"Don't kill me, please, help! Run!"

The sound of begging for mercy and help did not stop Chu Renmei from attacking, and even her hair grew wildly, like a tree made of disgusting hair, covering the sky and the sun.

And this random whipping of hair, like a sharp knife, chopped off all the villagers it touched.

For a moment, blood flowed like a river in the yard, and the stumps and broken bodies flew around as if they were blown away by the wind.

Bu Wantian was very lucky not to be touched by Chu Renmei's hair, but at this moment he was so frightened that his liver and gallbladder were torn apart, and he turned his head and ran away with all his strength, "Father, run, run!"

"Wan Tian, ​​give me a hand, I can't run!" Patriarch Bu was also terrified, holding on to his crutches, trying to make himself as fast as possible, but after all, he was not young, and he was out of breath after running two steps.

However, Patriarch Bu's cry for help did not turn back Bu Wantian who was running for his life in a hurry.

"Nizi, Nizi!"

Patriarch Bu scolded angrily, and even wanted to raise his crutches and throw it at Bu Wantian.

However, at this moment, Chu Renmei's hair directly wrapped Patriarch Bu's legs, dragging Patriarch Bu to the long hair tree like dragging goods.

At this moment, Chu Renmei's bloody face emerged from the dense hair, opened her mouth, and bit down on Patriarch Bu.

"Ah, help! Bu Wantian, you bastard!"

Patriarch Bu yelled angrily, enduring the pain, and died in Chu Renmei's mouth like a prey.

Chu Renmei didn't use any means, just bit the head Bu to death one by one, in a real sense drank the blood of the head Bu, ate the meat of the head Bu, even the bones, one bite at a time Crushed.

Seeing how ferocious Chu Renmei was, Lin Jiu was shocked, took out a gossip plate, and said to Lin Kaiyun,

"Kai Yun, this grieving ghost is no longer as simple as taking revenge. It must be eliminated as soon as possible, otherwise everyone in Huangshan Village will die!"

"No problem, master, let's do it together!" Lin Kaiyun nodded, put his fingers on the storage belt, and took out the Seven Star Dragon Abyss Sword.

The two looked at each other and rushed up. Lin Jiu flipped the gossip disc in his hand and threw it directly on the giant hair tree.

Chapter 186 Why is it still getting stronger?

Lin Jiu threw the gossip plate into the sky suddenly, and the gossip plate seemed to have eyes, and it flew directly to the towering hair tree of Chu Renmei.

"One thought of God's will, the sky thunder rolls, just the wind blows, the fire and rain go around, the hurry is like a law, the gossip and six ways are for my use!"

Lin Jiu bit his finger directly, and sprinkled blood on Chu Renmei's hair from top to bottom.

Afterwards, Lin Jiu held the formula in his hand, and the spiritual energy surged, and he hit the gossip plate directly.

There was a sudden change in the center of the gossip plate, with two rays of light, one yellow and one green, shining like a colorful cover, covering the giant tree made of Chu Renmei's hair.

"Ah! You all go to die!"

Chu Renmei, who was hidden in the giant hair tree, howled crazily. With the sound of the scream, the entire giant tree made of hair spun and shook, and the scattered hairs, like blades, split Everything that came into contact with it, even the rays of light shot out from the gossip plate, were cut apart by the broken hair.

"What kind of hair is this evil spirit? It can even cut through light!"

Lin Jiu was taken aback, but the movements of his hands did not dare to stop at all, as if they were complex curse seals, Lin Jiu's hands drew multiple movements in a row, and finally the aura in his hands was connected with the eight trigrams disk to form a line.

At the same time, the entire gossip disk exploded and turned into rays of light of countless colors, which fell on Chu Renmei's giant hair tree like raindrops.

"Ah, damn stinky Taoist priests, I'm going to kill you!"

Chu Renmei's howl came again from her thick hair, as if she had been severely tortured, her voice was extremely angry and painful.

The scream of Chu Renmei also showed that the light when the gossip plate was broken was not so simple.

Lin Jiu shouted at Lin Kaiyun at this moment,

"Kaiyun, I've already used the Yin Yang Mirror Wind Fire Technique to entangle him, now hurry up and attack the face hidden in the hair!"

