"Yeah!" Chu Heai nodded repeatedly.

With the help of Shizuka Hiratsuka, Yukinoshita Yukino actually officially transferred to Sobu High School's second-year J group on Friday.

But, she is too strong! !

He obviously has an extremely charming appearance, and is extremely good-looking and talented.

As her name suggests, snow beneath the snow.To say how beautiful she is, it is impossible to touch or get. People can only marvel at her beautiful existence.

With such conditions, he should have been instantly popular and become the top star in his class.

But her?

Forehead! !In just one day, all the girls in the class isolated her, and all the boys didn't dare to get close to her, even to chat with her!

This feat left Hiratsuka Shizuichi, who learned about it later, speechless. However, Yukinoshita Yukino didn't think so, and thought it was pretty good.

"As long as the people close to me understand me, it doesn't matter what others think of me." - Ahem!This was Yukinoshita Yukino's response to Shizuka Hiratsuka on Friday night.

Hiratsuka Shizu was speechless.

However, Yukinoshita Yukino was very coincidental. After saying this, she immediately saw a notice of dissolution of the club on the table of the Taira family.

The name is: Ministry of Service!

Then I casually took a look at the following introduction of community accusations...

This interest came right away!

Regardless of Ping Jiajing's words, "There is no one in this club now. Even if you go, it will definitely be disbanded if there are not three members and one instructor next week. Let's look at something else!"

Yukinoshita Yukino took it and said calmly: "I won't let it dissolve."

What Yukinoshita Yukino said at that time was definitely not an angry word, it was true. She was very interested in this so-called service department and had really serious thoughts.

but! !

Just because of this thing, she was in trouble all weekend..

How to do it?

How to find club members?

The classmates in Group J of the second year seemed to be alienating her... Although she didn't care, there shouldn't be anyone who would choose to join her club, right?



Yukinoshita Yukino sat on her knees on the tatami in the living room at home, leaning on the table, holding her chin with one hand and wondering for a long time.

Oops!No idea at all!

"Aww~" Yukinoshita Yono yawned and walked out of the bedroom. Seeing that her sister was still thinking hard and feeling very depressed, she couldn't help but laugh.

"Hey Yukino, are you really that troubled? Looking for club members or something... Actually, ask your sister, she will have a better solution!"

"Do you want to listen or not?"

Yukinoshita Harano immediately sat over, sitting opposite Yukinoshita Yukino and said with a smile.

Yukinoshita Yukino snorted softly, turned away, and said expressionlessly: "I didn't expect Mr. Hiratsuka to be such a talkative guy."

"Hehe, it's none of Xiaojing's business. In fact, it's all sister and I who asked Xiaojing specifically to inquire about it."

Yukinoshita Harano chuckled, patted the table and said: "Hey! Do you listen to my sister's opinion? If you don't listen, you will be gone when you go back to the service department next week."

Yukinoshita Yukino ignored her sister and said: "If you don't listen, I'm afraid it will be boring again..."

"Hey! Be brave! Why don't you just print out flyers, go on the main road of Sobu High School, and promote it to your heart's content!"

Yukinoshita Harano sat in the back, her hands spread to her mouth and she said loudly with a smile.

Yukinoshita Yukino walked faster and entered her bedroom in a blink of an eye. The door closed with a click.

Yukinoshita Yangno pouted her little mouth and muttered faintly: "Hey, she is really a sister who is too stubborn..."

Shangpu Apartment, Miaosenzhuang!

Although she had three portions of octopus balls for dinner, Mashiro Shiina still got hungry quickly.

Moreover, I was hungry and my eyes were already dizzy.

Imageless, lying in the pile of clothes like a cat, whispering: "Yu, Baga~"

Boom boom boom!

There was a sudden knock on the door...

Chapter 82 Irresponsible host! 【Yu is an idiot】


Following the knock on the door, it was Yuan Ye's voice.

Shiina Mashiro lay on her stomach, raised her head in a lackluster manner, and raised her slightly squinted eyes several times.

With a "pop" sound, he suddenly threw himself into the piles of clothes on the ground.

Yuanye Yu heard the noise outside and was stunned for a moment. He pushed the door open and saw Mashiro curled up like a cat on the floor.

Harano Yu thought there was something wrong with his ears. He clearly heard the noise, but why was Mashiro asleep when he opened the door and came in?

About to leave...


A very small voice.

But it got out of hand.


"Irresponsible owners."

"Yu is an idiot!"

Yuan Yeyu twitched the corner of his mouth and lowered his head in a funny manner. Sure enough, he saw the Sanwu girl with long golden hair looking up at her with a pair of phoenix eyes.

He even covered his mouth with his hands. No wonder his voice was so quiet. His aura was full of resentment.


Yuan Ye Yu laughed out loud.

"Yu is a 02 idiot..." Mashiro Shiina was feeling unhappy, and it couldn't be made better by just complaining a few words.

But!Halfway through complaining, eh?It smells so good!What smells so fragrant?!

Shiina Mashiro sat up from the floor, raised her fair neck, and sniffed, sniffed, and sniffed with her small nose.

His eyes suddenly straightened.


