":." All answered. "

"But a different dog is in charge, and he's trying to come up to me and beg for mercy, asking me to let you live?"

"It's ridiculous!"


Hinazuru Ashina hugged her shoulders, her aura was compelling.

Yanase Kei's face turned even uglier.

Behind him, Sango Yasuhei and Futami Yudai also looked ugly.

Tianchun Dahe stepped forward cautiously and said: "Director Liu, forget it, we, we..."

Having competed with Hinazuru Akina, I knew that this woman was as tough as a rock.

Ameharu Taiga was still a little afraid of Hinazuru Ashina.

"Go away!"

Yanase Kei was extremely upset.

damn it!I originally went to the Nagasakigawa Budokan today, hoping to catch them off guard and have a good time at the gym.

Unexpectedly, a bastard showed up on the way and caused trouble for him. He beat Sanju Kangping to pieces and broke two of his hands, which also made him very angry.

The hot spring hotel business in Adachi District is developed and has broad prospects. This is another main purpose of the three brothers coming to Adachi District this time.

He had long taken aim at the two hot spring hotels, Shinano and Fujigawa, which were on the verge of collapse at any time.

In addition, the boss of Wakura Hot Spring Village is a woman, huh ~ woman? I thought this would be a very simple negotiation, who knew! ! …

He brought so many vicious guys here and smashed the windows and doors to show off his power!

This damn woman is not afraid at all?!

Yanase Kei felt that a bad breath was suffocating in his heart, and he couldn't let it out.

I couldn't beat him at Nagasakigawa Budokan even if I wanted to, but it's different here!

He sneered and said to Hinazuru Ashina: "Ms. Hinazuru, I advise you to be more knowledgeable, otherwise, you don't really think that you can fight with us with just these old and weak soldiers from your hot spring village. When things get bigger, it won't be good for anyone.

Hinazuru Ashina looked at him sarcastically, her eyes even more contemptuous: "Then do you dare? I'm afraid smashing the windows and glass is the limit, right?"

This is so true!

It really caused a large-scale fight. Even if Yanase Kei and the other three had backgrounds, they wouldn't have it easy.


However, it happened that Hinazuru Akina was the one who stood above everyone else, and her attitude of contempt and disdain for them the whole time completely pissed off Yanase Kei!

In addition, the Nagasaki Kawa Budokan itself is very popular.

Yanase Kei came up.

"If you don't know what's good, hit me!!" He waved his hand and cursed with red eyes.

No one moved behind him.

Hinazuru Akina also stood motionless, still standing at the front, wearing a black embroidered yukata, with an indifferent expression on her beautiful face, and her eyes sternly scanning the audience.

"Brother, don't get excited, it's not easy for us here..." Futagami persuaded in a low voice. "Fight!"

Yanase Kei pushed Futami Yudai away in one push, and was completely blown away. He turned around and roared angrily:

"Why are you standing there in a daze? Hit me! If anything happens, I will bear all the blame. Hit me and teach this ignorant bitch a lesson. Hit me!!!" This sentence had an effect.The dozens or hundreds of gangsters immediately rushed forward, shouting and raising their baseball bats.

Obvious shock and surprise flashed across Hinazuru Ashina's eyes... Do you really dare to take action?


"Protect Madam!!"

Although Kojima Heijiro is usually a very timid person, now he saw something was wrong and went crazy. He yelled and rushed forward first.

Hinazuru Akina's eyes and expression were still stern, and she stood there motionless.

It's not that she doesn't want to leave, and it's not like her feet were numb due to fear, but if she leaves, wouldn't it be equivalent to losing the battle of momentum?

So, even if you bite the bullet.As the only mistress of Wakura Hot Spring Village, she had to stand here with a cold aura, staring at Yanase Kei with an expressionless face! "Madam! Be careful! Behind you! Get out of the way!" A cry of surprise came out from the melee.

Hinazuru Akina also noticed it immediately. A strong wind suddenly swept over the back of her head.

His face changed!

Yanase Kei showed a proud smile of successful revenge.

Tianchun Dahe and Nan Riyou also had surprised smiles on their faces, but then they felt different.

But it’s this time!

Bang! !

At some point, a young man stood behind Hinazuru Ashina and just raised one hand.

He actually... grabbed a baseball bat that could split the wind? …

Although it was only an inch away from the back of Hinazuru Akina's head, the latter could not take any further!Several.

Chapter 126 Then, don’t you also call me madam?


The bastard holding the baseball bat and whining loudly was stunned, confused and looked at the young man in front of him with his head tilted.

Taking the stick with bare hands?


Are you a Gundam?Hey hey! "Get out!"

Yuan Ye Yu raised his hand and threw the baseball bat and the man seven or eight meters away.

The palms of my hands were buzzing and numb.

Even if his current [Martial Arts] realm is the highest level "invincible in the world", his physical fitness is still ridiculously strong.

But this does not mean that one's body is invulnerable or that all six senses have been lost.

In the final analysis, we still have to be classified as human beings.

Of course, the real highest level of [Martial Arts] is here?...Maybe, maybe, there might be some discrepancies, right?

What if the system has a problem and suddenly needs an upgrade or something? Tsk!But if that is the case, the daily life of Zongman will probably be declared over... "Master Yuanye, is it you?"

The threat of attack from behind was lifted, and Hinazuru Ashina herself breathed a sigh of relief. When she looked at Harano Yu, her eyes were full of surprise.

