
The sky was getting brighter, and the east was pale. Lin Jiu got up early to practice, which was a habit he had developed over the years.

Beside Lin Jiu was Lin Kaiyun, who had a reluctant expression on his face, and practiced Maoshan's martial arts sternly. His movements were extremely standard, but he kept yawning.

Lin Jiu glanced at Lin Kaiyun, and said earnestly,

"Kering, no matter how good your talent is, you must remember that hard work can make up for one's weakness!"

Hearing Lin Jiu's persuasion, Lin Kaiyun nodded and said very seriously,

"Got it, master, I will work hard in the future and stop being lazy!"

It is true that he was not by Lin Jiu's side during this time, and he was indeed a little negligent about the beginning of his cultivation. Even he himself discovered this, and at the same time realized that there should be no more inertia.

Lin Jiu was really sincere when he saw Lin Kaiyun, so he nodded in satisfaction, and told Lin Kaiyun about interesting stories about literary talent,

"That's right, your junior brother, Wencai, is working very hard now, and has been training with your four-eyed uncle!"

Lin Kaiyun listened to Lin Jiu's talk about literary talent. Although the language was normal, Lin Kaiyun could fully imagine that literary talent was unlucky.

At this moment, a paper crane suddenly flew over from Lin Jiu's position, and landed in Lin Jiu's hands accurately.

Lin Jiu's complexion changed, and he took apart the paper crane and looked directly at it.

Lin Kaiyun also stopped what he was doing, walked to Lin Jiu's side, and waited for Lin Jiu anxiously.

Because this paper crane is Maoshan's unique communication tool, and it is obviously an urgent paper crane, which means that either there is a problem with Maoshan, or there is a problem with some uncle or uncle.

Lin Jiu handed the paper crane to Lin Kaiyun, frowned and said,

"Kaiyun, I can't go with you on the journey to find Huang Pizi this time. Your uncle sent me a message that a very special zombie has come out and is making trouble everywhere, wanting people around us to go. caught!"

Lin Kaiyun took a quick look at the contents of the paper crane after listening to it. It said that there was a zombie who could control things and was making troubles, and asked the nearby Maoshan disciples to jointly arrest it.

Chapter 192 Meeting is Destiny

Lin Kaiyun understood, turned Zhihe Heshang to Lin Jiu and said seriously,

"Master, you go and deal with this matter. I'll go and find out myself first, this Huangliu old fairy."

Lin Jiu nodded and ordered,

"Okay, Kai Yun, then you should be careful in everything, and you must send me a letter in case of any situation, and don't be reckless after encountering something!"

No matter how capable Lin Kaiyun was, she was also his apprentice, so Lin Jiu definitely wouldn't rest assured that Lin Kaiyun would go alone, but when things got to this point, he had no other choice.

Shi Jian Zhihe sent a letter, asking Lin Jiu to find and arrest the zombies, and Shi Jian is not only his senior brother in Maoshan, but also the current acting head, so Lin Jiu can only follow Shi Jian After all, Lin Jiu attaches great importance to the sect and the rules, and is a stickler for the rules.

Lin Kaiyun nodded and said with a smile, "Don't worry, Master, I'm fine!"

After that, the two of them didn't stay at Li Qiang's house because they had other things to do, and they set off without even having breakfast.

At the village entrance below Huangshan Village, Lin Jiu and Lin Kaiyun parted ways.

Lin Jiu went to meet Shi Jian according to the position of the paper crane, while Lin Kaiyun followed a small road and wanted to go around to the back of the big mountain in Huangshan Village.

Last night, he used the monster-seeking bamboo to explore the mountains on the side of Huangshan Village, but he didn't get any feedback. Obviously, the old fairy Huang Liu was not on the side of Huangshan Village.

And this mountain is high and large, and the road on the mountain is very difficult to walk. Although Lin Kaiyun can climb over the top of this mountain with his skills, he is not in the mood to endure hardships.

So Lin Kaiyun, after thinking about it for a while, finally decided to go around from the road down the mountain to the back.

Along the way, Lin Kaiyun walked quickly without any delay.

Although the area of ​​this mountain is not small, it is not too far away for Lin Kaiyun, but the purpose of his trip is to find the old fairy Huangliu, not to hurry, so Lin Kaiyun will personally search for suspicious places along the way. Going to investigate is undoubtedly a waste of time.

In the middle of this search, the day passed quickly, and seeing that the sky had already turned dark, especially in the middle of this mountain forest in less than an hour, it might be so dark that you can't even stretch your fingers out.

Lin Kaiyun looked at the moonlight above the sky and laughed at himself,

"The donkeys in the production team didn't do anything like me, it's time to rest, it's getting late!"

After that, Lin Kaiyun didn't go up to the top of the mountain, but followed the route down the mountain, looking for traces of Huang Liu Laoxian, and at the same time looking for a place where he could rest at night.

After walking for a while, Lin Kaiyun happened to find a small house at the foot of the mountain. When he got closer, he saw that it should be a deserted earth temple.

"It's really interesting to enshrine the earth temple instead of the mountain temple in this big mountain!" Lin Kaiyun muttered casually, and walked over directly.

Pushing open only half of the wooden door, Lin Kaiyun stepped in.

There is no difference in this earth temple, it is very ordinary, the land is enshrined on the table built, at this time.The ground is already a little torn, and the oil paint on it has turned grayish white due to the wind and sun.

This makes the originally kindly land look a little hideous at this time, especially in this dark night.

However, this exaggerated horror is nothing to Lin Kaiyun. After all, he has seen truly terrifying and ferocious ghosts, let alone such dead things.

However, as a disciple of Maoshan, Taoism pays attention to follow the trend, so Lin Kaiyun still bowed to this dilapidated land, "This land god, I will borrow your old place to sleep today, please forgive me if I disturb you!"

After worshiping, Lin Kaiyun looked around, but there was no firewood or dead grass in the earth temple.

Lin Kaiyun simply went outside, manually made some hay and firewood, carried them to the Earth Temple, lit a fire in the middle, and rested comfortably.

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps outside.

"I've been walking for a day, and I happened to come across an earth temple, so let's rest here!"

A very rough voice sounded, and then the remaining half door of the Earth Temple was pushed open from the outside, and several rough-dressed men walked in one after another.

The leader is a relatively frail middle-aged man.

"Why is there someone?"

A man with an iron ring on his arm carrying a big knife threatened Lin Kaiyun,

"Boy, this earth temple is only so big, it can't sleep so many people, if you are sensible, you can go out, otherwise..."

"Okay, it's obvious that someone came first, and besides, the Earth Temple is fairly clean, so we can squeeze in on the other side!"

At this time, the frail young man in the lead interrupted the man with the knife, and then smiled apologetically at Lin Kaiyun,

"I'm really sorry, my brothers are all rough people, if there is something offending, please don't take offense!"

Lin Kaiyun originally wanted to teach these people a lesson, but he didn't slap people in the face. The leader had already apologized, and he didn't want to bully people too much, so he waved his hand with a smile,

"It's okay, this brother looks like a bold personality, besides, everyone is tired after going out, I understand!"

After the leading young man finished speaking, the man with the knife seemed a little unconvinced, and directly sat down on the wooden stake on the other side.

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