Yuanye Yu shrugged, got dressed, walked to the floor-length mirror, arranged her hair, and said, "What's here, shouldn't it be given to you?" The corners of Kong Yinzi's fair mouth curled up slightly, and he couldn't help but feel proud.

It seems that her status in Senior Brother You's mind is indeed very high, right?

Chuhe loves that elementary school student, yet he overestimates his own abilities and still wants to fight her?


Just at the mention of Chuhe Ai, Kong Yinzi felt a little depressed and annoyed. He pressed his back against the window and said, "Senior Brother Yu, are you unable to go to Qiying Club this morning?" Yuano Yu just said yesterday that he was ready to go. I sent Chuhe Ai to JS research, and the time is today.

There was a conflict with her last game.

Forehead!To bluntly say that the fourth game is the last game, is it too arrogant to have a sense of déjà vu?

Not really.

Kong Yinzi has no such understanding at all.

For the time being, she really didn't pay much attention to Tsukiye Miban Liao.

No matter how powerful Tsukiyami Ban is, he is at most on the same level as Gohan Wanchi.

Among the female shogi players, the really powerful ones are those like Shakudo Rina.

There are a few others, such as the owner of [Emperor] Sacrifice to the God of Thunder, [Throne] Kazumi Hoirao, [Kurashiki Fujika] Shikawa Tamayo, and those who have no titles but have the strength of the fifth level of women, such as Kazuichi and Yue Mieki Tsubasa. two.

Her spirit is very high.

For the inferiors who can only challenge themselves, they will never be regarded as real opponents.

It's not arrogant, after all, she has won twice so far, and she still hasn't rolled over once when challenged.

oh!Yesterday's first game [Queen's Defense]...can this be considered an overturn?

Kong Yinzi's eyes dropped slightly, feeling a sudden sense of frustration.

Yuan Ye finished cleaning up, and said with a bit of apology on his face: "Yes, I can't go to your game, but there is nothing I can do. Since I have accepted Ai as my apprentice, I have to take responsibility, right? "Besides, maybe Hinata Akina will come today. Of course, this is all uncertain and unknown.

Kong Yinzi curled his lips, looked down at his little feet kicking around on the floor, and muttered: "It's so troublesome, why don't we just drive him away."


Yuan Ye Yu was angry and funny at the same time. He stepped forward and pinched Kong Qiong's nose and said, "Don't be so cruel, especially to a primary school student who has run away from home and is homeless." Yinzi couldn't dislike her anymore, after all, she was a sharp-tongued and heartless boss. "Senior Brother Yu."

Kong Yinzi shouted, stood on tiptoes, held Yuan Ye Yu's shoulders and raised his head to kiss him. "Good morning kiss."

Kong Yinzi reminds me very seriously.


Yuan Ye Youyile was about to say something more when the voice of Young He Ai came from outside. "Master~!"

"Quick! Get up and have breakfast! It's already nine o'clock, get up, get up!"

From the inside and outside of Chuhe Ai's words, it can be heard that this primary school student does not seem to know that Kong Yinzi is coming.Yuanye Yu couldn't help being stunned and asked: "Yinzi, when did you come?" Kong Yinzi said without thinking: "Six o'clock." Six o'clock!Good guy! !

"You won't keep stepping on me while I'm sleeping, right?" Yuan Ye's expression was wonderful.

Kong Yinzi said silently: "I'm not a fool. Before eight o'clock, I lay down next to your bed and slept for a while, and then stepped on you for an hour."

"As expected of you."

『''?;?! Yuano Yu can't imagine why Kong Ginzi doesn't have numb legs. Is it just because your legs are long and you still have black stockings?

Without lingering any longer in the house, as soon as Harano Yu went out, he bumped into Hinata Ai, who was wearing a small apron and carrying a dinner plate. "Master~! Oh hello!"

Hinata smiled brightly and Kawaii, waving her little hands. "Good morning."

Yuan Ye Yu nodded and smiled.

