"Oh, she is the mother of love, Mrs. Chuhe." Yuan Ye introduced.

"Oh, I'm sorry, hello, Mrs. Chuhe." Gohan Wanzhi greeted in a friendly manner.

The whole process was so gentle that no one could tell that this guy was a sign of something sinister.Hinazuru Akina nodded slightly and said in a kind-hearted tone, "Excuse me."

If it weren't for the relationship between Harano Yuu and his daughter Hinazuru Ai, according to her character, it would have been extremely good not to give a bad look to a being in the shogi field. "Then, please come with me."

02 Gohan Wanzhi made a gesture of invitation.

On the way, she said with a smile: "Actually, when Kutou-kun greeted me yesterday, I had already mentioned it to the master. The master also said hello to President Kazujiu of JS Research Institute and said yes, Just let me arrange everything.”

"Oh, by the way, love, actually I am just a very cute little junior sister staying at JS Research."

"Look ahead, Ayano!"

After a few people walked into JS Research Institute, the first thing they saw was a primary school student in a green dress standing slightly restrained on the high steps opposite.

Wearing round glasses, he seemed to be very shy and afraid of seeing strangers. After being mentioned by Gohan Wanzhi, he said hello in a low voice: "Hello, hello."


Harano Yuya patted Hinazuru Ai's head at the right time, smiled and said, "Go play with Ayano."

"Yes, you can take a look here by the way. Although it is a training department specifically for primary school students, the facilities are also very complete."

Gohan Wanchi said with a smile.

"But, but..." Hinakuai looked up at Yuanye Yu with some worry.

Then, he glanced extremely cautiously at Hinazuru Akina, who was looking around without much expression.

What I'm most worried about is that my mother will suddenly get into trouble and hold the master accountable! ...Yes, she believed it, because Ashina gave her the impression of being such a strong woman.Yuan Ye Yu blinked at her and said mysteriously: "You can go ahead, the master is super stable." Hinawa Ai was still worried and asked in a low voice: "Master~! How stable is it?"

"It's safer to drive than an experienced driver!" Although he knew that the elementary school student couldn't understand, Yuan Ye Yu couldn't help but tease him.

Unexpectedly, as soon as these words came out, Gohan Wanzhi's eyes lit up!Eh?So, is it a sexual affair between men? ..."Go, they are waiting for you." Yuan Ye Yu urged.

"Oh, then Master, you must be more careful." Hinata turned around three times step by step. Finally, after arriving at Ayano Sadato's side, she finally remembered. "Mom, see you later." She waved her little hand and said.

Hinazuru Akina breathed a sigh of relief. She really thought that she was so unwelcome, but she was ignored by her daughter.He nodded slightly to Chu Heai and said, "See you later." The two primary school students turned their heads and disappeared.

Yuano Yuya reminded with a smile at the right time: "Madam, although it is still early, you can also take the opportunity to follow Ai secretly and have a look. Believe me, she will be very happy and adapt to the environment here." Hinakure Ashina pondered for a moment, nodded, and said, "I'll see you later. Thank you for your hard work. You come to a place like this with love." Although it wasn't clear, she was not a fool and could tell. It must have been some kind of favor that Yuhara Yu joined the class midway with Ai. "It should be." Yuan Ye Yu smiled at her.Hinazuru Ashina was stunned for a moment, and then she also curled up her lips, laughed, nodded slightly, and left in the direction in which Hinazuru Ai and the others disappeared.

Gohan Wanzhi kept watching from behind, with eager eyes and some curiosity, and muttered: "Senior brother Yuanye seems to be very good at flirting, but he is just so handsome. Why doesn't such a handsome boy like cute boys? Why do you want to look at them? I like women more..."

"What did you say?" Yuanye Yu turned around and heard some shocking words.

"Ah no! It's nothing. Please come with me. President Wakuzu is waiting for you." Wanzhi said hurriedly in embarrassment.

