Yuhara Yu looked at Shizuka Hiratsuka.

Ping Jiajing obviously heard it too, and swore in a low voice: "Take retired special forces soldiers to kick the gym? The people at Luoye Martial Arts Gym are really shameless! Bah!"

It was like professional players participating in an entertainment competition for amateur players. After everything was exposed by Souji Okita, what the Luoye Budokan did was really disgusting.

"Hiratsuka, I know you are very strong, but if you want to deal with that guy, I'm afraid it's not that simple."

Chief Okita reminded.

Hiratsuka Shizu snorted disdainfully: "I can't beat him to death!"

Yuan Ye Yu raised his hand halfway, wanting to remind Heijia Jing of his hand injury, but stopped midway.

Tie Quan Jing has such a fiery, violent and stubborn temper. Even if she knew she couldn't beat him today, she would definitely go up for a fight no matter what.

Blocking has no effect.

In this case, it's better to forget it.

Moreover, around the arena at this time, countless people had begun to shout requests because of the anger accumulated in their hearts.

"Hiratsuka! Defeat these scumbags from Luoye Martial Arts School! Defeat them!!"

"Hiratsuka! Hiratsuka! Hiratsuka!!"

"Teach them how to behave with your fists!"

"Damn it! I'm so pissed off by these grandsons! When, when will it be their turn to be arrogant at the Luoye Martial Arts Hall?"

Faced with so much anger, Kei Yanase smiled half-heartedly and once again gave a provocative thumbs up to the ring.

But, the next moment!

Thumbs down…

His tongue-smacking smile was full of villain temperament:

"Hey, hey, everyone in Nagasaki River, even if you win two out of three games, if you lose one more set, your plaques will be ready to be put in the trash can."

Chapter 115 Hello! [I want to] go up and beat that guy to a pulp.


Yanase Kei's words were like a fuse that had been lit by fire. Suddenly...

The thorn suddenly burned to the bottom, and then without any surprise, there was a roar, and the whole place exploded instantly!

"Asshole! What are you talking about?"

"You take it too much for granted! Luo Ye Martial Arts Hall, hey! You bastards!"

"Hiratsuka will blow you away!"

"It seems that you still don't know how powerful Hiratsuka is! Hasaka is just in poor condition..."

Such indignation was interrupted helplessly by the host.

Before he started to say "start~", he hesitated again and again, but still reminded: "Everyone, the Heike's right hand was actually injured just before coming to the Budokan~, so I hope..."

In particular, he looked at Sango Kohei of the Luoye Martial Arts Hall, and his intention was very clear: pay attention to the injured area, and do not aim to hit the wound.

Hiratsuka Shizu's expression changed and she scolded: "Hey! Shut up! What are you talking about?"

Revealing this kind of information directly before the game would not only destroy one's prestige, but wouldn't it also give the enemy an opportunity to take advantage of it?

The host was shocked and suddenly realized that he shouldn't have said these words. He, he...

"Hiratsuka..." He panicked.

"Go down,"

Shizuka Hiratsuka was too lazy to pay attention to him, and irritably put on a helmet, shoulder pads, elbow pads, and gloves.

The same is true for Sanju Kohei on the opposite side.

"Hey! I'm talking about the guy opposite! He's a retired special forces soldier, right? The Luoye Martial Arts School actually cultivates this type of talent. It really opened my eyes!"

Ping Jiajing has always been an outspoken person. If she felt unhappy in her heart, naturally she would tell it directly.


"Retired special forces? What? The Luoye Martial Arts Gym actually brought retired special forces to our gym?"

"Bah! Can you cultivate special forces or something like that? Where are the disgusting people right here!"

"No wonder, no wonder Luoye Martial Arts Gym suddenly became so powerful. It turned out to be a crooked way!!"

The people at Nagasakigawa Budokan became angry again and glared at Yanase Kei and the others.

Sanjukang said in a calm voice: "Don't talk nonsense. In short, the three of us brothers are now members of the Luoye Martial Arts Hall. Why can't we represent the Martial Arts Hall in the battle?"


There was another boo in the audience, everyone was disdainful and stared at these people angrily.

Hiratsuka Shizuichi grinned and said with a smile: "I have to remind you by the way, trash! That guy just said it was a little off, and I have small skin injuries on my hands. Don't take it seriously. ."

"Will not."

Sanju Kangping said in a dull voice, turned around and asked: "Can we start?"

"Come on, let's start." The host gritted his teeth, secretly annoyed that he had said the wrong thing, and when he looked at the stage, he felt extremely guilty. "Give it to me, Sinai!"

start~!Shizuka Hiratsuka was the first to take action. He yelled and hit him with his fist.

Sango Kohei took his time, squatted slightly, and finally punched a powerful and heavy punch with a loud shout... "Sure enough!!"

"Sure enough, they are also from a school that came out of the army!"

Souji Okita's eyes flashed in the audience, and he whispered, "Although they are all karate starting moves, in comparison, his style of fighting is obviously more about strength training, and it is fierce and martial, like It’s like a sword with a sharp scabbard, and it’s more helpful in close combat, making it a real killing technique.”

Harano Yu narrowed his eyes and said with a casual smile: "You are still here taking your time. It seems that you, the signature of the martial arts gym, will be thrown into the trash can soon." Souji Okita really didn't care. Not in a hurry, after hearing this sentence, he even raised his head and smiled, and said to Yuan Ye Yu: "There is still you, of course there is no rush."


Harano Yu pointed at his nose, dumbfounded, waving his hands and saying: "Don't make trouble, don't make trouble, I will not foolishly fight for the honor of Nagasaki Kawa Martial Arts School." He came here with Shizuka Hiratsuka, just Simply, I wanted to mix two [Martial Arts] career-related character cards to improve my sense of security.

