"I don't know what to say. It seems like a year ago! Lingxi Town suddenly started to suffer from drought. People didn't feel much at first, but the drought became more and more serious. The crops were all gone, and the livestock died of thirst."

"This is definitely not going to work. Many people are planning to move out, but as soon as they leave Lingxi Town, they will die from lack of water. On the contrary, although they are extremely short of water in the town, they will not die. Afterwards, as long as outsiders Within the scope of the town, people who experienced the full moon will also suffer from this strange disease, and now people outside are rumoring that our Lingxi Town has provoked the God of Plague, and there is a plague."

Hearing this, Lin Kaiyun's face was solemn and his brows were tightly frowned. He didn't think that the mayor in front of him, who was dressed in rags and had a sallow complexion, would lie to him, and at the same time he would not believe that there was such a ridiculous plague.

Therefore, there should be some unknown secrets in this Lingxi town, which is very likely to be related to the task assigned to him by the master and uncle of the Soul Soul Division, or. . . . .

Then Lin Kaiyun turned his gaze to Qingqing who was holding an umbrella.

Qingqing bit her lips lightly, and shouted, "What are you doing! Are you looking at me like that again?"

Lin Kaiyun touched his chin, and asked suspiciously, "Your Gu worm didn't transmit any information to you? Is it related to drought and strange diseases?"

Qingqing shook her head and said with certainty,

"No, I'll tell you something. I can only sense it within thirty miles. Where exactly is it? What is it? What is it related to? I really don't know!"

Lin Kaiyun nodded when he heard the words, and had a hunch in his heart that this matter might really have something to do with them.

He glanced at the group of the six sons who had been hacked to death, and asked suspiciously, "Mayor Yang, are those people also sick? Why do I look healthy!"

Mayor Yang replied with some uncertainty, "These people should not be sick. They all live in the military dock far away from the town."

"A military dock?"

"That's right, the young people in our town were recruited by Marshal Zhang to build Wubao, and they haven't come back for a long time, but it's good, it's better to stay there than to stay in this dry town!"

Mayor Yang said with a look of longing on his face. His two sons were also recruited away. It has been a year, and they came back only once, and they have not seen each other for more than half a year.

Chapter 75 Wubao, Inner City Inn

Outside Lingxi Town, there is a winding path without any ruts, but there are many horseshoes and footprints of other creatures. These marks are very new, and it is obvious that they have passed frequently during this period.

The weather was already clear at this time, and it had been raining for less than half an hour. Lin Kaiyun and Qingqing sat sideways on Dudu's backs and walked forward.

Dudu's back is very wide, and it would be very uncomfortable to sit astride, so he can only sit sideways. However, this elegant posture is not reflected in Lin Kaiyun and Qingqing's body at all.

I didn't get much information from asking Mayor Yang before, but it is understandable that they are just ordinary people.

Lin Kaiyun searched carefully in Lingxi Town, but there were no clues, and he didn't feel the large number of souls mentioned by Wu Shifei's master uncle from the Ecstasy Division.

Now they are going to go to the suspicious military dock to have a look, as for whether they will take the initiative to deliver it to their door?Will Dashuai Zhang launch an attack?Lin Kaiyun didn't think too much about this matter, soldiers came to block him, and water came to cover him.

Soon, the so-called Wubao appeared in the field of vision of the two of them. A three-meter-high earthen wall was covered with cement ash on the outside. Each corner has a soaring watchtower.

Lin Kaiyun originally thought that Military Wubao was an underground or semi-underground military fortress, but he didn't expect it to be like this. Looking at it from the outside, the scale is not much smaller than Lingxi Town.

There are many officers and soldiers stationed in the gun tower, armed with a few homemade guns and long guns, and the guards are heavily guarded, but seeing Lin Kaiyun and Qingqing approaching, there is no reaction, as if they are accustomed to the arrival of strange people, and it is not surprising.

Lin Kaiyun and Qingqing looked at each other.

