Lin Jiu also felt everyone's attention and trust, so he explained it to everyone in detail.

After finishing speaking, Lin Jiu stepped into the gate in front of everyone with his hands behind his back, and Lin Kaiyun followed closely behind.

The former real person and Wu real person looked at each other for a rare look, and followed them in without thinking too much.

Li Sanbiao was a little cautious, but at this time there was no other way, and he led the remaining Cao gang warriors to the rear.

Inside this wooden building, there is heaven and earth, and once they entered it, they found that the shock brought by the interior was no less than that of the outside.

Among the wooden buildings, the corridors are connected, surrounded by mountains and rocks, and the artificial mountains and waters seem to be arranged according to certain rules, making people feel inexplicably cool and refreshing when passing by.

At the same time, the whole courtyard has rules and regulations. Whether it is the division of the area or the arrangement of flowers and plants, it is very charming. At the same time, with some magnificent ornaments, it looks very graceful and luxurious.

Chapter 170 The Immortal in the Painting, Upstairs in the Sky

The layout of the entire yard.It is a place where wind and water are stored, and the walls are covered with roses that symbolize wealth. There is a pool of clear water under the flowers. The clear water flows along one direction and forms a small sun. There is a pavilion above the stream.

This pavilion is naturally very familiar to Lin Kaiyun, because this is the scene he saw, picture-in-picture, if he remembers correctly, the fairy-like woman he saw in the painting before walked to this pavilion Go here to see Yang Guifei's paintings.

Lin Kaiyun stared into the pavilion, and said to Lin Jiu with a solemn face,

"Master, this pavilion should be very important. The woman in the painting is watching the scroll of Concubine Yang Guifei from this pavilion, and even read the poems in it!"

Lin Jiu was a little surprised after hearing Lin Kaiyun's words,

"Picture-in-picture, have you seen the picture-in-picture?"

"Didn't you see it?"

Lin Kaiyun was taken aback when he heard the words. He thought everyone had seen it, but it turned out that he was the only one who saw the picture-in-picture scene.

Master Wu showed a meaningful smile at Lin Kaiyun, and said,

"Picture-in-picture, or it may be a picture-in-picture fairy, Uncle Nine, you are so lucky as an apprentice!"

According to Lin Kaiyun, the picture-in-picture he saw was the fairy in the painting. An ordinary woman with this feature is extremely like a fairy in the picture.

And the fairy in the painting is very clear, and basically will have some strange feelings with the people who see him, such as the wedding night in the bridal chamber.

Lin Kaiyun glanced at this real Wu and didn't speak. Of course he knew the meaning of the fairy in the painting, so he knew better that this real Wu was just talking nonsense. The scene of the painting in the painting has nothing to do with the so-called fairy in the painting.

Lin Jiu also ignored this Master Wu, thought for a moment, and said to Lin Kaiyun with some worry.

"Kaiyun, since you see this intention, there may be good or bad among this ghost, so you have to be more careful in the future!"

Lin Kaiyun nodded, since he was the only one who found out, it means that the situation is indeed as Lin Jiu said, "I understand, Master, don't worry!"

"Several distinguished guests, stop chatting here, and follow me inside!"

The two ghosts descended, and continued to guide several people to the inner courtyard, which was the courtyard where the stream flowed into, and it was also the place where the small pavilion was located.

Entering the courtyard, the faces of several people became serious, because the courtyard was full of people, to be precise, it should be full of ghosts, lively and noisy, it can be said that there is a lot of ghosts .

For a moment, everyone seemed to be in the gathering of his ghosts, and all the ghosts with green faces and fangs coming and going around were miserable ghosts.

The two servants faced Lin Kaiyun, and they bowed, showing miserable smiles, and respectfully invited everyone to enter the small pavilion,

"Guests, this is where ordinary guests sit. Distinguished guests, please follow me to the booth!"

Lin Kaiyun and Lin Jiu looked at each other, this small pavilion was the key to Lin Kaiyun's discovery of the strangeness, and now the ghost wants them to enter the small pavilion.

Lin Kaiyun also thought a lot in his mind, maybe, but he decided to follow this rule, he said to Lin Jiu,

"Master, there is no other way now, let's go in, there should be no problem!"

Lin Jiu nodded,

"Okay, let's go in together, at least the rules shown by this ghost are relatively gentle now!"

Lin Kaiyun and Lin Jiu followed the two scary ghosts, stepped on the bluestone slab above the creek and walked into the pavilion.

The other people did not dare to stay in the face of the ghosts around them, followed Lin Kaiyun and entered the small pavilion.

There are several tables in the small pavilion, and the servants of the ghost guide them to sit down,

"Several distinguished guests, please wait here for a moment!"

Once it comes, it will be safe, Lin Kaiyun didn't think much, and sat on it directly.

There are some ghosts sitting on the other seats, but these ghosts have more characteristics, not all of them are human beings, there are paper figurines, and long-haired objects whose appearance cannot be seen clearly.

In short, except for Lin Kaiyun and the others, all the other seats were filled with disgusting and terrifying ghosts.

This scene made the dancers of the Cao Gang chill, fidgeting and feeling very awkward, even Qian Zhenren and Wu Zhenren were very worried.

The ghost creature is already very dangerous, and there are so many ghosts in this ghost creature, if these ghosts go crazy or get into trouble, it is estimated that there will be nothing left of them dead.

While Lin Kaiyun was observing these ghosts, an old man walked in from the white jade slab.

The old man was wearing a long robe, the checks on it were very delicate, and he also wore a hat inlaid with gemstones on his head, and he was twisting his fingers in his hand. He looked like a wealthy businessman.

Moreover, this old man looks very kind, with a nose and eyes, exactly like a human being. Compared with the disgusting ghosts around him, this old man makes everyone feel kind.

The old man turned the wrench in his hand twice, raised his hands together very naturally, bowed to Lin Kaiyun and the others, and said with a smile on his face.

"Dear guests, I am the butler of this upstairs, my lady specially ordered me to entertain you!"

Lin Kaiyun nodded to Lin Jiu, then stood up and saluted the old housekeeper back, and asked very naturally,

"Hello old housekeeper, um, when will your lady come out and meet us?"

The old man smiled and said,

"Dear guests, don't be impatient. My young lady is dressing up. If you can, the time comes. I will come down to see you all!"

Well, it seems that this ghostly rule has not seen this so-called young lady yet.

As soon as Lin Kaiyun heard the old man's words, he knew that he should not be able to see the woman in the painting now, but he was also considering whether to make some noise to attract the so-called lady down.

But soon Lin Kaiyun gave up this idea. If this movement really made that lady down, God knows, it is an enemy or a friend. Anyway, Lin Kaiyun thinks there is a 90.00% possibility of being an enemy.

"Come here, serve good wine and good food, entertain a few distinguished guests, then play music and dance!"

Seeing that Lin Kaiyun and the others had no problem, the old man immediately shouted to the outside.

However, the old man's yelling to the outside really startled several people. They thought the old man was a little normal among these ghosts, but the head turned 180 degrees, and there was nothing on the back of his head. The hair doesn't even have radians, but it has another face.

Chapter 171 The Ghost Covers the Heart

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