It’s not that I’m afraid of treating illnesses. Dr. Laoshan is still very nice and her senses are very good.

The so-called fear is that group of psychological shadows, that child named Sota.

"She's almost eleven or twelve years old now."

Kong Yinzi walked on the road, thought about it casually, and then forgot about it.

Find grass and grass.

Because there are more flowers and plants on the mountainside, and there will be more woods as you go to the top of the mountain, Yuhara Yu simply drew a circle and the three of them spread out to look for them.

Hard work pays off, Yuan Ye found it first!


Unexpectedly, when Yuano Yu saw this kind of flower, he was inexplicably happy and shouted loudly.

Kong Yinzi came out from the bushes on the side holding a bunch of purple flowers and asked curiously: "What's wrong?"

"You found it too?" Yuan Ye Yu blinked.

Kong Yinzi nodded and said: "When we separated just now, we turned a corner to the left. The bushes below were full of them, so I picked a few."

"We're so lucky. It seems we can give an explanation to that kid Lianhua as soon as possible."

broken!The strong sense of accomplishment is gone!

Yuan Ye had no choice but to pick a few symbolic flowers, stood up and said with a smile.

"I just saw her going over there."

Kong Yinzi pointed in one direction.

Harano Yu and Kong Ginzi walked along and searched all the way, and finally found the palace lotus in a small pond.

At this time, Tuwei Loli himself was squatting by the pond, with a serious face, staring intently at the toads that kept croaking under the lotus flowers in the pond.

Yuan Ye Yu: "??"

Kong Yinzi: "?"

Terrible things still happened.

After the lotus flower in the palace heard the two people coming, she suddenly raised her head, her eyes were extremely bright, pointed at the toad under the lotus flower and said: "I want to play with this!".

The first group number is [-]

Chapter 140 A more terrifying thing also happened

Listen and listen!

Does this speak human words?

She wants to play with a toad! !

Even if you are a loli, it is difficult for others to refuse when you make a request, but is it possible that if you want to play with a toad, I also want to ~ shout, play with her, play with her?

It doesn't exist!

Look at Kong Yinzi’s expression again.




Yuan Ye Yu only glanced at it and then looked away, feeling dumbfounded in his heart.

Obviously, compared to him who had been mentally prepared, Kong Yinzi's shock was more powerful and terrifying. "I want to play!"

Lianhua in the palace stubbornly requested again.

The corners of Kong Yinzi's fair mouth twitched a few times, and he unexpectedly recovered from the shock early.

Looking at Lianhua in the palace again, her face was complicated.

When he looked at Yuan Ye Yu, he asked with difficulty: "Catch her?"

Yuanye Yu thought for a long time. If they didn't catch it, I'm afraid they would still have to rely on them for this earthy loli.

This is no longer just a matter of a few lotus flowers.

That's it!


Yuan Ye remembered that when he came, he saw a clay pot with some corners broken on the side of the road.

I originally wanted to pick up the empty silver, but then I thought that if the lotus flower in the palace was here, I might do something shocking to the toad, so I gave up. "Lianhua, you can see a clay pot along this road. Go over and pick it up and give it to me. I'll catch the toad for you." Yuanye pointed to a road and said. "good!"

Lianhua in the palace agreed very readily. After looking at the toad reluctantly for a few more times, she turned around and trotted away. "Senior Brother Yu, do you really want to arrest him?"

As soon as the lotus flower left the palace, Kong Yinzi took another hard look at the toad. The more he looked at it, the more confused he became.

Even though she was born in a mountain village, any ordinary girl would have complete reverence for things like toads, right?

Yuanye Yu touched the tip of his nose and walked forward, saying, "What else can we do? Take Lianhua up the mountain?"


Kong Yinzi whispered. When he discovered that Yuan Ye Yu had walked to the pond and was about to take action, he was excited and said quickly, "Senior Brother Yu, you can't kiss me anymore!"

Yuan Ye Yu looked up angrily and glared at the girl, saying: "I don't kiss a toad, why are you so disgusted with it?"

Kong Yinzi blinked and changed his words without embarrassment: "Then we can't hold hands!"

"I'm not planning to come into direct contact with this thing."

Yuanye squatted by the pond and thought for a while, looking at the large lotus leaves in front of him... There it is!

He could have lured the toad to the shore first, then grabbed the lotus leaf and pounced on it, quickly picked it up, and then threw it into the clay pot.


This idea is very clear!

But what to use to lure the toad?

After thinking about it, Yuan Ye Yu found that the only things he carried on his body were enough to attract the other party's attention, and it seemed that only...

He looked up again at the sushi box held in Kong Ginzi's hand.

Kong Yinzi was curious, raised the sushi box and asked, "Are you hungry?"

There was curiosity on his face, but panic in his heart! ...Senior Brother You, you actually looked hungry when you saw a toad. It’s so scary to see how hungry it is! !

