"Possess skills: Yang Wulei (full level), Golden Light Curse (full level), Seven Killing Orders of Gods and Ghosts (killing order), Tongtianlu (full level), Ghost Shadow Mistracking (small success), Godhead Mask (1/ 100). Demon Bow: Blood Hades, Seven Star Sword Curse (0/100). Eight Diagrams Soft Fist."

"Possess treasures: Seven Star Longyuan Sword (growth shape). 24 Bright Moon Night Belt (storage)."

"Current status: true disciple of the Maoshan School, great disciple of Lin Fengjiao, disciple of the horse, master of the list of immortals, Sikong, the ghost of the underworld."

"The lottery requires merit points: 40000."

"Upgrading requires merit points: 100000."

"System, I want to draw a lottery, twice in a row!"

The system shows that the merit value required for the lottery draw is [-] points. According to the previous rule, after Lin Kaiyun draws a lottery every time, the merit value of the next draw will be [-] higher.

However, as long as you draw consecutively, even if you draw ten times in a row, the merit value will be deducted according to [-].

Now his merit value is exactly [-], and he can draw twice.

As soon as the words fell, Lin Kaiyun was immersed in an illusion. In front of him was a round object with no shape or shape, like a chaotic pool containing everything.

The huge chaotic pool started to flow, objects protruded from the water and fell down again and again, and finally a ball of light flashed and flew in front of Lin Kaiyun, bursting open.

The system beeps,


{Congratulations to the host for obtaining the finishing move, the Mountain Cracking Ground Slash, which has been learned automatically. }

Collapsing Mountains and Dividing Slash: A very powerful finishing technique, which is said to have come from ancient races. It concentrates the blood energy of the whole body on the blade, and the blood energy is continuously compressed until it burns. In an invincible posture, it violently hammers the ground, crushing stones and cracking the ground. The blood energy and the broken soil merged into magma, forming a secondary attack, with the power to collapse the sky.

After the introduction of the exercises, a picture appeared in Lin Kaiyun's mind. A person who couldn't see clearly was burning with red energy all over his body, and the big knife in his hand was burning with flames, and he suddenly slashed on the ground.

Immediately, the entire ground under his feet was truly shattered by this force, and at the same time, compelling magma burst out from the gap, creating a world-shattering scene.

After watching the whole scene, Lin Kaiyun was stunned. He was not shocked by the power of this technique, but he seemed to have seen this move before.

"This shit, isn't it the Berserker's skill in DNF, big collapse?"

Chapter 116 He Can't Die, I Said

Shatter the world!Crash!

You must know that the Weilik of this skill is not as simple as it appears on the screen. The enemy who receives this attack will not only be burned by magma, but the bleeding wound will not heal.

After Lin Kaiyun was stunned for a moment, he immediately became excited. If it wasn't for someone beside him, he would have raised his fists and cheered.

Before his emotions calmed down, the huge chaotic pool began to flow again, and a ball of light flashed, flew in front of him, and burst open.

The system beeps,


{Congratulations to the host for obtaining Feng Shui Qimen, which has been learned automatically. }

Fenghou Qimen: I set the central palace at a certain point, and set up a strange array around my body, and I can change the position of the pattern at will to cause changes in the things in the array.In Fenghou Qimen, time is just a scale to record the changes of things, you can turn the four dials at will, and you don't have to stick to the arrangement of the time pattern to cast spells arbitrarily.


{Congratulations to the host for obtaining Shi Ling Pill, ten pieces! }

Release Spirit Pill: After absorbing, it can release spiritual power in the body to replenish the lost spiritual power.

It turned out to be Fenghou Qimen?Ever since he got the Golden Light Curse and the Godhead Mask, this is Lin Kaiyun's most wanted skill. Among the Qimen, it is equivalent to a field. Lin Kaiyun can do anything, and with the improvement of his cultivation base and realm, the Qimen range will also increase.

Moreover, in Fenghou Qimen, there are many types of skills, especially Luan Jin Tuo, which can change the time zone of oneself and the enemy, which is simply a magical skill.

At this moment, Lin Kaiyun was awakened by a domineering voice,

"Shi Wenye, spoil my good deeds, you will die today!"

At the bottom of the slope, Zhao Yun, the martial spirit, swept Shi Wenye aside with a single shot. Official Zhao flew up into the air, with spiritual power surging from the muzzle of his gun, ready to kill Shi Wenye.

"grown ups!"

"Master Plague Ghost!"

The bull head and horse face shouted anxiously, wanting to save Shi Wenye.

The bull-headed horse face is not the only one in the underworld. If the Yincha performs well, he will be promoted and become the bull-headed horseface. Although he looks a bit uglier, his combat effectiveness and treatment are much better than that of the Yincha.

And these two bull-headed and horse-faced men are Shi Wenye's pioneers. One is prosperous and the other is damaged. If Shi Wenye dies, they will probably be punished by the hell.

But how could the ferryman let them do what they wished, and trapped them so hard that they couldn't break free to rescue them.

After all, you are also from the underworld, and it is very likely that you are still the confidant of Wu Shifei's uncle, so you can't just watch you die!

Lin Kaiyun thought to himself, shook his head smugly, and praised himself, "Oh, I'm so kind!!!"

Then he quickly poured out three Shiling Pills and stuffed them into his mouth.

The taste is like jelly beans, not bitter or medicinal, but rather sweet. After swallowing it, Lin Kaiyun only felt his body warm, as if he drank [-]-degree white wine. There was not much left in him. The quick recovery of spiritual power not only restored all the lost spiritual power, but exceeded the limit.

"Enough, enough! It's hot, it's hot!"

Lin Kaiyun seemed to be standing in a steamer, his whole body was extremely hot.

Qingqing on the side looked at Lin Kaiyun suspiciously, and reminded in a low voice, "Brother Lin, your face is so red!"

"It's not just blushing, my blood is boiling!"

Lin Kaiyun was so full of adrenaline that he couldn't stop, he jumped up on the spot, he couldn't control it, he raised his head to the sky and screamed, "I can't do it, I want to hit someone!"

Then Lin Kaiyun kicked his feet and jumped out at an extremely fast speed, until he reached the edge of the slope, stepped on the stone, braked suddenly, and stirred up waves of dust.

Seeing Zhao Li who had already opened fire below, Lin Kaiyun stepped out on his toes, put one hand behind his back, and let out a loud shout,

"Xiantian leads Zhoutian, covers Zhoutian's change, and turns me into a king..."


In Nuoda's area, there appeared a strange gossip gate that only Lin Kaiyun could see, shining with blue light.

Shi Wenye was pinned down by Wuling Zhao Yun's spear, unable to move. Seeing that the spiritual bullet was about to hit his forehead.

Zhao Li glanced at Lin Kaiyun on the slope, and said with a smile,

"Shi Wenye, that kid is back again. I will catch him and kill him after the interrogation to accompany you!"

Zhao Li's voice was neither loud nor soft, and he didn't mean to hide it at all. Lin Kaiyun naturally heard it. He stared at Zhao Li, his voice was cold,

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