Jiang Menshen nodded, the expression on his face was even more exaggerated,

"Yes! It's possible. I was careful this time and asked how old his mother was. He told me that his mother was 45 years old. I beat him up in a fit of anger."

"Why? What the scholar said is fine!"

"No problem, but his 80-year-old father has a 45-year-old mother, that is, when this old guy was in his 50s, he also found a 20-year-old daughter-in-law, Ma De, the cabbage is so good, I am now There is no object yet, all because of this."

After speaking, Jiang Menshen clenched his fists tightly, and his face flushed with anger.

Lin Kaiyun looked at Jiang Menshen like this, and laughed angrily. A steamed bun can cause a bloody case, so can this saying also cause a bloody case?And this door god Jiang obviously couldn't slow down now.

He said slowly, "Well, brother Jiang, don't be angry when I tell you this. In fact, there is an 80-year-old mother and a three-year-old child. It is a saying in the book. You have completely misunderstood."

"What? Really? Just a saying?"

Jiang Menshen exclaimed, with an incredulous look on his face, he was so angry after following him all the way.

Lin Kaiyun thought about it and asked,

"Brother Jiang, from your point of view, it seems that he came here from a long way? Do you know what's going on here?"

Jiang Menshen's heart knot was untied, and the expression on his face was no longer angry, and he said truthfully, "Of course it's far away. I'm from Tiecha Mountain in the west of Liaoning. I don't know what's going on. Anyway, my father asked me to come, saying yes. What kind of shit prince invited you."

Chapter 78 It Was Him?

Tiesha Mountain?Prince?

After hearing this sentence, Lin Kaiyun had two questions in his heart.

As far as he knows, Tiecha Mountain is in the far west of Liaoning. It is said that Hei Mama, one of the northern immortals, inherited Taoism and hard qigong.

But in the chassis of the five great immortals, Taoism is not very popular, so Tieshashan also constantly adapts to the environment, evolves internally, and finally forges the body to harden the qigong line, and obtains the right to speak, and the Taoist lineage is quickly rejected. Squeeze out.

Now Tiesha Mountain is one of the few sects in the Jianghu that mainly focuses on physical exercise, and the hard qigong practiced all over the body is extremely powerful in combat.

Just like the Jiang Menshen now, he has solid muscles like a horned dragon coiled around him, full of explosive power.

But was it invited by the prince?This Lin Kaiyun is a bit puzzled. According to Mayor Yang, isn't this military fort built by Marshal Zhang?Could it be related to the little prince from before?Or that manchu kraft paper?

Just as Lin Kaiyun was thinking, that Yanyan came out again, pursing his lips and chuckling lightly, "Everyone, masters from all over the world, everyone has been waiting for a long time, Lord Zaichun will be here soon!"

Some people heard this and made a joke,

"My lord made us wait so hard! We'll have to drink a few extra cups later!"

"That's right, I'm going to bother the prince later."

But more people obviously don't know this so-called Prince Zai Chun, and don't know what happened.

And for Lin Kaiyun who has read history, Zai Chun should be the uncle of the last emperor, right?

Qingqing quietly tugged on Lin Kaiyun's sleeve, and asked in a low voice, "Brother Lin, isn't he Marshal Zhang? Why did you get involved with the prince again?"

Lin Kaiyun shook his head and said, "I don't know, maybe it will be clear when the prince comes out."

Soon, there was a sound from the direction of the third floor, the sound of a lot of footsteps and the shaking of guns on his body.

Lin Kaiyun had noticed before that there is no back door on the first and second floors, so there is a high probability that the third floor leads to the inner city, and the sound coming out now just proves this point.

Yan Yan heard the sound and came to the stairs, she looked at the top of the stairs charmingly, following her eyes, she could see a group of officers and soldiers with guns on their backs, ran down neatly, scattered around and became vigilant, and then several people slowly step down.

The leader is not tall, and a little thin, wearing a blue python robe, with a very disgusting golden rattail braid, wearing a round hat, inlaid with shiny gems, this attire needs no introduction, it must be the so-called The prince Zai Chun.

Behind him, one on the left and one on the right, there are two people who look very similar, with sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks and unusually bulging cheekbones. They are dressed exactly the same, with black robes and a crow-patterned background. crow.

Of course, this would not surprise Lin Kaiyun. Behind Zai Chun and this follower, another person appeared in the field of vision with officers and soldiers.

"This is?"

Lin Kaiyun frowned suddenly, and pressed his right hand to the table in front of him with a solemn expression.

This man was wearing a disc-shaped military cap engraved with five-colored five-pointed military emblems. He had handsome features and a pale face. He was wearing a handsome blue gown with shiny double-breasted buttons. The gold tassels on his shoulders swayed accordingly, and he held a saber. Walking with steady steps, without saying a word, with a killing and decisive aura.

Zhang Xianzong! ! !

Lin Kaiyun would never admit his mistake, this handsome man turned out to be Zhang Xianzong, Zhang Xianzong from Master Wuxin! ! !

Now Lin Kaiyun's mind is a little confused. He thought it was just a zombie world intertwined with Lin Jiu as the center, but now Zhang Xianzong's appearance clearly negates Lin Kaiyun's previous judgment.

"I didn't expect that this Marshal Zhang turned out to be Zhang Xianzong? So is Yue Qiluo around?"

Lin Kaiyun muttered with a heavy face, it's not that Zhang Xianzong doesn't care, but Yue Qiluo is a witch who has cultivated for hundreds of years, and her combat strength in Wuxin Mage is close to the ceiling, she seems to be a guy with an immortal soul.

Qingqing heard Lin Kaiyun muttering something, looked at him suspiciously, and asked, "Brother Lin, what's wrong with you? Do you know this handsome guy?"

Marshal is the least valuable word in this era. There are dozens of people with dozens of guns, and they dare to call themselves Marshal if they rob a county town.

Lin Kaiyun nodded meaningfully, "It's considered acquaintance!"

At this time, Zai Chun, Zhang Xianzong and others also arrived on the second floor.

Zai Chun turned the wrench in his hand, took a step forward, stood on the handrail, and could look at the first and second floors at the same time, he smiled and shouted to everyone, "Everyone who is capable, come here Responding to this king, this king is full of emotion, I only have one sentence, after it is done, you will all get what you want."

The people on the first floor fawned noisily,

"My lord, please be polite!"

"My lord, it's my honor to be able to work hard for my lord!"

"That's right, my lord and my four brothers will be your saddles!"

The first floor is just some ordinary people who have just practiced some martial arts or have some unorthodox means. In this troubled world, they are trying their best to survive, licking blood at the edge of their swords. It is normal to have today or tomorrow.

And this prince Zaichun obviously agreed to their generous terms.

But the people on the second floor are different. As cultivators, most of them have no worries about their livelihoods, and all of them have acquired supernatural powers that ordinary people can't imagine. According to Jiang Menshen's words, most of them came here to give Zai Chun a face.

"My lord, let me give you a good introduction to these talented people!"

Girl Yanyan twisted and walked to Zai Chun's side, and smiled at Zai Chun, her eyes full of provocation.


Lin Kaiyun thought that this Yanyan was feared by the people on the first floor because of the blessing of Marshal Zhang or the prince, but now it doesn't seem to be the case.

Zai Chun nodded, and did not meet Yanyan's eyes too much.

Yanyan stroked her lips coquettishly and chuckled, flung out a black sign from her sleeve, and hit it on the first table on the left,

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