Suddenly there was a strange feeling in my heart.

how to say.

In her career, she has always been a very strong character, from childhood to adulthood.

They are all single-player + [invincible], the type that cannot be bullied by anyone and cannot be hurt.

but!how can that be possible!It's just that if you are injured, you will never let others see it.Only one person, one person...

But this time!When Yuhara Yu saw that her hand was injured, he did not hesitate, and even forcefully took her to the school health room or something.

A hint of warmth suddenly appeared in my heart.

When Shizuka Hiratsuka thought of this, she wasn't so angry anymore. She just rolled her eyes and turned back to ask the health teacher: "Hey! Are you ready? How long has it been?"

"No hurries?!"

The health teacher who had just become a gentle and supportive person raised her eyebrows and became angry. She pointed at Hiratsuka Shizuka's forehead and cursed: "I look so nonchalant about the injuries on my body. Who else do you want to care about you, huh?"

"It takes a long time to help you deal with it, and that's for your own good. You are so old, why are you still as frizzy as a child?"

"Teacher Hiratsuka, I am so disappointed in you!!"

It can be seen with the naked eye that Shizuka Hiratsuka, who is usually very domineering, only dared to lower his head and keep answering "yes" after being taught this. He looked pitiful and aggrieved...

"Pfft! Hahahaha~"

After leaving the door of the health room, Yuan Ye couldn't hold it in any longer and burst out laughing.

With a dark face, Hiratsuka Shizuka grabbed Yuan Ye Yu's collar and said with a fierce expression: "Hey~! Yuan Ye!"

"Are you looking for a beating?"

"Publicly mocking a teacher or something, especially if the target is Hiratsuka Shizu. Do you know what the consequences will be?" Harano Yuu immediately retracted his smile.

However, I only received half of it, and the image of Shizuka Hiratsuka being scolded, lowering his head like a quail and constantly saying yes... Compare it with the fierce and evil Iron Fist Shizuichi in front of him? "Hahahaha~"

Yuan Ye Yu accidentally laughed harder and burst into tears from the corners of his eyes. "Nisunai~!"

Shizuo Hiratsuka was upset and couldn't scare Yuanyu, so he was about to punch Yuanyu in order to give Yuanyu some color.

Yuano Yuu had quick eyes and quick hands. He immediately raised a hand, originally intending to grab Hiratsuka Shizuka's fist.

but!Sharp-eyed people discovered that Hiratsuka Shizuka couldn't hit him with a fist wrapped in gauze.

The corner of his mouth twitched slightly, and he could only take a step forward, and his hand firmly grasped Hiratsuka Shizuka's wrist.

Just like that, Hiratsuka Shizuka's fist could no longer move forward an inch no matter what!

Ping Jiajing was horrified in her heart.

Oh, that’s right!I was quite shocked when I was forcefully dragged over by Yuan Ye Yu on the road just now.


All I can say is, shocked++!

"You, you guy, why are you so strong?" Hiratsuka Shizuka frowned in complete confusion.

Yuhara Yu said angrily: "If I wasn't strong enough, I would have been disfigured just now! Idiot Hiratsuka-sensei, is this how you treat your father's savior?"

"A lifesaver? I would rather not let you save me! That teacher in the school health room or something!"

"Ah~! I really want to kill her!"

"You're so nagging! You're even more nagging than me, Kasan! I can't stand it!!" Hiratsuka Shizu cursed frantically.


Yuhara Yu was originally threatened because his own safety was threatened, but he got better and forgot some scenes.At this moment...


Hiratsuka Shizuo: "???"

"Hahahaha~ Sorry, sorry! I really wanted to hold it back, but when I think of the usually overbearing Teacher Hiratsuka, he would nod his head in aggrieved manner, it's just true, true... Hahahaha~" Hiratsuka Shizuka: "... "

"No Road Race!"

He cursed in a depressed voice.

have to!Seeing herself being laughed at crazily by this guy, at this moment, she could only be helpless and furious? !