Shiina Mashiro's phoenix eyes were tightly locked on the two white opaque plastic bags in Yuhara Yu's hands.

With a smile on his face, Harano Yu squatted down in front of Shiina Mashiro, raised the plastic bag in his hand and said:

"Hey Mashiro, I came here to feed you out of kindness despite my busy schedule, but I was scolded as a fool as soon as I met you. This will make the owner very sad."

Shiina Mashiro blinked and looked at Harano Yu with a pure face. After a while, he asked: "Will irresponsible owners be sad too?"

The smile on Yuan Ye Yu's face froze.

Damn it! Why is he so irresponsible?

Although I forgot about Mashiro at breakfast, I forgot about Mashiro at lunch, and I forgot about Mashiro at dinner... Ugh! !

Blame it?

[It’s all my fault, Qianshi Qianxun, that drunkard teacher! 】

Harano Yu stopped teasing Mashiro.

He found that whenever he wanted to tease this super cute girl who walked like an Iriomote lynx and lay on the ground like a lazy angora cat, she would inadvertently make you speechless. talk.

As expected, naturally black!

"Now, because I was in a hurry on the way back and worried that you would be hungry, I didn't go out a long way to buy Baumkuchen. Instead, I just bought some burgers and pizza. If you have lived abroad since childhood, you should be able to accept these foods, right?"

Yuan Ye opened the plastic bag, revealing the hamburger box and a six-inch durian pizza inside.

Mashiro Wakana tilted her head and said, "But, Yuu, when I went home yesterday, I saw Baumkuchen for sale in front of Ueura Apartment..."

"you shut up!"

"Don't expose my lies so easily!"

Yuan Ye Yu gritted his teeth.

Just now, I was secretly happy in my heart, but I actually expressed my dismay again without changing my expression.

Who knows how long it has been, how long?

Moreover, why would you, a person who even asked me to help choose clothes for you, pay attention to such details?

The Baumkuchen shop in front of the apartment?

Shiina Mashiro looked at Harano Yu carefully for a while, nodded slightly, and said seriously:

"Yu is afraid of trouble, I know that, but I don't care at all, because pets should listen to their owners, just like the bobcats in the zoo. They should eat whatever the keepers feed them."

Suddenly he spoke a metaphor that made sense.

Yuhara Yu once suspected that Mashiro seemed to have awakened prematurely... Was it because of some stimulation?

But this is good, at least, sensible?


When Harano Yu saw Shiina Mashiro lowering her head, her nails had unconsciously punctured the hamburger packaging box...

Oops!So is this a sign of not caring?

Yuanye Yu felt a headache.

Whispering, Shiina Mashiro was really hungry, so she took hamburgers and pizza and started eating.

Yuhara Yu looked aside for a while, preparing to wait for Mashiro to finish eating and then take the garbage down with him.

Think carefully and remember that if you lived in Sakurasou, Nanami Aoyama would indirectly take on the responsibility of taking care of Mashiro.

In the anime, it was also Nanami Aoyama who taught Mashiro many life skills and became less silly and sweet.

But now, it's not Sakurasou, but Mewsensou! ...In this case, who will teach me?

Empty money?

Stop making trouble!There will be a fight!

No matter how bad it is, he still has a venomous tongue~ Zhenbai is naturally black, not a true shady. If he really encounters him, he will be so venomous that he will doubt his life. "Yu."

Shiina Mashiro was eating a hamburger, stretched out her hand and tugged on Harano Yu's sleeve, and said, "Cousin Qianshi sent me a message tonight."

"Yeah, right?" Yuhara Yu nodded absently, still thinking about Mashiro's life skills. "It's about reading."

Shiina Mashiro was thinking hard, recalling very slowly while eating, "Cousin Qianshi said that she has already found a relationship for me, and from the day after tomorrow I will sleep until the heavy snow at dawn... the heavy snow..."

"It's the High School Affiliated to Ming Art University." Yuan Ye interrupted somewhat speechlessly.

Shiina Mashiro suddenly stopped eating, looked at Yuhara Yu quietly for a while, nodded, very ceremonially, and catered in a serious manner: "Yes, Yuu is right." Yuhara Yu:..."

"Ming Art University Affiliated High School, well, it seems to be the best choice for Mashiro." Harano Yuu whispered while holding his chin.

"Will Yuu go too?" Shiina Mashiro was obviously expecting something, but she didn't show much expression when she asked.

Still super calm, super calm, even his eyes are too quiet, the kind of Gujing Mubo.

Yuan Ye shook his head helplessly and said: "I'm sorry, I already have other choices, not to mention what I need more is the ordinary and traditional high school life of 917. The High School Affiliated to the University of the Arts is not particularly suitable... huh? ? !” Suddenly an idea struck me and I came up with an idea! ...Although it is a bit irresponsible.

But, no matter what, we can't just let the alcoholic teacher just be a hands-off shopkeeper, right?

Yes!That's it.

He called the drunkard teacher and asked her to think of death even if she couldn't think of a solution. In short, she arranged for Nanami Aoyama to take care of Mashiro at school and on the way to and from school.

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