He had borrowed the sun and moon brilliance before, and it was gone when it was used up, and now he didn't have enough energy to borrow it again.

The big bug realized that the terrifying attack had disappeared, and opened its huge mouth, revealing blue eyes, but at this moment there was only one left, and the other one was probably directly destroyed by the strong light.

The blue eyes moved and came out directly from the huge mouth. It is an ugly sucking mouthpart with two round eyes, but one is already blind. This is the real head of the big bug. .

call out!

The big worm roared angrily, and shrunk in size, but its tentacles grew out twice on the left and right, and attacked the four-eyed Taoist priest. At the same time, the liquid in the green line on his body was flowing rapidly, as if it was about to explode at any time. Jet out.

"not good!"

The four-eyed Taoist priest also realized that the tentacles were just bait for hitting east and west, and they could only attack the liquid in the big bug's body.

However, it was a little late when the four-eyed Taoist priest found out, and a thick green liquid was sprayed out of the mouthparts of the big bug.

The four-eyed Taoist priest was entangled by the tentacles, and it was impossible to avoid it at this time.

"Ma De! The old monk Yixiu must have known that this big bug is difficult to deal with!"

The four-eyed Taoist cursed, stretched out his hand to touch the back of his waist, quickly pulled out a scroll, and threw it directly into the sky.

The painting scroll flew in the air without wind, and unfolded directly. It was the portrait of Sanmao Zhenjun of Maoshan Mountain.

I saw the four-eyed Taoist priest pinching a seal in his hand, stomping his feet and shaking his head, and shouted loudly,

"The fragrance is deep and equal to the universe, and the fragrance is ignited to penetrate the heavens!"

"The golden bird runs like a cloud of arrows, and the jade rabbit shines like a wheel!"

"The Nanchen Beidou is shining all over the sky, and the clouds of five colors are making noise!"

"The temple is opened in Ziwei Palace, and the villain invites the gods with four eyes!"

"Patriarch, please give me strength!"

As soon as the curse sound fell,

The four-eyed Taoist raised his head abruptly, a hazy figure appeared on the glasses, his eyes became sharper, and his body swelled visibly with the naked eye.

The four-eyed priest closed his mouth tightly, feeling his body full of strength, allowing the liquid and tentacles to attack his body.

Ping Pong Pong!

The body of the four-eyed priest seemed to be steel, and he did not suffer any damage.

Inviting the magic technique is the special skill of the four-eyed Taoist priest. He has already cultivated to a very high level. Now he is no longer worried about air leakage. Not only is his strength greatly increased, but his defense is also very strong. He is invalid.


The four-eyed Taoist laughed triumphantly. He grabbed the tentacles wrapped around him with both hands, tore them off with force, and shouted, "Come on! Can't you be reborn? See how fast I pull, or you are the fastest to regenerate!" "

As a result, an interesting scene was produced, the four-eyed Taoist priest kept tearing off the attacking tentacles, while the big bug kept regenerating the tentacles, and it was in a stalemate for a while.

at this time,

The sound of Haloxylon came from the surrounding bamboo forest, and three figures jumped out, it was Lin Kaiyun, Taoist Qianhe, and Jiale.

"Uncle Four Eyes?"



The three called each other, and looked at the strange scene before them in doubt.

Because the four-eyed Taoist priest didn't break it once, the tentacles of the big insect were shortened by an inch. Now the four-eyed Taoist priest is almost face to face with the big insect.

I saw that the four-eyed Taoist priest made a fist with his left hand, and punched the big worm's huge mouth, and his right hand kept pulling on the tentacles, and they fought hand-to-hand.

Lin Kaiyun stood leisurely aside, smiling and watching the joke,

"Uncle Four Eyes? What's going on with you? Why did you follow the big meat worm?"

Now that the four-eyed Taoist leader has taken full advantage, it is only a matter of time before the big bug is eliminated, so Lin Kaiyun is not in a hurry to help.

Daoist Qianhe also watched the show with a smile, and said, "Senior brother, the big bug the master hit should be the Gu bug of that Gu master, right?"

Jia Le also mixed in between the two of them, and echoed in amazement, "Wow! I didn't expect Gu worms to be so big, I really learned a lot!"

The four-eyed Taoist glanced at the three people who were spectators at the side, and cursed, "You guys, you guys have time to chat there, but you just don't come to help?"

Lin Kaiyun hugged his shoulders and said with a smile, "Uncle Four Eyes, now is the time for you to show off your power, how dare we snatch your breeze!"

Jiale nodded in agreement, "Yes, yes!"

"Kaiyun, what you said makes sense!"

Daoist Qianhe looked around, but found no trace of Master Yixiu, "Let's go find Master Yixiu!"


The four-eyed priest was about to scold Lin Kaiyun and the others, but the big bug sprayed out green juice, which happened to land on the four-eyed priest's face and splashed into his mouth.


The four-eyed priest felt so disgusted that he couldn't help but vomited.

"Yo Yo! It's disgusting, Uncle Four Eyes, what a man!" Lin Kaiyun felt nauseated.

The four-eyed priest pointed at Lin Kaiyun and the three of them and cursed,

"You guys, did you do it on purpose? It's fine if you don't make a move, but it's not helping!"


Taking advantage of the four-eyed Taoist priest's swearing, the big bug's tentacles directly hit the four-eyed Taoist priest's neck.


The four-eyed Taoist exclaimed in pain, and then threw his fists at the big insect.

This big worm is a Gu worm of the evil ginger worm. Its mission is to swallow everything, so it will not escape. This Gu worm has only two paths in its life, one is to keep swallowing, and the other is to be killed if it fails to swallow.

Lin Kaiyun asked, "Uncle Simu, where are Master Yixiu and Qingqing?"

The four-eyed Taoist priest replied, "Master Yixiu went after that evil cultivator, he should be right ahead!"


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