When have you ever been so angry?

It's annoying! !

Also, can this kind of adjective really be used to describe her, like a coward like a quail?She obviously just respects that guy's status as a doctor!


Hiratsuka Shizuka glared at Harano Yu fiercely again, and asked in a very bad tone: ""Hey~!You guy!Do you want to go to the martial arts gym or something? "

"Go, go!" It was about collecting cards and feeling safe. Yuan Ye returned to normal again and agreed immediately.

Hiratsuka Shizuka wanted to smile evilly, but suddenly threw a cold blow at Harano Yu and said, "I'm sorry, but, teacher, I suddenly don't want to go..." But!When her eyes were keenly aware that Yuan Ye Yu had grasped her wrist.

I couldn't help feeling warm again.

It’s over!Warmer on warmer.

Now it's hard to play a prank on this guy... I can't bear it, and my conscience is condemned.

Hiratsuka waved her hand dejectedly and said: "Then follow quickly, otherwise I will drive away by myself, and you can slowly chase me on foot from behind, Baga Wilderness!"

Chess Club!

Compared with the sparse crowds at the beginning of the afternoon, in the evening, the [Dragon King Battle] and [Female Throne Battle] were about to begin for the second time.

good guy! !

Inside and outside, there are crowds of people, whether they are existing shogi players or ordinary fans.The support signs were held up in the air, countless support sticks were shining in the dark night, and there were shouts... "Nine-Headed Dragon King, the Eternal God! Charge! I believe you are invincible!"

"Don't be discouraged. We just lost one game. Come on, Lord Kuzuryu!!"

"Naniwa Shirayuki-hime is the best in the world! Don't be timid, just do it! What's so great about the throne?"

"Lord Sacrifice God Lei, let's kill that arrogant guy Naniwa Shirayuki-hime! Haha, just like the first game, continue! Play with her! Humiliate her!!"

"Strengthen the moment...Ahem, sorry, I went to the wrong set, please continue, sorry, sorry..."



Chapter 109 Ala~ I am my concubine, of course I will

The second floor of Qiying Club.

Shakudo Rina was sitting in a wheelchair, looking at the grand event below with a smile.

She also deliberately raised her palms and put them to her ears as if she was listening very carefully. "Moxi Moxi~"

"I didn't expect that guy Shinshin Rai to be so famous among female shogi players. He seems to be on par with Naniwa Shirayuki-hime. Wow~" Shakado Rina's face was filled with gentle surprise.

Standing aside, Yue Ye saw Ban Liao and scorned him: "I really don't know what you, stupid woman, are listening to. You are obviously cheering for Kuzuryuu Yayi and Shan Dao to kill that guy. Who is there in front of a professional chess player?" Will care about women."

Sakyamuni Rina put down her hand, with a smile on her face, and said in a soft voice: "Hey, I said it's a moonlit night, don't belittle yourself. Otherwise, why do you think I wanted to amplify the sound just now, just to listen to the street outside?" The discussion... is completely different from the previous two days."

Tsukiye Jian Ban Liao frowned and looked at this woman with chuunibyou, "What's different?"

Shakudo Rina said with a smile: "When Tsukiyomisaka and Sora Ginko competed, the only one who cheered was the latter, not you, Tsukiyomisaka."


On a moonlit night, Ban Liao twitched his lips, and his face turned dark. He glared at Sakyadang Rina angrily and cursed: "Are you a fool, woman? Jian 957 has always had cat cakes!" After that, he was furious. left here.

Shakudo Rina smacked her lips, with an incomprehensible expression. She lightly pressed her chest, which suddenly felt uncomfortable, and sighed:

"You look like you don't care, you even smile, and you calmly go about causing maximum harm to the other party."

"Haha~ I really don't know how Sacrifice to the Gods Thunder did it. This guy is really different from ordinary people."

"Sakya Hall."...Another shout sounded from behind.

