Lin Jiu glared at Wen Cai, and scolded, "Are you taking me to make trouble? You are practicing martial arts obediently now, and I will check when I come back!"

Wen Cai shrank his neck, not daring to touch the ink, and said respectfully, "Okay! Then Master, you go early and come back early!"

Lin Jiu nodded, said goodbye to Priest Simu and Master Yixiu, and left.

Renjiazhuang is tens of kilometers away from the bamboo house of Simu Road. According to the footsteps of ordinary people, it will take at least a day and a night to walk.

Of course, Lin Jiu is definitely not an ordinary person. He used the Speed ​​Talisman and used his spiritual power to run wildly all night. As soon as it was dawn, Lin Jiu had already rushed to the outskirts of Renjiazhuang.

The entire Renjiazhuang has no traces of raging, and there is no heavy smell of blood, which shows that the zombie did not cause too much killing. For Lin Jiu, this is good news, and it also made him feel relieved. tone.

After running all night, even the iron man was tired. Lin Jiu jumped on a tree, ready to rest for a while, and set off into the village.

Looking down, Renjiazhuang is still peaceful, and there is no sign of panic, but Lin Jiu, who is sharp-eyed, still finds some white cloths hanging in front of several houses, obviously relatives have died.

"One or two... There are six families in total. It seems that the zombies have killed at least six or seven people!"

Lin Jiu thought with a heavy face, and then he sat cross-legged on the tree trunk and seized the time to recover his strength.

Boom boom boom!

A muffled sound reached Lin Jiu's ears. The sound seemed to be a wooden stake hitting the ground.

Lin Jiu is naturally very familiar with this kind of sound, which is exactly the sound made by zombies when they run and jump.

Lin Jiu didn't make a sound, and lowered his breathing rate, looking for the nearby zombie.


Lin Jiu found the traces of the zombies. The old guy in the shroud of the Qing Dynasty was not tall, with a stooped figure, a lot of blood stains on his clothes, and his teeth were thick, like wild dogs.

"The zombie who just sucked blood and said numbly should be this one!"

Lin Jiu's eyes were concentrated, and he quickly made a judgment.

Chapter 148 Uncle Nine Meets a Zombie

This zombie is none other than Nintendo. It hops and jumps without knowing its destination. It seems to come from Renjiazhuang, and it seems to be looking for something.

Lin Jiu raised his head and glanced at the rising sun, his eyes moved, and he thought of a way.

Carefully, without making any noise, he took out the ink fountain thread, touched it with his fingers, it was coated with a layer of spiritual energy, and threw it under the tree without a sound.

As long as Nintendo passes by, it will be entangled by the ink fountain thread. As long as it is trapped for a while, when the sun comes out, the zombie will naturally disappear.

Boom boom boom!

Every time Nintendo jumped down, it made a muffled sound of hitting the ground, and it got closer and closer to Lin Jiu's position.

"Hey, don't take a detour, just jump straight ahead!"

Lin Jiu pinched the ink fountain line with his fingers and stared at Nintendo.

Nintendo didn't notice anything, and really followed Lin Jiu's calculations, trying to jump under the tree step by step.

"It's now!"

Seeing Nintendo passing under the tree, Lin Jiu pulled the ink fountain line directly.


The ink fountain thread attached to the tree bounced up abruptly and wrapped itself around Nintendo's feet.

Just as Lin Jiu took out his mahogany sword and was about to make the next move, Lin Jiu was taken aback by Nintendo's move below.

I see,

After being entangled by the ink fountain thread, Nintendo was not affected in any way. He stretched out his claws to cut all the ink fountain thread, and brought the ink fountain thread to his face, with a human-like puzzled expression on his face, and a groan in his mouth. Whoa whoa whoa.

"This zombie is actually intelligent?"

Seeing Nintendo's appearance, Lin Jiu was a little surprised. He put away the mahogany sword and subconsciously moved his footsteps.


A piece of withered dry bark on the trunk happened to be stepped on by Lin Jiu, making an obvious sound.


Lin Jiu reacted quickly and quickly held his breath.

However, a copper coin in the cloth bag accidentally fell down, and it just happened to hit Nintendo on the head.


Nintendo raised his paw, patted his head, felt the copper coin, grabbed it curiously and put it in front of him.


Nintendo tilted his head in doubt, apparently the sudden appearance of copper coins made it very difficult to understand.

Just when Lin Jiu held his breath, thinking about how to deal with this zombie.

Nintendo stood under the tree with an ink fountain thread and copper coins, and just started studying like this, biting his teeth from time to time, and smelling it on his nose.

Lin Jiu couldn't hold it anymore, breathed carefully, and looked at Nintendo vigilantly, as long as he was found, Lin Jiu would act decisively.

However, Nintendo was only focused on studying the copper coins and the ink fountain thread, and was so fascinated that he didn't notice the existence of Lin Jiu at all.

"What kind of zombie is this?"

Lin Jiu felt that he had encountered a blind spot in his knowledge, and suddenly found that the experience of conquering and eliminating zombies in the past ten years seemed to be insufficient. At least Lin Jiu couldn't figure out the following zombie's actions.

"However, it's okay, anyway, it's almost dawn!"

Lin Jiu glanced at the sky, put away the mahogany sword, and patiently fought Nintendo.

Time passed by every minute and every second, this Nintendo, like a child, was curiously and patiently studying two things.

"The sun is out!"

Lin Jiu clearly felt that the surrounding area was bright, even though it was covered by leaves, the sun still shone down.

Lin Jiu took out the gossip mirror and looked at the Nintendo below. Although it was only the morning sun, not as lethal as the noon sun, it was enough to destroy the zombies. After all, the sun is the natural enemy of zombies.

And now Lin Jiu's task is to subdue Nintendo when it is burned by the sun and wants to escape.

As the sun rises, the sunlight gradually moves over. However, the tree where Lin Jiu is resting is not short. Not only is the trunk thick, but the crown is also very large, which completely blocks the sunlight.

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