Ah Hao, who was holding bottles and cans at the side, was full of envy. Lin Kaiyun was so good before, he was his senior brother after all, but in the end, a woman like Qingqing was stronger than him, which really hit him too hard pride.

In the house, most of the whole house collapsed, and the wind, fire, thunder and earth gradually dissipated. Lin Kaiyun stood on top of the ruins, spotless.


There was a howl, the gravel and wood chips were thrown into the air, and Nintendo jumped out of the ruins.

It looked at Lin Kaiyun unhappily, and then showed a complacent expression in a humane manner, pointed at Lin Kaiyun with its paw, and then patted itself.

This Nintendo is obviously saying to Lin Kaiyun, you can't do it, I am very strong, and your attacks are useless.

"My god, you still mock?"

Lin Kaiyun almost vomited blood when he was treated so cheaply by Nintendo. A zombie actually taunted him to his face.

He touched the storage belt, took out several copper coins, and threw out the copper coins in order, then flicked his sleeves,

"I have a room, half of which is rented to the king of reincarnation, sometimes a ray of light shines out, and the demons in the world dare not be it!"

From the cuff, a flashing red ink fountain line sprang out quickly, like a dragon swimming, and got into the square holes of the copper coins one by one.

Lin Kaiyun's pupils glowed with golden light, holding the Fa Jue in his hand, he shouted loudly,

"As soon as the Red River crosses, the copper coins are desperate! Punish the evil!"

Immediately, all the copper coins spun, and the ink fountain line became straight, driven by the copper coins, and also spun at a high speed.

Like a spinning shock wave, it pierced Nintendo's forehead.


The ink fountain thread stopped on the forehead, and the high-speed rotation kept rubbing, making a harsh sound.

However, this attack has no effect on Nintendo.

Nintendo raised his paw, waved it casually, knocked the ink fountain line aside, and let out a hoarse laugh, obviously mocking Lin Kaiyun again.

"Congratulations, you have successfully angered me!"

Lin Kaiyun's expression darkened, he took out the Seven Star Longyuan, and said in a cold voice, "The inspection should be over!"

Chapter 135 Renjiazhuang, a big banquet

135 chapter

Lin Kaiyun held the Seven Star Longyuan Sword in his hand, and the scabbard seemed to sense his intentions, and it fell off by itself.

After a long period of spirit cultivation, the Qixing Longyuan Sword's aura was unusually strong, which made Nintendo feel scared and very uneasy.


Nintendo roared, and a stench came from it. It opened its mouth wide and spewed out a large amount of black gas.

This black gas was very similar to the smell of the medicine in the house before. In an instant, it enveloped the yard and blocked everyone's sight.

"No, this Nintendo is going to run away!"

Lin Kaiyun sensed the black gas, and it didn't seem to be poisonous. Realizing Nintendo's intentions, he quickly moved his feet, stepping on the seven-star position, holding the Jue in his hand, and shouted loudly,

"Tai Shang Xing, the strain will not stop!"

"Exorcise evil spirits, protect the body!"

"Clear wisdom and peace of mind!"

"The three souls are eternal, and the soul has no loss!"


Ripples flickered on Lin Kaiyun's body, and the sound went straight into the sky, shocking the soul.

The sound is like a drum in the evening and a bell in the morning, which surrounds the ears and the body, extremely loud.

He suddenly opened his eyes, both eyes were shining with pure light, as if they could purify everything in the world, but he couldn't see through this gas, and the visibility was still less than one meter.

The opportunity is fleeting, Lin Kaiyun can no longer feel the taste of Nintendo, and it seems that he should have escaped by it.

Lin Kaiyun scolded angrily, "What the hell is this? In the movie, Nintendo obviously didn't use this!"

After a few minutes, the black gas gradually dissipated, Nintendo ran away as expected, leaving only ruins in front of Lin Kaiyun.

At this time, several people from Qingqing also came to the courtyard, Qingqing asked concerned, "Brother Lin, how is it?"

Lin Kaiyun shook his head, "I'm fine, I just let that old zombie run away!"

When Qingqing heard this, her face became heavy, and she said worriedly, "Run away? What should I do then? Will it continue to harm people?"

"Zombies are not harmful!"

Lin Kaiyun nodded affirmatively, then pointed at Ren Zhuzhu, and said, "And there is a high probability that it will harm your relatives!!!"


Ren Zhuzhu was startled when she heard the words, and asked at a loss, "Then what should I do?"

Lin Kaiyun didn't even think about it, and said directly, "There is only one way, you lead the way ahead! Let's kill Nintendo in advance, or just control it."


Ren Zhuzhu froze for a moment, then hurriedly led the way.

It was still broad daylight, and logically, zombies would not appear, but on a road in Zhangjia Village, a few wild dogs digging through garbage seemed to be frightened by something, and kept barking.

"Wang Wang Wang!!"


Nintendo, who had just escaped from Lin Kaiyun, jumped down from the roof, his stiff body followed the road paved with bluestones, and there was a muffled sound.


Nintendo sniffed his nose, roared at the furry dog, jumped forward, grabbed the dog, bit its neck, and sucked the blood.


Nintendo's expression was distorted, and he threw the wild dog out in disgust, spat out the dog's blood in his mouth, and made a groaning sound at the dead body, with a look of cursing,

"Whoa, whoa!"

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