naniwa Shirayuki-hime's senior brother?"

"Oh my God! That's right! This is the point. Naniwa Shirayukiji's junior brother is the Nine-Headed Dragon King. Then, her senior brother, isn't it... harmful! I'm so blind that I still want to be in front of such a existence. Fill the cup.”

"Hiss!! No way? Is it another nine-headed dragon king? Recently, the chess world is going to change again??"

After Harano Yu and Kong Ginzi left, a group of middle-aged men couldn't help but started talking.

By the end, even Mr. Hiraki and Mr. Kamita couldn't help but join in the discussion with great interest.

And in a small bush not far from all of them, there was a JS with a little baby fat, his eyes were brighter than ever.

"Naniwa Shirayuki-hime's senior brother, even Mr. Kamita said he is very powerful... I want to make him my master!!"

With a whoosh, a small dumpling-like figure suddenly emerged from the bushes, and couldn't wait to follow Yuanye Yu and Sora Yinzi and ran out.


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Chapter 6 Junior Sister Yinzi, I will trouble you next.

Chuhe Ai has a day off today and rests at home.

At this time in the past, she was either secretly watching Mr. Hiragi and Mr. Ueban playing chess outside the small pavilion, or secretly studying the chess records at home.

Her mother, Hinata Hina, hates shogi, and of course she doesn't dare to do it openly.

Just today!

Chuhe Ai fought hard for the first time in his life. With a squeeze of his little hand and a puff of his cheeks, he secretly followed him regardless of Sanqi 21.

She wants to become a disciple!

Shogi is really not something that ordinary people can just study at home and succeed at.

She needs to find a very, very powerful master.

In her opinion, Mr. Hiraki and Mr. Ueita at the small pavilion are very powerful.

However, the elder brother who left just now was able to get the admiration of these two old gentlemen.

Definitely, more powerful!

The big sister next to her is a bit fierce, and she looks like someone who is easy to mess with.

Although Chuhe Ai is young, she is not stupid. She is a ghost and she always keeps a long distance.

She, eh!Preparing to wait for Kong Yinzi to leave, she secretly went to Yuanye Yu to become her disciple.

That woman with a bad temper and fierce temper must not have thought of it, hum!


"Senior Brother You, why don't you move to my apartment?"

On the way home, Kong Yinzi's beautiful plain eyebrows were slightly twisted, feeling deeply resentful about this issue.

Now that they are all in Tokyo, her dream life is to meet Yu Harano at the earliest and last to say goodbye every day, saying good morning and good night to each other.

But what about Yuano Yu?

Even before coming here, he said that he had found a place to live and had paid rent for three full years without any way to refund it.

In the past few days, Kong Yinzi has always been worried about him.

Yuanye Yu sighed, rubbed his forehead helplessly and said, "I can't help it. The master found it for me. He said he was an acquaintance and there was a discount for renting his house."

"Master?" Kong Yinzi's ice-blue eyes narrowed slightly, with a trace of murderous intent bursting out.

Forgive me, bad old man, you haven't cheated me for a day or two, now it's time to pay off the debt... Yuano Yuu's face didn't change, his face didn't turn red, and his heart didn't beat.

Kong Yinzi finally gave up worrying about the matter and changed the subject: "Senior Brother You, since you're here, I don't have anything to do these days. Do you want to go out on a date?"


Daily money is given for free!

If it was a first date or something, Yuhara Yu felt that he was enjoying it very much.

But, this''"""![-]!

Moreover, when I went on a date with Kong Yinzi, I almost always went shopping until my legs cramped up. The key was that I seldom talked and rarely bought anything.

Yuan Ye refused calmly and said: "Ginzi, this is my first time in Tokyo. I will prepare for these two days..."

"Stop talking nonsense!"

Kong Yinzi was dissatisfied and called to stop. As soon as he turned around, he pressed Yuan Ye Yu's collar and slammed Yuan Ye Yu against the wall.

She raised her beautiful eyes and said coldly and angrily: "Go on a date with me, bastard Senior Brother You! You can only answer yes!"

Yuano Yu is really one head and two big.

What should I do with such a strong junior sister in the stall? …It’s a bit hard to bear! !

"Okay, then you have to clean up my house first, right?"

"Also, I am tired from the trip and am very sleepy now. I may not be able to help you clean up."

Yuan Ye Yu raised his hands and said very innocently.

Kong Yinzi thought for a moment, let go of his hand, unfolded a folding fan with the four characters "Perseverance" written on it, placed it against his chin, and murmured: "Then, I will help you clean the room."

"What did you say?" Yuan Yeyu couldn't help but wanted to raise the corners of his mouth, but he suppressed it with all his strength.

Kong Yinzi nodded solemnly and said: "It's just cleaning the room. It's not like I haven't done it before. I just live alone all the time. I can do it."