Yuhara Yu shrugged and followed Gohan Wanchi's footsteps. Soon, after a few turns, he saw the gray-haired old man sitting on the tatami sipping tea.

and Ichiro Kuda.

Before coming here, I had been introduced to him by Kuzuryu Yaichi. This old man was once a professional eighth-dan chess player.

At his peak, he also fought against their master, Kiyotaki Tsusuke, and although he lost...but!Up to now, President Kazuya has still achieved a very important status.

In addition to being the president of the Adachi City Training Association, he is also one of the seven vice-presidents of the Shogi Federation.

Perhaps, he is also the weakest in chess? He is even worse than the other weakest player, Kamikawa Mingtaka? But this does not affect him at all, his energy is really great.

"President, I have brought Mr. Yuanye over."

Gohan Wanchi went straight to Kazuda Ichiro and introduced Harano Yu.

Wakuda Ichiro raised his head, squinted his eyes, and looked at Harano Yu carefully, then smiled and said:

"Please sit down."

"I heard from that guy Kamikawa yesterday that the invincible senior brother of Qingtaki's sect who only exists in urban legends has finally come out."

"I didn't expect that I would be able to meet you today. It's a great honor."

He is very easy-going in dealing with others, but all he says is polite words. To put it bluntly, it's just nonsense... Yuano Yu doesn't want to delay any longer.

If he went to Qiying Club early, he might still have a chance to take advantage of the popularity of [Queen's Defense War] to get two more character cards.

Besides, she still had some free money. She had probably been waiting for her. If she couldn't wait, she would probably be stepped on and wake up again tomorrow.

Harano Yu took his seat and said as briefly as possible: "It's an honor for me to be heard by President Kazuya. However, because there are important things to do this afternoon, so..."

"The important thing is! Hey~ I know, I know! Is it a game with Ayumi Kaminabe?" Ichiro Wakuda said faster.

Yuan Ye Yu blinked: "Have you heard about this too?"

Wakuda Ichiro said with a smile: "Never underestimate anyone. You know people and faces but don't know their hearts."

To put it bluntly, this sentence means: Kamikawa Mingtong is a big mouth.

Yuan Ye Yu: "..."

"I am also paying close attention to this tournament, and I heard that from the Kieisha, Yamato Kazu is also very interested in your game." Ichiro Wakuda said.

"The mountain sword will be cut..." Yuan Ye Yu pursed his lips. Indeed, after overthrowing Bu Meng, the next opponent to challenge was him.

Wakuda Ichiro said with a smile: "In that case, I won't disturb your precious preparation time anymore, but there are still several conditions for your children to join the party."

"Talent?" Yuan Ye asked.

"No! Let's play against Wan Zhi." Wakuda Ichiro pointed at Wan Zhi, who was behind Yuano Yu.

Yuan Ye Yu looked back.

Wan Zhi immediately straightened his waist and hurriedly raised his hand to Yuan Ye Yu to swear: "Don't worry, Senior Brother Yuan Ye, I will definitely let it go. After all, I owe 903 favors..."

Yuan Ye Yu's mouth twitched.

To say such inappropriate words at this time is worthy of being a sinister woman! !

Your true nature has been exposed.

If you say something like letting it go on purpose in front of Ichiro Kazuda, aren't you just waiting to be scolded by Ichiro Kazuda, and then of course, if there are enough reasons, you can take it seriously and not let it go?

As expected, Ichiro Wakuda followed closely behind him and asked dissatisfiedly: "Let it go?"

"Yeah!" Gohan Wanzhi covered his mouth with both hands.

Poor acting! ! ...Yu Yuanye couldn't laugh or cry, and said: "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, there is no need to let it go, I believe in the personal ability of love."

Gohan Wanzhi scratched his hair, seemed a little annoyed, and said apologetically: "I'm really sorry, Brother Yuanye, I have a stupid mouth..." Yuanye was completely speechless.

Well, you can act like a horse! !

On the edge of Adachi City, almost at the junction with Kamiyama City.

Shakyatang Research Association!