Qingqing asked suspiciously, "Brother Lin, there is no one guarding this gate, and the soldiers above ignore us. There will be no traps inside, right?"

"Just ask and you'll know!"

Lin Kaiyun didn't take it seriously, the guns are so powerful that even cultivators like them would be afraid, but they need to be closely arranged and covered by artillery fire.

In this era of warlords fighting, it is estimated that only big warlords can do it. He didn't pay attention to this Marshal Zhang. He jumped off the toot and shouted at the gun tower,

"Hey, gentlemen, can we go in?"

The officers and soldiers on the gun tower waved their hands impatiently, "Hurry up, hurry up, why are you coming so slowly? The inside is about to start."

Forehead?Is this a mistake for who they are?

Lin Kaiyun was stunned for a moment, and quickly pulled Qingqing up and walked inside. Misunderstandings were misunderstandings, which happened to be convenient for them to get in.

As soon as he entered the city gate, Lin Kaiyun finally knew why the gate was wide open and not guarded.

This earth wall is only an outer city, and there is an inner city inside. The wall is still high, but the thickness of the wall is obviously not enough for defense, and it looks like it is playing a role of shelter.

There is an open space of [-] meters between the inner and outer city. There are some earthen artillery and military vehicles on the left side, and there are many wooden stakes on the right side, which are places for mounts. At this time, there are many horses and donkeys, and there are also many strange creatures, such as deer heads. Green sheep, green wolves, and even chubby demons.

No wonder the officers and soldiers in the gun tower were not surprised to see the two riding pigs. Compared with these, Dudu looked much more normal.

There is no door in the inner city, but a small three-story building stands abruptly in the middle, with a wooden tile structure, like an inn, except that the inn is embedded in the inner city.

It seems that this inn is the gate to the inner city.

"Qingqing, let's go in!"

Lin Kaiyun tied Dudu to a pillar, and led Qingqing to the inn.

As soon as the door of the inn was opened, the smell of sweat and noise rushed out, Qingqing covered her nose, Lin Kaiyun also frowned, the place was full of strange people, some with knives and swords, and some with their backs bow and arrow.The bald man, the white-robed boy and the commoner-clothed old man were even more weirdly dressed.

Lin Kaiyun could feel that these people did not have qi in them, they were not cultivators, on the contrary, their bodies were full of blood, and they were all licking blood from the edge of a knife.

Opening the door and entering Lin Kaiyun and Qingqing also attracted a lot of attention. Among them, a big drunk man with a knife across his waist whistled at the two of them.

"Hehe, the young couple are not at home to enjoy the pleasure of bed, why are you running here looking for excitement!"

Hearing this, Qingqing blushed immediately, and shouted coquettishly, "Nonsense!"

The drunken man stood up, looked at Qingqing's eyes full of greed, and said teasingly, "Little lady, are you shy? This little face is flushing, it's really exciting!"

At the same table, a man with long hair tied his head scolded, "Fifth, I can't hold it anymore, so go to the brothel, don't make trouble here!"

The drunk man was obviously afraid of this man, rubbing his hands together and said, "Brother, I'm not joking! It's okay, these two young people won't mind."

"Hehe, who said I wouldn't mind?"

Lin Kaiyun chuckled, and walked towards the drunken man.

The drunken man didn't expect that Lin Kaiyun would take the initiative to step forward, and angrily stretched out his hands and cursed, "Boy, don't be shameless!"


The sound of bones breaking was clearly audible.

I saw that Lin Kaiyun raised his hand and grabbed the drunk man's wrist, breaking it hard, the drunk man's arm turned around.

"Ah! I'm going to kill you!"

The drunk drew out a big knife with his other hand and slashed at Lin Kaiyun.

At the same time, the three people at the same table also slapped the table and looked at Lin Kaiyun angrily.

Looking at the chopped knife, Lin Kaiyun kicked hard with his right foot, and the drunk man's knee snapped over in an instant.

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