Tsukiye saw Ban Liao shut up again and prepare to watch the show.

However, God Sacrifice Lei didn't seem to intend to hear the answer, so he turned around and left.

When passing by the chessboard that I had just played against, maybe I suddenly felt extremely unhappy, and my illness worsened, so I kicked the chessboard away in anger. "idiot!!"

Cursing fiercely, Sacrifice God Lei left the chess room in the blink of an eye, and the door was also slammed shut.

Only Shakudo Rina and Tsukiyomi Sakaru were left in the house.

The latter asked with great interest: "When you asked how many moves were actually exchanged, did you mean the chessboard in the mind?"

Shakado Rina rubbed her chin with one hand, squinted her eyes, and said softly: "Yes, Xiaotiao, you can't draw a conclusion about this kind of thing just by looking at it."

"Stop calling me so affectionately, I'm not familiar with you!" Yue Ye saw Ban Liao's face turned cold. "Hey, don't be like this, Xiaotiao, it's so sad! So heartless!"

Shakudo Rina smiled and patted Tsukiye Miban Liao with a hint of coquettishness in her voice.

However, in just a blink of an eye, her face straightened up again, and her eyes showed seriousness. "Although the guy Sacrifice God Lei didn't say it, at least it won't be less than ten times."

"I think BT is the only female chess player who can make a move with empty coins until she loses her strength and faints!" Seeing Ban Liao in the moonlit night, she suddenly didn't find "little teasing" disgusting anymore. In short, let's put the matter of address aside for now. .She asked with great interest: "So Shakyatang, you, a disabled woman, will you really challenge the God Sacrifice Thunder?" Shakyatang raised her head with a smile and asked instead: "What do you think?"

"Crazy!" Yueye scolded angrily when she saw Ban Liao being laughed at.

As for Shakudo Rina, she lowered her head again early, looked at her fingers poking and poking, and muttered in a low voice: "No way, this guy is the only one in me who has no absolute certainty of defeating the variables." ."0concrete/p>

"Unless this BT takes the initiative to challenge me, then I won't agree, huh!"





"Ba ga ba ga!"

"Empty silver! Bastard!! You bastard!!!!"

"I will not lose to you! Absolutely!! No way!!!!"

In another room, when Sacrifice God Lei returned, within a few minutes, everything in the room was smashed!

She cursed in annoyance.

It wasn't Kong Yinzi who fainted midway, causing the last chess game to end abruptly.

Rather!But because! !

Before Kong Yinzi fainted, there were thin beads of sweat on her forehead. Her pupils kept shrinking, like needles, and her brain suddenly went blank.

In other words, as long as Kong Yinzi plays another move that is exactly the same as before.

she!Everything about her was shattered at that time, and she would definitely lose in that game of chess! !

How could she accept this?

She has always wanted to defeat Kong Yinzi with an absolute lead, and then become a disciple of Yuanye, and live a decadent and decadent life with Yuanye day and night... Who has such a dream...

"Senior Brother Yu?"

In fact, on the way to the hospital, Kong Yinzi woke up. She opened her eyes and saw Yuano Yu.

A hint of surprise flashed across his blue eyes, but immediately, he was surprised. "How will you be here?"

Kong Yinzi tried hard to turn her head and look around her. Wasn't she just playing chess? Why...

"Stop moving and lie down. We are on the way to the hospital. You just fainted while playing chess."

Yuan Ye Yu gently held down Kong Ginzi's shaking head, put his index finger on the girl's forehead, and said, "Stop!!"

Kong Yinzi frowned quickly, after receiving Yuan Ye Yu's information, he said: "But my game is not over yet, I..."

"For your size."

Yuan Ye Yu lost his temper and was about to point his nose at this junior sister who didn't know how to advance or retreat. "Ahem!"

The little nurse next to her suddenly coughed and looked at Yuan Ye. She reminded her seriously: "Ah... the patient needs to rest. Please don't make any noise, sir."

Yuan Ye Yu: "???"

The corners of Kong Yinzi's fair mouth twitched again and again, and the last one couldn't hold it back and burst into laughter.

(*AVA*)How many.


Chapter 121 Senior Brother You, come back to your hometown with me!

"About the flight attendant's illness."

"Well...how should I put it, it's a bit strange. To be specific, it is difficult to diagnose even in all the hospitals in Adachi City."

"The only thing that can be determined is that she was born with heart-related problems, which caused her body to be relatively weak."

"It can't be said about the body. The main thing is physical strength. Compared with normal people, once the physical strength is overexhausted, they will faint easily."

"Also, there is a very strange discovery. I don't know whether I should say it or not..."

Outside the soundproof ward, the attending doctor took Yuan Ye out alone for an interview.

Yuan Ye pondered for a moment, prepared himself mentally, and said, "Just say it."

The attending doctor nodded with a wry smile and said, "Based on our hospital's observations, stewardesses can only live to be 20 years old at most."

I thought that if I said this, Yuan Ye Yu would definitely panic, and even if it didn't work, he would definitely lose his position.

but!The young man in front of him was unexpectedly calm and calm, as if he had only heard a small amount of information.

"I understand, thank you." Yuan Ye Yu nodded.