Chu Heai was very happy, thinking, that stupid pet upstairs must not have gotten up yet, right?

Hehe~ If she doesn’t shout, she won’t go!snort!In this way, during breakfast time this morning, she can exclusively...occupy..."you!"

"Why are you here?!"

Kong Yinzi's figure happened to appear behind Yuan Ye Yu, and the smile on Hinaku Ai's pretty face froze.

Kong Yinzi replied coldly: "As a couple, isn't it normal to sleep in the same room with Senior Brother You? Those who would be surprised by this are all idiots, right?"

"you you you!"



Chuhe Ai couldn't accept it. It was such a beautiful morning, but it was!but it is!

"You stupid elementary school student, shut up! I am the mistress of this family. If you speak rudely to the mistress, do you know what the consequences will be?" Kong Yinzi stretched out the folding fan in his hand and pointed at Chuhe Ai, his face expressionless and cold. Da asked.

Of course Chuhe Ai will not be a coward!She widened her dark eyes, pointed back with her index finger, pinched her waist with her other hand to add momentum, and retorted: "No way!"

"So, Baga is just Baga, a stupid elementary school student who doesn't understand anything. He will never understand the adult world." Kong Yinzi spoke lightly.Chu Heai was so angry that she stamped her little feet and emphasized: "I understand!!"

Kong Yinzi raised the corner of his mouth, retracted the folding fan, looked at Chu Heai with contempt and said: "Oh? Do you understand? Then please tell me, what does it mean to be a real man."

"Me! Me! Me!..." The young crane who fell into the trap was stuck in love. He choked on the empty money, puffed out his cheeks, and seemed to have nothing else to say in his next sentence.

I can only, only, shout a few words angrily and in a desperate manner: "What a shame!"Big! ! !

On the other hand, Kong Yinzi, after winning, had a happy look on his face, with a hint of joy in his beautiful blue eyes.

Yuanye Yu was speechless and the smile on his face disappeared.

Is it still possible? Hey!

This home can't be quieter, can it?

Also, although Ai is also a villain, compared to Yinzi's Dacheng venomous tongue and Dacheng's villain, it is really nothing to mention.

I went to the bathroom and washed myself briefly. When I came out, I was surprised to find that Kong Yinzi was also sitting at the dining table eating.

Chuhe Ai acts like a little doormat on the side, daring to get angry but not daring to speak out...for his powerful and terrifying uncle!

"Ahem!" Yuan Ye Yu almost couldn't hold back his laughter and walked over with a hard face.

The breakfast is still very rich. It can be seen that Chuhe loves every meal and cooks it with great care.

All in all, Yuanye was very satisfied with his meal.

After breakfast, it’s time to leave.

Kong Yinzi's game starts at ten o'clock, and it's already 09:30 after breakfast, so we can't delay it any longer.

Yuhara Yu and Hinazurui, who were happy again, put Sora Ginko into a taxi.



Turning around to go back, Chuhe Ai finally stopped hiding, showing a sweet little smile, and even jumped up and down when walking.

"Are you so happy? Why?" Yuan Ye was curious.

"Master~! Of course it's because of Master Shu..." Hinawa Aixiang told the truth, but found that Yuano Yuu seemed to have a wrong expression. Maybe he didn't like hearing this?

She immediately changed her mind: "Because, as long as I can be with my master, I will be very happy!"

"Yo! Wilderness."

In front, a voice sounded.

Hinata looked at him in confusion, the guy with yellow hair and an overly good figure! --Teacher Senshi?

right!Yuhara Yu's expression was weird because he saw Qianshi Qianhiro, not because he couldn't understand what Hinaku said.

After all, it was just yesterday...

Forehead! !

Harano Yu touched the tip of his nose, trying not to be embarrassed, and greeted with an easy-going smile: "Good morning, Teacher Qianshi."

0 sticks

Qianshi Qianxun hugged the bear with both hands and muttered inwardly: "This kid is really good at pretending!"

"Hey! Come here."

She waved and took the lead to walk to the cherry blossom tree at the entrance of Sakura Manor.