Yuhara Yu smiled helplessly at her and said, "Mrs. Ashina, just think that for the sake of me shielding you from the knife, don't call me master. It's too old." Hinazuru Aki Nai raised the corner of his mouth and said with a smile: "In the same way, doesn't Master Yuanye always call me madam?" Can this also be counted together?

Yuan Ye You was speechless.

In what was clearly a chaotic place, the two began to chat and laugh.

This scene is also weird. "Brother."

Sango Kohei was the first to discover Yuhara Yu, and his eyes straightened out at the first sight.

Full of fear, he was trembling all over, and the palms of his hands were sweating in just a few seconds.

What happened on the ring in the afternoon is still fresh in my mind.

This guy!This is the guy!While saying something like "Look at me? I'm so angry, I'm so sad", he suddenly broke both of his hands like a madman!

It took a hundred days to break my muscles and bones, and my wrists are still hanging from my neck.

Therefore, the first time he saw Yuano Yu, he had no idea of ​​revenge in his heart and pointed to running away!Run quickly!Don't get targeted by this crazy boy again!

Yanase Kei's expression also darkened, and he cursed in a low voice: "The ghost is still lingering, how come you can run into this guy wherever you go?"

"Brother, since we have already taken action, there are many of us, otherwise?..." Futami Yudai touched the long sword at his waist, a little ready to move.


Yanase Kei's face was very dark, and he asked angrily: "How many of these rabble we brought today can you defeat, don't you know?"

Futami Yudai lowered his head silently and replied in a low voice: "At least ten."

"At our level, this group of rabble is just like a joke. If you can't touch it, we will still have to take action when the time comes."

"But this guy!!"

Yanase Kei squinted his eyes, and his face turned blue and white. He thought about it for a long time, but his mind could not help but be washed away by what Harano Yu said.

——Although I think it would be very easy for me to beat the three of you by myself.

Believe it or not?

"Can this guy, at such a young age, really reach the level of a special forces soldier?"

Yanase Kei closed his eyes slightly, and finally maintained his rationality, exhaled softly and said:

"Remove it, just pretend that I stepped on dog poop while walking today, and stepped on it twice in a row... I will never come to Adachi City again, damn it!"

Having said that, he took the lead to leave, followed closely by Ergami Yudai and Sanju Yasuhei.

"Mr. Liu!"

Tianchun Dahe and Nan Riyou were dumbfounded.

They were all in great spirits and almost even wanted to open two bottles of champagne to celebrate! ...if that baseball bat hits him.

Oh My God!If the hostess of the Hinazuru family quits the stage, wouldn't they be able to go back on their word and send Kei Yanase, the mastermind of the fight, and the others to prison, so that the fisherman can benefit and their hot spring hotel can continue to operate?

It's a pity that all this was ruined because of that guy's appearance!damn it!

"In the end, you are just a coward, so you don't dare to fight?"

"That's right, isn't it true that there's a guy on the opposite side who looks like he can fight, and now he's giving up? What a waste! It's not good either."

Tianchun Dahe and Nan Riyou cursed and ran away, extremely unwilling to do so.

Once the leaders left, the gangsters were leaderless, and naturally lost their desire to fight. They fought and fled, creating chaos.

Soon, Wakura Hot Spring Township became quiet...

Kojima Heijiro wiped the blood on his face with excitement, raised his baseball bat and shouted: "We win!!"


"Ouch~! What? Are they worthy of attacking Wakura Hot Spring Township? Haha, killing indiscriminately!"

"It's exciting! It's cool!!"

Hinazuru Akina's eyes gradually withdrew from the door, a rare smile appeared on her face, and she turned around and said:

"Don't be idle. Everyone here today will go to the finance department tomorrow morning to receive a 10 yen thank you fee."

"In addition, those who are injured should go to the hospital now without delay. The cost of treatment will be fully reimbursed by Cangquan Hot Spring Township."

"The rest, complete and complete, will be cleaned immediately for me. Clean the hall as quickly as possible, contact the people in the furniture store, and replace all the windows, doors, and sofas." This order continued vigorously and resolutely. , the Wakura Hot Spring Township employees who participated in the war were very happy, grateful, and full of energy.

Yuhara touched his chin, smacked his tongue and thought: She is indeed a woman who can expand Wakura Hot Spring Township to such a scale. She has just experienced such a chaos, and she can still remain calm and make the most rational and reasonable decisions as quickly as possible. The arrangement... is amazing. "Master Yuanye?"

Hinazuru Ashina turned her head, looked at Harano Yu with a smile, and extended her hand to invite: "Let's chat privately?"

Yuan Ye shrugged and said with a smile: "Don't worry about chatting privately. I'm here mainly to discuss things with you today. By the way, I'll take my junior brother to the hot springs on 1.7."

"Junior brother?" Hinazuru Ashina was surprised.

Yuhara Yu looked around, and suddenly found that Kuzuryuu Bayi also had a mop in his hand, and was about to clean, when he suddenly had a black line on his face. "Bayi, come here. You are a guest. Are you stupid? Why don't you clean up?"

Kuzuryuu Yaichi suddenly came to his senses after being scolded by Harano Yuichi. He was immediately embarrassed. After putting down the mop, he explained with a blush:

"Well, Senior Brother Yu, the aura of Miss Chuhe's boss is so strong that I subconsciously put myself into the role of an employee, ha, ha ha~" The laughter was extremely embarrassing.

Hinazuru Akina couldn't hold back and burst out laughing again.

Originally, because of Harano Yuu, my sense of shogi players had improved a bit.


Better. .


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