I vaguely remember that there was a comment section boss who hated "Yin can't get it" and commented worriedly in the anime comment section: "Yin Zi is still sick, and he says he won't live for a certain age. White horse old thief, how dare you stab me" Silver, I flew all night to look for it in Neon

You work hard.

It seems that this is indeed true.

There is also a clear limit on how old you are: 20!

But there is no need to worry too much. After all, even if he doesn't intervene, Kong Yinzi will be able to cure herself sooner or later.

In the novel Dragon King, we can be 100% certain that there is no knife...

"If possible, I actually recommend that you take the stewardess to Tokyo Medical University for consultation. There are some of the top medical experts in the world there."

"If it were them, I think there would be a way to diagnose it and give a clear treatment plan."

The attending doctor reminded again.

"Okay, thank you, I will definitely consider it carefully." Yuan Ye Yu agreed softly.

When the attending doctor left, he turned and returned to the ward.

Because the disease was not found out, Kong Yinzi simply hung up.

It's just glucose, for energy.

No matter what the disease is, the only thing that can be confirmed is that Kong Yinzi must be physically exhausted now.


After Yuan Ye Yu entered the room, he pulled up a chair and sat in front of Kong Yinzi, and said: "From now on, the chessboard in my mind..."


Kong Yinzi rejected it without waiting for Yuan Ye Yu to finish. He frowned and said stubbornly, "I just fainted once accidentally. Brother Yu, what nonsense are you talking about? This has nothing to do with the chessboard in your head."

"I didn't say I wouldn't let you use it." Yuanye Yu was speechless.

"Huh?!" The expression of resistance on Kong Yinzi's pretty face also froze, slightly more or less slightly embarrassed.

“Rather, there needs to be a limit.”

"At least until the disease is completely cured, you absolutely cannot use it more often than today."

Yuan Ye said.

Kong Yinzi frowned again.

Yuan Ye Yu stretched out his hand to smooth her, then grabbed her left cheek and threatened: "If you dare to disobey, I will beat you, do you believe it?"

Kong Yinzi's beautiful blue eyes immediately widened, and she almost couldn't believe it, but what she saw in Yuan Ye Yu's eyes was all sincerity.

Well, take it!


"Arrogant and arrogant."

Kong Yinzi turned his head, preparing to find his own folding fan and give Yuan Ye Yu a hard blow on the head.

But, I looked around and couldn't find it.

"Okay, let's get down to business."

Harano Yuya retracted his hand, hugged his shoulders and said, "About some issues about your innate heart weakness, Ginzi, do you think you should also know about it?"

The empty silver on his back nodded slightly.

Yuan Ye thought for a moment and then said, "So, do you have any ideas for this?"

Kong Yinzi whispered: "No, no, Senior Brother You, these are the last few years, so just cherish it. I, I... hurt!!!"

Before he finished speaking, Yuan Ye Yu pinched his face hard again, and Kong Yinzi's voice suddenly changed,

Yuan Ye Yu stood in front of the bed in a funny manner, slightly bent over, looking down at the girl's furious eyes, and laughed and cursed: "Tell the truth!"

He, a dignified little intellectual, an old Two-dimensional man who was short of 278 experience points to level up to 6th level, would he be deceived by this little nonsense?

There is nothing I can do with my empty money 0..

He curled his lips and had no choice but to tell Yuan Ye the truth:

"In my hometown, on the mountain, there is an old Chinese doctor who seems to have come from the center of the Qin Dynasty a long time ago."

"Although he is an old Chinese medicine doctor, he also has many high-tech inventions..."

Speaking of this, Kong Yinzi's eyes flinched, and the image of a child appeared in his mind.

Because he was born with a disease, he is very thin. He likes to wear a green coat. His hair is long and his appearance is probably a bit feminine?But the actual character is very lively.

His name is Sodo.

The strength of shogi...


Kong Yinzi thought of some very bad things, and his face turned nasty. He couldn't help it, and he swallowed in fear.

Yuanye Yu was confused and said: "Even if I look good-looking at your senior brother, I swallowed my tongue, but your extremely bad expression is so inappropriate, isn't it okay at all?" Kong Yinzi shook his head and retracted his expression. , a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he invited: "Senior Brother You, come back to your hometown with me."

"What?!" 1.7 Yuanye blinked.

"There is a way back home. In fact, half a year ago I had reached the deadline that person said and I can go back."

"But I want to wait here for Senior Brother You to come, because I don't know how long I will be treated there, so..."

"Come back to your hometown with me, my parents will definitely want to see you too."

Kong Yinzi's expression, eyes, and tone of voice were all extremely serious and full of expectations.But I just completed the admission procedures today. If I miss class tomorrow, will it be...

Yuan Ye Yu touched his chin, but soon he smiled and kissed the girl two or three times on the mouth... Finally, he vaguely agreed: "Okay, then it's settled, buy the ticket now, Set off tomorrow."

Chapter 122: Is he a young man who is silent at that level?

Now that I have agreed to the empty money, I have to single out the concept of [Junior Sisters Priority].

The subsequent operations are really troublesome.

School is one aspect, the primary school students at home are another aspect, and Mashiro at home is another aspect.

In comparison, the problem at Qiyingshe was much easier to solve.

Harano Yu just made a phone call, and Kamikawa Mingtaka was very considerate and said that he would handle the competition.

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