Yuan Ye Yu also walked over.

As soon as they arrived, Qianshi Qianxun hugged Yuanye and said in a low voice:

"Just pretend that nothing happened yesterday and no one will remember it, you know?"

Yuan Ye Yu raised his head with strange eyes.

Qianshi Qianxun was so cold that he actually gave up. He protected his shoulders with his hands and retreated again and again, glaring and cheering himself up: "What are you looking at?"

Yuan Ye smiled and shrugged: "That's the best thing. In fact, I was a little bit arrogant yesterday. I'm sorry, I want to apologize to you."

Qianshi Qianxun rolled his eyes and snorted: "Stop talking nonsense! Teacher, I will bring Mashiro back today, so that you, a bastard, will not find any excuses to do evil again."

Harano Yu shook his head slightly and said: "Actually, if Mashiro likes it, it's not a bad idea to continue living in Miaomori Manor."

"Hmm?" Qianshi Qianxun thought she heard wrongly. She was so angry yesterday, but she changed her gender today?

Leave Mashiro behind?trouble!

Let Mashiro go?depressed!

Yesterday's ideological conflict reappeared. Yuanye waved his hands irritably and said: "Anyway, you can figure it out on your own. I won't close the door of Miaomori Village. If you still have something to do, let's go!"

After saying that, Harano Yu really turned around and took Hinazuru Ai with him, and went out to Shangura Apartment.

Qianshi Qianxun looked at the backs of the two people and thought for a long time, then looked in the direction of Miaomori Village...


......... 00

Let’s go to Miaomori Village to see my cousin first!Otherwise, her cousin is really not very qualified...

Shogi Alliance!

In Neon, this is a huge organization with great power and influence, and it is also very long-standing and far-reaching.

The headquarters is located in Adachi City.

Unlike the local chess club, the role of the shogi alliance is more reflected in the private discussions and gatherings of high-end professional shogi players.

Here, as long as you reach the sixth level or above of professional level, you can have a reception room of your own.

There are so many things to do in the drawing room!Drinking tea? Chatting? Playing chess? Discussing ideas?...

At the same time, there is also an extremely large open-air garden in the Shogi League, where a large number of professional shogi players often gather to chat.

It's not just the emergence of career segments, it's also common.

After all, shogi is what it is!Working behind closed doors will never achieve the peak, and more importantly, it is obviously a matter of brainstorming.

A powerful person appeared here today!One by one, eight professional levels!But he is known as an A-level chess player, and he is regarded as the guy who is most likely to win the title of the next [Dragon King].

After a few games and guidance, a chess player next to him said casually with a smile: "Hey, have you heard of it? Just yesterday, that guy Ayumu Kaminabe publicly challenged a completely unknown bull-headed mask. people!"

"Kaminabe Ayumu? That damn chuunibyou?" A chess player asked curiously. "Yes! Just him!"

"How is it possible?! That chuunibyou is top-notch everywhere. Even though he is a professional dan chess player, he is still in the B+ tier. No matter how you think about it, he wants to challenge an unknown person or something..."

"It's true! It's true! I was at the scene yesterday and saw it with my own eyes!"

"Yesterday's [Queen's Defense]? I saw it too! Even though it was on TV."

"Yamatobashi-kun, what do you think of this matter? Kaminabe Ayumi asked that guy because he had another chuunibyou. Did you think it was just fun?" Finally, the question came to Yamatobashi.

That’s a lot, ask the right person! ...Rumors say that Shan Daofe is one of the most powerful contenders for this year's [Dragon King] title.

one! !

So, who is the other strong contender? The last [Dragon King] Kuzuryuu Bayi?

He has been losing for half a year, of course not.

The other one is Ayumi Kaminabe!right!It's him, a professional [-]-dan chess player with chuunibyou!

Although there are also rumors that Ayumi Kaminabe is more concerned about competing with Grade [-] A Yu Guitou Yao to compete for the [Emperor].

But who can say for sure?

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