
At this moment, a pot of unpleasant-smelling liquid suddenly poured over, and sprinkled firmly on Captain Cao's body.


As soon as the liquid stained the clothes, a lot of hot gas came out, like sulfuric acid, corroding Captain Cao's security uniform.

Captain Cao didn't have time to care who splashed it, so he quickly took off his clothes, and shouted at his followers, "Hurry up, help me take off my clothes!"


"Ah, it hurts!"

When several people touched the corroded area, it was as if they had touched hot molten iron, and their hands blistered immediately.

The two servants gave full play to what they meant, and worked around Captain Cao without any effort. As a result, they tore all the places where the clothes were intact, and did not touch the corroded areas at all.

"Can you two hurry up? It hurts me to death."

Captain Cao cursed in pain. He had no choice but to face the scalp and tear off the corroded clothes. However, the corrosion had already touched the flesh inside, and some of them were stuck together. The tearing felt like cutting flesh. generally.

"Ah!!! He really hurts!"

Captain Cao shouted and tore all the corroded clothes to shreds with all his might, pulling them off the flesh one by one.

After taking off everything, Captain Cao, with a big man seeping out of his body, didn't care about the dust, and lay on the ground exhausted, a piece of flesh was torn off his abdomen and thighs, his hands seemed to be pulled out of a frying pan. There were blisters, and some of the skin fell off.

The attendant was very considerate at this time, took off his overcoat, and covered Captain Cao, "Captain, put it on, don't catch a cold!"

Captain Cao took a few breaths, gritted his teeth and cursed, "Made, who threw the acid! Catch him, I will torture him to death!"

"Tsk tsk tsk!!!"

Lin Kaiyun walked out comfortably with his hands behind his back, shaking his head and said, "Fortunately, I didn't use it. The potion is really wrong!"

Captain Cao raised his head with difficulty, saw Lin Kaiyun following the voice, and cursed angrily, "Made, it's him, catch him!"


The two attendants looked at each other, raised their guns in unison, pulled the bolt, and shouted, "Boy, surrender obediently, or we will shoot!"

Lin Kaiyun ignored the muzzle of the gun, and said calmly, "I think you'd better take your captain back, otherwise he won't be able to go back if I change my mind later."

Captain Cao shouted loudly, "Don't mess with him, shoot him, don't let him run away!"

"Boy, don't eat a toast and eat fine wine!"

The two footmen, with their hands on the trigger, were about to fire.


Lin Kaiyun shook his head helplessly, and raised his hand casually, the spiritual power in his hand was like a silk thread, leading to the two followers.

"What's going on? My body seems out of control!"

"Me too!"

The bodies of the two attendants were connected together by spiritual threads. Lin Kaiyun moved his fingers like a puppet show, controlled the two to turn around, and pointed the gun at Captain Cao.

When Captain Cao saw that the gun was aimed at him, he didn't care about the pain anymore. He quickly got up and cursed, "What are you two doing? Are you stupid? Shoot that kid!"

"Captain, it's not me, my body is out of control!"

"Captain, run! I feel like my body is going to shoot."

The two followers could only use their mouths, and shouted anxiously.

However, Lin Kaiyun was not prepared to give Captain Cao a chance to escape, he said with a smile, "I told you a long time ago, you must listen!"

After speaking, Lin Kaiyun moved his fingers, controlled the two followers, pointed the muzzle of the gun down, and pointed it between Captain Cao's legs.



The trigger was pulled continuously, and two bullets shot out.

Captain Cao didn't have any time to react, he just felt his crotch light up, as if an egg had been cracked, and the liquid left along his thigh.

"Ah! My lifeblood!"

Captain Cao cried and screamed, clutching his crotch, and jumping around in place.

"Captain, what's wrong with you?"

"Captain, are you okay? We didn't do it!"

The two followers suddenly felt cold in their crotch, and Lin Kaiyun behind them made them tremble in fright, it was too evil, and he would definitely use demon skills.


Lin Kaiyun put away his spiritual power, waved his hand casually, and said, "Lift up your Captain Cao!"

The two attendants saw that they were able to move, and hurriedly supported Captain Cao, one from the left and the other from the right.

"Captain, let's go! That guy is not human!"

"Yes, captain, let's go!"

Captain Cao was in a daze at this time, physical pain was secondary, the most important thing was mental pain and torture, he was finished, his life was gone, he became a eunuch, what would he do for the rest of his life?

For a pervert, this kind of thing made him want to die, he quickly shouted, "Quick, help me to find a doctor, maybe there is still hope!"

The two attendants ran for their lives, supported Captain Cao and ran away.

Qingqing leaned close to Lin Kaiyun and asked curiously, "Brother Lin, is he really?"

Lin Kaiyun nodded and said with a smile, "It's basically impossible to save him!"

"Hee hee hee!"

Hearing this, Qingqing covered her mouth and laughed. At the same time, she gave Lin Kaiyun a thumbs up, and said in admiration, "Brother Lin, this is a good way. I think he will never bully girls again in his whole life!"

Lin Kaiyun looked Qingqing up and down, and joked, "Qingqing, you know a lot!!!"


Feeling Lin Kaiyun's gaze, Qingqing didn't dodge it, and said directly, "When you get close to vermilion, you get red; when you get close to ink, you get black! I learned from you!"

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