Shakado Rinadan was sitting on the tatami, sipping tea, but the person sitting opposite her was not the chuunibyou god Nabe Ayumu.


A JK girl with blond hair and yellow eyes, who also had sharp and jagged teeth. She was leaning on the tatami, with her legs crossed, playing with a pair of glasses in her hand, and smiling evilly.

Sakyamuni Rina frowned for a while and said: "Sacrifice God Lei, Kong Yinzi's challenge has not yet come to your throne. Why are you running to me when you have nothing to do? Could it be that you have taken a fancy to my [ The famous witch is also afraid of people. I can’t say that she is afraid, but she has a headache!

It's definitely annoying.

Because God Sacrifice Lei never plays by the rules, she is a lunatic, a real yandere!

Eh?Mentioning the reason for being a yandere, Rina Sakyadou suddenly understood why this guy suddenly came to find her.

Her eyes widened slightly, and she said in shock: "You don't even have to come from Iwate Prefecture if there is no competition, you are just for that urban legend?!..."

Chapter 63 Charlotte: Master, ugh~!

Training JS Department.


"I can do this!"

"Can there actually be a place like this?"

Under the leadership of Sadato Ayano, many new shogi-related objects were introduced to Hinazuru Ai.

Visible to the naked eye, the surprises in Chu Heai's eyes gradually became more and more, and her face was full of smiles. She was so happy!

Hinazuru Akina followed secretly all the way, and the more she watched, the worse her mood became!

Because, it was said.

Yuano Yu said it all!

Chuhe loves being here. Just walking around for a while, the number of smiles on his face is almost more than the number of times he has been with her for a month.

I couldn't help but feel a haze in my heart.

Even when walking, he was a little distracted and kept tapping his eyebrows with his fingers.

"Mrs. Ashina."

Behind him, Yuan Ye Yu's voice came.

Hinazuru Akina turned her head in surprise and saw Yuhara Yu, Gohan Wanchi, and an unknown old man coming over.

"This place is our usual free activity room."

"There are many friends like us here, please be prepared."

Ayano Sadato brought Ai Hinazuru to the last room, leaving plenty of mystery.

"is it?"

Chuhe likes to keep his eyes wide open to express anticipation.


Sadato Ayano opened the door.

In front of me, a strong shogi learning atmosphere rushed over me instantly.

chess!checkerboard!chess!checkerboard!chess! loli...ahem, of course there are also primary school boys.

"Hi~! Ayano, are you back?"

"Aren't you going to pick up your new friends? Where are they? Let me see!"

A little girl with short hair and a very lively look in red clothes ran over.

Sadato Ayano said with a headache: "Zero, please slow down, slow down, you will scare Ai's classmate."

"It's empty."

Chuhe Ai was quite generous, reaching out to express the friendliness of a newcomer. "Wow! Kawaii~!"

Yue Ling's eyes immediately lit up, and he excitedly shook hands with Chuhe Ai and said hello: "I'm Yue Ling."

"Summer, summer, summer..."


"Huanyin." A little girl with golden curly hair and a pair of kawaii blue eyes looked drowsy, as if she couldn't wake up?It's like, that's the way it is, it's just that the words are unclear.

The cute way of walking is three steps with one step, that is, left, right and forward!

Rubbing his eyes, he carefully expressed his friendliness.

Chu Heai blinked, OK!so cute!


Yuan Ye met Charlotte for the first time in real life?

Oops!so terrible! !

This little dumpling is so cute!

Is there anyone who just makes you look bloody?

Suddenly three years of no loss?...Bah!Want to die?This kind of thinking must be eliminated immediately!Hurry! !

"Hmph! Are you the newcomer Ayano said? So, since you are ready to join JS Research, are you ready to be beaten to tears by this lady?" A discordant snort suddenly broke in.

At the front, on the wall decoration [in front of the huge shogi board], is a little girl in a long black dress with her back to everyone, looking very proud.

Chu Heai looked up in surprise.

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