The lightning smashed the glutinous rice and activated the talisman. In an instant, a large amount of glutinous rice turned into powder, mixed with the flames and lightning, and a large amount of dust exploded!

Or a dust explosion of glutinous rice flour! ! !


Xuankui roared in pain. At this time, his body was covered with red spots from the blast of glutinous rice flour. The wrinkled skin on his face seemed to have been turned over. He waved his paws to protect his eyes.

The explosion of the glutinous rice flour would not seriously injure him, but it did cause extensive damage to the surface of the body.

"Mad, are you uncomfortable?"

Lin Kaiyun was very satisfied when he heard Xuan Kui's screams. Taking advantage of the zombie's illness to kill the zombie, he used the ghost shadow fan track to rush over quickly.

Put a golden light spell on yourself to avoid being accidentally injured by the explosion of glutinous rice flour.

Lin Kaiyun took a step forward, and the Bagua map under his feet suddenly unfolded,

"Soft boxing, Baguazhang!"

The gossip chart under his feet turned, and Xuan Kui's body also appeared in different positions, Lin Kaiyun quickly took a picture with his palm.

"Sixteen palms!"

"32 palms!"

"64 palms!"

"120 eight palms!"

Lin Kaiyun yelled, and the last palm was placed on Xuan Kui's head. He used the same time to blast out more palms, and the power doubled. 120 eight palms are the most palms he can swing so far.

In the air, Lin Kaiyun turned his body over, pointing his fingers at Xuan Kui,

"Too high on the stage star, constantly responding to changes. Exorcise evil spirits and bind evil spirits, Dao Qi will last forever, and be as urgent as laws!"

The voice fell, and there was a loud sound, and behind him appeared a quaint book, with a few words flowing like blood; "Seven Killing Orders of Gods and Ghosts", full of murderous aura, just like ancient gods and demons.


The Seven Killing Orders of Gods and Ghosts opened the first page, and a gigantic ancient demon god appeared, holding a huge sword, and fused with his fingers.

His pupils shone with purple light, and purple energy coiled around his fingers!

"Seven Killing Orders of Gods and Ghosts - the first form, kill and break the order!"

Whoosh!Unavoidable, the purple energy shot into Xuan Kui's brain!

Chapter 99 I Have Two Energy Values

The purple light penetrated into Xuan Kui's mind with an ancient aura.


Xuan Kui roared, the corpse aura quickly condensed on his head, forming a layer of air mass, wrapping his head, and the corpse aura became more and more compacted.

With a muffled bang,

Purple light sputtered out, and Sha Po Ling's second attack exploded in Xuan Kui's head.


Lin Kaiyun landed on the ground, and there was not much qi left in his body. He looked at Xuankui panting, the glutinous rice dust still hadn't dissipated, but all the damage from the glutinous rice had been dealt out, and it had no effect at this time.

Now we can only see if the killing order can cause damage, and how much damage it can cause! ! !


Inward fluctuations appeared in the dust, and the residual soil on the slope also shook.

"This is?"

Lin Kaiyun's face was solemn, and the voice in the dust seemed to be beating violently, but how could a zombie have a heart?


There was a tyrannical roar, and the dust blown by the sound wave moved closer to the sides, and the zombie Wang Xuankui rushed out waving his sharp claws.

I see,

Zombie Wang Xuankui's appearance has changed at this time. His hair is disheveled, his eyes are gray and white, and there is a corpse gas flowing inside. It was because there were two bulging big bags on the shoulders, and the whole upper body seemed to be blown, and it was enlarged several times.

The claws were also longer, and they swung towards Lin Kaiyun with the corpse poison.

"Is this transformation? It looks so stupid, but it's so fast!"

Lin Kaiyun didn't have time to think, and hastily rolled and dodged, Xuankui's claw hit the ground, the whole slope trembled, and the corpse poison spread rapidly.

"Qingqing, hurry up and get out of the way!"

Lin Kaiyun reminded Qingqing, and then cast the golden light spell at the speed of light, and the golden flames swallowed the poison of the approaching corpses.

Hearing this, Qingqing flapped her wings and took off into the air, avoiding the corpse poison, and Yanyan and Prince Zaichun who were hiding aside were not so lucky, they couldn't fly.

Prince Zaichun looked at the corpse poison that swept over him, and immediately exclaimed, and shouted at Xuankui, "Uncle, please control the corpse poison, don't hurt me by mistake!"

"My lord, shut up now! Hurry up and run!"

A vine protruded from Yanyan's sleeve, wrapped around Prince Zai Chun, turned his head and ran away, this corpse poison does not have eyes, and it is not easy to deal with it.

Xuan Kui failed with one blow, so he made another blow, turned sideways to face Lin Kaiyun, and stabbed down with his claws with lightning speed.

"Xuanzong of Heaven and Earth, Wan Qi is the root!"


Lin Kaiyun shouted loudly, using all the remaining qi to activate the Golden Light Curse, and at the same time raised the Seven Star Longyuan Sword horizontally, took a step down, lowered his energy to his dantian, kept his center of gravity steady, and defended with all his strength.

Noisy! ! !

Xuankui's claws collided with the Seven Star Longyuan Sword, making a metal-like friction sound.


Xuankui let out a tyrannical howl, the smell of blood gushed out from his mouth, his swollen upper body tightened immediately, as if full of explosive power, this force made Lin Kaiyun's wrist tremble uncontrollably, the Seven Star Dragon Yuan Sword was directly knocked into the air.

At the critical moment, Lin Kaiyun half-clasped his hands and gathered the Golden Light Curse at one point, like a shield against Xuankui's sharp claws.


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