"With this little promise, we are the ones who can accomplish great things, so how dare we have this little courage!"

The fat dog also echoed, "That's right, that's right, it costs seventy oceans, and I can eat a few more roast chickens!"

"Fart!" General Cai scolded directly.

Fat Dog scratched his head and laughed, "Hey, General, you are the wisest, you should say it!"

General Cai raised his hands and shouted, "It's worth a hundred oceans!"

"Long live, One Hundred Oceans."

"It's about to develop again!"

"Fat dog, thin monkey, pick up and let's go."

Chapter 132 This is Zombie

Not too far from Renjiazhuang, there is a small village called Zhangjiapuzi.

Ten years ago, the population here was not much smaller than that of Renjiazhuang, but in recent years, wars have occurred frequently, especially when a family in Zhangjiapu rebelled as a soldier and was retaliated by the commander.

So all the people in Zhangjiapu moved away, and now the whole village has become very dilapidated.

On the east side of the village, there is a large red brick tiled house. This kind of luxurious tiled house is very rare in the village. The person who can live in such a room is at least the richest man in the village.

There is a well in front of the tile-roofed house, and a blond-haired, blue-eyed foreigner is drawing water at this time.


The pitch-black wooden door was pushed open from the outside, and three people walked in carrying the zombie Nintendo.

After the foreigner heard the sound, he quickly put down the bucket in his hand, stood up and looked, his blue eyes stayed on Nintendo's body, his brows were filled with joy, and he raised his beard excitedly,

"My friends, it's good to see you, and I suppose you have some good news for me?"

General Cai asked Fat Dog to put the zombie Nintendo on the ground, rolled up his sleeves and wiped the dust off Nintendo's body, and said triumphantly, "There must be good news, this zombie is not bad!"

The bearded foreigner looked Nintendo up and down, with wrinkled skin, some weathered to dark Qing Dynasty shrouds, a short black beard on his face, and two unusually thick teeth under the beard, like wild wolves, shining coldly , I feel like I can bite through my neck at any time.

This disgusting and ugly zombie is very attractive in the eyes of bearded foreigners, full of power and domineering.

"My God, what a perfect body."

The bearded foreigner seemed to be admiring a work of art, reluctant to take his eyes off.

But he didn't forget the business, he turned around and took out a cloth bag from the window, and threw it to General Cai,

"Dear Cai, this is 50 yuan, I hope you can bring more perfect corpses in the future."

General Cai weighed the purse, shook his head, and said,

"The teeth of this zombie are very extraordinary. Fifty oceans are not enough, at least 100 yuan."

The bearded foreigner smiled unabated, and said slowly,

"NONONO, Cai, you can't be too greedy. In the past, two zombies were only 100 yuan."

For villagers in these backward countries, a piece of ocean is a huge wealth, not to mention that he is paying 50 yuan for a zombie, which is simply a sky-high price, so he is not worried about General Cai's sudden price increase.

Then, this time the bearded foreigner obviously underestimated General Cai's determination.

"Fat dog, fight back!"

General Cai gave Fat Dog a look.

This fat dog has been hanging out with General Cai recently, and his life is very good. It can't be said that he has meat in every meal, but at least he can eat enough.

So Fat Dog wouldn't think about General Cai's words at all, and he wanted to hug Nintendo with a swing of his arms.

The bearded foreigner, when he saw that these people were really going to move the zombies away, he immediately became anxious.

"Oh, put it down, put it down, you guys are so greedy."

"100 yuan ocean!"

General Cai has no expression on his face. It has to be said that his familiarity with the story of 36 Strategies makes him appear mentally retarded, but sometimes, he is indeed able to blind others occasionally.

The bearded foreigner waved his hand, threw out a money bag, and said in a serious manner,

"Oh, damn it, it's 50 yuan in it, and that's all I have."

"Enough, enough."

General Cai's expressionless state lasted only three seconds, and then his face burst into smiles.

Pidianpidian left with the fat dog and the thin monkey.

Seeing this scene, the bearded foreigners knew that they might have been tricked. Even if they didn't pay more, they wouldn't take the zombies away.

But he didn't get too entangled, after all, this zombie was indeed better than the previous one.

"God bless! It must go well this time."

The bearded foreigner muttered a word, but he didn't know where the strength came from, and he picked up Nintendo's body directly and walked towards the house.

The room is very dark, different from the neatness outside, the things placed inside are very messy, glass bottles can be seen everywhere.

These glass bottles are filled with red, green and green potions, which are steaming like chemicals.

There is an old-fashioned oil lamp in the middle, and the oil fume on it is mixed with a hot and sour smell from nowhere, which is very pungent.

The bearded foreigner directly put Nintendo's corpse on the experimental table, pulled out two plastic tubes from below, and inserted them into Nintendo's mouth.

Immediately afterwards, the bearded foreigner put on a white coat and rubber gloves, and carefully picked up the bottles and cans beside him.

Mixed and hooked up very seriously, and kept muttering in his mouth,

"The zombies this time seem to be very strong, and they will definitely succeed. As long as my experiment is successful, I can deal with the vampires who are chasing me."

After finishing speaking, the bearded foreigner put all the prepared medicine into the plastic tube.

This steaming liquid, visible to the naked eye along the plastic tube, flowed into Nintendo's mouth.

At the same time, the bearded foreigner took out his pocket watch, looked at the time on it and pressed it, his eyes were full of hope, and he said,

"In just 15 minutes, I can go back to my country."

Minutes passed by.

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