"Miss Wen Jing, what type of man do you like?"

This Miss Wen Jing was wearing a floral cheongsam and her hair was wrapped in a silk scarf. Although her expression was pretentious, her constantly moving feet and the clear scars on her arms were obviously not a gentle master.

Wen Jing squeezed her throat, deliberately making her voice softer, "I just like Brother Jiang!"

Wen Jing is a name she made up now. Her original name was Wei Sanniang. She has been a bandit in the mountains for several years.

But you can only take it on the first floor, and you are not qualified to come to the second floor. There is nothing special on the second floor, except that the tables are more exquisite, and the tea and food provided are top-notch.

But this is a status symbol. If non-cultivators step into the second floor, they will be shot and killed by the soldiers in the inn. Many people on the first floor began to bet on who can go up to the second floor, so Wei Sanniang deliberately pretended to be gentle. She fell in love with Jiang Menshen, and came to the second floor safely, which made her more face among her brothers, and she is also a woman. If she can really be with a practitioner like Jiang Menshen, it will be a high incense in the ancestral grave up.

Lin Kaiyun shook his head speechlessly. He really didn't know what Jiang Menshen was thinking. This woman is obviously not a good stubble, can't you see it?

He walked over with a smile and reminded, "Brother Jiang, she is not the type you like. Look at the scars on her arms and the calluses on her tiger's mouth. It seems that she often stabs people with knives. Don't waste your efforts." .”


After Jiang Menshen heard Lin Kaiyun's words, he looked over, and as expected, he cursed angrily, "Ma De, I hate others for lying to me the most!"

"Brother Jiang, I didn't..."

Wei Sanniang was terrified, and hurriedly begged for mercy, but before she could say anything, she was punched in the face by Jiang Menshen.


Jiang Menshen was a practitioner of hard qigong, and Wei Sanniang couldn't block even an ordinary punch. He vomited blood, broke his cervical spine and died.

Jiang Menshen shook his wrist and cupped his hands to Lin Kaiyun, "Brother Lin, thank you for your reminder!"

"Small thing!"

Lin Kaiyun waved his hand, sat at a table, picked up the pastry and ate it, then asked, "By the way, Brother Jiang, why did you call Qingyunjian Yemao Mountain before?"

"Brother Lin, I'm joking, don't get me wrong."

Jiang Menshen didn't know that Lin Kaiyun was a fake, thought he was angry, and quickly explained.

In order to dispel Jiang Menshen's doubts, Lin Kaiyun said with certainty, "I'm fine, tell me the truth, I want to know myself and the enemy so that I can change the sect's reputation!"

"Because in Qingyunjian, all Jianghu scattered scholars used the name of Maoshan Sect to amass money under the pretext of exorcising evil spirits and chasing ghosts. They took the opportunity to collect all kinds of strange exercises. They can practice all kinds of exercises. It's complicated and stupid!"

Jiang Menshen spoke in a very angry tone, full of sense of substitution. He obviously despised Qingyunjian very much. After he finished speaking, he realized that Lin Kaiyun was from Qingyunjian, and quickly explained, "Brother Lin, I don't have any opinion on you. This is what people in the rivers and lakes say."

Of course Lin Kaiyun didn't care, and followed Jiang Menshen's words and cursed, "It's okay, our Qingyunjian is really not in the top class, it's like picking up trash, we can learn everything!"

Forehead! ! !

Jiang Menshen was a little dazed for a while, this brother Lin is really a man of temperament, he even scolded his own sect.

"Okay, brother Jiang, I'll go out and look around, you can find a partner here slowly!"

After speaking, Lin Kaiyun got up, took a piece of pastry, and ate it while walking.

When passing through the first floor, these reckless people saw Lin Kaiyun and consciously pulled some distance away. Before that, they killed a few people casually. Wei Sanniang upstairs was also indirectly killed by Lin Kaiyun, which is simply a evil star.

Lin Kaiyun walked out of the inn. There was no change in the open space between the inner and outer city. He walked to the place where the horse was tied, and saw Zhengxiang sleeping on his back.

Prince Zaichun has no problem, but Lin Kaiyun absolutely does not believe it. Since the inner city is not afraid of investigation, it means the secret is outside. The target is too obvious and not convenient enough to ride a tutu, so let's go on foot!

Lin Kaiyun walked out along the outer city gate unhurriedly.

At the same time, in the big tent in the inner city, Prince Zai Chun was carefully drawing a map, while another crow man was quietly waiting aside.


A crow flew in screaming and landed on the crow man's shoulder, chirping.

The Crow Man reported, "My lord, that Taoist priest named Lin Kaiyun in Qingyunjian has gone out, and he seems to be looking for something!"

Prince Zaichun didn't care at all, and said without raising his head, "Don't worry about him, he can't find anything, how many coffins have been brought in today?"


Prince Zai Chun angrily threw down the writing brush in his hand, and cursed unhappily, "Just one? These uncles and nephews from the frontier are really useless. They can make mistakes in transporting a zombie. It's been more than half a year, and even half of the number transported is not enough." not."

The more he thought about it, the more irritable Prince Zaichun became. He walked to the door of the big tent, looked at the starry sky, and muttered, "Never mind, the full moon is coming soon."

Then he yelled to the ground of the large tent, "Uncle Xuankui!"


The sound of the ground loosening came out, and a black shadow broke through the ground and landed in front of Zai Chun. He was wearing the prince's python robe, which was somewhat similar to Zai Chun's clothes. Fang, this is a zombie.


The zombie stretched out its paws and pointed at Prince Zaichun's head, growling in a low voice, as if cursing.

"Yes, yes, uncle Xuankui calm down, it's because the younger generation is not doing well!" Prince Zaichun respectfully apologized.

Because the zombie in front of him is the royal zombie king, Xuan Kui!A conscious, thinking zombie.

Chapter 83 Don't chase anymore, I'm exhausted

Prince Zai Chun and Xuan Kui, a zombie, communicated with each other in different languages, while the crow man stared at the door the whole time without looking sideways, as if he had already gotten used to this strange phenomenon.

Prince Zaichun respectfully said to the royal zombie Wang Xuankui,

"Uncle Xuankui, I have to trouble you to go and send the body of the emperor's younger brother from southern Xinjiang. Also, looking at that demon girl, I always feel that she doesn't have the same heart as us!"


With a low growl, Xuan Kui burrowed into the ground.

at the same time,

Lin Kaiyun had already searched around the military dock, but found nothing. Originally, he thought there would be a back door or a secret passage, but it turned out that there was only one main door.


When Lin Kaiyun was thinking about going in that direction to continue the investigation, he clearly heard a sound in the woods not far away. He cast ghost shadow and fascination, stuck a magic amulet on himself, and ran over quickly.

Due to the drought, the leaves in this woods are all withered and falling, and the branches are dry and white. Lin Kaiyun ran quickly in this woods, as if walking on dust and debris, and the dust fog that was more than half a year high was stirred up on both sides. .

"Is this? Did something come out?"

Lin Kaiyun discovered a soil hole, and the soil around the edge was all raised and spread out, obviously something broke out of the ground.

He squatted down, grabbed a handful of soil and squeezed it, frowning,

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