Fights, gymnastics, etc. were not considered at all.

Besides, since he shook hands with Souji Okita, his career can be said to have been completed!

"But you can fight for the woman on the stage. I saw you and her drinking the same glass of red wine just now." Souji Okita said with a slightly ambiguous smile to Harano Yu.

Obviously, he misunderstood something.

Drinking the same glass of red wine, it’s just that I’m too lazy to pour it myself! ... Harano Yu shook his head again and said calmly: "I don't know how to fight, martial arts." Okita Souji spread his hands and said: "There is no such possibility, because you can stand with Hiratsuka, I observe Pass……"

"Stop stop! Stop!"

Yuanyang Harano forced a spell to interrupt, and solemnly stated to Souji Okita:

"No matter what, whether I know martial arts or not, I will not fight today, okay? Do you understand me?"

"If you understand, just shut up. You are really annoying. You keep nagging..."

"Asshole!!!" What does heaven's reincarnation mean?Yuan Ye interrupted Chong.'s speaking and casting, and then his own words were also interrupted.

It was not Okita Souji who interrupted, but the entire audience, people from the Nagasakigawa Budokan.

They all suddenly exclaimed collectively because the guy from the Luoye Martial Arts Hall in the ring suddenly became shameless!

Ring battle!

Sanju Kohei had an absolute crush on Heijia Jing in terms of strength. It can be said that it is not difficult to win.

Just waste more time?... After all, Ping Jiajing's style of play is also very flexible.

However, as the fight continued, Sango Kohei seemed to be dissatisfied with the continuation of the battle, and became impatient. Suddenly, he attacked Hiratsuka Shizuka's right front with a series of heavy punches!


Unable to dodge, Ping Jiajing could only punch head-on. Moreover, due to the position, he could only punch with his right fist.

Bang bang bang!

After seven or eight punches in a row, Ping Jiajing's expression was originally calm, but now it was extremely ugly, a little bit pale.

Even wearing a helmet and protective gear, everyone in the audience could still see that Ping Jiajing's figure was shaky and almost unsteady.

The severe pain caused by the heavy blow on the wound on the suppressed fist was extremely vivid.

"This bastard!"

"How shameless! He knew that Hiratsuka's right hand was injured, but he did it on purpose!!"


"Go to hell! Nisuchi~! This kind of person is not worthy of standing in the ring! The scum of Luoye Martial Arts Gym!"

"Hiratsuka, hold on, beat that guy to pieces for sure! Please!"

Under the stage, Souji Okita was also smiling at the moment, holding his face with one hand, watching the changes in Harano Yu's expression and eyes, and thought to himself: Sample!I am a love master, don’t you understand me?

Now, in fact, Okita Souji really misunderstood and misunderstood his relationship with Hiratsuka Shizuka.

But the scene on the stage right now...

"It's true, he's a bit too scumbag. I really want to go up and smash him to pieces."

Looking straight at the ring with calm eyes, especially Hiratsuka Shizu's swaying figure, Yuhara Yu sighed in a low voice.

Souji Okita was furious: "Then go ahead! Beat him to pieces, no, he's a scum, and scum should be turned into scum!"

"You said you asked me to do it, not that I deliberately wanted to do it."

As if finding a step for himself, Harano Yuu glanced at Souji Okita lightly, stood up and walked straight to the ring.

At the same time, he whispered in his heart:

"System, open the character cards of [Hayasaka Ai] and [Okita Souji] for me. I want to choose skills."

Chess Club!

Kuzuryuu Bayi's [Defense Battle of the Dragon King] is extremely tenacious.

No one expected that at the start of Zhenfei Che, he was obviously very depressed in the middle game and looked like he was about to collapse at any time, but he still persisted for nearly three hours.

But on the other side, deviations and unexpected surprises occurred in the [Emperor Battle] between Kong Yinzi and Sacrificial God Lei.

When the chess game unfolded for two hours and 53 minutes, the two sides interacted 236 moves.

It's the empty silver's turn.

She was holding the table tightly with one hand and twirling her keima with the other hand. Her face was slightly pale, her lips were also white and dry, and her figure was swaying slightly.

A moment, a moment, suddenly... a pop!He plunged into the chessboard. "Naniwa Shirayuki-hime!"

"Sky Queen!"

"Hey~! Wake up!"

ps: Does anyone like earthy lolita?This section of empty silver is ready to be designed to attract Meow Paz~ a few times.

Chapter 116 This is the familiar Mashiro, the pinnacle of [Martial Arts]!

This night in Sakurasou was extremely lively.

Mashiro Shiina is undoubtedly a girl whose appearance is perfect to the extreme, even if she is a classic three-no girl.

Still, as soon as he entered the door, he was warmly welcomed by Hitoshi Mitaka and Misaki Kamiikusa.

Of course, Mitaka Jin was carried out alone by Chihiro Sengoku. The alcoholic teacher held Mitaka Jin by the collar in an extremely domineering manner and threatened:

"Hey~! Let me tell you, Mitaka Jin, if you dare to catch Mashiro's attention, teacher, I will kill you!"

Mitaka Jin: E()A;))

Just like that, during the whole dinner and the whole process, Mitaka Jin was so weak that he never dared to say a word to Shiina Masaru, at least not openly.

Nanami Aoyama and Misaki Kamiigusa were having fun.

That's it.

"Hey, Nanami, tell me, during the whole process, it seemed like we were the ones enjoying ourselves all the time. Mashiro didn't say a word to us. Is it indifference?"

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