Nintendo looked around, but didn't find any zombies like it, and then raised his head to the sky and roared.

This sound was especially evident in the mass graves. The shocked crow did not dare to hover in the air, and flew away in panic.

At this time, a shock attracted Nintendo's attention.

I saw that among the many coffins in the mass grave, there was a mahogany coffin. There was no sign of decay on the outside, but it was very brand new.

The mahogany coffin, the lid was lifted suddenly, and the zombie stood up stiffly, looking at Nintendo.

This zombie is very thin, and does not look strong at all. The whole eyes are sunken, as well as the cheeks. It looks like a skeleton wrapped in a layer of wrinkled skin. The teeth are slender. It is wearing the same shroud from the Qing Dynasty. .


The zombie yelled at Nintendo, and said zombie language, "Are you a zombie? Where did you come from!"

"Renjiazhuang!" Nintendo replied, looking at this thin zombie vigilantly. Although this zombie looks similar to it in terms of clothes and corpse, it still remembers being deceived by Lin Jiu, and did not rush forward. .

And this zombie didn't have so many thoughts. Seeing a companion coming, he didn't show any hostility. He jumped excitedly in front of Nintendo, watched, smelled, and observed carefully.

Then the zombie pointed to Nintendo's teeth and roared, "Your teeth are not as long as mine, so you will be my younger brother from now on!"

Inside the zombie, it is not as complicated as human beings, according to the corpse aura, the zombie only sees that there is only one reference for strength, which is the length of the teeth.

This allows some zombies who are born with long teeth to take advantage of it, which is quite a bit of a caste system.

But Nintendo is not a traditional zombie, it also gave birth to wisdom. It was already very wary of zombies, but it ended up taking it in as a subordinate. For Nintendo, this is a problem. Nine same.


Nintendo roared, waved its claws directly, and attacked the zombie in front of it, cursing, "You are also a despicable liar!"

"Oh, are you here to provoke me?"

The zombie was a little dazed, thinking that Nintendo was here to find trouble, and jumped away. With a movement of its claws, a coffin board flew over and smashed towards Nintendo.

If Lin Kaiyun and others were here, they would be shocked, this zombie actually has the means to control objects.

Nintendo clawed hard, split the flying coffin board, stared at the thin zombie and cursed, "Hey, you are not a zombie!"

In Nintendo's thinking, it is impossible for zombies to drive objects, so they must be pretending to be Taoists.

"Challenging, I want to defeat you!" The thin zombie was also furious.

Nintendo and the skinny zombie quarreled with each other, and without saying a word, they fought together again.

Zombie fights are also very simple and rough. You hit a paw, I hit a coffin board, and they fought.



Boom boom boom!

The mass grave, which used to be dead and quiet, suddenly became lively, and various sounds came out.

The two zombies became angry, their four paws were clasped together, they kept jumping around, and finally opened their mouths by coincidence, and bit down on each other's neck.

"Bah bah bah!"

The two zombies vomited at the same time, and then separated in disgust.

Nintendo rubbed its paws against its mouth, and made a suspicious voice, "You are a zombie!"

The skinny zombie didn't understand what Nintendo meant, pointed at Nintendo's neck in disgust, and cursed, "Your neck smells so bad, so disgusting!"

Nintendo was overjoyed immediately, jumped in front of the thin zombie, raised its paw, and hugged, "Stop hitting, you are a zombie, my companion!"

The skinny zombie pushed Nintendo away and shouted in disgust, "Get up, you smell so bad!"

The emaciated zombie smelled the potion from Nintendo.

Nintendo stretched out his paw and pointed at the thin zombie, then pointed at himself, and hummed, "You and my companion, as long as you feed me the coffin fungus, you will be the big brother and I will be the little brother!"

"Coffin fungus?"

Hearing Nintendo's words, the thin zombie shook his head, pointed to his throat, and said, "It's not ready yet, so I can't give it to you!"

"Oh, then I'll go back first!" Nintendo was a little disappointed, it didn't know what the coffin fungus was, but it had such a memory in its mind, it was delicious and beneficial.

"Don't go!"

The skinny zombie finally found a companion, and was willing to be its younger brother. Of course, he didn't want to let Nintendo go. It stopped Nintendo and said, "I'll teach you to worship the moon, and you can grow coffin fungus!"

Nintendo was immediately aroused and asked, "Really?"

"Of course, I'll teach you to worship the moon!" The thin zombie pointed to the moon in the sky, raised its head, and sucked the moonlight.

Nintendo also imitated the appearance of a thin and weak zombie, raised its head, and the moonlight turned into a puff of air, which automatically got into its throat. This feeling was very refreshing and comfortable.

After half an hour, the thin zombie and Nintendo both woke up from worshiping the moon.

The thin zombie pointed to Nintendo's throat and said, "If you do this, coffin fungus will be born soon!"

Nintendo also felt a little something in its throat, which was very comfortable, then it pointed to the outside and said,

"Okay, it's uncomfortable here! Let me take you to another place! There's music there, it's nice."

When Nintendo came here, it encountered a mountain stream, and the wind blowing there would produce a sound like music, which made Nintendo very comfortable to listen to.

Hearing what Nintendo said, the skinny zombie really wanted to go, but he shook his head helplessly, "No, I have no way to leave this mass grave!"

Chapter 153 Tombstone, Chu Renmei

Nintendo's IQ is not enough to understand the meaning of this thin zombie. It raised its paw and looked at the distance reluctantly, and made a questioning voice in its mouth, "Wow, where do I sleep?"


The lean zombie jumped a few laps at the mass grave, pointed to a grave mound very loyally, and said politely, "You live here, it's cool and comfortable!"


Nintendo didn't think much about it. After looking at the new residence for a while, he lifted the lid of the coffin and jumped in.

The two zombies can exchange opinions, they don't know how to chat and connect with each other. The same is true for the thin zombies. With a wave of their paws, a coffin lid on the ground flipped up.

The thin zombie also jumped up and closed the coffin lid.

The mass graves regained peace together, the two zombies fell asleep, and the frightened crows also returned tremblingly.

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