Dai Qingfeng raised his right arm, cast a glance, and then smiled apologetically at Lin Kaiyun.

Lin Kaiyun shook his hand, except for some pain, there was nothing unusual, he asked quickly,

"It's okay, you tell me first, is this arm of yours born or someone added it?"


Hearing Lin Kaiyun's question, Dai Qingfeng sighed, his face was also very ugly, and then he recalled painfully, "I am not born with this arm, but one time a month ago at night, I drank with someone, On the way home alone, I met a woman. I went up to ask if I needed help? As a result, I lost consciousness and passed out. After waking up, I found that I was lying on my bed at home, and at the same time there was such a monster Afterwards, my mother handed me a map, saying that the mysterious man said that as long as the arm no longer hurts, I will look for the sacred tree marked on the map. During this period, I also invited various Such a person, but there is no way, there is no way to solve it, deal with this monster-like arm, and it has caused me a lot of trouble, and just three days ago, my arm finally stopped hurting, no method, so I can only come here according to the map according to the requirements!"

Dai Qingfeng told Lin Kaiyun everything without hiding anything.

After hearing Dai Qingfeng's words, Lin Kaiyun frowned, as if thinking of something, and asked quickly, "Female? Do you remember his appearance, is it a baby face, wearing red clothes, always Like to play with little paper figurines?"

female?Knowing this kind of sorcery, and at the same time being connected with Hanba, Lin Kaiyun would naturally think of Yue Qiluo, that witch!

Since the last battle, Yue Qiluo disappeared, and Lin Kaiyun also tried to find out the whereabouts of Yue Qiluo, a witch, but there was no clue.

But now the woman Dai Qingfeng is talking about behaves in a strange pattern, very similar to this Yue Qiluo.

However, Dai Qingfeng's next answer made Lin Kaiyun a little disappointed.

Dai Qingfeng shook his head and said, "I don't remember either. Now I have a very vague impression of that woman. I also asked my mother, and she also can't remember what this woman looks like!"

Lin Kaiyun nodded. It is normal for an ordinary person like Dai Qingfeng to be restrained, and then he said flatly, "That's it! It seems that the mysterious woman cast some kind of illusion on you!"

And at this moment, Luo An, who had been snoring and sleeping soundly, woke up. He looked at Lin Kaiyun and Dai Qingfeng who were chatting with each other, and asked jokingly,

"Boss Dai, Master Lin, when did the two of you get along so well?"

After finishing speaking, Luo An suddenly yelled, jumped up in fright, pointed at Dai Qingfeng with a knife, and shouted, "Who are you? Where is Boss Dai? Did you get caught by that monster and yesterday?" What routine has been given to the possession?"

It turned out that Dai Qingfeng had been chatting with Lin Kaiyun, because he was talking about his painful experience, so he didn't notice that his zombie right arm was still exposed.

And this scene, when Luo An just woke up saw it, he was naturally terrified.

Dai Qingfeng quickly rolled down his sleeves, covered his right arm, then looked at Luo An, pretending to be confused and said, "Luo An, what are you talking about? Are you sleepy? I just Dai Qingfeng!"

"Boss Dai?"

Luo An froze for a moment after hearing Dai Qingfeng's words, then shook his head desperately, firmly held his big knife, picked at Dai Qingfeng's right arm, and shouted, "Don't lie to me, I won't You may be mistaken, just now your arm is not a human arm at all, and you are not at all the appearance of taking the boss to show you, I have already discovered it, and now you can't lie to me!"

Seeing Luo An's flustered look, Lin Kaiyun couldn't help laughing, glanced at Dai Qingfeng, and echoed, "Brother Luo An, this person is Dai Qingfeng who hired you for money. I guess you might have just watched Wrong!"

"Really? Master Lin, I naturally believe what you say, but I clearly saw Boss Dai's arm before. It is a monster's arm with hair. I shouldn't be mistaken for the red one?"

Luo An breathed a sigh of relief after hearing what Lin Kaiyun said. He admired Lin Kaiyun's strength, so he would naturally believe what Lin Kaiyun said. He put down the big knife he was holding tightly in his hand, scratched his head, His face was full of doubts.

And at this moment, Dai Qingfeng touched his right arm, walked towards Luo An, and said with a smile, "Luo An, don't you believe me or Brother Lin? You must have I didn't have a good rest at night, so I was a little dizzy when I woke up in the morning!"

Facing Dai Qingfeng who was walking over, Luo An didn't have the slightest precaution. At the same time, he smiled awkwardly and said, "Boss Dai, I'm sorry, maybe I really fell asleep, don't mind!"

"It's okay, why would I mind?" Dai Qingfeng nodded, and said something very naturally, but his right hand had already clenched his fist slightly.

At this moment, Lin Kaiyun took a sudden step forward, grabbed Dai Qingfeng's shoulder, and said, "Brother Dai, look, we haven't eaten yet this early in the morning! How about we go out and hunt two hares? We fill our bellies?"

After speaking, Lin Kaiyun winked at Dai Qingfeng, and he clearly felt the killing intent in Dai Qingfeng's eyes just now.

In an instant, Lin Kaiyun understood that this bag of green peaks was because Ruoan discovered the secret of his right arm, and wanted to kill him to silence him.

Seeing that Lin Kaiyun was blocking him, Dai Qingfeng didn't hide it, and said directly,

"Brother Lin, I have one more thing to do before breakfast. If I don't handle this well, I'm afraid I'll have trouble sleeping and eating!"

