Lin Kaiyun shook his head, "Pull it down! My master's rigidity is only on the surface, and he is also a face-saving master. When he was young, he was also a temperamental person. He beat up these uncles of mine!"

With a dazed expression, Qingqing also shared her master's secrets with Lin Kaiyun, "Hey, let me tell you, I heard that my master, Master Yixiu, was very hot-tempered when he was young, and he would always be aggressive with Tianlong. !!!”

When Lin Kaiyun heard Dawei Tianlong, he was taken aback for a moment, and asked in doubt, "Dawei Tianlong? Does your master have a Dharma name, Fahai?"

"What Fahai?"

Qingqing shook her head and said, "My master's Dharma name is Yixiu!"

"Oh, that's alright!"

The days and nights were long, and Lin Kaiyun and Qingqing were chatting with each other sentence by sentence, with their hands behind their backs and their stinky faces, they didn't know what they were thinking.

But Ah Hao and Ah Qiang, who are leading the way ahead, are very energetic, their movements are meticulous, and the frequency of the bell ringing is neither fast nor slow, very solid.

"Ahao, stop for a moment, the paper money is gone, I'll go to the master to get some!"

The paper money in the cloth bag on Ah Qiang's body was almost empty, so he hurried to Ma Madi's side, refilled the paper money, started on his way again, and sprinkled it.

Ordinary exorcists will sprinkle paper money. This paper money is called road money and road paving money. The darkest night is the most cloudy. In the wilderness, it is inevitable to encounter some wandering ghosts. These paper money can just buy the little ghosts and save trouble. .

I don't know how long I've been walking, the sky is about to dawn,

A group of people came to a fork in the road. At this moment, they spoke hemply,

"Ahao, the road on the right is to Renjiazhuang, you send Nintendo's body there, and Aqiang and I will send the rest!"


When Lin Kaiyun heard this name, he was a little surprised. He didn't pay attention to these zombies before, and he didn't expect Nintendo to be in this zombie team.

He concentrated his eyes and looked at each zombie. One of the zombies was relatively short, which attracted Lin Kaiyun's attention.

The appearance of this zombie is similar to the one in the movie, it should be Nintendo.

"Huh? Just me?"

When Ah Hao heard this, he was a little reluctant to go.

Ma Madi cleared his throat, spit out a mouthful of phlegm, and said, "You don't always say that your technique of exorcising corpses has improved very quickly, so I'm giving you a chance to show yourself! Besides, it's just a zombie, you still do it!" Not sure?"

"It can be done, but..."

He numbly raised his unique dirty hand, and patted Ahao's shoulder, "But what? Master gave you a chance to show off, aren't you willing to go?"

"Master, can you leave me alone?"

Ahao suddenly had a headache. If it was before, Ahao would still be willing to deliver the corpse alone.

After all, it is beneficial to deliver it to the customer's home. Generally, some rewards will be given, and the worst will be given some food. He goes alone, and these are all his own.

However, the zombie cheated the corpse before, which made Ahao a little afraid that he would have no idea. In case of a runaway situation, he would not be able to handle it himself.

At this time,

Lin Kaiyun stood up and said, "Uncle Ma Madi, let me go with Ah Hao! Just in time, I will go to Renjiazhuang to meet a friend!"

Before he could speak numbly, Ah Hao shouted excitedly, "Great, brother, if you go, it would be great!"

After all, Lin Kaiyun's method before made Ah Hao remember it in his heart, and he immediately felt a sense of security.

"All right!"

Without thinking too much, he nodded in agreement.


A fork, the soldiers divided into two ways.

Lin Kaiyun, Qingqing, Ahao, and a zombie Nintendo set off for Renjiazhuang.

It is rare for three people to chase a zombie. There are so many people, so there is no need to throw paper money and shout slogans. Ah Hao can ring the bell by himself and only know Nintendo.

Chapter 129 I'm Your Brother-in-law

The east was pale, the sun rose, and the sunlight shone brightly on the earth.

Yes, it is dawn.

It stands to reason that at dawn, the exorcist will find a place to rest. One is not to disturb other people. In this era, people still use the form of burial after death, and cremation is only used by priests or sinners. Fire to burn the corpse.

Therefore, most people are not unfamiliar with expelling corpses, but if they are not unfamiliar, they are not unfamiliar. Ordinary people still don’t want to see exorcising corpses, and they will feel very unlucky.

Therefore, the corpse chasers will not chase corpses during the day unless they have to.

Another reason is that these zombies are very afraid of the sun, and their skin will burn at the slightest, and turn into ashes at the worst.

"Brother, can this really work?"

"Brother Lin, why don't we find a place and set off at night!!!"

Ahao and Qingqing surrounded Lin Kaiyun, persuading Lin Kaiyun a little worriedly.

"It's okay, don't worry, I have a score!"

I saw that there were four large banana leaves in Lin Kaiyun's hand, the centers were aligned, and the banana leaves were tied together with vines.

Lin Kaiyun lifted up the bundled banana leaves, and said braggingly, "How is it? There isn't even a little sunlight!"

Ah Hao still felt that something was wrong, but he didn't dare to confront Lin Kaiyun, so he could only say without confidence, "Brother, my master said that banana leaves seem to be able to open the eyes of corpses, even if they block the sun, in case zombies open their eyes If you see people, you will be broken!"

Lin Kaiyun didn't care when he heard the words, "Open the corpse's eye? Even if the sky eye is opened, what am I afraid of!"

What he said was very confident. As the saying goes, confident boys are the most attractive. Originally, Lin Kaiyun was ready to meet Qingqing's adoring eyes.

As a result, Lin Kaiyun miscalculated, the adoring gaze did not wait, but Qingqing's contemptuous gaze came, and he pursed his lips and said,

"Tsk tsk! Brother Lin, the arrogant soldiers must be defeated, the arrogant soldiers must be defeated!!!"

"Don't just learn an idiom and talk nonsense!"

Lin Kaiyun glared at Qingqing, ignored their suggestions, and directly stuck a banana leaf on the zombie Nintendo's back.

The effect was very obvious, and a large area of ​​shade suddenly appeared, covering Nintendo.

Lin Kaiyun walked around Nintendo, nodded self-consciously, he was very satisfied with his work, and said, "Ahao, hurry up!"

"Ring bell bell!"

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