Obviously, none of them thought of what Tatsuo Zao was talking about, trampling all the masters in the chess world under his feet, and climbing to the ultimate level of invincibility.

Is this a bit too exaggerated?

But what if this is really the case?

After all, according to urban legend, the great disciple of Kiyotaki's sect is invincible!Invincible!

Now, the great disciple who has never been born in this world has become a reality and is invincible! ! ...will it be truly invincible?

"Oh Taosang!"

"Come out, come out. No matter what, you have to give me an answer today and teach me how to play chess!"

Suddenly, a timid but firm voice came from outside the house.

Ishimitsu was the first to come back to his senses, opened his mouth, stood up quickly and said goodbye to the other three people:

"Sorry, sorry, the little girl Asuka came to see me. I'm leaving first. Goodbye~ I will always pay attention to the matter of this eldest disciple of Qingtaki's sect!!"

Shandao Cutting, Zao Tatsuo and Houwa Dazhi looked at each other, and the three of them were helpless.

This daughter slave!

She obviously dotes on her daughter so much, even if she has no talent, but if she wants to learn shogi, she just needs to teach her.

Why bother? Why play this boring hide-and-seek game all day long?...A shogi A-level ninth-dan expert is also incredible!

Shangpu Apartment, Miaosenzhuang!

Yuhara Yu didn't see Mashiro when he came back, but he had no intention of going upstairs to look for her yet.

Anyway, if you’re not here, it’s useless to look at it. If you are there…if you look at it, there’s going to be a problem!

Kong Yinzi is currently changing into a maid's outfit in his master bedroom. He hasn't left yet, but more than ten minutes have passed.

Yuan Ye Yu's mood gradually changed from the initial expectation to, "This thing doesn't seem to be interesting?" A squeak!

Suddenly, the master bedroom door rang.

He moved slightly, as if he was about to be pushed away.

Yuhara Yu, who was just bored and complaining that the white silk maid outfit might not be interesting, immediately raised his head! .


Chapter 75 Sora Ginko: Nisnei~!


Under Yuan Ye Yu's slightly expectant eyes, he finally hesitated for 1 minute, 2 minutes and 3 minutes...

The door opened.

Step out one leg first.

Then, with a huff, the door was pushed aside with great force, and Kong Yinzi walked out with his head lowered, gritted teeth, and an extremely complicated expression.

The stunning black and white maid outfit is undoubtedly a black dress with white sleeves and white stockings.

She has a hairband on her pretty short silver hair and a black bow on the side.

After taking just one step, Kong Yinzi was determined not to go out again.

It is true that her current outfit is almost the same as her original hand uniform.

At most, it can be considered that the skirt of the maid uniform is slightly shorter? ...But, the problem with the title of this outfit, "Maid!!" was enough to make her mentality collapse.

Yuanye Yu smiled, okay, he simply walked over and looked at it carefully.


Harano Yu hugged his shoulders with one hand, gently pinched his chin with the other hand, and commented sincerely: "Ginko, you are very beautiful, but if you can raise your head and face yourself boldly, you should be even more beautiful."

Kong Yinzi raised his head with difficulty, and the moment he looked at Yuanye Yu, anger immediately appeared in his blue eyes.

The waves were shimmering and misty, and she was so frustrated that she gritted her teeth and cursed:


Training JS Department.


"You are so powerful. Oh my God, you can actually defeat Senior Sister Wan Zhi!"

Ever since Hinazuru Ai was so stunning that she defeated Gomiami Manchi, it was almost 100% confirmed that she could join the training club with her talent.

At the same time, it is also highly sought after!

Even the real eldest lady who has always been reserved, Ayano Sadashi, the junior sister of Mihan Wanchi, praised her unequivocally at this moment.

With that look on his face, it was obvious that he was often suppressed by his senior sister and received various blows.

Yue Ling was the happiest. He ran around the room with his long arms and laughed excitedly:

"Hahaha! Love, it's amazing to say that your Pingya is so powerful that you can defeat Wan Zhi-senpai! You are the second one in history!"

"Ouch!! It's amazing! Starting today, our team will have one more strong general!!"

An important point in what she said was noticed by Hinaku Ai...for the second time in history!

So that means there is another one before her?

For some reason, Hinata subconsciously looked at Yasha God Tenyi, who was standing alone and leaning against the wall. "Probably this is the eldest lady. She sounded very arrogant from the beginning. I really want to try fighting with her." Suddenly, Chuhe's little desire for comparison was aroused, and there was a flash of war in his eyes. meaning! "Wan Zhi, how do you feel?"

The smile on Wakuda Ichiro's face hasn't disappeared since Hinata Ai took down Mikami Wanchi. He was so happy.

genius!Another one, an absolute genius!this.

Gohan Wanzhi knelt on the ground, pressed his knees lightly with both hands, and said with a wry smile: "President, although I was a little careless in the early stage, when I found something wrong in the second half, I really worked hard to win. But it’s still, still..." She tried her best to organize her words, and finally said: "I don’t know why, but she can always find a strange way to solve the situation in a desperate situation. Anyway, I I'm quite confused and don't understand the reason at all." Ichiro Wakuda smiled even more happily and asked happily: "Then what do you think of her compared to Tianyi? Which one is stronger and which one is weaker?"

"Xia, Xia, Xia Luo..."

"Huh? Charlotte is the strongest?" Ichiro Wakuda blinked, a little confused.

Fortunately, when I came back to my senses, I found that it was Charlotte?