Luo An didn't feel anything wrong at all, and grinned at Dai Qingfeng and said,

"Boss Dai, what's the matter? Can you explain it? You told me that I charged you for handling it. We have to help no matter what!"

Lin Kaiyun couldn't help but chuckled. Luo An's silly appearance made him feel very funny, especially when combined with Luo An's talent in storytelling and marketing his own thinking, it seemed special at this time two.

Seeing that Lin Kaiyun suddenly laughed, Luo An looked at the two of them separately, and asked in a daze, "What's wrong? Did I say something wrong? Otherwise, I'll kill two hares for you!"

Lin Kaiyun quickly waved his hands, looked Luo An up and down, and said with a smile, "No, no, you are right, Luo An, I just discovered that you are so dedicated?"

Hearing Lin Kaiyun's words, Luo An showed a proud expression on his face, holding a big knife and pretending to be very proud, he said,

"That's for sure! Do what you do and love what you do. Although I am a mercenary now, my dream in the future is to set up a mercenary guild, so I must make a good name now!"

Lin Kaiyun patted Dai Qingfeng's shoulder sideways, and said, "Brother Dai, have you seen it? You don't have to worry about this person revealing your secret. I believe that even if you tell him about your right arm, he will There won't be too much reaction!"

After hearing Lin Kaiyun's words, Dai Qingfeng paused for a moment, then directly pulled up the sleeve on his right arm, put his soldier's right arm in front of Luo An, and asked, "Luo An, actually you didn't Dazzling, my right arm is indeed a monster, are you afraid now?"

"My God, I just said how could I be wrong?"

After seeing Dai Qingfeng's zombie arm, Luo An subconsciously took half a step back, but then pointed at the zombie arm and smiled, "Boss Dai, you underestimate me, Luo An, isn't it just an arm that has mutated? It's even more disgusting and terrifying." I’ve seen them all before, I thought you were possessed by a ghost, that’s why I was so surprised!”

Chapter 199 Happy Cooperation

Dai Qingfeng was an ordinary person, he didn't even dare to hurt others, let alone have the intention of killing, but because a mysterious woman turned his right arm into a zombie, coupled with various encounters afterwards, his heart was extremely depressed. The lack of a sense of security gave rise to a feeling of inferiority, so after Luo An discovered his secret, his immediate thought was to kill someone to silence him.

But because of Lin Kaiyun's persuasion and Luo'an's non-discriminatory reaction, Dai Qingfeng gave up this idea.

Dai Qingfeng rolled down his sleeve to cover his right arm, then looked at Luo An, and said slowly, "Luo An, I won't hide this from you, I need to find a sacred tree to heal me I don’t know if it’s dangerous or not, and now you can choose to stay or continue to perform the task I hired you for!”

Luo An didn't doubt Dai Qingfeng's words after listening to it. He even grew the zombie's right arm. It is not surprising that there are any strange things, so Luo An's focus at this time is actually on the sacred tree. Putting the big knife behind his back, rubbing his hands together, he asked expectantly, "Sacred tree? Is there a treasure? Can you give it to me?"

Dai Qingfeng smiled after hearing Luo An's words, nodded and said, "Yes, I told Brother Lin before, as long as I cure my illness, I don't want the rest of the treasures! "

After hearing Dai Qingfeng's affirmative answer, Luo An beamed with joy and did not hide his excitement at all, and laughed, "Great, if I get one or two treasures, then my dream can come true directly, I'll go back Then you can start a mercenary gang."

Dai Qingfeng told Luo An that he obviously agreed to go together, then he turned around and looked at Lin Kaiyun and asked, "Brother Lin, everything I said is true, this is my map, and I won't hide it from you, I I feel that your strength is very strong, if you are here, I think we will be able to reach the position of the sacred tree, so I would like to ask you to come with us!"

Although what Dai Qingfeng said was very sincere and straightforward, which made Lin Kaiyun feel more comfortable, but Lin Kaiyun was still hesitating whether to find this so-called sacred tree.

To be honest, Lin Kaiyun is very interested in this bag of zombie arm on Qingfeng's right arm that looks like Hanba, but his main purpose now is to find that Huangliu old fairy.

After all, Old Immortal Huang Liu is very likely to be Huang Pizi who had a bad relationship with him back then. If it is really Huang Pizi, maybe he can find a way to solve it. This enemy who can fix a dark place for himself can also be solved. , and now follows her female ghost, Hua Huaer.

When thinking of this, Lin Kaiyun stretched out his hand and touched himself, the picture scroll on his back, the female ghost Hua Huaer is in this night makeup picture of the imperial concubine, he has tried quietly in the past two days, throwing away the picture scroll, or Put it in the storage belt, but there is no way to do it.

Therefore, in Lin Kaiyun's mind, getting rid of Huang Pizi is a relatively high priority. Moreover, according to the news from Chu Renmei, this Huangliu old fairy will hold his birthday soon, which is the best opportunity to find a specific location. It's over, who knows where this Huangliu old fairy will be.

"Brother Dai, I'm quite interested and want to help, but I have something important to do, so..."

Lin Kaiyun opened his mouth, just about to refuse to bring Qingfeng, but suddenly stopped.

Lin Kaiyun glanced at the map, and found that there was a line of Manchu on the map, which reminded him of the Manchu parchment he got from the royal zombies and Prince Zaichun.

Lin Kaiyun took the map, pointed to a line of Manchu at the bottom, changed the subject, and asked directly, "Brother Dai, do you know what this Manchu means?"

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