Lin Kaiyun didn't care, "It's okay, can I get there by walking north from the official road? How many miles are there?"

"There are still about 100 miles to go. Going north, the next town is Lingxi Town."

"Okay, I wish you a prosperous business, goodbye!" Lin Kaiyun said goodbye to shopkeeper Hu, said something meaningful, and then led Qingqing to the east of the town.

"The taste of the dishes made in the kitchen will be doubled in the future, and the business will of course be booming!"

Shopkeeper Hu walked into the restaurant with a smile, and suddenly his stomach hurt, and then he had a plan, and shouted to the kitchen, "Fat cook, look at what you cook, it made me feel sick, I Seeing that you don’t have to triple your salary anymore, you’ve been fired.”

Qingqing turned her head and took a look at Qingshui Restaurant, which was gradually going away, and asked Lin Kaiyun suspiciously, "Brother Lin, did you have something to say just now?"

Lin Kaiyun smiled and said, "Tie ghost, the place where you die will make the food taste better, but it is a ghost after all. If ordinary people eat it, the weak will get sick, and the strong will also vomit and diarrhea. , at least half a year or more before the ghost's aura completely disappears, this side effect will be eliminated."


Qingqing was shocked when she heard the words, clutched her stomach, and cursed angrily, "Lin Kaiyun, why didn't you say earlier that I ate so much just now, isn't it miserable?"

Lin Kaiyun pointed at Qingqing's small nose, and shouted, "You are an idiot! Are you an ordinary person?"

"That's right!!"

Qingqing realized that she was indeed not an ordinary person now, but Lin Kaiyun called her an idiot, and she opened her mouth and bit Lin Kaiyun's finger.

Lin Kaiyun never expected that Qingqing would come out like this, and screamed in pain, "Ah! My hand, crazy woman, what are you doing, it hurts so much!"

"Okay, Lin Kaiyun, you still dare to scold me!"

Upon hearing Lin Kaiyun's words, Qingqing bit down even harder.

The two of them fought like this, and when they came to the east of the town, they saw a stable in the distance, but there was no horse.

"Isn't it? There won't be no horses!"

Lin Kaiyun said something unhappily, and then yelled at the empty stables, "Is there anyone? I want to buy a horse!"

Soon, a middle-aged man who was tidying the meadow stood up from behind the plank and complained, "There are still horses these days! They were snatched away by those chaotic warlords."

Lin Kaiyun turned his head and asked, "Qingqing, what should I do? Either ride Huang Xiaofeng, or walk."

The middle-aged man suddenly said, "Are you traveling far? If I still have a mount here."

Lin Kaiyun was overjoyed when he heard the words, he took out a few dollars and threw them over, and asked, "That's great, where is it? I'll give you the money now."


The middle-aged man took Dayang, pointed to the other side of the haystack, and said, "It's there, just take it away!"

Lin Kaiyun and Qingqing walked over expectantly, but they both froze in place,

"Ah, Brother Lin, is this okay?"

"There is no other way, let it be!"

Chapter 70 Mysterious Mount, Strange Drought

On an official road in the north of Qingshui Town, the original scene of running merchants, transporting darts, and chariots and horses has disappeared in this war-torn era, and there are only a few pedestrians on the road, all carrying large and small packages.

At this time, the faces of pedestrians were full of curiosity, and they turned to look at a strange picture.

"Brother Lin, don't we look weird now? Why is everyone looking at us like this!"

Qingqing found that the pedestrians passing by stared at them suspiciously.

"Qingqing, don't care about the eyes of the world, as long as we are not embarrassed, they are the ones who are embarrassed."

Lin Kaiyun was very indifferent. Although the current shape is more fashionable, it is better than walking. He tapped his toes and shouted at a 'pig' under his feet,

"Doo, hurry up!"


Dudu hummed twice excitedly, and accelerated his speed. Lin Kaiyun and Qingqing stood on the pig's back, their hair fluttering in the wind, how embarrassing, how embarrassing, Dudu's speed was not fast, but full of momentum, as if Every time the four hooves of the small land tank fell, a cloud of dust was stirred up.

The pedestrians on the side of the road are all stunned in the dust, chaotic in the wind,

"My God, are those two people standing on pigs?"

"What kind of pig is that? It's so big! If it is killed, it can feed a family of three for two years."

"I'm a good boy, standing on a pig, I feel stupid when I think about it, but why do I think they are handsome at this moment!"

The two people who were walking could hear this kind of discussion, and Qingqing even pressed her forehead to Lin Kaiyun's back, she was ashamed to look at others,

"Brother Lin, I said I don't want this guy, but you still don't listen!"

"Don't need this, there are still a hundred miles, do you want to walk? Besides, I paid for it." Lin Kaiyun responded with a smile.

That's right, Lin Kaiyun and Qingqing are now standing on the body of the 'pig' and running.

This pig was named Dudu by Lin Kaiyun. It is shaped like a dolphin, with four hooves into a horse, no teeth, no bristles, a huge body, an extremely wide back, and some irregular patterns of auspicious clouds.Although it looks weird, it is 90.00% pig-like.

The weirdness is a monster, and it is precisely because of this that people in Qingshui Town are afraid of it. If the middle-aged man who sold the horse didn't know that this strange pig is the cub of his old sow, he would have been scared and afraid to move. up.

This strange pig middle-aged man thought about killing and selling, but failed due to various reasons, and slept all day long. Many times, the middle-aged man thought he was dead. Today, Lin Kaiyun just needs to buy a mount. , and Lin Kaiyun didn't resist too much, so he woke up the strange pig and led it away.

"Brother Lin, I don't want to walk, but I don't want to ride a pig either! I can accept even a donkey!"

Qingqing lowered her head and looked at Dudu under her feet again. It can't be said that it is very ugly, but it is definitely not good-looking. It is not as good as the big white pig she raised with her master!

"I am famous in this life, with piercing eyes, can I still take you to ride a pig?"

Lin Kaiyun stretched his hand behind and rubbed Qingqing's head, then looked down at the strange pig running under his feet, and said with a smile, "Dudu, if I'm not mistaken, there may be a return to the ancestors."

"Back to ancestors? What kind of ancestors do pigs have? Could it be Zhu Bajie!"

Qingqing held her mouth, thinking that Lin Kaiyun was talking nonsense.

"Yes, Not Bad!"

Lin Kaiyun nodded, "You are really right!"


"Zhu Bajie, originally the marshal of the canopy in the sky, will be demoted to the heaven for violating the rules of heaven, and will be reincarnated in the animal realm by mistake, but Zhu Bajie also has luck in his body. Even if he is reborn as a pig, he is not an ordinary pig. The pigs of Zhu Bajie's siblings will all be infected with some immortal energy to make the blood more pure, that is, anti-ancient!"

"If I'm not mistaken, this Dudu's ancestor is the same sibling as Zhu Bajie, and his bloodline is far older than that of ordinary pigs. The atavistic features appearing on Dudu's body are obviously similar to Dangkang in the records."

"Dangkang?" Qingqing blinked her big eyes with a dazed expression.

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