Nintendo noticed that there was no sound of jumping behind him, looked back at Lin Jiu, and said, "Hey, why did you stop? You jumped in front of me!"


Lin Jiu made a sound, but had no choice but to follow suit, raised his arms, and jumped in front of Nintendo.

One fake zombie and one real zombie continued on their way, but Lin Jiu still didn't give up the chance to attack Nintendo. With a flick of his wrist, he dropped a few copper coins in his hand, and then quickly threw it forward.

The copper coin hit the tree trunk and bounced back. Lin Jiu jumped sideways to avoid it, and the copper coin flew straight to Nintendo.


Nintendo found the copper coin, did not hide, opened his mouth, and bit the copper coin in his mouth.

Lin Jiu saw this scene from the corner of his eye. It was not surprising that the copper coins didn't work. He took out a purple talisman from his bosom, which was one of the core talisman techniques of Maoshan's inner sect, the Purple Thunder talisman.

Lin Jiu stuck the talisman on his forehead with his backhand, pretending to be bumped, jumped back, turned around and had a forehead-to-forehead confrontation with Nintendo, and took the opportunity to stick the purple thunder talisman on Nintendo's forehead.

"It should be done this time!"

Lin Jiu drew a gossip under his feet, and pinched the Fa Jue with his fingers, about to activate the talisman.

As a result, when he looked up, he found that Nintendo had actually taken off the talisman, and handed it to him with a puzzled expression.

"Oh, it hurts!"

Lin Jiu pretended to be injured by a divine talisman, and fell firmly to the ground in the style of falling geese on the ground, then squinted his eyes and peeked at Nintendo.

I saw that without the slightest doubt, Nintendo spit out the copper coins in his mouth, and under Lin Jiu's gaze, he actually stuffed the talisman into his mouth and ate it.

Lin Jiu was very shocked, "Even the Zilei rune?"

Nintendo chewed and swallowed the Purple Thunder Talisman, turned his head, observed the surrounding situation, and found nothing wrong, then it pulled Lin Jiu up, screaming loudly,

"Don't be afraid, you are behind to protect you!"


Lin Jiu responded and continued to jump up in front.

Passing by a big tree, Lin Jiu took out the gossip mirror, quietly stuck it on the trunk, and then pretended to be burned by the gossip mirror, jumped back again and again, making painful sounds from his mouth.

During the period, Lin Jiu also turned a few somersaults, and a few carps came up to fight hard, and the appearance of being sucked and pushed by the gossip mirror was vividly performed.

Seeing Lin Jiu's appearance, Nintendo was completely stunned, and his attention was completely attracted by Lin Jiu.

Seeing that Nintendo was facing away from the gossip mirror, Lin Jiu secretly thought that the time had come. He spun his hands and bounced straight up. He pulled away a pair, exposing the Tai Chi wooden plate on his chest, bumped into Nintendo, pushed hard, and leaned Nintendo against the tree. , sandwiched between the Tai Chi wooden plate and the Bagua mirror.

"Oh! What's wrong with you?"

Nintendo looked at Lin Jiu like this, with an expression of caring for the mentally retarded.

"It doesn't help?"

Lin Jiu vomited bitterness in his heart, and then pretended to be bounced off, pulled his clothes and covered the Tai Chi wooden plate on his chest.

Chapter 150 I'm afraid of injections

150 chapter


"what are you doing?"

Nintendo roared in confusion, and stared at Lin Jiu in doubt.


Lin Jiu stretched out his finger and repeatedly pointed to the gossip mirror on the tree behind Nintendo.

Nintendo understood Lin Jiu's meaning, turned around, saw the Eight Diagrams Mirror, stretched out its claws very naturally, grabbed the Eight Diagrams Mirror, and threw it aside.

Lin Jiu was very helpless in his heart, "The combination of Yin Yang and Five Elements, and Eight Diagrams will not work!"


Nintendo jumped in front of Lin Jiu, turned around repeatedly, and said in his mouth, "You go first, I'll take a look around first!"


Lin Jiu sighed, and could only continue to pretend to be a zombie and jump forward.

After observing for a while, Nintendo didn't find anything unusual, and jumped up and down to follow Lin Jiu.

Seeing that Nintendo was following up, Lin Jiu took out the copper coin sword without giving up, and drew a few lines on the copper coin sword with spiritual power emerging from his fingers, then put his palm against the hilt of the sword and pushed it forward forcefully.

Lin Jiu controlled it with his fingers, and the copper coin sword flew in the air, leaped forward, circled the tree twice, and then turned around and stabbed back.

Lin Jiu raised his head back and pointed at Nintendo, and the copper coin sword directly pierced Nintendo's chest.


The red rope of the copper coin sword broke, and it fell to the ground.

"This zombie, isn't afraid of anything?"

After many experiments, Lin Jiu finally came to an unbelievable conclusion that this zombie is really not afraid of anything.

Lin Jiu jumped in front of Nintendo, howled and asked, "Why are you not afraid of anything? What are you afraid of?"

"I'm afraid of needles!"

Nintendo told Lin Jiu very straightforwardly, it raised its paw, pointed to its own neck, and then said,

"It's okay, I'll help you, with me jumping ahead, don't be afraid of anything!"

After speaking, Nintendo jumped ahead and led the way.

not afraid of anything?How to eliminate it?Am I following this zombie now?Or go to Kering for a round?

Lin Jiu jumped up and down, thinking non-stop.

Thinking about it, a urge to urinate hits, people have three urgencies, water and fire, Lin Jiu has been thinking about something, a little distracted, instinctively, jumped to the side of the small river, unbuttoned his pants, and started to urinate.

Nintendo found that there was no sound of bouncing behind him, turned around, saw Lin Jiu standing by the river, and asked with a voice, "Where are you doing?"

Without even thinking about it, Lin Jiu said casually, "I'm peeing!"


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