At this time, the old lady ran up to a young man who was dressed relatively well, and respectfully handed over the copper coins she had saved for a long time.

"Why did you come here? If you delay the mage's prayer for rain, you will be a sinner for the whole town."

The young man snatched the copper plate from the old woman's hand, put it on the tray, walked up to the stage respectfully, and placed it on the jujube wood table.

Master Xuanzhen glanced at the broken silver, ocean, and copper plates in the tray, with an excited expression on his face, and recited spells harder,

"Where there is money, there is water. If there is no money, there is no water. Money pays for water, and water pays for money. When I think of the desert, I think of water."

At this time, the skinny man kneeling in front of the statue couldn't hold on anymore, and fell forward on the hot platform.

Everyone bowed their heads in prayer as if they didn't even notice it.

Master Xuanzhen picked up the bell on the table, shook it in circles, "I want both money and water!"



"I want both money and water!"

Master Xuanzhen chanted hard, with rich expressions on his face, and his performance was extremely realistic.

Lin Kaiyun smiled slightly. If this is a stage for performances, this Xuanzhen mage will definitely be able to advance to the finals.

Qingqing also felt strange, and said belatedly, "Brother Lin, this Taoist priest is doing a ritual, why does he have such a painful expression? Is it fake?"

"It's really evil! Qingqing, you are waiting for me here!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Kaiyun pasted a magic talisman on himself, cast ghost shadow obsession, turned into an afterimage, and instantly appeared on the roof of the ancestral hall.

He took out a bottle of yellow leather urine from his storage belt, and it was still on top of Master Xuanzhen's head, pointing casually,


Immediately, urine fell and poured on Master Xuanzhen's head.

"There's water, there's water!"

Master Xuanzhen raised his eyelids and shouted excitedly. Originally, he was here to cheat money. Every time he thought about it, it actually rained. God helped me, but the water disappeared immediately.

"Why is there no water?"

Master Xuanzhen was stunned for a moment, looked up, the sun was still very bright, and there was no sign of rain.

He stuck out his tongue and licked the water on his face, with a puzzled look on his face, "Why is there still a foul smell?"


Lin Kaiyun laughed loudly. He didn't expect this fake Taoist priest to be so cutely stupid. He shouted, "How is it? Weasel urine smells good, right?"

Master Xuanzhen also found Lin Kaiyun on the roof, pointed at it with a bell, and cursed angrily. "Who? Dare to be unreasonable to the altar!"

Lin Kaiyun jumped down, came to the front of Master Xuanzhen, and laughed, "Your level is too bad, I really can't stand it anymore, you should read two books on geomantic omen at least!"

"Good boy, you dare to destroy this mage who is praying for rain and blessings. I will definitely ask you today. Look at the sword!"

As soon as Master Xuanzhen heard that he was looking for trouble, he quickly pulled out the mahogany sword on the Zaomu table and stabbed Lin Kaiyun.

Chapter 73 Begging for Rain, the Dragon Absorbs Water

This sorcerer Xuanzhen, with an unstable base and erratic sword holding, is completely a layman who has never used a sword before.

"Oh, I really overestimated you!!!"

Lin Kaiyun shook his head resentfully, drew a semicircle with his right foot, sideways dodged the mahogany sword, and slammed his shoulder.

Lin Kaiyun could only use [-]% of his strength, but Master Xuanzhen was just an ordinary person, he only felt a strong force coming, his body rolled uncontrollably, almost fell off the platform, and finally stepped on the edge with his toes, his hands kept stirring , maintaining the balance.


Master Xuanzhen breathed a sigh of relief, patted his chest and said, "It's so dangerous, I almost fell!"

"Not nearly!"

Lin Kaiyun's voice sounded behind him, he took a step forward, and kicked Master Xuanzhen's ass, "Go down for me!"


Master Xuanzhen screamed and patted Ping on the dry ground, and fell a dog's shit firmly.

"Hee hee hee!" Qingqing laughed amusedly on the opposite steps.

The people in the audience were also at a loss, Master Xuanzhen was an expert, and the person who kicked Master Xuanzhen off the stage must also be an expert, and they couldn't afford to offend any of them.

Only, the young man who brought the money to the stage had a gloomy expression. He turned sideways to a man with a scar on his face and said, "Old Scar, go and call all the brothers from the guard."

The scarred man nodded and left quietly.

Lin Kaiyun ignored Master Xuanzhen who was lying on his stomach and pretending to be dead. He looked up at the bright sun, picked up a lighted incense on the table, and bent down to gossip.

Flip and hold the incense upside down, and move it like a pen, leaving traces of incense ash on the countertop.

Lin Kaiyun held the Fa Jue,

"Yin Yang Bagua helps disciples, Yin Yang Bagua helps me!"


Immediately, the incense ash shone with light, and gradually refined into a picture of eight trigrams praying for rain.

Earthquake is drought, gen is electricity, ridge is snow, dry is frost, dui is rain, sunda is thunder, li is cloud, and kun is hail.

The middle is Yang!


Lin Kaiyun slapped the Yang position with his palm, a red light flashed, and the shock position completely turned red. He grabbed it out of nowhere, and a red candle on the table flew over and placed it on the exchange position.

At this time, Master Xuanzhen, who was kicked under the platform, climbed up in a panic.

Lin Kaiyun turned his head and smiled, "You just came up, lend me your sword!"

"Fart! How dare you block my way of making money!"

Master Xuanzhen rushed towards Lin Kaiyun with a roar, and stabbed with his sword without a long memory.

"Xuanzong of Heaven and Earth, Wan Qi is the root!"

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