"It's a deal!" Yuan Ye said these four words with a smile and extended his little finger.


Kong Yinzi complained, but still stretched out his little finger and hooked it with Yuan Ye Yu.

Pull the hook!

But after pulling it, Yuan Ye Yu showed no intention of letting go. Instead, he gently grasped her white and tender hand.


Kong Yinzi blinked, and his earlobes suddenly turned red.

Although, although she wanted to date Harano Yuu, she wanted to date forever, but the date in her imagination had not yet expanded to such a bold move.

Holding hands? ?

Kong Yinzi's heart was beating wildly, but on the surface, he pretended to be calm, and used his free hand to unfold the folding fan to fan himself desperately.

ah!Suddenly, it's so hot!

But Kong Ginzi is also a girl with a big heart, especially when facing her favorite Harano Yu.

Apart from being shy at the beginning, I gradually calmed down as I went along.

He even wanted to, even more exaggeratedly, stick to Senior Brother You... Kong Yinzi suddenly opened his eyes wide.

——I can’t believe it. Is this the truest thought deep in her heart?

Sri Lanka One!

At this moment, she suddenly realized that she seemed to have grown up.

"Shangpu Apartment?"

"It turns out it's here. It seems like it's not too far from the station, and the environment looks really nice."

Yuan Ye Yu's voice pulled Sora Yinzi back.

Kong Yinzi also looked up and saw that it was indeed a large residential complex.

The houses inside are all unique, and each has its own exclusive name plaque.

For example, the first residence in the apartment complex is a large three-story apartment building called Sakurasou.

Opposite Sakurasou, there is a 7-story mud building called the Unfinished Building...Eh?

Kong Yinzi took a second look at the unfinished building with a confusing name, turned around and asked, "Senior Brother You, which house are you renting?"

Yuanye Yu raised his eyes and took two more steps with his empty silver. Finally, he stopped in front of a three-story building called "Miaosen Village" and stood still!

The expressionless Kong Yinzi's expression changed almost instantly.

Three, three floors? ?

Yuanye Yu coughed lightly, turned around with a smile and said: "Junior sister Yinzi, then I will trouble you next!"

Empty silver:?っ?)っ

Chapter 7 Misaki-senpai, stop bullying the children.

Three-story building!

The area ranges from top to bottom, at least more than 200 square meters, or even close to [-] square meters.

When Kong Yinzi was outside, the person became stupid and the expression on his face froze.

When I entered the house, I was completely stunned!The corners of her fair mouth could not help but twitch slightly.

The expressionless indifference on his face could no longer be maintained. Kong Yinzi grabbed Yuan Ye Yu's arm: "Senior Brother Yu, I..."

"Yinzi, I'm very tired. If anything happens, just wait until I wake up and talk about it, ah woo~"

Yuan Ye Yu yawned, and under Kong Yinzi's dumbfounded gaze, he dragged his suitcase into the bedroom.

Empty money is speechless.

Turn around and look at this big living room! ... Damn it, this is only the first level!

There are also second and third floors!

Countless guest bedrooms and toilets.

Although this three-story building is not particularly dirty, if it needs to be completely cleaned...

"Baga, why did you agree to Senior Brother Yu's stupid suggestion, tidy up the room or something... Yada!"

Kong Yinzi covered her pretty face with both hands, regretting it to death, and complained about Yuan Ye Yu ten thousand times in her heart.

How could there be such a senior brother? Does he really not care about his junior sister at all?

snort! !


"Miaomori Village?"

Inside the Shangura Apartment, Hinazuru Ai Mimi followed Harano Yu and Sora Ginko all the way, and they arrived too!

Standing outside the three-story building, Chu Heai blinked and looked at the three-story building with some novelty.


Tilting his head, Chu Heai tapped his lips twice with his index finger, and mumbled in confusion: "Isn't that woman with a bad temper who seems to be very difficult to deal with live with the master? Bar?"

The small eyebrows immediately wrinkled.

Well~ even though he has not officially become a disciple yet, in Hinaku Ai’s heart, he has already identified Yuhara Yu.

And, don’t change it!I want Yuano Yu, I want it!

"Hi Hi!"

"Kid, are you also a new resident of Shangpu Apartment? But it looks strange inside."

"Who are you looking for?"

A carefree girl with short orange hair came over dragging a suitcase and saying hello with a smile on her face.

"Oh! Misaki Kamiigusa, you can call me Misaki. Now can you tell me what your name is?"

Hinata turned around curiously, looked at the girl whom Jilaisu greeted, thought for a moment, and said, "I don't know you."

After saying that, Chuhe Ai turned around again with confidence, looking in the direction of Miaomori Village, wait!

"Eh???" Misaki Uekusa let out a long cry of surprise and disappointment.

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