"How is it possible? Did I get dazzled just now?"

Lin Kaiyun's eyes widened, looking at the arrogant Nintendo, this guy didn't have any injuries on his body.

If it wasn't for the Qing Dynasty shroud on Nintendo's body, there was a long tear, Lin Kaiyun would have thought that he hadn't cut this guy before.

When Ren Fa saw Nintendo's figure, he quickly hid behind Lin Kaiyun, trembling with fright, his figure trembling, "Kaiyun, save me, it was about to attack me just now!"

"Master Ren, back off!"

Lin Kaiyun held the Seven Star Longyuan Sword in his hand and took a step forward, a confident smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "I don't believe it, you can still be tougher than the zombie king Xuankui?"


Nintendo roared loudly, the voice was full of fighting intent, and after Lin Kaiyun stepped forward, he rushed out, waving his claws crazily.

There are nails stained with dried blood on the claws. Every time it is swung, it will drive the wind, and at the same time there will be a rancid smell. If it is attacked by it, the corpse poison on it will be very troublesome.

Lin Kaiyun swiped his foot, sideways to avoid Nintendo's claws, and then swept across, kicking Nintendo's abdomen.

At the same time, he drew the gossip with his hands, and a gossip map that only he could see appeared under his feet. Lin Kaiyun thrust the Seven Star Longyuan Sword downward, and his whole body spun rapidly,

"Bagua 64 palms!"

Lin Kaiyun spun extremely fast, and even a phantom appeared, visually as if he had grown three heads and six arms, and his palms kept slapping on Nintendo's body.



The sound of bones breaking in Nintendo's body was clearly audible, and his stiff body seemed to be torn apart, as if being thrown a sandbag by Lin Kaiyun, and was continuously beaten into the air.

"Xiantian leads Zhoutian, covers Zhoutian's change, and turns me into a king..."


In Nuoda's area, there appeared a Bagua Qimen that only Lin Kaiyun could see, flashing blue light, which was different from the Baguazhang just now, and more complicated and changeable.

Lin Kaiyun stepped on his feet, turned the word Kun to the right below Nintendo, and squeezed the law with his hands,

"Kun character - earth river cart!"


In the ruins of the mourning hall, a pillar of condensed soil jumped out, directly pushing up Nintendo.

Lin Kaiyun's complexion changed, and he quickly became dignified. In an instant, he seemed to be very fused together. His mind and mind were united, and he turned the characters Xun and Li to the bottom of the earth pillar, holding Fa Jue,

"Xun character - wind rope!"

"Li Zi-Explosive Flame!"

Immediately, several gusts of wind appeared around Nintendo, like bodies, tightly binding Nintendo to the soil pillar.

Suddenly, a large group of flames appeared in the sky, and it hit Nintendo's body accurately.



The collision of fire and earth produced a violent explosion, the earth pillar collapsed instantly, and gravel and soil debris were scattered all over the ground.

It is conceivable that Nintendo under this attack will not die or be disabled.

The villagers who were still squeezing the gate to flee for their lives were all stunned in place at this moment.

"Miss, pinch me, is this a trick?"

"Has the zombie been wiped out? What method is this? Is it a miracle?"

"Master Land must have appeared to save us!"

"Elder Land, what a ball! This is a real living fairy!"

Lin Kaiyun's method of driving the soil and setting fires completely changed the outlook on life of these villagers, and some even knelt down and kept talking about gods and gods.


Lin Kaiyun shook his head embarrassingly, and said, "Maoshan has training, walking in the world, you must act in a low-key manner. I really want to keep a low profile, but my strength doesn't allow it!"

At this time, Qingqing and Ren Zhuzhu finally squeezed through the crowd and got in while everyone was worshiping Lin Kaiyun.

Seeing everyone kneeling down to worship Lin Kaiyun, Qingqing asked in confusion, "Brother Lin, what's wrong with these people?"

"Uh, how should I say it!"

Lin Kaiyun was at a loss for words for a while, not knowing how to answer, then stroked the bangs on his forehead, looked up to the sky and said, "Maybe I'm so handsome!"

Qingqing asked seriously, but what she got was such a recovery. She was really speechless, and she cursed Lin Kaiyun in a low voice,

"Bah, smelly shameless!"

Chapter 138 Again and again, not again and again

"Brother-in-law! Have you seen my father?"

As soon as Ren Zhuzhu entered the yard, she looked around and found no trace of her father Ren Cai.

"Your father?"

Lin Kaiyun thought for a while, he had long forgotten what Ren Zhuzhu's father looked like in the movie, and when he came, he saw nothing but Ren Fa, so he shook his head and said, "I didn't see your father !"

at this time,

Ren Fa, who had been hiding in the corner, came out, looked at Ren Zhuzhu, and asked with some uncertainty, "Are you Zhuzhu?"

"you are?"

When Ren Zhuzhu first saw Ren Fa, she didn't recognize him. After looking carefully, she remembered and shouted unexpectedly, "You are Uncle Ren Fa? When did you come, Uncle, did you see my father Yet?"


Ren Fa sighed, and stopped looking at Ren Zhuzhu with his hands behind his back, shook his head feebly, and said, "Zhuzhu, you must mourn!"


When Ren Zhuzhu heard the news, she felt a little unsteady, her face was pale, her lips were trembling, "Uncle, do you mean that my father is dead?"

Ren Fa nodded heavily!

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