Shakudou Rina returned to normal almost instantly. She turned around and said with a smile: "Ara-chan, Wanchi-chan, you're here too?" Gohan Wanchi nodded lightly: "Of course, if Kong Ginko continues to win, , the one who will be challenged next is most likely you, right?" Rina Sakyamuni continued to smile: "It's very difficult, Sacrifice God Lei is not an ordinary person."

Gohan Wanzhi raised his eyebrows and said: "I don't care about this, I just want to know, if she really challenges you later, even if you don't have the qualifications, will you agree?"

"Ara~ I am my concubine, and I..." Shakato Rina's expression gradually became serious, and she said softly, "I'm afraid, of course I will." Gohan Wanzhi raised the corner of his mouth, chuckled, turned around, and also A character who changes his face very quickly.

She has an outstanding figure, a sexy gray OL uniform, her hair is tied high, and she has a microphone in her hand.


Today, her identity is not that of the female shogi player [Sakura Yamashiro] who is serving Oikawa Wanchi, but as a reporter from the magazine "Shogi World": Kansai is serving Mikami Kugui!

At this moment, opposite Qi Yingshe.

When Yuhara Yu got out of the Aston Martin Vantage, he gently pressed his forehead.

It wasn't that he was beaten by Shizuka Hiratsuka in the car, but because he had a headache.

The headache is not that Hiratsuka Shizuka is actually a rich woman!Driving an Aston Martin Vantage.

He is not an anime idiot, of course he knows that 'Jingkae' is not only an Aston Martin Vantage, but also another customized Toyota Land Cruiser that also sells for a lot of money.

He had a headache.


I told Kong Yinzi in the afternoon that there were important (acbh) school transfer procedures to go through, so I left Qiying Club.

At night, this comes back again?

"But don't run into it accidentally. Otherwise, how should I explain it?"

"After negotiating the transfer procedures, and sharing the same interests with the enthusiastic teacher, we came to the martial arts hall to have two groups of wrestling while the iron was hot?" Yuano Yu secretly prayed in his heart.

After Heng Jiajing got out of the car, he skillfully threw the key to the parking boy who came out to greet him from the martial arts hall and asked him to drive away and park. "Hello!"

"What are you dazed about?"

"It's too late to back down now."

Hiratsuka Shizuka shouted, urging Harano Yu to hurry up.

Yuan Ye rolled his eyes and responded: "What nonsense are you talking about? I have nothing to be afraid of."

"Eh? That's true."

Hiratsuka Shizuka touched her chin, looked at Yuhara Yu with a half-smile and said, "Have you lied to me before?"

"Huh?" Yuanye was surprised.

"When I saw me in the Wudao Grand Museum, I suddenly fascinated me deeply. I became a teacher and my little brother or something. Very stylish, he continued to speak calmly:

"Just imagine, a person who is even more powerful than me and has a lot of kung fu skills at first glance, how could he become my fan so hastily?"


The conversation changed, and Ping Jiajing turned around with a nonchalant expression, walked forward, and said,

"Although Teacher, I don't know how you know me and what is the purpose of lying to me, but it doesn't matter!"

"Anyway, you guys are quite to my liking. Teacher, I won't care about these past events." Good guy! !

The chic and handsome poses make this woman do all she can!Let this woman finish all the words about being chic and handsome!

Yuhara Yu has to admit that Hiratsuka Shizuka is very smart!In short, it must not be underestimated.

He also touched his chin, then smiled and followed Hiratsuka Shizuka with a calm expression.

Hiratsuka Shizuka noticed Yuno Yu's movements behind her, and the corner of her mouth curled up slightly: How about it?

No!There was no refutation. It seemed that her guess was indeed correct.

"Hara! Ye! Yuu!"

Hiratsuka Shizuka repeated Harano Yu's name in her mind, then without thinking any more, she smiled and greeted the first person who came towards her.

"Yo~! Hasaka, hello, hello, you are indeed here today,"

Hiratsuka Shizuka smiled cheerfully.

What a coincidence, as soon as you walk in, you will find an acquaintance.

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