Yuanye Yu shook his head and thought to himself, it's not good. How can I give it away if I open the gift box in advance?

correct!Make a sound in the east and attack in the west!

Throw pebbles at the opposite side of the toad to scare it, and then make it jump to the shore.

good idea!

Anyway, in addition to the current one, there seem to be three or four others around. We are not afraid of losing it once, twice, three times... but four times will not do!

If you still can't catch it by then, you can only give it a try and just go down and pounce!

Yuanye Yu thought about it in his mind, picked the lotus leaves, and threw a pebble out.



Opposite the toad, a small wave splashed up. The toad was frightened and rushed to the shore.

Yuanye Yuyi grinned, smiled, opened the lotus leaf and was about to pounce on it...

Bang bang! !

It was a sound not far away, from across the bushes.

Good guy!The toad jumped away!He made noise in the east and attacked in the west. As a result, the west was also attacked!

Yuan Ye Yu has a black streak on his head.

"Pfft!" Kong Yinzi endured it again and again, but still couldn't hold it in. He laughed and said, "Senior Brother You, you are so stupid."

"Stop talking sarcastically, I will definitely catch you next time!"

Yuanye Yu glared at the girl, and then he kept trying. The second time was exactly the same as the first time, and there was no second sound this time. He pounced and easily threw the toad under the lotus leaf. "Caught it, Lianhua Lianhua! Yinzi, quickly ask Lianhua to bring the clay pot!" Yuan Ye Yu pressed the lotus leaf firmly with both hands and shouted loudly.

Kong Yinzi stopped laughing and quickly turned around to find someone. 0瀀?Treacherous demon?耥?耨糣

Lianhua in the palace raised her head, with one hand behind her back and one small hand raised, and said hello to her expressionlessly.Kong Yinzi raised his eyebrows and took a look, what's missing?... Hesitantly asked: "Ceramic pot..." In the palace, Lianhua said super scary words in an extremely serious tone: "It's smashed." Kong Yinzi: " ??" Yuan Ye Yu: "?"

Lianhua in the palace put her hands on her hips and said very seriously: "This is called a broken jar, and it is a good sign. The shop told me about it." As she said that, she looked at the posture of the person lying on the ground. Yuanye, who was inevitably a bit embarrassed, asked:

"Lianhua's understanding ability is very good, right? I know that you must be praying for a good omen. Only the superficial meaning is just pretending."

Yuan Ye Yu: "..." It's over!

I can't stand it anymore!

Why is this kid so irritating in so many scenes? !

What on earth are you speculating on?

Kong Yinzi went to the back and took a look, then came back and struck Yuan Ye Yu again: "It can't be broken anymore, and it can't be filled with anything."


took a long sigh.

Yuanye You said feebly: "Lianhua, just come here and take a look. We don't pretend to be it anymore. I'll hold it down and you can look at it."


It was obviously a happy and joyful tone, but the earthy loli raised her hand and said it with a super calm expression.

He is indeed a facial paralysis!

After jogging over, Gong Nai Lianhua squatted down, shook his head, and asked curiously: "Where is it? I can't see it, can't I see it."

"These are toad legs." Yuan Ye Yu pointed out.

"Where's the toad head?" Lianhua in the palace was obviously not satisfied.

Yuanye Yu smiled bitterly, pointed at the lotus leaf and said, "I'm holding it down, otherwise it would run away."

"But I want to see it." Lianhua in the palace raised her head and said.

Yuanye Yu rolled his eyes and became angry. He said angrily: "Why are there so many demands? I want you to do it by yourself!"

【Something more terrifying happened...】

Lianhua in the palace seemed to think for a moment, stretched out her hand, and without expression, directly picked up the toad by its two hind legs!

Empty silver: E(A;)

Yuhara Yu: Oops!I forgot that in the anime, this guy actually seemed to catch a toad with his bare hands! ! !Several.

Chapter 141 How inconsistent is this scene?

[Some psychological trauma, really real, may take a lifetime to repair in the blink of an eye! 】

Have you ever seen an eight or nine-year-old little Loli holding a toad by its hind legs with his bare hands and looking down at it calmly?

I’ve seen Kong Yinzi! !

Then!I am even more dissatisfied with creatures like loli, and I even dislike them!

Yuya Harano really saw him face to face for the first time, and he said in his heart what a great guy!

Before he saw this scene, he couldn't imagine how inconsistent the scene of a loli with two toad legs was... As for what he saw in the anime?After all, there is still a layer of screen between them. "Meowpath~!"

Lianhua in the palace didn't take it seriously, and waved her other little hand to say hello to the toad... Yes, she held the two hind legs of the toad with one hand.

Not hands!

Isn’t it scary? "Chunk."

Renhua in the palace changed her way of greeting again.

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