This Yin-Yang Mirror Fenghuo Art is of course not just as simple as light. To be precise, it is light in the eyes of outsiders. To Chu Renmei, these lights are all transformations of wind, fire, thunder and lightning, which have a strong restraining force As well as the ability to kill evil, this kind of power made Chu Renmei feel very painful, and even the giant tree condensed with hair showed signs of shrinking.

"no problem!"

Lin Kaiyun smiled at Lin Jiu, and then pulled out the scabbard of the Seven Star Longyuan Sword. When he picked up the blade, his whole body seemed to follow.The Seven Star Longyuan Sword flew in the direction of Chu Renmei.

Although Chu Renmei was disturbed by Lin Jiu's Taoism, she also found Lin Kaiyun who was attacking. Chu Renmei drove her hair, like an infinitely extended arm, and generally grabbed Lin Kaiyun.

"The sun sets and the sand shines brightly, the heaven and the earth are turned upside down, the universe is boundless, the Taoism is boundless, the seven stars are ever bright, punish evil!"

With a flick of Lin Kaiyun's hand, the Seven-Star Longyuan Sword drew a semicircle in front of him, and a dazzling sword light slashed down, ripping off all the hairs that had been caught.

Taking advantage of this gap, Lin Kaiyun certainly wouldn't miss it. He threw the Seven Star Longyuan Sword into the air, caught it with his backhand, and stuck it upside down behind his back. After that, Lin Kaiyun stepped on his left foot and stepped on his right foot in the air, rising another height. He held the spell with both hands,

"Heaven and Earth Xuanzong, the root of all qi!"

"Cultivate myriad calamities extensively, correct my supernatural powers!"

"Inside can protect the body, outside can attack the enemy!"

Lin Kaiyun's body was shimmering with golden light, and it activated the golden light spell to protect itself tightly.

Then Lin Kaiyun's body tilted and rushed downwards, and the burst of aura on his feet seemed to be the rocket's booster launcher, and he rushed forward quickly.

Because of the body protection of the Golden Light Curse, Lin Kaiyun completely ignored the attack of Chu Renmei's hair.

And this Lin Kaiyun rushed towards Chu Renmei's condensed hair giant tree as if unstoppable, and his goal was to cover Chu Renmei in the hair.

"Damn it, stay away from me, you bastards!"

Chu Renmei's resentful voice came again, and it controlled more hair, surrounding Lin Kaiyun from all directions.

Facing the attack that was almost impossible to dodge, Lin Kaiyun did not panic, his speed slowed down, he took out a purple charm from his arms with both hands, folded it between his fingers, and swallowed it directly into his mouth, and then said loudly drank up,

"Jiuyao goes straight, the original wanders, Huajing is bright and bright, the spirit is scattered, the hope is endless, I am glorious, Zhu Ling threatens, and the nine stars are equally famous!"

The sound seemed to mobilize the energy between the heaven and the earth, and an invisible and inaudible aura surrounded Lin Kaiyun's whole body.

Afterwards, Lin Kaiyun stretched out his tongue and spit out the purple-gold charm that he had swallowed, and rubbed his hands between his fingertips. The golden characters unfolded in the spell, and the golden characters leaped out from the purple talisman paper. As if it was printed in the sky, it immediately caused a strong vibration.

Lin Jiu, who maintained the Yin-Yang Mirror Wind-Fire Technique, saw Lin Kaiyun perfectly use the purple-gold charm, and couldn't help sighing,

"Kaiyun, you are now proficient in mastering my Maoshan's purple gold magic spell. It seems that your experience during this period of time is not fruitless. It's really a three-day farewell. You should look at it with admiration!"

Of course, Lin Kaiyun was very happy to be praised by his master, but now Lin Kaiyun didn't have time to respond to Lin Jiu, and he put all his attention on Chu Renmei.

The shock seemed to be invisible, but it was invisible, and Chu Renmei, who was locked by Lin Kaiyun, was shocked by this strange force and had a splitting headache. The entire giant hair tree covering her face was almost scattered by the shock.

The narration of the tangled hair gradually tended to collapse, and Chu Renmei's battered face, which had been smashed by stones, was also exposed, with a ferocious expression.

Chu Renmei roared at Lin Kaiyun,

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