"Yes, master!"

The head of the Jiang family, one of the three inheritances in Miaojiang, is actually a young man. If it gets out, it will be incredible.

The young Patriarch looked into the distance and said to himself, "Long Qingqing, haven't the Gu in your body awakened yet?"

Pull back the angle of view,

Lin Kaiyun was very cautious, watching the evil cultivator Jiang Chong being burned to slag with his own eyes.


{Congratulations to the host for killing the sixth-level evil cultivator Jiang Chong and gaining 20000 merit points! }

"Yeah, is there merit in killing someone?"

After Lin Kaiyun listened to the system's voice, he was a little surprised. He didn't expect that murder would also give merit points.

"System, open the panel."

"Host: Lin Kaiyun."

"Current state: Tier [-] (refining the body to become Qi)."

"Merit value: 20150 points."

"Possessed skills: Yang Wulei (full level), Golden Light Curse (full level), Tongtianlu (full level), Ghost Shadow Mistrack (small success), Divine Mask (1/100). Demon Bow: Blood Hades, Seven Star Sword Curse (3/100). Eight Diagrams Soft Fist"

"Possess treasures: Seven Star Longyuan Sword (growth shape). 24 Bright Moon Night Belt (storage)."

"Current status: true disciple of the Maoshan School, great disciple of Lin Fengjiao, disciple of the horse, master of the list of immortals, Sikong, the ghost of the underworld."

"The lottery requires merit points: [-]."

"Upgrading requires merit points: 100000."

"Not bad."

Lin Kaiyun is quite satisfied, the merit value is still 20000 short, and he can draw a lottery again, and it only takes a few nights to ferry the soul.

The recent lottery draws are all double yolk eggs, which made Lin Kaiyun more and more addicted to the lottery.

Lin Kaiyun took a leisurely pace and walked to the side of Master Yixiu. Qingqing was still awake, and Master Yixiu had a sad expression on his face.

Seeing this scene, Lin Kaiyun had a bad premonition in his heart, and he quickly asked, "Master Yixiu, what's the matter? Why hasn't Qingqing woke up?"

Master Yixiu shook his head with a wry smile, and said with some concern, "Qingqing, the Gu in her body is hatching, and Qingqing hasn't practiced the method of controlling Gu yet, her soul is not strong enough, and she doesn't know when she will be able to wake up."

Gu worms in the body?incubation?

Although Lin Kaiyun didn't know the details, these two words already conveyed enough information. This evil cultivator came here for Qingqing, and this Qingqing's life experience is probably not ordinary.

At this moment, Daoist Simu and Daoist Qianhe also rushed over, but the distance between the two was kept very far, which made Lin Kaiyun feel very strange.

The four-eyed Taoist priest was relieved to see that the few people were all fine, and began to curse,

"Hey, how's it going? Where's that evil cultivator? I'm going to settle the score with him. That big bug is so fucking disgusting. You know that the squirt from the self-explosion turned out to be green rancid juice. It's so disgusting to me!"

I have to say that the radiography of the four-eyed Taoist priest at this time is really funny. The glasses on his face are broken, the clothes are torn, and there is still some dry green juice on his body. The rotten smell can be clearly seen a hundred meters away. heard.

Now Lin Kaiyun finally knew why Taoist Priest Qianhe and Priest Four were so far apart.

Lin Kaiyun cupped his hands and greeted the two, "Uncle Simu, Uncle Qianhe, are you all okay?"

Daoist Qianhe was still far away from Simudao, pinching his nose and laughing, "It's okay, Brother Simu is very brave, he was crushed to death by that Gu insect!"

"That's right! My magic strike technique solved the bugs, it's easy and fun!"

The four-eyed Taoist raised his head stinkingly, then looked at Lin Kaiyun, and said seductively, "How about it? Kaiyun? As long as you agree to worship me as the second master, I will leave this magical art to you!"

The four-eyed priest has never seen Lin Kaiyun use the mask of the godhead, so he still doesn't give up. His magic fighting skills are so good, and Jiale's talent is limited. He really can't bear to lose the mind fighting skills on him.

Lin Kaiyun refused expressionlessly, "Uncle Four Eyes, it's better not to!"

At this time, Taoist Simu also noticed that something was wrong with the atmosphere, Jia Le was in a trance, Lin Kaiyun was also in a bad mood, Master Yixiu didn't even say hello.

He asked quickly, "What's the matter with you? Did something happen?"

Lin Kaiyun nodded, and said worriedly, "Qingqing, fell into a coma!"

"How is this?"

The four-eyed Taoist put away his playful mentality, walked over quickly, squatted down to check Qingqing's eyes and pulse, raised his head and asked Master Yixiu,

"Old monk, Qingqing is all right! Everything is quite normal!"


Master Yixiu shook his head and said in a low voice,

"Qingqing's physical signs are all normal, but because of the Gu worms in her body, and because Qingqing hasn't practiced before, her soul is not strong enough, so she fell into a coma. Whether she can wake up depends on whether the Gu worms in her body can hatch smoothly. otherwise……."

Master Yixiu didn't continue to say the rest, but everyone present could understand.

"The soul is not strong enough?"

The four-eyed Taoist priest was taken aback when he heard the words, and then asked quickly,

"I don't know about the Gu worm either. Does it mean that as long as Qingqing's soul is strengthened, it can hatch smoothly and then wake up?"

Master Yixiu nodded and said, "I don't know the details, I can only say that there is a possibility!"

Daoist Simu was full of confidence, and said, "It might be worth a try! I have a senior brother, Lin Jiu, who masters a very high-level mind-cleaning mantra, which can strengthen a person's three souls and seven souls."

"Purifying mantra?"

As soon as Lin Kaiyun regained his energy, he asked directly, "Uncle Simu, are you sure that the Mantra of Purifying Mind is useful?"

"Nonsense, of course it's useful! I haven't practiced enough yet, otherwise I would just operate it directly, will you know?"

The four-eyed Taoist glanced at Lin Kaiyun, and said something casually.

Lin Kaiyun said happily, "I will! The realm should be no worse than Master!"

"What? This life is at stake, don't be kidding!"

The four-eyed Daoist exclaimed, he just asked casually before, although Lin Kaiyun's Golden Light Curse is very powerful, but he never thought that Lin Kaiyun's Mind Purifying Mantra was of such a high level.

You must know that this mantra for purifying the mind is the number one existence among the eight great mantras. It takes time to accumulate and a heart to cultivate. He was able to master the mantra for purifying the mind proficiently when he was in his thirties, and he can drive away evil spirits even now. of.

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