The classic is swaying, the cute person has a bloody face, and opens his hands to give a hug to Mikami Wanchi.

Even if Gohan Wanchi is a girl and a beautiful girl, she still can't resist such a cute little creature.

"Charlotte is the strongest. Yes, Charlotte is very strong. Charlotte is only six years old now. After a while, she will definitely become stronger." Gong Miwanzhi kissed Charlotte's little face affectionately. After rubbing it, the voice became gentle.

Moreover, she was also the one who conducted Charlotte’s entrance examination! ...But, it was rather weird at first.

She treats all the elementary school students with no mercy at all, except Charlotte! !

So cute, oh my god! !

Wakuda Ichiro couldn't laugh or cry. It seemed that Gohan Wanchi was going to be infatuated with Charlotte for a while.

Simply, I picked up my phone and took a look.

Upon seeing this, I was immediately shocked!

Shocking news within the shogi circle!

"The senior brother of Qingtaki's sect who only exists in urban legends has really come out!"Today, I witnessed a miracle and an urban legend came true! 》《156 There is no other way to solve the problem. Fang Gui, the god of pot flow, captured Chi Ju. How handsome is this subordinate? ! "Today, Senior Brother from Qingtaki's sect, Yuanye Youkouguan comes out of the mountain!"How long can its invincibility last? 》


Gudu Gudu!

It’s okay if you don’t look at it, but when you look at it, you’re shocked! !

There is no doubt that Ichiro Wakuda knows about the fight between Yuu Harano and Ayumi Kaminabe...does he know that he is optimistic about it?

Yarn!Not optimistic at all.

After living for such a long time, don’t you have any basic discernment?

Shogi is definitely not better as you get older, but when you are young and want to be good, it is definitely very difficult.

Nowadays in the chess world, there is a Nine-Headed Dragon and a Kamabu Ayumeng. It is already an exaggerated miracle that two amazing people of the younger generation emerge at the same time.

How could a third one appear?

Moreover, it came out of urban legends... This idea became even more convincing to him, especially after meeting Yu Yuano himself. 0concrete/p>

Otherwise, he would not politely say: No matter what, the training has training rules, and the entrance examination is still necessary...

If I had known that Yuan Ye Yu was very strong, the test would have been useless!How weak can the disciple of a strong man be?It's better to sell someone's personal favor.

but!but! !

The result is so weird, so unexpected, so dramatic.

"It only took 156 moves to checkmate Kaminao Ayumeng. This kind of chess ability is extraordinary."

"I don't know how strong it is, but from the looks of it, it seems to be just as strong as the Nine-Headed Dragon King!"

"I don't regret the beginning."

Wakuda Ichiro was extremely shocked and depressed. If he had known better, he should have been more enthusiastic at that time.

What to do now?

He has been worrying about one thing recently...JS has developed several powerful primary school students.

Yue Rei, Yasha God Teni, Charlotte, and even Sadato Ayano are actually only nominal disciples of the [-]th Dan of Gayuao Dasei for the time being.

..... 0

If it is really time to change the master, it is still allowed and there is no pressure from the fishing boat.

And among these four people, especially Yasha Shen Tianyi and Charlotte, their terrifying talents made him deeply believe that in the past 70 years, they were undoubtedly the most amazing female primary school students!

Originally, he was optimistic about the target of Kuzuryuu Bayi, but then he hesitated and took aim at several A-level chess players.

Although I feel that it is difficult for those nine to look down on Yasha God Tianyi and the others who will be the strongest women in the future.

But, it’s never wrong to try!

But now! !

An extremely bold idea suddenly appeared in his mind!

[The senior fellow under Qingtaki's sect, Yuu Harano, is probably close to A-level as soon as he reaches strength. If not A-level, he is better than A-level!And he has already received a young crane love, so! ! ! 】 Wakuda Ichiro's eyes kept flashing, and suddenly, he had an idea, and he tattooed his head with a tattoo on his head: "Wan Zhi, tell me, do you love this girl, is she cute?" Miyoshi Wanzhi patted Charlotte's face with a doting look on his face. He raised his head and said with a smile: "Of course it's cute, President."

"Then Charlotte, isn't she cuter than love?" Ichiro Wakuda was slightly excited.

"Eh?" Wan Zhi was stunned for a moment.

Wakuda Ichiro slapped the table on the spot and was very happy: "Doesn't that mean that Harano Yuu will also like Charlotte very much! And he will accept Charlotte as his second disciple!" Wanzhi said: "?"

Hey hey!President, what are you talking about?Is cuteness the standard code for a person to have a disciple?

Are you afraid that you think they are BT?

No punishment!Dama! !

Shangpu Apartment Miaosenzhuang.

Kong Yinzi has completely given up. After all, he has promised something, and it has reached this point. Why go back on it?

No need, no!

What's after the maid costume, knee pillow?


She closed her eyes tightly, walked to the tatami and knelt down, smoothed the wrinkles on her pantyhose, opened her hands and said, "Come on!"

Chapter 76 [Knee Pillow! 】The worst! !

Countless surveys have shown:

[Knee pillows are the worst! 】

[The knee pillow is not comfortable at all and ranks last among all pillow types! 】but!Very strange.

The least comfortable knee pillow is the most relaxing, and the easiest to dispel fatigue and feel happy physically and mentally.

Kong Yinzi sat on his knees on the ground, and after opening his arms, Yuanye Yu raised the corner of his mouth. This was the first time he had traveled through time.

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