Just when Qian Zhenren was concentrating on casting spells,

There was a chill behind him, and a cold light appeared out of nowhere, and this cold light was accompanied by a strong murderous aura.

"Renren Qian, be careful!" Seeing this, Lin Jiu quickly shouted a reminder, and at the same time stepped forward, struck down with the mahogany sword, and shot out a sword light, trying to block the cold light's attack.

However, when it was discovered, it was already too late, and the sword light did not block the attack.

Before Lin Jiu's attack, Han Mang appeared. It was a pitch-black dagger with obvious viscous liquid on the blade, which was obviously poison still applied.

Then, along the dagger, a figure gradually appeared, and it turned out to be Zhang Damin.

"How come?" Lin Jiu was a little surprised, and quickly saw Zhang Damin's figure standing behind Fat Shan inside the barrier.

However, under Lin Jiu's gaze, Zhang Damin's figure behind Fat Shan gradually disappeared.

Lin Jiu understood in an instant, and exclaimed, "It's a blindfold, it's so real!"

"Daozhang, you are wrong!"

Zhang Damin smiled at Lin Jiu, and then said, "It's not a trick! Look!"

As soon as the words were finished, another Zhang Damin appeared behind Qian Zhenren, also holding a poison dagger, wanting to stab Qian Zhenren in unison.

The two daggers seemed to be solid, tearing apart the surrounding air, and stabbing at Qian Renren with a cold aura!

Qian Zhenren was also very surprised by the second Zhang Damin who appeared, he blocked one, but not the second.


The dagger pierced Qian Renren's body without any accident, and the sound of flesh and blood being torn was heard clearly.


Zhang Damin laughed triumphantly. He thought he had succeeded, but soon, he realized that something was wrong. The dagger could not penetrate half a point, and the expression on his face became ferocious, "How is it possible? Your body ?”

Zhang Damin wanted to withdraw the dagger, but there was no way.And the current scene made him a little confused. He remembered that he clearly saw the poisonous dagger piercing Qian Zhenren's body just now.

But for some reason, the real Qian's body seemed to move a few inches, and the aura on his body caught the dagger.

"Sorry, can't you draw it out? My aura is as powerful as mine!"

Qian Zhenren smiled, and said jokingly to the surprised Zhang Damin, then turned around abruptly, took a big step, his entire palm expanded a little, and suddenly grabbed Zhang Damin's head.

This palm seems to be a big net, and it even engulfs the air, giving people a sense of oppression.

Being caught by Qian Renren, there is no doubt that his head will be like a watermelon, or even worse.

"Hmph, good luck for you!!!"

Zhang Damin cursed very unhappy, and simply dropped the dagger, and disappeared without a sound, and the two figures disappeared in an instant.

"Master, Qian Renren, this Zhang Damin is still nearby!"

Lin Kaiyun swung the Seven Star Longyuan Sword like a baseball bat, and fought back and forth with the Wooden Envoy. At the same time, he was distracted to observe the overall situation. After seeing Zhang Damin disappear, Lin Kaiyun's Fenghou Qimen clearly felt it. A wave of energy.

Chapter 166

"Kaiyun, did you find something?" Lin Jiu asked suspiciously after hearing Lin Kaiyun's words.

"That's right!"

Lin Kaiyun nodded. In Fenghou Qimen, it is his domain, and he is the king!

So as long as he is in this area, no changes can be hidden from him. The moment Zhang Damin disappeared, Lin Kaiyun discovered the pattern and explained directly,

"Zhang Damin is not invisible. He should have practiced a certain method to blend with the surrounding environment, just like a chameleon."

Seeing Lin Kaiyun revealing the secret of Zhang Damin's disappearance, the wooden envoy shouted angrily, "How dare you be distracted? I think you want to die!!!"

The Wooden Messenger burst out with great strength in an instant, stepped in all directions, completely gave up on defense, and launched a fierce attack on Lin Kaiyun. Every time the wooden stick was swung, it could stir up strong winds and blow up the flying sand and rocks next to it, as if wrapped in a shell Generally, it hit Lin Kaiyun.

"Hmph! Give up defense, court death!"

Lin Kaiyun snorted coldly, stepped on the Big Dipper Kuigang, and then took out a large carved mother coin and put it in his mouth, the sound was like thunder,

"Maoshan No. 13th generation successor, Lin Kaiyun swore to be the god of the sun today, and played God, pretending to be a square inch of land, thinking that there is a heaven of nine layers, and using the image of Dou Su Kui Gang to suppress all evils!!!"

"Out of the Sun God!!!"

Lin Kaiyun held the Dou Jue, and quickly tapped on his own seven veins, causing his vigorous yang energy to flow out quickly, and the blood from the tip of his tongue spit out, sticking to the big money of the carved mother in his mouth, and there was a sudden tremor, flashing a halo of earthy yellow.

call! ! !

The airflow around Lin Kaiyun turned accordingly, and a large amount of Yin Qi penetrated into his body along the square hole in the center of Diaomu Daqian.

Yin and yang clash, and the soul of yang separates from the body!

Lin Kaiyun's body was like a sculpture, his feet were firmly embedded in the ground, and a soul full of yang energy floated out from the position of the heavenly spirit in his skull.

In an instant, the yang qi flourished, and in the first few minutes, it even faintly covered the huge yin qi.

"The five viscera and the six internal organs are safe for the body,"

"Three souls and seven souls shape-setting god,"

"Heaven and man are in harmony, and man and nature exist together,"

"Yin and Yang depend on each other."


As the sound fell, Lin Kaiyun's Yang Soul gradually stabilized. Before the attack came, he even calmly patted the dust on his body, and then picked up the Seven Star Dragon Abyss Sword.

"go to hell!"

The wooden emissary held the wooden stick high in his arm, and the rock that was absorbed was like a hill at the moment, and the pressure of Mount Tai covered the top of Lin Kaiyun's head.

Lin Kaiyun unhurriedly moved his body to another position, the Yang Soul flickered for a moment, and kicked the Wooden Envoy.

"Haha, I think you are stupid, right? Your weapons can't hurt me, and you still want to attack me when your soul is out of your body?"

The Wooden Messenger made a triumphant sound, but didn't feel any pain, not even scratching it hard enough.

However, the wooden messenger soon realized that something was wrong. He seemed to be unable to control the body of the puppet, and his head was also a little dizzy, light and light, as if he could fly up at any time.

"what happened?"

The wooden messenger looked terrified, he actually saw the body of his puppet, and at this time his state was similar to that of Lin Kaiyun, his soul had also come out of his body, but much weaker.

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